Monday, December 29, 2014

The Man Child

            Certain Scriptures, particularly in the Book of Revelation have been made obscure due to preconceived doctrines which are untrue. Evangelicals in general hold very strongly to the concept of a pretribulational rapture of the entire Church immediately preceding a period of tribulation which they perceive will last for a period of seven years.  It is seen by them as the fulfilment of Daniel’s “seventy weeks” prophecy. The pretribulational “rapture” of the entire Church is the product of dispensational theology invented by John Darby in the mid -nineteenth century and popularized with the publication of the Scofield Reference Bible, the  first  edition having been published in 1909 and experiencing several revisions since then. This was the introduction of dispensational theology which became widespread throughout evangelical Christendom. The question: Is it true? I recommend that you read my previous blog on The “Rapture” Question or in the alternative read either one of my previous titles: These Prophets and the Revelation and/or The Israel Deception. When the myth of the pretribulational “rapture” of the entire church has been completely dispelled in your mind; then the truth of the man child of Revelation 12:1-5 and following context can be understood. This blog will deal with the truth concerning the man child, but you may need to also read my previous blogs on the rapture and “A time, times and a half”. Whether ready or not here is the accurate interpretation of the man child passage in Revelation chapter twelve.
            The first truth to be understood is that the tribulation period is three and one-half years and not seven as is taught in dispensational theology.  This fact can be verified by reading Daniel chapter twelve and several references in Revelation:
(Comp.  Revelation 11:3; 12:6; and 13:5). Nowhere in Scripture is there support for a seven year tribulation.  Dispensational theology has manufactured this doctrine through a perversion of Daniel’s prophecy at Daniel 9:24-27.
            Now we get to a more difficult concept to grasp because most evangelical Christians have been seduced by the pretribulational rapture theory and the seven year tribulation theory both of which are untrue. What we have in Revelation chapter twelve is the catching to the throne of a remnant company of faithful spirit filled Christians (i.e. the man child) who are alive on the earth at the time immediately prior to the onset of tribulation. You may call this rapture if you choose to use that word. The Scriptures say: “And she (the woman) brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.”(Rev.12:6). Identifying the various participants in this activity we find as follows: It should be obvious that the dragon is Satan and in fact the text identifies him definitively at 12:9. The woman is not Mary and the man child is not Jesus as you may have been taught. We are dealing with future prophecy here, not with history. The woman is the church which is living on the earth at the time of the onset of the three and one-half year tribulation period. The sun, moon and stars in the metaphor represent God’s people as is drawn out from Joseph’s dream in Genesis 37: 9-11.   Joseph was an overcomer. He went to the throne as it were, to the very right hand of Pharaoh, and there he became an instrument of deliverance for his family. Who represented all of God’s people at that point in time.  This metaphor must be understood in the context of Revelation 12 in order to gain an insight to what is happening here.
            A remnant from the church that has been found faithfully living by the guidance and fullness of the Holy Spirit are taken up.  Their arrival in heaven precipitated a war in heaven and the ground for direct conflict with the enemy. Satan is cast out of heaven and he comes down to earth with great wrath because he knows he has only a short time (3 ½ years according to the text). “And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives, unto the death.” (Rev.12:11).  The woman representing the remainder of God’s people on earth are taken into a wilderness experience and the persecution of them begins in earnest. Many will suffer martyrdom if they abide faithful to Christ (See Rev. 11:1-12). This scenario is  also explained for us at Daniel 11:32-35. I would suggest you read it in context and on to the end of the chapter. If you look at Revelation 3:10 as concerns the church at Philadelphia (brotherly love) you will see the following:” Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I will keep thee from the hour of temptation; which shall come upon all the world, to try tem that dwell upon the earth.” Christian brothers and sitters there is a war going on!! You have been fed a great deal of false doctrine from the pulpits of evangelical churches. The pretribulational rapture of the entire church before the tribulation is a lie. Many other untruths are connected with this form of theology. My two titles: These Prophets and the Revelation and The Israel Deception will provide you with a complete understanding of end time prophecy. Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc. Many other related blogs and information on the books can be found at

David Lance Dean

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Dispensationalism--A New Paradigm

            I have recently posted a series of eight blogs at my blogsite exposing the theologically corrupted Scofield Reference Bible.  The information in those postings begins to reveal the background and origins of dispensational theology the dominant paradigm for today’s Christian Zionism.  A brief review is necessary here to avoid confusion for those who have not read the blogs or studied the issues to any significant degree.  As with any other discipline, theological systems originate through the initiatives of men who pursue the study of appropriate source materials.  In the case of theology the source must be the Scriptures themselves with little reliance on outside sources such as commentaries which may or may not be accurate. The reason for this is simply that the content of the Word of God must be spiritually discerned and the verification of accuracy must be supported by the content of various texts of Scripture. Every conclusion reached must meet the test of verification through the entire content of Scripture and not just from isolated verses. Taken out of context many things can allegedly be ‘proved’ with the use of Scripture. This is illustrated with the enemy’s temptation of Jesus at Matthew 4:6.  Jesus responded to his quotation of Psalms 91:11-12 with a higher principle of truth, i.e. ‘Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God.’ (Deut. 6:16)
            With that having been said let us review the relatively recent emergence of dispensational theology as a dominant paradigm in much of evangelicalism. John Darby (1800-1882) developed his theological concepts at a young age. By 1830 or shortly thereafter he had promulgated his dispensational theory.  It consisted of dividing the progression of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation into seven distinct dispensations (eras or economies) in which God’s dealings with man was allegedly progressively changing. We will name those divisions here: Innocence(before the fall of Adam); Conscience (from the fall of Adam to Noah); Human Government(from Noah after the flood to Abraham); Promise (from Abraham’s calling to the Exodus from Egypt); Law (from the giving of the law at Mount Sinai to Christ); Grace(alleging to cover the period of the church up until the insertion of a total rapture of the church); Kingdom (allegedly restoring the kingdom to the natural posterity of Abraham, i.e., the Jews) . The seventh phase of his scheme was to encompass the millennium in which he asserted Israel will dominate the world for 1000 years with Christ reigning on his throne from earthly Jerusalem. The basic tenants of his theology required a removal of the church from the earth at the occurrence of a pretribulational ‘rapture ‘.  This was a necessary event for the establishment of a kingdom on the earth for he saw the Scriptures as projecting two kingdoms; one in heaven for the church and one on the earth for Israel.  He proceeded to spread this teaching in England, Western Europe and also through several trips to America. It became known as ‘Darbyism’ and was the foundation for the Plymouth Brethren movement. This was derived from its home base in Plymouth, England. Darby was very academic and a prolific writer even translating his own version of the Bible. He was also a gifted speaker and was able to convince many concerning his brand new system of theology. 
      It was completely adopted and popularized within a few decades by C. I. Scofield in the Scofield Reference Bible (first edition 1909). From this early edition containing numerous footnotes, chapter headings and insertions it was very Zionist friendly. That is to say the concept of a future kingdom dispensation (the millennium) was promised and promoted as sure for Israel.  The dividing of the church from Israel was made dominant throughout the Old Testament through various ‘covenants’ and consummated in Revelation at the end of the age. Scofield received the endorsement for publication through a Zionist Jewish attorney in New York who had connections with Oxford University Press in London.  Oxford was owned by Zionist Jews and they sought to gain an inroad within Christian America. They financed and promoted the Scofield Reference Bible and owned all publication rights. C. I. Scofield was handsomely rewarded financially and his reference bible was launched. With the backing of unlimited financial resources it went through several revisions at least three of which were after he died in 1921. Still showing each time that C. I. Scofield was its editor it sold multiplied millions of copies and was introduced into most of the major conservative seminaries and Bible schools in America affecting literally tens of millions of people who would hold the Bible to be the inspired and infallible Word of God. The preachers and teachers that were the students in these institutions became very effective in spreading dispensational theology throughout America and even Europe. The 1967 revision contained 6500 word changes in the original text of the King James Version.  Along with the massive Zionist friendly notes it was thus completely transformed and corrupted both in the text as well as interpretation by application of the notes. This became the new paradigm for understanding the Scriptures throughout most of evangelical Christianity and it has endured for over one hundred years. It is a system of theology which had no president in church history from the time of Christ up until about one hundred and fifty years ago when John Darby introduced Dispensationalism. Obtain my book The Israel Deception through major book sellers and my blogs on related prophetic topics at                David Lance Dean

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Exposing the Zionist Scofield 'Bible' --Conclusion

            The international Zionist movement obtained its full implementation with the first World Zionist Congress in 1897. Its founder and first leader was Thedor Herzl. It has had many conclaves and meetings since then. Zionism was and remains the nationalistic Jewish initiative to establish a homeland for world Jewry in its original geographic location and ultimately to rule the world by the ‘master race’. It must be understood that its forward movement and progress has been extremely successful due to unlimited backing and promotion by the world’s elite Jewish banking families—notably the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and others.  They dominate and control much of the wealth of Western civilization through a banking dynasty including the Federal Reserve, Bank of England and central banks of Europe. The ultimate objective of world Zionism is the establishment of a one world government centered in Israel with Jerusalem becoming the world capitol under the leadership of a world dictator. This will turn out to be the Antichrist. They have clearly determined that the Jews are to rule the world from this center in a ‘Greater Israel’ for a millennium. So what has this got to do with the Scofield Reference Bible?  Actually a great deal from a Christian perspective as they provide their significant support and promotion to the Zionist agenda. The doctrines espoused in the Scofield notes and commentary concerning a future kingdom on earth reserved for national Israel is almost universal in evangelical and fundamentalist churches. The Oxford University Press controlled by Zionist Jews have taken the original Scofield work through several revisions and have been able to gain a very large acceptance of its content in virtually all of the ‘conservative’ bible schools and seminaries in America. Our purpose here continues to be the awakening of deceived Christians who have embraced this deceptive perversion of the word of God.  Even if you have not owned or studied from a Scofield revision of the Scriptures you have been influenced by it because the pastors and teachers in American churches were indoctrinated in this theological system and have carried it throughout the land for over one hundred years to multiplied millions of people professing the Christian faith.
            The Book of Revelation brings us to the prophetic end of the Scriptural account of things which are yet to come. As it deals with things hereafter Scofield notes become confusing in the extreme simply because the ‘rapture’ of all believers seven years before the end of the age sets up two kingdoms.   The church is alleged to remove to heaven so that a kingdom can be established on earth for Jewish Israel.  Now two kingdoms are to go forth in perpetuity. So expect to find in the notes and commentary much confusion because you cannot divide into two parts something which God has purposed to be unified and one, for any and all who have embraced the person of Jesus Christ.  For example in the head notes to Revelation (page 1351-1967 revision) we find the tribulation as set forth as ‘Principal attention is given to the time of the tribulation ( chpt 4-19) which is believed to coincide with Daniel’s seventieth week (not so as we have already shown that to have been fulfilled in Christ’s first advent)  When you start from a faulty premise it is inevitable that you  will arrive at faulty conclusions. The Day of the Lord is consummated within the text of Revelation leading up to the destruction of the earth (see II Peter3:11-13) The Zionist notes will lead you to believe that the Day of the Lord continues through the millennium. Also, how is it possible to establish a kingdom on this present earth when the Scripture clearly states that the heavens and earth which are now are to be completely destroyed and a new heavens and earth are to be established prior to the reign of Christ. Christ’s kingdom is singular, heavenly and eternal. There is no earthly kingdom or an earthly king for an earthly natural ethnicity identified as Jews or Israel.  The identity of Israel is the same through the Scriptures and it is a people of faith who have e experienced the circumcision of the heart by the work of the Holy Spirit in response to their faith and enduring faithfulness. (See Romans 2:28-29, Romans 6:6-8, Galatians 3:16-18 and 6:16). Also see my titles The Israel Deception and These Prophets and the Revelation.
            The Scofield Reference ‘Bible’ with its chapter headnotes and numerous footnotes is a distortion of truth and a deception.  It will lead one to a perverted world view as well as a misunderstanding of the will, ways and purpose of God in Christ. It is a Trojan horse which has made its way inside the gates of the truth and it most certainly will be consequential in the lives of believing people if they cannot be awakened to its deceptive and dangerous content. It has been placed into publication and distribution in its several revisions by Zionists who have and hold a completely other set of values including the establishment of a New World Order which will be headed up by the Antichrist. Take head to your souls lest you should fall into this deadly trap of deception which is being orchestrated by the god of this world and the enemy of your souls. The numerous Scofield revisions have been a significant tool in the formation employed in this deception.

David Lance Dean

See my blogspot for all of the preceding segments of this discourse and many other bloge related to Biblical prophecy and truths.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Exposing the Zionist Scofield 'Bible' Part VII

            This segment of our ongoing exposure of the Scofield Reference ‘Bible’ will carry us forward into the New Testament.  Having  previously laid a  critical background in the ‘covenants’ and ‘dispensations’ as set forth in this contrived and fabricated attempt to compromise the content and message of the King James Version of the Bible; we will build on the six previous blogs.  If you are just now picking up on the content  of this exposé,  it is recommended that you read the previous brief essays at my blogsite:  Also, I continue to encourage the reading of my title: The Israel Deception which will add greatly to your understanding of the issues being raised in these writings. Additionally a point or two needs to be made about the Scofield Reference ‘Bible’ as relates to its construction and composition.  First, the notes and commentary are voluminous throughout with introductions to chapters, Scripture references, and footnotes. Without writing an entire book on the subject I am not able to deal with all of the issues but have attempted to highlight the major problems.  Also, not all of the notes and references are wrong in the various revisions, but have utilized the mixing of truth with error in a way that the impression of legitimacy has been retained, and thus the deception is more subtle.
            Moving to the New Testament it does not take long for the commentators to begin their work of corrupting the truth, and contending for an alternate view of the content of the Scripture more in harmony with their agenda.  Let us look at Matthew 3:2 which reads as follows:  “And saying (John the Baptist speaking), Repent; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Moving to the footnotes at the bottom of page (994-Scofield revision of 1967) we read the following commentary as concerns the “kingdom of heaven”. We quote: ‘The expression    kingdom of heaven, one that is peculiar to Matthew, refers to the rule of the heavens, i.e. the rule of the God of heaven over the earth (cp. Dan.2:44). The kingdom of heaven is similar in many ways to the kingdom of God and is often used synonymous with it, though emphasizing certain features of divine government. When associated with the universal kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven includes only men on earth, excluding angels and creatures. The kingdom of heaven is the earthly sphere of profession as shown by the inclusion as those designated as wheat and tares, the latter of which are cast out of the kingdom (Matthew 13:41) ………The kingdom of heaven is revealed in three aspects (1 and 2 omitted here to focus on the statement of note number (3)And fulfilled after the second coming of Christ, the kingdom of heaven will be realized in the future millennial kingdom as predicted by Daniel (Dan.2:34-36)……The millennial form of the kingdom of heaven is wholly future and will be set up after the return of the King in glory.’ Cited here is Acts 15:14-17. This passage has nothing whatever to do with the millennium or the Jews but speaks o the calling out of a people from the nations to fulfill the words of the prophets.  What is being set forth here is a wresting of the Scripture in a deception to establish a future earthly kingdom for ethnic Israel.  Commentary on page 994 is to lead the reader through a convoluted discourse on the ‘kingdom of heaven’ to prove what is really meant in verse 2 is a future kingdom on the earth for Israel and the Jews, a preposterous argument.
            So now we must deal with the pretribulatioal ‘rapture’ question. This issue finds its focus almost exclusively in the passage found at I Thessalonians 14-17.The Zionists must remove the Church from the earth in order to provide a place for earthly Israel, I.e., as they see it the ‘chosen people’, to establish their earthly kingdom which they say will run for the seven year tribulation (in fact the Scriptures prove that the tribulation lasts for only 3 ½ years. (Comp Dan. 12: 7,Rev.12:12 and Rev.13:5)) So now there have been two kingdoms created in their theological confusion, one on the earth for the Jews and one in heaven for the Church. The Scofield note (page1293-1967 revision) states: ‘Paul’s careful alternation of the pronouns “they” and “we” throughout the passage is sufficient to show that he never conceived of the Church, the body of Christ,  as remaining on earth during the time of wrath in the Day of the Lord’. In fact what is clearly set forth in the passage is the resurrection of all of the saints after the tribulation. (Comp. Matthew 24: 29-31, Luke 21:26-28). Christian Zionists do not understand the separation of the tribulation and the Day of the Lord.  The period of tribulation precedes the Day of the Lord and is not part of it. The resurrection occurs immediately after the tribulation and before the Day of the Lord, and when all believers in Christ both from the O.T. and the N.T., have experienced resurrection, then the Day of the Lord ensues bringing the wrath of God on the unbelieving world. This crucial error in the theology of dispensational theology creates a complete confusion of the Apocruful books of Revelation and Daniel making them unintelligible because they rest on the false premise that the Church has been removed prior to the beginning of the great tribulation. A further expansion and explanation of these false and confusing doctrines will be covered in the next and final segment of this discourse.

David Lance Dean        blogspot:

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Exposing the Zionist Scfield 'Bible' Part VI

            Accurate interpretation of the Scripture is of supreme importance if we are to discover the truths which the Lord has revealed. Moving forward in our exegeses to recover many of those important truths requires that we take the time and effort to expose the Scofield Reference Bible which has been implemented to effect major doctrinal confusion within the ranks of Christianity.
The subject of this brief discourse brings us to that important passage at Daniel 9:24-27 to correct the distortions found in the Scofield revisions described as Daniel’s ‘seventy weeks’. To accomplish this objective we will need to look at both the Scripture text and the commentary notes added on page 915 of the 1967 Scofield revision of the original King James Version.
            The text begins “seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision of prophecy and anoint the most Holy.(verse 24)   Clearly in view then is a time frame identified as seventy weeks to include all of the preceding descriptive phrases leading us to the ‘anointing of the most Holy’, his crucifixion and ‘reconciliation for iniquity ‘ to be fulfilled in Messiah (the Prince), Jesus the Christ. The ‘seventy weeks‘ are determined as weeks of years with each week consisting of seven years and so then seventy times seven equals 490 years  total according to Jewish reckoning (See Lev.25:10- of the Jubilee).  This designated period is uninterrupted contrary to the Scofied notes where we read ‘the proof that the last week has not yet been fulfilled is seen in the fact that Christ definitely relates the main event to his second coming (Matthew 24:15). Hence, during the interim between the sixty ninth and seventieth weeks there must be the whole period of the Church set forth in the N.T.(See page 915) The authority presented on the Scofield notes is the tradition of the Church Fathers with no supporting Scripture. The erroneous assumption made here is that the Antichrist interrupts the Jewish worship of offering animal sacrifices in the middle of the tribulation and begins to persecute the Jews. This is a total fabrication of the text as evidenced by verse 26 where we read: “And after three score and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself …..This is the crucifixion of Christ occurring in the seventieth week….”And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease by his own sacrifice providing the perfect satisfaction for sin. At the moment of death when he yielded up his Spirit “the veil of the temple was rent in twain from top to bottom…”(Matthew 27:51 ) Signifying that ”Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption of us. (Heb. 9:12)  This is the covenant: “and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week….(verse27)  This is the fulfillment of the promise as concerns the Jews.  This is not some presumed covenant made with the Jews by the Antichrist at the end of the age as is presumed by Christian Zionism and the corrupted notes in the Scofield revisions.
            Let us just track the truth of the ‘seventy weeks ‘of Daniel’s prophecy as it is set forth in Daniel 9:24-27.The promise is for a specified period  of 490 years to be continuous ‘determined on thy people’, i.e. Jewry(verse 24).  Its inception was by a decree issued by Artaxerxes in the 2oth year of his reign, (457 B.C.)(See Ezra, chpter. 7) This was to allow complete provision for the rebuilding of the temple, the city and wall of Jerusalem.  The temple was completed in seven weeks of years or forty nine years.  Another sixty-two weeks expired (434 years) up to the baptism of Christ by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. This fulfilled the ‘anointing of the most Holy’ when the Spirit descended upon him to prepare him for his ministry to the Jews. His personal ministry led up to the crucifixion (3 ½ years). The gospel of the kingdom was committed unto his disciples who were told to take the message to the ‘lost sheep of the house of Israel ‘.  The  remainder and final three and one-half years of the ‘seventy weeks’ determined on the people of Israel was concluded at the stoning to death of Stephen in Acts, chapter seven when he confronted the Jewish Sanhedrin (the seventy elders) with the history of their apostasy and breach of covenant. The gospel to the Jews collectively ended there. The ‘seventy weeks determined’ were accomplished.
            The fabrication of events as set forth in the notes on page 915-1967 revision of the King James Version is simply a further effort to establish a future restoration of Jewish hegemony in Israel and a millennial kingdom with Christ reigning from an alleged throne in earthly Jerusalem. As we move on into the New Testament we will further prove that this has no Scriptural support. It constitutes a significant altering and perversion of the truth of Scripture and sets people up for deception and delusion both now and at the end of the age. I would recommend my title: The Israel deception for a much more complete application of the errors of the Christian Zionism phenomenon which is gaining momentum  through developments in the secular world.

David Lance Dean     The Israel Deception and These Prophets and the Revelation are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.

Visit my blogsite for dozens of related topics:

Monday, November 3, 2014

Exposing the Zionist Scofield 'Bible' Part V

            Continuing with our coverage of the major erroneous commentary additions contained in the Old Testament as has been interpreted in the Scofield Reference Bible we come to that which is referenced as the Davidic Covenant. The prophet Nathan did speak the word of the Lord to King David covered in the text of II Samuel 7:8-17(quoted below in part) . The essence of the communication was prophetic and contained the following key elements of promise:  (David you) have cut off all of thine enemies out of thy sight, and I have made thee a great name like unto the name of the great men of the earth.  Moreover, I will appoint a place for my people, Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more…….Also the Lord telleth thee that he will make thee an house.  And when thy days shall be fulfilled ….I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thine own body, and I will establish his kingdom.  And he will build a house for my name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be his father, and he shall be my son……..and thy house and thy kingdom shall be established forever before thee.  Before examining the fulfillment of this prophetic text it will be necessary to cite the footnotes on page 365—1967 revision of the Scofield Reference Edition. 
            The four points which have been made there under the title of the Davidic Covenant upon which the future kingdom of Christ, “of the seed of David according to the flesh” (Romans 1:3) was to be founded, provided for David. (1) the promise of posterity in the Davidic house; (2) a throne symbolic of royal authority; (3)a kingdom to rule on the earth, and (4)certainty of fulfillment, for the promise to David “shall be established forever”.
            Let us examine the prophetic promises and the Scofield commentary in light of the testimony of Scripture: To begin with it must be noted that David had already been anointed and established to be king of Israel at the time this prophecy was uttered by Nathan.  The earthly kingdom of Israel was to attain a higher expression of glory later when David had conquered all of his enemies and consolidated his power gathering much riches through his victories and there came a point of establishment where David delivered the kingdom to Solomon, and “Judah  and Israel were many, as the sand which is by the sea in  multitude, eating and drinking and making merry, and Solomon reigned over all the kingdom from the river unto the land of the Philistines and unto the border of Egypt” (I Kings 4:20-21). Solomon did also complete the building of the magnificent temple.
What must be realized here is that God’s promises concerning an earthly kingdom, a throne and a house of habitation were completely realized. Dispensationalists under the Zionist influence insist that there is yet a future earthly kingdom to be established geographically situated in the territory described in the I Kings passage. This concept will be found by the testimony of Scripture to be a great deception which has been embraced by tens of millions of evangelical Christians. Let us examine the New Testament Scripture and the ultimate fulfillment of the prophetic utterances of the prophet Nathan.
            As to the posterity in the Davidic house (1 above):”Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and rejoicing unto the end”. (Hebrews 3:6) “Howbeit the Most High dweleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet.  Heaven is my throne…..what house will you build me?” (Acts 7:48-49)  Spoken by Stephen when he addressed the Sanhedrin.
            As to the throne symbolic of royal authority (2 above): Heaven is my throne..(Acts 7:49) “Therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him…… raise up Christ to sit upon his throne, he seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ.”(Acts 2:31-32)
            As to a kingdom on the earth (3 above): “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight…..but now is my kingdom not from hence.: (John 18:36) The book of Revelation speaks in many places of his heavenly throne and kingdom, but nowhere in the New Testament do we see the establishment of an earthly kingdom. There are not two kingdoms of God with one in heaven and one on the earth.  Christian Zionists and dispensationalists have fabricated the concept of a millennial earthly kingdom for Israel.  More will be presented on this subject on later considerations.
         As to the certainty of fulfillment, for the promise to David “shall be established forever”: (4 above): So clearly from Scripture the kingdom of God is an “eternal kingdom”. “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” (II Corin.5:1)
            So the editors of the Zionist Scofield Reference Bible have carefully fabricated further deception using the so-called Davidic Covenant to establish an eternal earthly kingdom for Jews in the geographical and earthly “promised land”. Literally multitudes of Christian Zionists have embraced and are teaching this deception.  Recommended reading is my title The Israel Deception which tracks the truth both biblically as well as the current international Zionist phenomenon.

David Lance Dean              Check out dozens of other blogs at my blogsite:


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Exposing the Zionist Scofield 'Bible' Part IV

            As we would continue to expose the multiple contrived revisions of the Scofield Reference Bible it would seem appropriate that we provide a few brief statements in review of the previous three segments of this ongoing argument. First, the term Zionist is used simply to convey the concept as well as the agenda that there is yet a future plan and purpose according to the will of God to reestablish the nation of Israel or the natural Jewish ethnicity, as a permanent earthly kingdom in the ancient land of Israel as defined in the Old Testament. Secondly, to refute many of the many notes and erroneous conclusions superimposed on the King James Version of the Bible. First by C. I. Scofield, and then more completely by the Jewish interests that own the Oxford University Press publishers of the multiple revisions of this ever changing work of deception. This carefully orchestrated work of corrupting the Word of God has affected and altered the world view of literally tens of millions of adherents to Christianity over the past one hundred years. These issues had no precedent prior to 1909. We will continue to expose many of the major false commentaries and conclusions contained throughout these revised  alleged versions of the Scriptures.
            Returning to the point where we left off at Deuteronomy, chapters 28-30 some additional observations need clarification concerning what the dispensationalists have said about what they term to be the Palestinian Covenant.  While it is true that the text does set forth some of the terms and conditions for that second generation of Israelites that came out of Egypt, it has been distorted by the addition of conclusions which are untrue.  First, covenant is entirely based on a continuance of obedience and faith and is subject to God’s judgment if it is breached.(See Deut. 28:63-68) The Scofield notes have divided it into seven parts, the last five of which are contrary to the truth as set forth in other scriptures. Briefly as stated on page 251 (See Scofield notes-1967 revision) they are (3) return of the Lord (Deut. 30-3) for which is referenced Acts15:14-17.  The Acts passage is explaining Peter’s coming to understand the meaning of the words of the prophets concerning the new covenant revelation ‘… After this I will return end build again the tabernacle of David……..that the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all of the nations upon whom my name is called….” (Acts 15:16-17 in part) The passage does not have anything to do with Israel after the flesh but embodies the promises of the New Covenant in Christ.(4) restoration of the land (Deut.30:5) This is speaking of the blessings and multiplying of those who will come to Christ when the New Covenant has been established. The Scofield notes provide no other scripture, just a declaratory statement.  There is, of course, no New Testament Scripture supporting the restoration of the land to Israel. The nation state of Israel (1948) is the product of the international Zionists and not a converted and believing Jewish population. (5) National conversion. The New Testament scripture used to support this contention is Romans 11:26-27: “And so all Israel shall be saved; as it is written, There shall come out of Zion a Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob, for this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.” This is the New Covenant to the Gentiles as many from the nations have and will embrace Christ. Israel under the New Covenant is not defined as a natural seed or as the natural posterity of Abraham; but rather a people of faith, i.e. a spiritual seed.(Again  see Romans 2:28-29,Romans 9:6-8, Galatians  3:16-18 and 6:16). So indeed, all who are truly of the spiritual seed of Israel will be saved. (6) the judgment of Israel’s oppressors (Deut. 30:7).  No other Scripture is given.  This applies to the enemies or persecutors of the true Israel (faithful belevers). (7) National prosperity. (cited is Amos 9:11-15) The prophet Amos is here speaking of the blessings to come under the new and everlasting covenant. This portion is cited also at Acts 15:14-17 proving that the application is to believers under the New Covenant and not to national Israel. In conclusion of this portion called the Palestinian Covenant by the Zionists and dispensationalists we see clearly the subterfuge, deceptions and wresting of the Scripture is an attempt to establish a future kingdom for national Israel and those who would claim to be natural Jews. These are not anti-Semitic statements, but simply meant to clarify the true teaching of the Scriptures.  The only purpose in this ongoing investigation and exposure of the Scofield Reference Bible is to bring an understanding to those who have been taught and deceived by its notes and conclusions that might want to know the truth concerning the deceptions of the Zionist one world government agenda. The Antichrist will in fact, according to Scripture (See Daniel 11:36-45), move to establish a kingdom in a “Greater Israel” and set up his throne in Jerusalem. Many who have been taught or believed these false narratives found in the Scofield Reference Bible will be very vulnerable to be completely deceived by his actions for even the Lord Jesus Christ has warned all that the deception will be so complete that if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived (See Mathew 24:23-27) leading up to the return of Christ at verses 28-31). The only refuge available is abiding in the truth of Christ. My title The Israel Deception will add much to your understanding of how the Scofield charade has been perpetrated on the Christian community.

