It has been my intention to write about this not very
well understood biblical topic for awhile.
There are some complexities involved in covering adequately the subject
which is dealt with in multiple places in both and old and new testaments. Its
chronology, content and most of its details are not readily discerned or
understood in the theological world.
us begin with a definition of terms taken from the Scriptures. “For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be
upon everyone who is proud and lofty and upon everyone who is lifted up; and he
shall be brought low.”(Isaiah 2:12) We see then from this verse that it is
a time of judgement upon all men, and later in this same chapter we come to understand
from the descriptive text and phrases
that its effects are not only upon proud
and evil men but on the earth itself…….”when
he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.” (Isaiah 2:21 in part). So what
would be seen as we go forward is that the Day of the Lord is an all-encompassing
judgement to be executed by the Lord himself as this age comes to
its consummation including the judgement of mankind and the destruction of this
present earth as we have known it
comprehensive and detailed description of this judgment can be found in the
book of Revelation. However, the Revelation also includes some considerable
detail of the period and content of events which precede its execution. This is a period of three and one-half years
identified in various contexts as the great tribulation. Much confusion in
interpretation results from the failure to understand that both the tribulation
period and the Day of the Lord are dealt with in detail in the Revelation and
the text does not necessarily advise the readar of the difference between the
two. These details are only understood
through diligent study to gain a proper interpretation of events and each
separate topic must be discerned through the application of other scriptures in
support both in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament.
very important texts describing the Day of the Lord can be found in the Old Testament
writings of Zephaniah (all three chapters).
The book of Joel also gives us much additional insight but it must be
understood that the writings are given largely in metaphorical terms as is also
true of the accounts of events given in Revelation. A real understanding of
these passages will only be gained through lengthy and diligent study. Almost every commentary which I have read is
distorted by inaccurate conclusions based on false premises and a general
failure to understand the use of metaphor intentionally given by the Holy
Spirit. This I believe to be true
because the Lord did not want this truths and concepts to be understood through
casual reading. They contain mysteries that can only be unlocked through
literally hundreds of hours of study and bringing all of the relevant
scriptures together in comparison and then a study which will bring the
metaphorical language to light in the spirit of the one truly searching for truth.
of the book of Joel is brought to light in the ninth chapter of the Revelation
but it is shrouded deeply in metaphor and defies accurate interpretation unless
the Holy Spirit quickens the understanding.
When this occurs little by little the truths are brought forth and we
can place the relevant scriptures in context with other passages. The scope of
this blog does not allow me the time or space to bring these individual
passages into focus. What I would hope
is that your interest and desire to understand these all important passages
would be heightened and you would be led to order and read my book These Prophets and the Revelation.
you are one who has been exposed to the teachings of dispensational theology
and the corrupted Scofield Reference Bible you have been led into a quagmire of
confusion that needs to be addressed by exposure to the truth. I am going to give you a brief summary of the
time line controlling events and judgments to be executed by the Lord at the
end of the age. Also I want to provide a
few New Testament scriptures to provide an overview that if you wish to study
them out will eventually bring you to clarity of understanding.
general the events to occur at the end of this age are explained by the
passages of Scripture that define the great tribulation. Jesus Christ
prophesied of these in his discourse in Matthew chapter 24 as well as Luke
chapter 21. The length of the period of tribulation is three and one-half years
(not seven years as taught by dispensationalists). The resurrection of all of
the saints will occur after the period of tribulation. Read Matthew 24:29-31
and compare that passage with I Thessalonians 4:13-17 which peaks of the same
event, i.e. the resurrection not the so-called rapture of the church. The resurrection
is clearly after the tribulation. Numerous passages in Daniel and Revelation
confirm the duration of the tribulation as 3 ½ years.
occurrence of the resurrection initiates that period of Divine judgement known
and confirmed throughout the Scripture as the Day of the Lord. This can be seen
after the resurrection in chapter five of I Thessalonians. This will include the judgement of all men as
seen In the twentieth chapter of Revelation. It will also include the judgment
and destruction of the earth itself in favor of the creation of a new heavens
and a new earth (See Rev.21:1-3). Also
quoting from II Peter 3:7-10 we read: ”But
the heavens and the earth which are now, by the same word are kept in store,
reserved under fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly
men. But beloved, be out ignorant of
this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a
thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promises, as
some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any
should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief
in the night; in the the heavens shall pass away with great noise, and the
elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that ate
therein shall be burned up.” A new heavens and a new earth will be created
for and be inhabited by those people throughout the ages who have been
steadfastly faithful and have endured in faith through their lives to receive
an exceeding and great eternal reward.
you are among those who have been caught the theological lie that Jewish Israel
is to reign in an earthly kingdom with Christ then you are in great need of
understanding what the scriptures actually teach. Again may I suggest that you
obtain my book which will give you extensive details of the books of Revelation
and Daniel interfaced with developing national and world events? These Prophets and the Revelation can
be supplemented with the reading of The
Israel Deception. Also for a
complete expose’ of the heresies of dispensational theology I recommend Christian Zionism and the Scofield
Reference Bible The time of the destruction of America is upon us to be
followed by many more developments leading us to the end of the age. The only
hope for the individual is a true and faithful commitment to the Lord Jesus
Christ. An understanding of these
realities and a steadfast faith are necessary to gain an entrance into the
everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ.
David Lance
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