November 8, 2016 is a date that could well be a date
that lives in infamy
quoting Franklin Roosevelt’s description of Japan’s
attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
It is, of course, Election Day in America. The political race between
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is of ultimate consequence for all Americans
and many do not
perceive its massive impact on this once great and
free Republic. Powerful forces
have not only attacked us but have hijacked the Republic and turned
it into first a democracy and then subsequently an oligarchy ruled and
controlled by an international cabal of very wealthy and powerful men directed
by the evil powers of darkness. These
people have been active in the planned destruction of America for decades and
in fact their activities can be traced back at least to the time of the
so-called civil war. These forces support the election of Hilary Clinton.
opposing political phenomenon resisting this criminal cabal has emerged and
become very apparent through a populist uprising in support of Donald Trump.
America is divided between freedom loving people and those who support the
tyranny of ever bigger government deceptively offering them the alleged
benefits of safety and security. In reality and in truth these have purposed to
impoverish, control and ultimately destroy America. This is the agenda for a
new international order of world government which has been referred to and
described as a New World Order. The Scriptures have defined this international
order as the fourth Gentile Empire to rise up and take total control of the
earth and all nations. The details of
this new order can be found in the book of Daniel specifically in chapters
seven and eight and are enlarged upon in the book of Revelation at chapters
eleven, twelve and thirteen. It can be more completely understood in all of its
detail by reading my book These Prophets
and the Revelation.
Returning to the current conflict and the crossroad it represents in
the upcoming election; in which very powerful forces ae operating to destroy
America as a bastion of freedom. This election is central and critical to that
planned agenda. Donald Trump is by no means a perfect candidate as he has his
moral and spiritual flaws. However, he
does in my opinion represent a sincere desire to put in place political reforms
which would return the country to be more governed by the Constitution and the
rule of law. His agenda is diametrically opposed to the plans of Hillary
Clinton who is controlled by the illuminati and other secret societies whose
purpose is clearly to establish a world tyrannical government modeled after
communism. This agenda is undoubtedly orchestrated and controlled by the prince
of darkness himself. It is Satanic in
cause and effect.
the coming days leading up to the election prepare yourselves for some
significant surprises for these dark forces cannot and will not allow Donald
Trump to be elected. The MSM (mainstream
media) is wholly controlled by the same people who endorse Hillary Clinton for
President. Is that not totally apparent
if you watch or listen to their propaganda at all? While they say she is
leading in the polls and there is only a very remote chance that Trump could
overcome that presumed lead, the truth is that he is likely leading in the
popular support of the American public. If this is true he is a total threat to
their retention of power over America and that fact is so significant that it
could trigger a revolution both politically as well as an open conflict with
the corrupt establishment. The establishment is fully aware of this fact and
they will take appropriate action to assure that the election of Donald Trump
will not be allowed to transpire. Many possibilities exist to accomplish this
political coup and I cannot predict what they will precisely be. However, in my opinion some major event will
be orchestrated
prior to the election causing it to be cancelled. It
will be of the magnitude of a national emergency whether it be a ‘false flag’
terror attack as was 911, or a financial crisis resulting in the shutdown of
banks and the equity markets, or a complete fraudulent rigging of the election
itself. I have no specific insights as to precisely what will be used but I do
understand that Donald Trump cannot be allowed to win the presidency through a
popular and fair election by the people.
you are a person of faith and you understand the premises which I have set
forth above then I would urge you to diligently pray (II Chron. 7:14)that this
overthrow of the American government
would not be allowed to happen at this crossroad event of the national election. One thing I a m very sure of is that the
Clinton political machine is very powerful and very corrupt and it is sponsored
both nationally and internationally by some extremely wicked people who are
totally anti-Christian. If she is
elected you can look forward to international warfare. Likely it will be with Russia and/or China.
Also possible in the near future is a complete collapse of the financial system,
and the very real possibility that you will be incarcerated in one of the many
FEMA camps which have been set up and established in various places in the
nation. Christians must have an awakening and an unprecedented revival to stand
against the evils of this coming Antichrist agenda for a one world
government. Hilary Clinton is an
integral part of this Luciferian inspired agenda.
David Lance
Dean website:
Books: These
Prophets and the Revelation,
The Israel Deception, and Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible