Thursday, November 13, 2014

Exposing the Zionist Scofield 'Bible' --Conclusion

            The international Zionist movement obtained its full implementation with the first World Zionist Congress in 1897. Its founder and first leader was Thedor Herzl. It has had many conclaves and meetings since then. Zionism was and remains the nationalistic Jewish initiative to establish a homeland for world Jewry in its original geographic location and ultimately to rule the world by the ‘master race’. It must be understood that its forward movement and progress has been extremely successful due to unlimited backing and promotion by the world’s elite Jewish banking families—notably the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and others.  They dominate and control much of the wealth of Western civilization through a banking dynasty including the Federal Reserve, Bank of England and central banks of Europe. The ultimate objective of world Zionism is the establishment of a one world government centered in Israel with Jerusalem becoming the world capitol under the leadership of a world dictator. This will turn out to be the Antichrist. They have clearly determined that the Jews are to rule the world from this center in a ‘Greater Israel’ for a millennium. So what has this got to do with the Scofield Reference Bible?  Actually a great deal from a Christian perspective as they provide their significant support and promotion to the Zionist agenda. The doctrines espoused in the Scofield notes and commentary concerning a future kingdom on earth reserved for national Israel is almost universal in evangelical and fundamentalist churches. The Oxford University Press controlled by Zionist Jews have taken the original Scofield work through several revisions and have been able to gain a very large acceptance of its content in virtually all of the ‘conservative’ bible schools and seminaries in America. Our purpose here continues to be the awakening of deceived Christians who have embraced this deceptive perversion of the word of God.  Even if you have not owned or studied from a Scofield revision of the Scriptures you have been influenced by it because the pastors and teachers in American churches were indoctrinated in this theological system and have carried it throughout the land for over one hundred years to multiplied millions of people professing the Christian faith.
            The Book of Revelation brings us to the prophetic end of the Scriptural account of things which are yet to come. As it deals with things hereafter Scofield notes become confusing in the extreme simply because the ‘rapture’ of all believers seven years before the end of the age sets up two kingdoms.   The church is alleged to remove to heaven so that a kingdom can be established on earth for Jewish Israel.  Now two kingdoms are to go forth in perpetuity. So expect to find in the notes and commentary much confusion because you cannot divide into two parts something which God has purposed to be unified and one, for any and all who have embraced the person of Jesus Christ.  For example in the head notes to Revelation (page 1351-1967 revision) we find the tribulation as set forth as ‘Principal attention is given to the time of the tribulation ( chpt 4-19) which is believed to coincide with Daniel’s seventieth week (not so as we have already shown that to have been fulfilled in Christ’s first advent)  When you start from a faulty premise it is inevitable that you  will arrive at faulty conclusions. The Day of the Lord is consummated within the text of Revelation leading up to the destruction of the earth (see II Peter3:11-13) The Zionist notes will lead you to believe that the Day of the Lord continues through the millennium. Also, how is it possible to establish a kingdom on this present earth when the Scripture clearly states that the heavens and earth which are now are to be completely destroyed and a new heavens and earth are to be established prior to the reign of Christ. Christ’s kingdom is singular, heavenly and eternal. There is no earthly kingdom or an earthly king for an earthly natural ethnicity identified as Jews or Israel.  The identity of Israel is the same through the Scriptures and it is a people of faith who have e experienced the circumcision of the heart by the work of the Holy Spirit in response to their faith and enduring faithfulness. (See Romans 2:28-29, Romans 6:6-8, Galatians 3:16-18 and 6:16). Also see my titles The Israel Deception and These Prophets and the Revelation.
            The Scofield Reference ‘Bible’ with its chapter headnotes and numerous footnotes is a distortion of truth and a deception.  It will lead one to a perverted world view as well as a misunderstanding of the will, ways and purpose of God in Christ. It is a Trojan horse which has made its way inside the gates of the truth and it most certainly will be consequential in the lives of believing people if they cannot be awakened to its deceptive and dangerous content. It has been placed into publication and distribution in its several revisions by Zionists who have and hold a completely other set of values including the establishment of a New World Order which will be headed up by the Antichrist. Take head to your souls lest you should fall into this deadly trap of deception which is being orchestrated by the god of this world and the enemy of your souls. The numerous Scofield revisions have been a significant tool in the formation employed in this deception.

David Lance Dean

See my blogspot for all of the preceding segments of this discourse and many other bloge related to Biblical prophecy and truths.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Exposing the Zionist Scofield 'Bible' Part VII

            This segment of our ongoing exposure of the Scofield Reference ‘Bible’ will carry us forward into the New Testament.  Having  previously laid a  critical background in the ‘covenants’ and ‘dispensations’ as set forth in this contrived and fabricated attempt to compromise the content and message of the King James Version of the Bible; we will build on the six previous blogs.  If you are just now picking up on the content  of this exposé,  it is recommended that you read the previous brief essays at my blogsite:  Also, I continue to encourage the reading of my title: The Israel Deception which will add greatly to your understanding of the issues being raised in these writings. Additionally a point or two needs to be made about the Scofield Reference ‘Bible’ as relates to its construction and composition.  First, the notes and commentary are voluminous throughout with introductions to chapters, Scripture references, and footnotes. Without writing an entire book on the subject I am not able to deal with all of the issues but have attempted to highlight the major problems.  Also, not all of the notes and references are wrong in the various revisions, but have utilized the mixing of truth with error in a way that the impression of legitimacy has been retained, and thus the deception is more subtle.
            Moving to the New Testament it does not take long for the commentators to begin their work of corrupting the truth, and contending for an alternate view of the content of the Scripture more in harmony with their agenda.  Let us look at Matthew 3:2 which reads as follows:  “And saying (John the Baptist speaking), Repent; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Moving to the footnotes at the bottom of page (994-Scofield revision of 1967) we read the following commentary as concerns the “kingdom of heaven”. We quote: ‘The expression    kingdom of heaven, one that is peculiar to Matthew, refers to the rule of the heavens, i.e. the rule of the God of heaven over the earth (cp. Dan.2:44). The kingdom of heaven is similar in many ways to the kingdom of God and is often used synonymous with it, though emphasizing certain features of divine government. When associated with the universal kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven includes only men on earth, excluding angels and creatures. The kingdom of heaven is the earthly sphere of profession as shown by the inclusion as those designated as wheat and tares, the latter of which are cast out of the kingdom (Matthew 13:41) ………The kingdom of heaven is revealed in three aspects (1 and 2 omitted here to focus on the statement of note number (3)And fulfilled after the second coming of Christ, the kingdom of heaven will be realized in the future millennial kingdom as predicted by Daniel (Dan.2:34-36)……The millennial form of the kingdom of heaven is wholly future and will be set up after the return of the King in glory.’ Cited here is Acts 15:14-17. This passage has nothing whatever to do with the millennium or the Jews but speaks o the calling out of a people from the nations to fulfill the words of the prophets.  What is being set forth here is a wresting of the Scripture in a deception to establish a future earthly kingdom for ethnic Israel.  Commentary on page 994 is to lead the reader through a convoluted discourse on the ‘kingdom of heaven’ to prove what is really meant in verse 2 is a future kingdom on the earth for Israel and the Jews, a preposterous argument.
            So now we must deal with the pretribulatioal ‘rapture’ question. This issue finds its focus almost exclusively in the passage found at I Thessalonians 14-17.The Zionists must remove the Church from the earth in order to provide a place for earthly Israel, I.e., as they see it the ‘chosen people’, to establish their earthly kingdom which they say will run for the seven year tribulation (in fact the Scriptures prove that the tribulation lasts for only 3 ½ years. (Comp Dan. 12: 7,Rev.12:12 and Rev.13:5)) So now there have been two kingdoms created in their theological confusion, one on the earth for the Jews and one in heaven for the Church. The Scofield note (page1293-1967 revision) states: ‘Paul’s careful alternation of the pronouns “they” and “we” throughout the passage is sufficient to show that he never conceived of the Church, the body of Christ,  as remaining on earth during the time of wrath in the Day of the Lord’. In fact what is clearly set forth in the passage is the resurrection of all of the saints after the tribulation. (Comp. Matthew 24: 29-31, Luke 21:26-28). Christian Zionists do not understand the separation of the tribulation and the Day of the Lord.  The period of tribulation precedes the Day of the Lord and is not part of it. The resurrection occurs immediately after the tribulation and before the Day of the Lord, and when all believers in Christ both from the O.T. and the N.T., have experienced resurrection, then the Day of the Lord ensues bringing the wrath of God on the unbelieving world. This crucial error in the theology of dispensational theology creates a complete confusion of the Apocruful books of Revelation and Daniel making them unintelligible because they rest on the false premise that the Church has been removed prior to the beginning of the great tribulation. A further expansion and explanation of these false and confusing doctrines will be covered in the next and final segment of this discourse.

David Lance Dean        blogspot:

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Exposing the Zionist Scfield 'Bible' Part VI

            Accurate interpretation of the Scripture is of supreme importance if we are to discover the truths which the Lord has revealed. Moving forward in our exegeses to recover many of those important truths requires that we take the time and effort to expose the Scofield Reference Bible which has been implemented to effect major doctrinal confusion within the ranks of Christianity.
The subject of this brief discourse brings us to that important passage at Daniel 9:24-27 to correct the distortions found in the Scofield revisions described as Daniel’s ‘seventy weeks’. To accomplish this objective we will need to look at both the Scripture text and the commentary notes added on page 915 of the 1967 Scofield revision of the original King James Version.
            The text begins “seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision of prophecy and anoint the most Holy.(verse 24)   Clearly in view then is a time frame identified as seventy weeks to include all of the preceding descriptive phrases leading us to the ‘anointing of the most Holy’, his crucifixion and ‘reconciliation for iniquity ‘ to be fulfilled in Messiah (the Prince), Jesus the Christ. The ‘seventy weeks‘ are determined as weeks of years with each week consisting of seven years and so then seventy times seven equals 490 years  total according to Jewish reckoning (See Lev.25:10- of the Jubilee).  This designated period is uninterrupted contrary to the Scofied notes where we read ‘the proof that the last week has not yet been fulfilled is seen in the fact that Christ definitely relates the main event to his second coming (Matthew 24:15). Hence, during the interim between the sixty ninth and seventieth weeks there must be the whole period of the Church set forth in the N.T.(See page 915) The authority presented on the Scofield notes is the tradition of the Church Fathers with no supporting Scripture. The erroneous assumption made here is that the Antichrist interrupts the Jewish worship of offering animal sacrifices in the middle of the tribulation and begins to persecute the Jews. This is a total fabrication of the text as evidenced by verse 26 where we read: “And after three score and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself …..This is the crucifixion of Christ occurring in the seventieth week….”And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease by his own sacrifice providing the perfect satisfaction for sin. At the moment of death when he yielded up his Spirit “the veil of the temple was rent in twain from top to bottom…”(Matthew 27:51 ) Signifying that ”Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption of us. (Heb. 9:12)  This is the covenant: “and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week….(verse27)  This is the fulfillment of the promise as concerns the Jews.  This is not some presumed covenant made with the Jews by the Antichrist at the end of the age as is presumed by Christian Zionism and the corrupted notes in the Scofield revisions.
            Let us just track the truth of the ‘seventy weeks ‘of Daniel’s prophecy as it is set forth in Daniel 9:24-27.The promise is for a specified period  of 490 years to be continuous ‘determined on thy people’, i.e. Jewry(verse 24).  Its inception was by a decree issued by Artaxerxes in the 2oth year of his reign, (457 B.C.)(See Ezra, chpter. 7) This was to allow complete provision for the rebuilding of the temple, the city and wall of Jerusalem.  The temple was completed in seven weeks of years or forty nine years.  Another sixty-two weeks expired (434 years) up to the baptism of Christ by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. This fulfilled the ‘anointing of the most Holy’ when the Spirit descended upon him to prepare him for his ministry to the Jews. His personal ministry led up to the crucifixion (3 ½ years). The gospel of the kingdom was committed unto his disciples who were told to take the message to the ‘lost sheep of the house of Israel ‘.  The  remainder and final three and one-half years of the ‘seventy weeks’ determined on the people of Israel was concluded at the stoning to death of Stephen in Acts, chapter seven when he confronted the Jewish Sanhedrin (the seventy elders) with the history of their apostasy and breach of covenant. The gospel to the Jews collectively ended there. The ‘seventy weeks determined’ were accomplished.
            The fabrication of events as set forth in the notes on page 915-1967 revision of the King James Version is simply a further effort to establish a future restoration of Jewish hegemony in Israel and a millennial kingdom with Christ reigning from an alleged throne in earthly Jerusalem. As we move on into the New Testament we will further prove that this has no Scriptural support. It constitutes a significant altering and perversion of the truth of Scripture and sets people up for deception and delusion both now and at the end of the age. I would recommend my title: The Israel deception for a much more complete application of the errors of the Christian Zionism phenomenon which is gaining momentum  through developments in the secular world.

