Tuesday, November 24, 2015

World War III

      International tensions are spiraling out of control.  Recent developments In the Middle East involving ever more countries present some ominous developments which very likely will create the climate and circumstances leading to ever widening conflicts in the region.  Russia has entered the conflict in Syria inopposition to the attacks of ISIS on both Syria and Iraq in their effort to become a dominate force in the entire region.  Clearly ISIS is financed and supported by the US and other western powers in Europe and they additionally receive support from Saudi Arabia. In reality that support is shored up by the international Zionist interests in the region and the ultimate backing and ongoing destabilization of the region has everything to do with Israel and the long term plans of Zionism to establish the emergence of a “greater Israel”  as the center of their ultimate plans for world government. This objective is not generally understood by most as the Zionist agenda is perpetrated through the control of the banking systems in Europe, the United States and elsewhere. The Western powers become he proxy agents of the Zionist agenda via their control of international monetary systems including the Federal Reserve in the United States. A conflict for international power is developing between the West and East as both have designs on ultimate control.
            These developments could have ominous consequence for the world at large for coalitions have been formed representing opposing power structures. On the one hand you have the US and the NATO alliance in Europe which is now receiving opposition from Russia.  There exist other powerful forces in the region who have sided with Russia in opposition to the ISIS attempt to overthrow the Syrian government.  Those additional forces include Iran, Hezbollah and certain Christians from Syria and surrounding countries that are literally fighting for their existence as ISIS would have the intent of their total destruction through the genocide of these alleged infidels.  Understand that all of this conflict has been initiated by US foreign policy backing Israel for there is a long term objective to be gained by Israel using their proxies as a goal of regional destabilization which has been ongoing, non- stop and has included the Iraqi invasion, the war in Afghanistan and the Arab Spring overthrowing other regional countries covering a period of more than a decade. It all appears to be coming to a point of extreme crisis precipitating wider conflicts which will likely involve the larger military powers of the US, Russia, and possibly China.  Iran could also become a formidable participant. There have been provocations such as the downing of a Russian airliner killing all of it passengers and the recent shooting down of a Russian military aircraft by Turkey a NATO partner. Provocations by the attacking of one member of a coalition lead to the support of the entire coalition and its potential military capabilities.  The terrorist activities of ISIS continue as the recent Paris attack killing some 130 people and injuring scores of others. This incident has created a situation of virtual martial law being imposed in France and has precipitated a wider involvement of the French air force in strikes against ISIS in Syria. The entire situation is escalating out of control creating an environment and rationale for all-out war which could very easily become international in scope.  In other words the potential for World War III is an ever increasing possibility.
            All of these ongoing wars and conflicts were prophesied by Christ as he spoke of end time “wars and rumors of wars”.  The prophets of the Lord give us details in the transformation of the world into a system of world government particularly defined and outlined for our understanding in the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation. The scenario portrayed there lead to an understanding of such conflict as to result in the elimination of nation states in favor of regional governments to be ten in number.  The reader would do well to inform himself of the specifics of these developments which are transpiring as we move ever closer to the end of the age.  I highly recommend my title These Prophets and the Revelation which can be obtained through Xlibris Publishing bookstore or on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  You can also receive some very helpful understanding by reading my title The Israel Deception.  Educate yourselves from a biblical perspective of the perilous times which are coming upon the world as the powers of darkness seek to carry us forward into world government.

David Lance Dean                              website: authordavidlancedean.com

                                                                blogspot: theseprophets.blogspot.com

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Internatonal Imigration Fiasco

              I have not posted a blog recently in anticipation of the widely proclaimed and anticipated financial collapse and the global currency reset. These two events have apparently been temporarily postponed by the IMF and Federal Reserve for reasons we do not know but are of significance in the long term planning of those intent upon transforming the world into a global system of international communism. My most recent blogs dealt in some detail with these plans and I was surprised that they were not implemented in the months of September and October. I do very much believe from all of the information I can gather that these events remain on the agenda.
         I will turn now to other developments leading inevitably to the threat of eliminating the sovereignty of nation states and countries as we have come to know them. First, I would mention the Pope’s visit to America and his speech before the US Congress. He had much to say very pointedly about the subject of immigration and how there existed some sort of moral imperative to receive these immigrants arriving in America not only from Latin America but the refugees from the war and strife which is ongoing in the Middle East. The administration is promoting, receiving and encouraging these people from various countries. Many of them could well be not only criminal but have designs to subvert the American people in various ways. Most of them do not have any particular love for America especially those who have arrived from Muslim countries in the region of the Middle East. These massive immigrations are also widespread in many European countries. These refugees present major problems to the stability of any country not only from a cultural standpoint but economically as well as they cost governments large sums of money placing further stress on the already weak financial condition and massive debt of most of the members of the European Union.
             This massive integration into Western hemisphere countries including America and many European countries represents yet another means of diluting the sovereignty of nation states.  This fits comfortably into the Agenda 321 protocols and is not only endorsed by the United Nations but is being actively promoted by them.  Ultimately the goals of internationalism are to destroy the sovereignty of individual nations eliminating the concept of patriotism or love of country and replacing the present order with s system of regional governance.
        In my view the completion of the agenda will not and actually cannot be accomplished without the introduction of yet more warfare which will inevitably involve the very large nations of both China and Russia. The Zionist phenomenon must be carried out on an international scale to bring nations into a state of collapse so that they can be comfortably merged with others in a system which will include ten international regions. World War III in my view is the necessary event to predicate such massive international chaos and suffering to set the stage for this to be accepted by the world’s populace. Clearly by going to the Scriptures we see this paradigm clearly outlined in both the books of Daniel and Revelation. We find the number ten as dominating the prophesies of Daniel both from the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream describing the ten toes of the image and the ten horns discussed in the later visions of Daniel. Also we find the beast of Revelation chapter thirteen possessing ten horns. These are the prophetic precursors to the final stage of world government.  Wars and rumors of wars are ongoing as has been spoken by the Lord Jesus in Mathew chapter twenty four.  A major international conflagration is imminent to provide the environment necessary to divide the world into regions and do away with the concept of sovereign nation states. America’s complete demise is certainly a part of this plan which will result eventually in the merger of Mexico, Canada and the United States into the North American Region of the New Order of the Ages.
         To completely understand these enormous changes as described by the Scriptures you must obtain and read my comprehensive book on biblical prophecy entitled These Prophets and the Revelation and it companion title The Israel Deception. My books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Xlibris Publishing bookstore. Become one who is thoroughly informed and subsequently prepared concerning developing world events which will lead the world into its final form of empire or world government.

David Lance Dean

theseprophets@gmail.com            website:   authordavidlancedean.com