Wednesday, March 30, 2016

America's Election Fraud

            America is currently deeply involved in the recurring election cycle. Much fanfare, expenditure of vast amounts of money, and an ongoing hype is made available through the mainstream media.  These presidential campaigns go on for many months with rallies, debates, town hall meetings, political speeches, endorsements, etc., etc., and millions of people become involved.  Those millions of involved people believe they are participants in the democratic process of electing a leader for the county and they are seeking to have their voices heard in the political process. Americans have been brainwashed and deceived by this process believing that their voice, participation and vote will count in the end for the selection of the president, hopefully the one of their choice. Nothing could be further from the truth as is becoming increasingly evident; but which has also been true for literally decades.  In reality what we have in operation is a two party system consisting of Republicans and Democrats.  This provides the population with the illusion that they have a choice and hence democracy is in operation.  Both the candidates and the so-called political parties are fully controlled and orchestrated at a level much higher than the voter. There is no fundamental difference between the two
            By way of illustration let us take a closer look at the current presidential process. This time around we have a rather unusual situation in that Donald Trump although running as a Republican is not really part of the political sham .He
is independent of the control of the Republican Party by virtue of the fact that he is not beholden to the ‘money powers’ that consistently control the elections with the infusion of multiplied millions of dollars. He is wealthy enough to finance his own campaign and therefore cannot be controlled as are the other candidates.
Therefore, there is a loud outcry coming from the establishment to stop Trump at any cost asserting that he is unqualified and completely unacceptable to them as a possible nominee. The real reason for all of the outcry and his ultimate demise is that he endorses policies which are totally contrary to the agenda of the established political system.  For example he opposes the open border policy and the mass illegal immigration policy of the current administration and also the agenda of those who ae working diligently towards the establishment of a one world communistic government in opposition to the concept of national sovereignty and freedom. For this reason and other proposed policies that he has endorsed in his campaign there is no way that the controlled political establishment can allow him to become the nominee of the Republican Party much more the President of the United States. He must be done away with whatever that may require even to the possibility of his assassination.
            This is not a new development in American politics but has been the manner of control for many decades. If you stand up against the Zionist controlled system it matters not how popular you might be with the public at large. All that matters is that you are a part of their controlling cabal and subservient to their interests and ongoing agenda. Take the Kennedy’s as a case in point. John Kennedy was assassinated because he was challenging the Federal Reserve System and wanted to restore honest debt free money to the American people. He also was going to halt the Vietnam War which was part of the Zionist agenda in moving America forward into the New World Order. His brother Robert Kennedy was subsequently assassinated because the controlled power structure did not want another Kennedy in the White House. Beware Donald Trump as they will do whatever it takes to keep you from the presidency.
                The likely scenario is that when we reach the Republican convention this summer they will ‘change the rules’ in a ‘brokered convention’ to withhold the nomination from Trump.  You must understand that the primaries and caucuses do not determine the nominee. In other words all of the votes of the participants do not count. The party determines the nominee and the so-called delegates are controlled by the party which in turn is controlled by the money powers and political interests of the cabal who supports the ultimate destruction of America in favor of an international system.  You are in for some real surprises before this presidential campaign is over.  The emerging nominee as well as the new president will not be the choice of the people although they may be able to preserve the illusion of an election determined by the people. What we have in America is neither a republic nor a democracy, but rather an oligarchy controlled by Zionist interests and secret societies. Donald Trump is not a member of these societies and is not under the control of Zionism. Do you think this is just a conspiracy theory? Get familiar with the Scriptures. May I recommend for your reading one of my biblically based titles: These Prophets and the Revelation which can be obtained through the publisher’s bookstore Xlibris  In the alternative all of my books are available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Other titles which may be of interest to you are The Israel Deception and Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible. Visit my blogposts for many blogs covering various subjects related to today’s world in light of the testimony of the Bible.

David Lance Dean