David Lance Dean     The Israel Deception and These Prophets and the Revelation are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.

Visit my blogsite for dozens of related topics:

Monday, November 3, 2014

Exposing the Zionist Scofield 'Bible' Part V

            Continuing with our coverage of the major erroneous commentary additions contained in the Old Testament as has been interpreted in the Scofield Reference Bible we come to that which is referenced as the Davidic Covenant. The prophet Nathan did speak the word of the Lord to King David covered in the text of II Samuel 7:8-17(quoted below in part) . The essence of the communication was prophetic and contained the following key elements of promise:  (David you) have cut off all of thine enemies out of thy sight, and I have made thee a great name like unto the name of the great men of the earth.  Moreover, I will appoint a place for my people, Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more…….Also the Lord telleth thee that he will make thee an house.  And when thy days shall be fulfilled ….I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thine own body, and I will establish his kingdom.  And he will build a house for my name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be his father, and he shall be my son……..and thy house and thy kingdom shall be established forever before thee.  Before examining the fulfillment of this prophetic text it will be necessary to cite the footnotes on page 365—1967 revision of the Scofield Reference Edition. 
            The four points which have been made there under the title of the Davidic Covenant upon which the future kingdom of Christ, “of the seed of David according to the flesh” (Romans 1:3) was to be founded, provided for David. (1) the promise of posterity in the Davidic house; (2) a throne symbolic of royal authority; (3)a kingdom to rule on the earth, and (4)certainty of fulfillment, for the promise to David “shall be established forever”.
            Let us examine the prophetic promises and the Scofield commentary in light of the testimony of Scripture: To begin with it must be noted that David had already been anointed and established to be king of Israel at the time this prophecy was uttered by Nathan.  The earthly kingdom of Israel was to attain a higher expression of glory later when David had conquered all of his enemies and consolidated his power gathering much riches through his victories and there came a point of establishment where David delivered the kingdom to Solomon, and “Judah  and Israel were many, as the sand which is by the sea in  multitude, eating and drinking and making merry, and Solomon reigned over all the kingdom from the river unto the land of the Philistines and unto the border of Egypt” (I Kings 4:20-21). Solomon did also complete the building of the magnificent temple.
What must be realized here is that God’s promises concerning an earthly kingdom, a throne and a house of habitation were completely realized. Dispensationalists under the Zionist influence insist that there is yet a future earthly kingdom to be established geographically situated in the territory described in the I Kings passage. This concept will be found by the testimony of Scripture to be a great deception which has been embraced by tens of millions of evangelical Christians. Let us examine the New Testament Scripture and the ultimate fulfillment of the prophetic utterances of the prophet Nathan.
            As to the posterity in the Davidic house (1 above):”Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and rejoicing unto the end”. (Hebrews 3:6) “Howbeit the Most High dweleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet.  Heaven is my throne…..what house will you build me?” (Acts 7:48-49)  Spoken by Stephen when he addressed the Sanhedrin.
            As to the throne symbolic of royal authority (2 above): Heaven is my throne..(Acts 7:49) “Therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him…… raise up Christ to sit upon his throne, he seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ.”(Acts 2:31-32)
            As to a kingdom on the earth (3 above): “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight…..but now is my kingdom not from hence.: (John 18:36) The book of Revelation speaks in many places of his heavenly throne and kingdom, but nowhere in the New Testament do we see the establishment of an earthly kingdom. There are not two kingdoms of God with one in heaven and one on the earth.  Christian Zionists and dispensationalists have fabricated the concept of a millennial earthly kingdom for Israel.  More will be presented on this subject on later considerations.
         As to the certainty of fulfillment, for the promise to David “shall be established forever”: (4 above): So clearly from Scripture the kingdom of God is an “eternal kingdom”. “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” (II Corin.5:1)
            So the editors of the Zionist Scofield Reference Bible have carefully fabricated further deception using the so-called Davidic Covenant to establish an eternal earthly kingdom for Jews in the geographical and earthly “promised land”. Literally multitudes of Christian Zionists have embraced and are teaching this deception.  Recommended reading is my title The Israel Deception which tracks the truth both biblically as well as the current international Zionist phenomenon.

David Lance Dean              Check out dozens of other blogs at my blogsite: