Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Exposing the Zionist Scofield 'Bible' Part IV

            As we would continue to expose the multiple contrived revisions of the Scofield Reference Bible it would seem appropriate that we provide a few brief statements in review of the previous three segments of this ongoing argument. First, the term Zionist is used simply to convey the concept as well as the agenda that there is yet a future plan and purpose according to the will of God to reestablish the nation of Israel or the natural Jewish ethnicity, as a permanent earthly kingdom in the ancient land of Israel as defined in the Old Testament. Secondly, to refute many of the many notes and erroneous conclusions superimposed on the King James Version of the Bible. First by C. I. Scofield, and then more completely by the Jewish interests that own the Oxford University Press publishers of the multiple revisions of this ever changing work of deception. This carefully orchestrated work of corrupting the Word of God has affected and altered the world view of literally tens of millions of adherents to Christianity over the past one hundred years. These issues had no precedent prior to 1909. We will continue to expose many of the major false commentaries and conclusions contained throughout these revised  alleged versions of the Scriptures.
            Returning to the point where we left off at Deuteronomy, chapters 28-30 some additional observations need clarification concerning what the dispensationalists have said about what they term to be the Palestinian Covenant.  While it is true that the text does set forth some of the terms and conditions for that second generation of Israelites that came out of Egypt, it has been distorted by the addition of conclusions which are untrue.  First, covenant is entirely based on a continuance of obedience and faith and is subject to God’s judgment if it is breached.(See Deut. 28:63-68) The Scofield notes have divided it into seven parts, the last five of which are contrary to the truth as set forth in other scriptures. Briefly as stated on page 251 (See Scofield notes-1967 revision) they are (3) return of the Lord (Deut. 30-3) for which is referenced Acts15:14-17.  The Acts passage is explaining Peter’s coming to understand the meaning of the words of the prophets concerning the new covenant revelation ‘… After this I will return end build again the tabernacle of David……..that the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all of the nations upon whom my name is called….” (Acts 15:16-17 in part) The passage does not have anything to do with Israel after the flesh but embodies the promises of the New Covenant in Christ.(4) restoration of the land (Deut.30:5) This is speaking of the blessings and multiplying of those who will come to Christ when the New Covenant has been established. The Scofield notes provide no other scripture, just a declaratory statement.  There is, of course, no New Testament Scripture supporting the restoration of the land to Israel. The nation state of Israel (1948) is the product of the international Zionists and not a converted and believing Jewish population. (5) National conversion. The New Testament scripture used to support this contention is Romans 11:26-27: “And so all Israel shall be saved; as it is written, There shall come out of Zion a Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob, for this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.” This is the New Covenant to the Gentiles as many from the nations have and will embrace Christ. Israel under the New Covenant is not defined as a natural seed or as the natural posterity of Abraham; but rather a people of faith, i.e. a spiritual seed.(Again  see Romans 2:28-29,Romans 9:6-8, Galatians  3:16-18 and 6:16). So indeed, all who are truly of the spiritual seed of Israel will be saved. (6) the judgment of Israel’s oppressors (Deut. 30:7).  No other Scripture is given.  This applies to the enemies or persecutors of the true Israel (faithful belevers). (7) National prosperity. (cited is Amos 9:11-15) The prophet Amos is here speaking of the blessings to come under the new and everlasting covenant. This portion is cited also at Acts 15:14-17 proving that the application is to believers under the New Covenant and not to national Israel. In conclusion of this portion called the Palestinian Covenant by the Zionists and dispensationalists we see clearly the subterfuge, deceptions and wresting of the Scripture is an attempt to establish a future kingdom for national Israel and those who would claim to be natural Jews. These are not anti-Semitic statements, but simply meant to clarify the true teaching of the Scriptures.  The only purpose in this ongoing investigation and exposure of the Scofield Reference Bible is to bring an understanding to those who have been taught and deceived by its notes and conclusions that might want to know the truth concerning the deceptions of the Zionist one world government agenda. The Antichrist will in fact, according to Scripture (See Daniel 11:36-45), move to establish a kingdom in a “Greater Israel” and set up his throne in Jerusalem. Many who have been taught or believed these false narratives found in the Scofield Reference Bible will be very vulnerable to be completely deceived by his actions for even the Lord Jesus Christ has warned all that the deception will be so complete that if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived (See Mathew 24:23-27) leading up to the return of Christ at verses 28-31). The only refuge available is abiding in the truth of Christ. My title The Israel Deception will add much to your understanding of how the Scofield charade has been perpetrated on the Christian community.

David Lance Dean          Visit my blogsite at :  these prophets.blogspot.com

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Exposing the Zionist Scofield 'Bible' Part III

            In two previous segments we have provided a background of the history concerning the Scofield Reference Bible and have begun to explore the content of the theological system which was progressively created by this revision and distortion of the Scriptures. Of the several editorial revisions of the extensive added notes the most dramatic changes are contained in the 1967 edition.  I am drawing from this edition as the text for critical evaluation of the entire sequence of the editorial effort to corrupt multiple facets of the truth as they were contained in the original King James Version.  Two things should be noted in this regard. First there have been a total of 6500 word changes to provide a ‘better read’ of the original text. Secondly, by 1967 the new nation state of Israel had been established in the Middle East (1948) providing a supposed verification for the reestablishment of the alleged covenant people ‘in the land’. Beware; this presupposition is a deception as we will continue to prove in exposing the Zionist influence perpetrated by the Oxford University Press in the several revisions of the Scofield Reference Bible. A much more detailed revelation of this contrived system of theology can be found in my title: The Israel Deception.(Amazon. com.)
            In part two of this discourse it was necessary to correct and expose the false premise of the ‘unconditional’ promise to Abram at Genesis 12-1-3 in the fact that the promise was found not as unconditional but based on personal faith. Secondly, that the seed in view was found to have its application in Jesus Christ and not to the physical posterity of Abram’s ‘seed’ (Galatians 3:16-18). The entire theological system breaks down when a fundamental element or premise is found to be unsupported by the Scriptures. But much more truth needs to be revealed. Moving to the Mosaic covenant predicated on the law we find notes on page 94 of the 1967 revision s follows: ‘The law did not change the provisions or abrogate the promise of God given in the Abrahamic Covenant. It was given as a way of life
(i.e. means of justification), but as a rule of living for people already in the covenant of Abraham and covered by blood sacrifice….’ Wait a minute!!  What happened to that entire generation which came out of Egypt and received the law at Mount Sinai? Excepting two individuals they all died in the wilderness due to their unbelief and open rebellion against God and the covenant. Does this fact tend to support an unconditional promise of life and blessing? The alleged Abrahamic Covenant clearly has no application here. They all died in the wilderness. Moving to the next generation who was not accountable for the sins of their fathers we come to the book of Deuteronomy (the second law).  Before an entrance to the land of promise was allowed Moses set forth the conditions for either blessing or cursing in the 28th chapter of this discourse.  The Entrance into, victory and ultimate possession of the ‘land of promise ‘was based on faith.  Israel did inherit all that the Lord promised (See Joshua 21: 41-45).This did not change the conditional nature of the anticipated blessings or cursing detailed in Deuteronomy 28. Continued possession of the land and its blessings were conditioned upon their adherence to the covenant.  This brings us to the so-called Palestinian Covenant. An interesting observation before we begin to examine this alleged covenant is the fact that Scofield had no knowledge of the nation of Israel or even the prospects of their habitation of the land as he died long before any of these events occurred and thus all of the subsequent revisions of the notes in the Scofield Reference Bible had to be contrived after the fact. How convenient that the Zionist agenda sponsored by rich and influential Jewish interests was successful in their efforts to reestablish the nation state of Israel.
            As relates to the alleged Palestinian Covenant we would make the following observations.  First, the Scofield notes state on page 251 (1967) revision. ‘It is important to see that the nation has never yet taken the land under the unconditional Abrahamic Covenant nor has it ever possessed the whole land.’
This statement is refuted by the Scriptures in two important texts: Joshua 21:41-45 and I Kings 4:20-21. So once again both the premise and the conclusion of the Scofield notes are false. The contention is that there will be a future gathering and restoration of the nation pursuant to this alleged covenant is summarized at Deut. 30:3-5The text here is speaking of a gathering of all of the seed,that is, Abraham’s spiritual seed who are truly the  ‘Israel of God’  (See Galatians 6:16) from all of the nations of the earth ‘even unto the uttermost parts of heaven’  (verse 4)under the new and everlasting  covenant in Christ. This is verified at verse 6: ‘And the Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live.” The fundamental problem with Scofield, and the Christian Zionists who support this false system pf theology is they fail completely to see who Israel actually is in the mind and purpose of God so they must make a place for Israel after the flesh, i.e. a natural seed they attempt to trace to Abraham.  The truth is “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter, whose praise  is not of men, but of God. (Romans 2:28-29)  Thus, they must make a place and provide a separate earthly kingdom for Israel after the flesh making God a respecter of persons.(Acts 10:34-35)                    David Lance Dean       blogspot: theseprophets.blogspot.com


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Exposing The Zionist Scofield 'Bible' Part II

            This is the second segment of a multiple part series dealing with contrived editions of the King James Version of the Bible which has effectively created an entire new system of theology and a new ‘Christian’ subculture in America over the past one hundred years. To understand the historical background and development of the theological concepts contained in the multiple revisions of the publication it will be helpful for you to read the first segment designated as Part I. There exist some complexities in the evolutionary development of this ongoing revision of the Word of God which clearly need to be reviewed and exposed. At the outset it is basic to understand that a Zionist influence lies at the heart of this progressive endeavor.
            Let us move ahead in the examination of premillennial dispensationalism. As we have already stated the system of theology begins with dividing the Scriptures into seven dispensations, economies or eras. This groundwork was laid during the nineteenth century by John Nelson Darby and became known as ‘Darbyism’. Scofield as well as others adopted it although this manner of dissecting the Scriptures had no precedent historically. Darby then added a secret heretofore unknown element of a ‘rapture ‘of the entire body of believers to occur immediately prior to the period of tribulation. This became the great escape.  The Scofield version over time added a series of eight supposed covenants which we will name here before going into a detailed examination of the theology. They were designated as Edenic, Adamic, Noahic, Promise, Palestinian, Davidic, Mosaic and the New Covenant. At the outset it is necessary to be stated that the Scriptures themselves only identify directly two covenants, the old and the new. Paul summarizes this in his epistle to the Galatians.  Speaking of the two sons of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, in allegory he sets them forth at Galatians 4:22-31 and states specifically at verse 24 ‘which things is an allegory; for these are the two covenants, the one from the Mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar’. Later in the passage Paul states: ‘Nevertheless what saith the Scripture?  Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman (Sarah). So then ye brethren, are not children or the bondwoman, but of the free (verses 30-31).  The point then being made is that six if the so-called covenants set forth by the evolutionary system of theology created by Darby and Scofield are arbitrary and the text of Scripture does not support the validity of them as being designated as covenants. They have been inserted for the purpose of establishing an argument in favor of the Zionist contention that certain promises have been made to the natural seed of Abraham, i. e. Israel which they say are unconditional and which has yet to be fulfilled.  Let us move to that argument next and show from the Scriptures that it is invalid.
            The promise God made to Abraham originally found at Genesis 12: 1-3 are clearly not only conditional contingent upon the faith and obedience of Abraham, (and his seed, which is clearly a spiritual seed and not a natural seed) but are seen to have their fulfillment—‘in thee  shall all of the families of the earth be blessed’ ---in Christ under the new covenant as is seen at Galatians 3:16-18: ‘Now unto Abraham and his seed were the promises made.  He saith not; and to seeds as many; but as one, and to thy seed which is Christ And this I say, that the covenant, ha was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.”  And again: ‘Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but in Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise shall be counted for the seed.’(Romans 8:6-8)
            In summary to this segment we conclude that the statement made in the notes of the 1967 revision of the Scofield Reference Bible on page19 under (2):
‘God made an unconditional promise of blessing’s through Abram’s seed (a) to the nation of Israel to inherit a specific territory forever’-- is completely false. The promise was not made to a physical seed to inherit a physical geographical territory forever; but rather to a spiritual seed that would be likened unto Abram as relates to the issue of  personal faith and would ultimately find its fulfillment in Christ. We will proceed step by step to prove the counterfeit theological system propagated in the several revisions of the Scofield Reference Bible. I recommend that you obtain my title: The Israel Deception. The book will provide you in much greater detail a verification of the false system of theology which has produced an entirely new Christian subculture in America with its deceitful and spiritually damaging ramifications.  Also check at my blogspot for many additional blogs on the subject matter of Biblical prophecy.   theseprophets.blogspot.com

David Lance Dean

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Exposing The Zionist Scofield Reference 'Bible; Part I

                Developing the background necessary to understand the content of this topic will necessarily require laying some foundations. What we will actually be looking at is the creation of an entirely new and radically different system of theology from that which was held traditionally by the true Christian church for nearly two millennia. Because of its dramatic impact on traditional Christianity the entrance of the Scofield Reference Bible meds to be examined both historically as well as revealing its cause and effect. Let us begin our research with some facts which preceded its publication and entrance into the Christian community.  The system of theology which laid the groundwork for Scofield’s annotated version of the King James Bible was originally introduced by John Nelson Darby (1800-1882).  Darby promulgated his theology based on the dividing of the Scriptures up into seven dispensations, economies or eras. Without detailing the content of each dispensation we will name them here: Innocence (before the fall), conscience, human government, promise, law, church (also referred to as grace), and kingdom. These evolving eras as was supposed were to change the manner in which God related to man in each successive dispensation. Darby later added a secret “rapture” to his theological scheme to occur at the end of the church age and before the tribulation and the kingdom age. Some reliable sources say the secret “rapture” concept was initiated by a Scotish woman named Margaret McDonald who was alleged to have had a vision and revelation that the event would occur. Darby had communication with McDonald shortly after her vision was alleged to have occurred. From there Darby spread his teaching through Scotland and England and it came to be known as “Darbyism”.  Continuing to aggressively propagate his doctrine he made at least five trips to America. He was able to establish followers in the East and Great Lakes area.  His newly contrived doctrine and teaching resulted in the genesis of the Plymouth Brethren (it’s origins being in Plymouth, England) assemblies and was also embraced by the evangelist D. L. Moody. Eventually a seminary was established in Moody’s name known as the Moody Bible Institute.  Of course, the teachings of Moody including dispensationalism and ultimately the added emphasis of a Zionist world view were adopted into the curriculum.
            This brief background leads us to Cyrus I. Scofield who was originally trained in law but later, alleging a conversion, became interested in theology and preaching.  He was greatly influenced by the writings of Darby and adopted a form of dispensational theology.  By 1908 he had taken the King James Version of the bible and added numerous footnotes at the bottom of pages, in-between verses and in chapter introductions. In addition to the dividing of the Scriptures into eras and economies he conceived the existence of several covenants in the evolution of this new theology.  Of principal note originally was the concept of a covenant which God made with Abram (become Abraham).  It was perceived by Scofield as immutable, unconditional and unfulfilled.  Scofield had communication with an extremely wealthy attorney and Zionist Jew in New York named Samuel Untermeyer. A word is necessary at this juncture concerning the new and emerging world Zionist movement set in motion in 1895 by Theodore Herzl who had founded the World Zionist Federation.  The movement was well underway with one of its central goals and purposes being the reestablishment of a national homeland for the Jewish people. Untermeyer was very much on board with the movement and in his association and communications with Scofield perceived that the basic Zionist friendly concepts set forth in Scofield’s writings could be utilized in the promotion of the Zionist goals. Untermeyer had Zionist connections and among them was the Oxford University Press in England owned by zealous Jews. Untermeyer arranged for the original publication of the Scofield Reference Bible in 1909 through his connections with Oxford Press. There was significant financial backing for publication, advertisement and distribution and the Scofield Reference Bible was an immediate success.  The plain English notes gave the reader the perception that they could now better understand the content of the Scriptures. Scofield gained significant financial rewards from his contrived version of the Bible. Scofield died in 1921 but Oxford owned the copy write to the work and it has been subsequently republished and revised at least four times still showing Scofield as its editor and displaying an ever-changing editorial committee in an attempt to provide credibility to the text of notes and annotations.
            This provides a brief history of the publication and emergence of a contrived and altered fabrication of the Word of God which has been dramatically used to alter the theology and world view of literally tens of millions of Christians and create a Zionist friendly subculture in America over the past one hundred years. The dispensational doctrines of the pretribulational “rapture” of the church, the confused translation of Daniel’s “seventy weeks”, and the teaching a future millennial kingdom for national Israel has pervaded the major seminaries, international Bible study fellowships, multiplied millions of evangelical Christians and even reaching into the traditional denominations as well as the Catholic Church. It is a contrived and extremely successful distortion of the Scriptures and has corrupted the world view of all of its adherents who have embraced its teachings in some measure.   We will need to continue with additional segments of this discourse. This is only an introduction providing history and background.  We will need to examine somewhat thoroughly the essence of the teachings contained in the  Scofield and Oxford Press notes as well as the theological errors and confusion generated through an entire Christian subculture in America and no doubt to some extent abroad. I am recommending that you visit my blogsite for further blogs and an introduction to my two books.
theseprophets.blogspot.com    Also  I would recommend that you obtain copies of the books available at  Amazon.com, BN.com and other major book sellers.  
The Israel Deception and These Prophets and the Revelation.

David Lance Dean