David Lance Dean          Visit my blogsite at :  these

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Exposing the Zionist Scofield 'Bible' Part III

            In two previous segments we have provided a background of the history concerning the Scofield Reference Bible and have begun to explore the content of the theological system which was progressively created by this revision and distortion of the Scriptures. Of the several editorial revisions of the extensive added notes the most dramatic changes are contained in the 1967 edition.  I am drawing from this edition as the text for critical evaluation of the entire sequence of the editorial effort to corrupt multiple facets of the truth as they were contained in the original King James Version.  Two things should be noted in this regard. First there have been a total of 6500 word changes to provide a ‘better read’ of the original text. Secondly, by 1967 the new nation state of Israel had been established in the Middle East (1948) providing a supposed verification for the reestablishment of the alleged covenant people ‘in the land’. Beware; this presupposition is a deception as we will continue to prove in exposing the Zionist influence perpetrated by the Oxford University Press in the several revisions of the Scofield Reference Bible. A much more detailed revelation of this contrived system of theology can be found in my title: The Israel Deception.(Amazon. com.)
            In part two of this discourse it was necessary to correct and expose the false premise of the ‘unconditional’ promise to Abram at Genesis 12-1-3 in the fact that the promise was found not as unconditional but based on personal faith. Secondly, that the seed in view was found to have its application in Jesus Christ and not to the physical posterity of Abram’s ‘seed’ (Galatians 3:16-18). The entire theological system breaks down when a fundamental element or premise is found to be unsupported by the Scriptures. But much more truth needs to be revealed. Moving to the Mosaic covenant predicated on the law we find notes on page 94 of the 1967 revision s follows: ‘The law did not change the provisions or abrogate the promise of God given in the Abrahamic Covenant. It was given as a way of life
(i.e. means of justification), but as a rule of living for people already in the covenant of Abraham and covered by blood sacrifice….’ Wait a minute!!  What happened to that entire generation which came out of Egypt and received the law at Mount Sinai? Excepting two individuals they all died in the wilderness due to their unbelief and open rebellion against God and the covenant. Does this fact tend to support an unconditional promise of life and blessing? The alleged Abrahamic Covenant clearly has no application here. They all died in the wilderness. Moving to the next generation who was not accountable for the sins of their fathers we come to the book of Deuteronomy (the second law).  Before an entrance to the land of promise was allowed Moses set forth the conditions for either blessing or cursing in the 28th chapter of this discourse.  The Entrance into, victory and ultimate possession of the ‘land of promise ‘was based on faith.  Israel did inherit all that the Lord promised (See Joshua 21: 41-45).This did not change the conditional nature of the anticipated blessings or cursing detailed in Deuteronomy 28. Continued possession of the land and its blessings were conditioned upon their adherence to the covenant.  This brings us to the so-called Palestinian Covenant. An interesting observation before we begin to examine this alleged covenant is the fact that Scofield had no knowledge of the nation of Israel or even the prospects of their habitation of the land as he died long before any of these events occurred and thus all of the subsequent revisions of the notes in the Scofield Reference Bible had to be contrived after the fact. How convenient that the Zionist agenda sponsored by rich and influential Jewish interests was successful in their efforts to reestablish the nation state of Israel.
            As relates to the alleged Palestinian Covenant we would make the following observations.  First, the Scofield notes state on page 251 (1967) revision. ‘It is important to see that the nation has never yet taken the land under the unconditional Abrahamic Covenant nor has it ever possessed the whole land.’
This statement is refuted by the Scriptures in two important texts: Joshua 21:41-45 and I Kings 4:20-21. So once again both the premise and the conclusion of the Scofield notes are false. The contention is that there will be a future gathering and restoration of the nation pursuant to this alleged covenant is summarized at Deut. 30:3-5The text here is speaking of a gathering of all of the seed,that is, Abraham’s spiritual seed who are truly the  ‘Israel of God’  (See Galatians 6:16) from all of the nations of the earth ‘even unto the uttermost parts of heaven’  (verse 4)under the new and everlasting  covenant in Christ. This is verified at verse 6: ‘And the Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live.” The fundamental problem with Scofield, and the Christian Zionists who support this false system pf theology is they fail completely to see who Israel actually is in the mind and purpose of God so they must make a place for Israel after the flesh, i.e. a natural seed they attempt to trace to Abraham.  The truth is “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter, whose praise  is not of men, but of God. (Romans 2:28-29)  Thus, they must make a place and provide a separate earthly kingdom for Israel after the flesh making God a respecter of persons.(Acts 10:34-35)                    David Lance Dean       blogspot:


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Exposing The Zionist Scofield 'Bible' Part II

            This is the second segment of a multiple part series dealing with contrived editions of the King James Version of the Bible which has effectively created an entire new system of theology and a new ‘Christian’ subculture in America over the past one hundred years. To understand the historical background and development of the theological concepts contained in the multiple revisions of the publication it will be helpful for you to read the first segment designated as Part I. There exist some complexities in the evolutionary development of this ongoing revision of the Word of God which clearly need to be reviewed and exposed. At the outset it is basic to understand that a Zionist influence lies at the heart of this progressive endeavor.
            Let us move ahead in the examination of premillennial dispensationalism. As we have already stated the system of theology begins with dividing the Scriptures into seven dispensations, economies or eras. This groundwork was laid during the nineteenth century by John Nelson Darby and became known as ‘Darbyism’. Scofield as well as others adopted it although this manner of dissecting the Scriptures had no precedent historically. Darby then added a secret heretofore unknown element of a ‘rapture ‘of the entire body of believers to occur immediately prior to the period of tribulation. This became the great escape.  The Scofield version over time added a series of eight supposed covenants which we will name here before going into a detailed examination of the theology. They were designated as Edenic, Adamic, Noahic, Promise, Palestinian, Davidic, Mosaic and the New Covenant. At the outset it is necessary to be stated that the Scriptures themselves only identify directly two covenants, the old and the new. Paul summarizes this in his epistle to the Galatians.  Speaking of the two sons of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, in allegory he sets them forth at Galatians 4:22-31 and states specifically at verse 24 ‘which things is an allegory; for these are the two covenants, the one from the Mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar’. Later in the passage Paul states: ‘Nevertheless what saith the Scripture?  Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman (Sarah). So then ye brethren, are not children or the bondwoman, but of the free (verses 30-31).  The point then being made is that six if the so-called covenants set forth by the evolutionary system of theology created by Darby and Scofield are arbitrary and the text of Scripture does not support the validity of them as being designated as covenants. They have been inserted for the purpose of establishing an argument in favor of the Zionist contention that certain promises have been made to the natural seed of Abraham, i. e. Israel which they say are unconditional and which has yet to be fulfilled.  Let us move to that argument next and show from the Scriptures that it is invalid.
            The promise God made to Abraham originally found at Genesis 12: 1-3 are clearly not only conditional contingent upon the faith and obedience of Abraham, (and his seed, which is clearly a spiritual seed and not a natural seed) but are seen to have their fulfillment—‘in thee  shall all of the families of the earth be blessed’ ---in Christ under the new covenant as is seen at Galatians 3:16-18: ‘Now unto Abraham and his seed were the promises made.  He saith not; and to seeds as many; but as one, and to thy seed which is Christ And this I say, that the covenant, ha was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.”  And again: ‘Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but in Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise shall be counted for the seed.’(Romans 8:6-8)
            In summary to this segment we conclude that the statement made in the notes of the 1967 revision of the Scofield Reference Bible on page19 under (2):
‘God made an unconditional promise of blessing’s through Abram’s seed (a) to the nation of Israel to inherit a specific territory forever’-- is completely false. The promise was not made to a physical seed to inherit a physical geographical territory forever; but rather to a spiritual seed that would be likened unto Abram as relates to the issue of  personal faith and would ultimately find its fulfillment in Christ. We will proceed step by step to prove the counterfeit theological system propagated in the several revisions of the Scofield Reference Bible. I recommend that you obtain my title: The Israel Deception. The book will provide you in much greater detail a verification of the false system of theology which has produced an entirely new Christian subculture in America with its deceitful and spiritually damaging ramifications.  Also check at my blogspot for many additional blogs on the subject matter of Biblical prophecy.

David Lance Dean

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Exposing The Zionist Scofield Reference 'Bible; Part I

                Developing the background necessary to understand the content of this topic will necessarily require laying some foundations. What we will actually be looking at is the creation of an entirely new and radically different system of theology from that which was held traditionally by the true Christian church for nearly two millennia. Because of its dramatic impact on traditional Christianity the entrance of the Scofield Reference Bible meds to be examined both historically as well as revealing its cause and effect. Let us begin our research with some facts which preceded its publication and entrance into the Christian community.  The system of theology which laid the groundwork for Scofield’s annotated version of the King James Bible was originally introduced by John Nelson Darby (1800-1882).  Darby promulgated his theology based on the dividing of the Scriptures up into seven dispensations, economies or eras. Without detailing the content of each dispensation we will name them here: Innocence (before the fall), conscience, human government, promise, law, church (also referred to as grace), and kingdom. These evolving eras as was supposed were to change the manner in which God related to man in each successive dispensation. Darby later added a secret “rapture” to his theological scheme to occur at the end of the church age and before the tribulation and the kingdom age. Some reliable sources say the secret “rapture” concept was initiated by a Scotish woman named Margaret McDonald who was alleged to have had a vision and revelation that the event would occur. Darby had communication with McDonald shortly after her vision was alleged to have occurred. From there Darby spread his teaching through Scotland and England and it came to be known as “Darbyism”.  Continuing to aggressively propagate his doctrine he made at least five trips to America. He was able to establish followers in the East and Great Lakes area.  His newly contrived doctrine and teaching resulted in the genesis of the Plymouth Brethren (it’s origins being in Plymouth, England) assemblies and was also embraced by the evangelist D. L. Moody. Eventually a seminary was established in Moody’s name known as the Moody Bible Institute.  Of course, the teachings of Moody including dispensationalism and ultimately the added emphasis of a Zionist world view were adopted into the curriculum.
            This brief background leads us to Cyrus I. Scofield who was originally trained in law but later, alleging a conversion, became interested in theology and preaching.  He was greatly influenced by the writings of Darby and adopted a form of dispensational theology.  By 1908 he had taken the King James Version of the bible and added numerous footnotes at the bottom of pages, in-between verses and in chapter introductions. In addition to the dividing of the Scriptures into eras and economies he conceived the existence of several covenants in the evolution of this new theology.  Of principal note originally was the concept of a covenant which God made with Abram (become Abraham).  It was perceived by Scofield as immutable, unconditional and unfulfilled.  Scofield had communication with an extremely wealthy attorney and Zionist Jew in New York named Samuel Untermeyer. A word is necessary at this juncture concerning the new and emerging world Zionist movement set in motion in 1895 by Theodore Herzl who had founded the World Zionist Federation.  The movement was well underway with one of its central goals and purposes being the reestablishment of a national homeland for the Jewish people. Untermeyer was very much on board with the movement and in his association and communications with Scofield perceived that the basic Zionist friendly concepts set forth in Scofield’s writings could be utilized in the promotion of the Zionist goals. Untermeyer had Zionist connections and among them was the Oxford University Press in England owned by zealous Jews. Untermeyer arranged for the original publication of the Scofield Reference Bible in 1909 through his connections with Oxford Press. There was significant financial backing for publication, advertisement and distribution and the Scofield Reference Bible was an immediate success.  The plain English notes gave the reader the perception that they could now better understand the content of the Scriptures. Scofield gained significant financial rewards from his contrived version of the Bible. Scofield died in 1921 but Oxford owned the copy write to the work and it has been subsequently republished and revised at least four times still showing Scofield as its editor and displaying an ever-changing editorial committee in an attempt to provide credibility to the text of notes and annotations.
            This provides a brief history of the publication and emergence of a contrived and altered fabrication of the Word of God which has been dramatically used to alter the theology and world view of literally tens of millions of Christians and create a Zionist friendly subculture in America over the past one hundred years. The dispensational doctrines of the pretribulational “rapture” of the church, the confused translation of Daniel’s “seventy weeks”, and the teaching a future millennial kingdom for national Israel has pervaded the major seminaries, international Bible study fellowships, multiplied millions of evangelical Christians and even reaching into the traditional denominations as well as the Catholic Church. It is a contrived and extremely successful distortion of the Scriptures and has corrupted the world view of all of its adherents who have embraced its teachings in some measure.   We will need to continue with additional segments of this discourse. This is only an introduction providing history and background.  We will need to examine somewhat thoroughly the essence of the teachings contained in the  Scofield and Oxford Press notes as well as the theological errors and confusion generated through an entire Christian subculture in America and no doubt to some extent abroad. I am recommending that you visit my blogsite for further blogs and an introduction to my two books.    Also  I would recommend that you obtain copies of the books available at, and other major book sellers.  
The Israel Deception and These Prophets and the Revelation.

David Lance Dean

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Corporatism, Communism, Captivityand Control

            Americans, as well as the world at large, face the existence of an all-encompassing dilemma which pervades every aspect of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” (property). Most Americans continue to embrace these fundamental elements of their heritage not understanding that they only exist as the illusion they continue to call freedom.  They are no longer a reality but have been deceptively “preserved” in their minds through carefully planned and orchestrated propaganda controlling their perception.  For they believe we surely must still live “in the land of the free and the home of the brave”. The founding fathers were able to perceive in some measure the tyranny and despotism inherent in the very nature of men, and they attempted to establish a political system which would limit and preserve “checks and balances” against the inevitable destruction of the Republic. Their efforts were successful for only a short time before the greed and devices of evil men were destined to prevail. The lust for material wealth, power and lawless immorality controlled.  Andrew Jackson’s war against the banking elite was successful but very short lived, and the so called Civil War was contrived and brought about to the demise of the Republic. Lincoln was not the great liberator of the slaves, but the instrument of expanding federal tyranny. At that time there was introduced another political and economic system which has evolved over time into its present form of monetary, political and spiritual totalitarianism engulfing America and now being exported globally. At the end of the war the Constitution was altered dramatically by three amendments and we entered the period of the “Reconstruction” of America.  In 1871 America was officially incorporated becoming the UNITED STATES and after the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 and the subsequent bankruptcy of the corporation in 1933 has become a wholly owned foreign corporation. Americans do not understand that they don’t live in a country but have been hypothecated as sub-corporations and artificial persons of an internationally owned foreign corporation. So what lies behind it all and where is it taking us?
            The goal of the Zionist world elite which is headed up by Ashkenazi Jews and heir recruited Gentile servants and assistants who having sold their souls for wealth and power to a one world totalitarian government, which is to be ultimately ruled from Israel and Jerusalem. Please understand that this is not a statement of anti-Semitism because God is not a respecter of either parsons or ethnicities and neither am I.  The Jews, Ashkenazi or otherwise, are not God’s “chosen people” as is believed by millions of people claiming to be adherents of Christianity.  All of God’s covenants to the Jews were fulfilled and judgment was executed at the advent of their Messiah, Jesus Christ.   Nor is this meant to demean the Christian faith when it is rightly understood from the truths of the Scriptures.  Unfortunately the truths of Scripture have been wrested and perverted creating in the minds of multitudes carefully planned deceptions leading to the potential destruction of their own souls. The exaltation and advancement of Israel in the Middle East is not supported by the Scripture as an act of God, but it is rather a deception laying the groundwork for the revealing of an Antichrist who will be so convincing that the majority of the world will receive him as being the Messiah.   Zionist Jews fomented the French Revolution and the Communist revolution in Russia resulting in the murder of tens of millions of people including vast numbers of Christians. The money power owns and controls the Federal Reserve and most of the world’s central banks. The world lies in financial and political captivity being orchestrated by elitists who perceive themselves as the “master race”.   Wars, chaos and worldwide upheaval are the ingredients of revolution until they have completely accomplished their ultimate goal of world dominion. There remains hope for those who have entered into the salvation afforded by the redeeming work of Jesus the Christ through an uncompromising faith. There is ultimately no other remedy. You could and should receive valuable instruction and understanding of these unfolding world developments and things yet to come by reading both of my titles: These Prophets and the Revelation and The Israel Deception.  Both are available at, Barnes and and other major book retailers.
David Lance Dean             website:


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Seventy Weeks Are Determined

            A very critical and important passage of Scripture is set forth in the prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27.  It begins with the statement in verse 24 where it is revealed “seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and the city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy”. In order to begin to make an accurate interpretation of this verse and the following text it will be necessary to lay some background and context for the utterance of the prophecy. Daniel was a righteous servant of the Lord God.  He was carried away from Judah and Jerusalem about 586 B.C. when the Babylonians defeated and carried captive the people of Judah as a judgment for their apostasy and departure from the tenets of the old covenant.  Daniel was given wisdom from God to interpret dreams as well as visions which came into his understanding by the Spirit of the Lord. His prophecies provide a significant body of revelation necessary for us to understand, not only the future history of Israel, but also many prophetic revelations related directly to the end of the age leading up to the return of the Lord. This particular portion consisting of the four verses cited above is extremely important to understand that which was to befall Israel up to and including the coming of their promised Messiah, Jesus Christ.
            We will need to interpret the passage to correct and make clear  the erroneous doctrine which has come to be largely accepted among Christian evangelicals. The first point to be made is the duration of the prophecy being “seventy weeks”. These “weeks” are weeks consisting of seven years and this was clearly understood by the people of Israel as the foundation for this interpretation is laid at Genesis 29: 27-28 and Leviticus 25:8-10 establishing the Sabbaths and the year of Jubilee. So what we find in the duration of the seventy weeks is four hundred and ninety years , that is seventy times seven.
            Next to be determined is the point in time when the seventy weeks were to begin.  The prophet Daniel reveals in verse 27”Know, therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, unto Messiah the Prince, shall be seven weeks and three score and two weeks, the street shall  be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. “We can trace the time of the commandment to the 7th year of Artaxerxes.  The decree is to be found in the seventh chapter of the book of Ezra where all of the provisions for the rebuilding of the city and the wall a well as finishing the temple are set forth.
The year is 457 B.C.E.  Understanding the colander has undergone some slight revisions. Nonetheless we can determine that the first sixty nine weeks bring us to 27 A.D.  At this juncture in time we have the anointing of the most Holy. This is the baptism of the Lord Jesus in the River Jordan by John the Baptist which initiated both his ministry and the inception of the seventieth week of Daniel’s prophecy. We find in verse 26 that “after threescore and two weeks that Messiah will be cut off, but not for himself…. ” Moving to verse 27 we find “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause sacrifice and oblation to cease…” So we see that the seventieth week is continuous after the sixty ninth week marked by the anointing and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. But he was “cut off”, i.e. crucified in the middle of the week after a three and one-half year ministry.  The twelve apostles continued the ministry exclusively to the Jews for another three and on-half years completing the delivery of the gospel of the kingdom to the Jews. This is the seventy weeks determined upon thy people, that is to say the Jews or Israel.  The point of its consummation is concluded in the seventh chapter of Acts where we have the record of Stephens’s ministry and preaching to the Jewish Sanhedrin, the seventy elders of Jewry. Their reaction was a total rejection and a hatred for the words of Stephen including the message of the fulfillment of the coming of the Messiah.  They proceeded with one accord to stone him to death. At this point the “seventy weeks determined” have been fulfilled and the gospel of the kingdom to Jewry was withdrawn based on their collective rejection of their promised Messiah.
            Set forth above is the truth of the fulfillment of Daniel’s seventy week to the Jews. The vast majority of evangelical Christians have adopted a different and false interpretation of the passage. They would hold that only sixty nine weeks were fulfilled when Jesus entered Jerusalem just before his crucifixion, and the seventieth week is to occur at the end of the age in a period of seven years of tribulation.  This is known as the “gap” theory and it is based on the premise that the Jews are the “chosen people” and God has a future agenda to be fulfilled in the conversion of Israel and establishing a one thousand year reign pf Christ over them and the world from earthly Jerusalem.  They fail to understand that all of the promises of a Redeemer as well as the advent of Messiah were fulfilled with the coming of Christ and his death and resurrection. The gospel of the new covenant was then sent forth to all nations. God is not a respecter of persons.  Men are not saved on the basis of ethnicity or natural posterity. Evangelical’s failure to understand these basic truths leads to greet confusion in the interpretation of end time prophecy. For an accurate account of the words of the prophets obtain my books.  The Israel Deception and These Prophets and the Revelation available at,            David Lance Dean

Thursday, September 18, 2014

New World Order Virology

            In an ongoing effort to inform and prepare people with an understanding of national and world events I submit these blogs from time to time to highlight with new details the content of my two books: The Israel Deception and These Prophets and the Revelation. The world at large is engaged in a great spiritual warfare which is not even perceived by most, and even to the more discerning many of the important details are obscure. The reason for the obscurity of certain important aspects of the conflict is that those who are perpetrating the activities and agenda of the New World Order are aided and abetted by the Luceferian forces of darkness and deception. The opposition force to this deception is the Spirit of the Lord and he will only give revelation to the truly searching and honest heart. This blog will concern biological warfare being waged against the world’s population to literally destroy their lives under the guise of medical pandemic.
            Recently in the news headlines has been the outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa concentrated in the African country of Liberia and the surrounding geographical area. The Ebola disease is highly contagious and if not treated promptly it is almost certainly a sentence of death. A contingency of medical as well as military personal has been recently sent by the President to address and allegedly contain this deadly outbreak. But let us take the time and effort to explore the origins of Ebola and the deceptions which are likely involved in this potential massive threat to human life. First to be understood is that as an integral part of the agenda of the New World Order will be a massive effort and goal of population reduction. The progression of this agenda will be manipulated and carried out in a way to hide the true causes of death and blame disease on nature or naturally occurring phenomenon.  In exploring what is actually going on here we need to call upon the expertise and intense investigative work of Dr. Leonard Horowitz and his classic publication which I recommend that you obtain and read: Emerging Viruses, Aids and Ebola.
            What the book and his investigation has uncovered and revealed is briefly summarized here. . Keep in mind the ultimate objective and agenda of the
Global Zionists is the death and elimination of multiplied millions, no more likely billions, of the world’s inhabitants. Just one of the important methods of achieving this massive reduction in world populations is disease and specifically through viruses which have been developed in the laboratory, and which attack the human immune system and either overwhelm it or in some way create the dysfunction of tits ability to resist the introduction of foreign elements, whether they be viruses or the introduction of vaccines allegedly to protect and defeat the viral infection. The intentional creation of certain viruses can be introduced into the body through vaccinations which have the stated purpose of defending against hepatitis or small pox.  But do you recall the massive media campaign a few years ago to obtain vaccinations to defeat the developing alleged swine flu epidemic?  This was subterfuge and a deception for the real agenda was to introduce foreign and toxic elements into the immune system via vaccinations to destroy its natural function.  Horowitz’s book traces the narrow rationale of virologists working for major military-medical contractors under the auspices of the National Cancer Institute and the World Health Organization.  Herein lays the red flag of warning.  This is a global agenda and each individual needs to be warned that fighting viral diseases is not what it is all about, but rather the use of laboratory perfected diseases to infect and ultimately destroy the population. Dr. Robert Gallo takes credit for discovery of the AIDS virus when he was in fact one of the principal developers of this man made virus implemented solely for the purpose of waging biological warfare along with countless other immune  system destroying viruses. Identifying the many other players in this game of death and destruction is crucial in the understanding of the global agenda behind it all. Dr. Henry Kissinger played an important role in the foreign policy initiatives in Africa as far back as the Nixon Administration.   Do you remember that he was Secretary of State and had a large global influence at that time?  He is and always has been a tool of the Zionist global elite advancing the agenda of the New World Order. He has just recently published d his new book entitled World Order.  Many other powerful people are involved in this ongoing conspiracy to bring the entire world under the dominion of a one world government and the ultimate revelation of the Antichrist.  I have written the two books named above to expose their motives and plans from a biblical prophetic perspective. I would recommend that you read them.  You need to mot only understand the agenda, but  also who is behind it for its true author is Lucifer himself and those people worldwide whom he has engaged and employed as his servants to destroy every vestige of  Jesus Christ and the gospel of salvation , and  to bring universal worship to himself. Death and destruction via the New World Order virologists is just one of many avenues as revealed in the books of prophecy determined to bring to culmination the ultimate spiritual warfare of the ages and to resolve who is the ultimate King of Kings and Lord of Lords. My books are available at, and other major book sellers.  The books provide the full story. 

David Lance Dean    Supporting blogs can be found at

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

ISIS Iraq Syria and Israel

            As most of the world has been awakened to a new insurgency of radical Islam in the Middle East we are made increasingly aware that the violence of their ideology will inevitably impact so-called western civilization including America. They find in their holy book the Quran the justification for the elimination of all those seen as infidels, i.e. those who do not conform to their ideology.  Now known as ISIS or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria whose objectives are allegedly to establish a caliphate in the region and expand their influence into all of the surrounding Muslim countries.  The composition of the insurgency is primarily Sunni Muslims along with many recruits from Europe as well as the U.S.  Recruits likely also include mercenaries with whom the ideology is not a primary motive for their involvement.  Discovering what truly lies behind the movement may prove to be somewhat different than the agenda reported by the controlled media. Understand that there exists a basic enmity between Sunni and Shiite Muslims and that the government of Iraq under departing Prime Minister Maliki has been dominated by Shiites.  There is now a new government being established in Iraq and although the newly elected Prime Minister Abadi is Shiite he will be taking a more balanced approach to governing the coalition of Kurds, Sunni and Shia. ISIS or ISIL is ideologically in conflict with the Shiite sect of Islam. This dichotomy provides a means for the continuing destabilization of the Middle East utilizing Muslim against Muslim. ISIL theoretically intends to expand and gain domination beyond Syria and Iraq. This then would become the means of exporting violent terrorist activity to the world at large with a particular emphasis on the destruction of America.  Violent acts of terrorism are almost certain to come very soon to America as ISIS continues in their attempts to expand influence and control regionally in the Middle East. As a product of expansion they would become known as ISIL which reaches to the Levant or regional hegemony over Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt.  They would intend to stir up jihad or holy war for as far as their strength of numbers and radical religious doctrines will facilitate. Most certainly this ongoing insurgency in the region will bring about backlash against radical Islam. The current objective is the overthrow of Assad in Syria, establish the caliphate, and control as much of Iraq as their increasing military might will permit. To what extent the United States will intervene remains a question as of this writing?  It is likely that a coalition of nations from NATO will cooperate to address the ISIL threat but there exists more to the story behind the scene that most do not understand and some added explanation is necessary.  In any event this current developing insurgency demands the attention of the world and has very important future ramifications upon Biblical prophecy and end time applications which need to be explored and brought to the attention of those who would call themselves Christian.
            The United States utilizing the CIA is complicit with Israel as it also utilizes the Mossed to play a major role in the manipulation and orchestration of the activities of Islamic terrorists in general. Certainly Al Qaida and no doubt to a large extent ISIS have received the provisions of training, equipment and financing through these covert agencies. This clear allegation may appear on the surface to many to be irrational.  However, when you have searched the prophetic Scriptures to understand the end game of Biblical prophecy you are then able to discern the motives and the long term agenda of the Zionists as they now control the western world including Europe and America.  Then moving beyond that reality the ultimate goal is to establish a world government centered in Israel. But before this plan can become a reality further geopolitical developments must be orchestrated. We are very likely approaching a third world war pitting a western coalition of nations against radical Islam resulting in  further destabilization of the Middle East and making some major changes in  geopolitical configuration. The NATO alliance continues in conflict with Russia over the issue of control.  Crisis in the Middle East is a recipe for World War III. Ultimately Zionist Israel is to emerge and recapture large portions of the Middle East. This scenario remains a puzzle until you have discovered the truth concerning the emergence of Zionism as the consummating factor in world history according to the prophets. I recommend the reading of my two titles: The Israel Deception and These Prophets and the Revelation in order to provide an understanding and accurate Scriptural interpretations explaining the direction and agenda of Zionism in relation to national Israel in these last days. This reality stands in stark contrast to the belief system of the vast majority of the Christian community.  The deception lies primarily in the conventional view of Jewish Israel and the role these people play in end time prophecy. The Scriptures explain it all.  It turns out to be much different than you might think.  Books are available at, and other major book sellers.

David Lance Dean      blogspot:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Strong Delusion

             There is a key passage found at the second letter to the church at  Thessalonica at chapter  two which provides important insights as to the revelation of the one which Scripture calls the son of perdition.  Said in other terms this passage is referring to the Antichrist who will be made manifest to the world towards the end of the age and just prior to the time of tribulation.
        Let us take a look at the content of the passage and it’s very important ramifications for all peoples dwelling on the earth at that time. Many Christians have been taught that there will be a “rapture” of all who are true believers immediately prior to the time of tribulation and that the Church or the saints will not be affected by the tribulation, but rather that period is reserved for God’s dealings with Israel or the Jews. Is it true?
            Paul is seeking here to cast the light of truth on the event of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the gathering together of all true believers unto Him.  He is instructing them and us as to the order of events which must occur before that return.  He tells them and us that that gathering will not occur before there is a great falling away and that the man of sin (Antichrist) must be revealed. When that event which is certain to come the evil one will present himself as God and set himself in the place of God sitting in the temple. Under the new covenant the temple of God is the inner spirit of man not a building made with hands. So the prevailing issue for mankind in that day will be the issue of deception because he will manifest himself in craft and deceit. There has been a very great spiritual battle raging down through the ages to determine who will gain dominion over the souls of men. This warfare will reach its peak of intensity at the time of the tribulation and contrary to the doctrine espoused by many of those people who profess the Christian faith; .The church will be subjected to this very difficult tine of trouble which is to come upon the earth. We know this not only from the passage but many otters such as Matthew 24:29-31, I Corinthians 15:51-52, and the passage at I Thessalonians 4:13-18 all of which are clearly defining the resurrection and not a “rapture”. The resurrection is after the tribulation.
            Paul is warning concerning all “deceivableness of unrighteousness “for the craftiness  and deceit of the evil one exceeds our ability to discern except one is abiding  in Christ and is quickened by the Holy Spirit.  In the absence of this reality Paul continues by stating that God, as it were, will “send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie”(verse 11). The words of the Lord Jesus confirm the deception speaking to his disciples At Matthew 24:24: “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect”. And Daniel adds at Daniel 11:32: “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt with flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.”
            So we see that to avert the possibility of being deceived for those living at that day living in that day (and that might well include you or your loved ones)Is of the utmost importance.
       . A principle area of deception within the Christian community is the false doctrine that the Jews or Israel are God’s “chosen people”  and there is in the plan of God a restoration of these people in the ancient homeland from which an earthly kingdom will be established with dominion and rule over the nations for a millennium. All of God’s promises to the Jews were completely realized and concluded under the old covenant and the coming of their Messiah, Jesus the Christ. To prepare yourself with understanding you must be established in the truth and be completely aware of this deception.  I recommend my recent title The Israel Deception.
The book is available at, and other major book sellers.

David Lance Dean        website: