Tuesday, October 25, 2016

America's Final Crossroad

             November 8, 2016 is a date that could well be a date that lives in infamy
quoting Franklin Roosevelt’s description of Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
It is, of course, Election Day in America. The political race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is of ultimate consequence for all Americans and many do not
perceive its massive impact on this once great and free Republic. Powerful forces
have not only attacked  us but have hijacked the Republic and turned it into first a democracy and then subsequently an oligarchy ruled and controlled by an international cabal of very wealthy and powerful men directed by the evil powers of darkness.  These people have been active in the planned destruction of America for decades and in fact their activities can be traced back at least to the time of the so-called civil war. These forces support the election of Hilary Clinton.
            An opposing political phenomenon resisting this criminal cabal has emerged and become very apparent through a populist uprising in support of Donald Trump. America is divided between freedom loving people and those who support the tyranny of ever bigger government deceptively offering them the alleged benefits of safety and security. In reality and in truth these have purposed to impoverish, control and ultimately destroy America. This is the agenda for a new international order of world government which has been referred to and described as a New World Order. The Scriptures have defined this international order as the fourth Gentile Empire to rise up and take total control of the earth and all nations.  The details of this new order can be found in the book of Daniel specifically in chapters seven and eight and are enlarged upon in the book of Revelation at chapters eleven, twelve and thirteen. It can be more completely understood in all of its detail by reading my book These Prophets and the Revelation.
            Returning to the current conflict and the crossroad it represents in the upcoming election; in which very powerful forces ae operating to destroy America as a bastion of freedom. This election is central and critical to that planned agenda. Donald Trump is by no means a perfect candidate as he has his moral and spiritual flaws.  However, he does in my opinion represent a sincere desire to put in place political reforms which would return the country to be more governed by the Constitution and the rule of law. His agenda is diametrically opposed to the plans of Hillary Clinton who is controlled by the illuminati and other secret societies whose purpose is clearly to establish a world tyrannical government modeled after communism. This agenda is undoubtedly orchestrated and controlled by the prince of darkness himself.  It is Satanic in cause and effect.
            In the coming days leading up to the election prepare yourselves for some significant surprises for these dark forces cannot and will not allow Donald Trump to be elected.  The MSM (mainstream media) is wholly controlled by the same people who endorse Hillary Clinton for President.  Is that not totally apparent if you watch or listen to their propaganda at all? While they say she is leading in the polls and there is only a very remote chance that Trump could overcome that presumed lead, the truth is that he is likely leading in the popular support of the American public. If this is true he is a total threat to their retention of power over America and that fact is so significant that it could trigger a revolution both politically as well as an open conflict with the corrupt establishment. The establishment is fully aware of this fact and they will take appropriate action to assure that the election of Donald Trump will not be allowed to transpire. Many possibilities exist to accomplish this political coup and I cannot predict what they will precisely be.  However, in my opinion some major event will be orchestrated
prior to the election causing it to be cancelled. It will be of the magnitude of a national emergency whether it be a ‘false flag’ terror attack as was 911, or a financial crisis resulting in the shutdown of banks and the equity markets, or a complete fraudulent rigging of the election itself.  I have no specific insights as  to precisely what will be used but I do understand that Donald Trump cannot be allowed to win the presidency through a popular and fair election by the people.
            If you are a person of faith and you understand the premises which I have set forth above then I would urge you to diligently pray (II Chron. 7:14)that this overthrow of the  American government would not be allowed to happen at this crossroad event of the national election.  One thing I a m very sure of is that the Clinton political machine is very powerful and very corrupt and it is sponsored both nationally and internationally by some extremely wicked people who are totally anti-Christian.  If she is elected you can look forward to international warfare.  Likely it will be with Russia and/or China. Also possible in the near future is a complete collapse of the financial system, and the very real possibility that you will be incarcerated in one of the many FEMA camps which have been set up and established in various places in the nation. Christians must have an awakening and an unprecedented revival to stand against the evils of this coming Antichrist agenda for a one world government.  Hilary Clinton is an integral part of this Luciferian inspired agenda.

David Lance Dean                               website: authordavidlancedean.com
                                                             Blogspot: theseprophets.blogspot.com
                                                             Books: These Prophets and the Revelation,
                                                            The Israel Deception, and Christian Zionism                                                                           and the Scofield Reference Bible


Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Muslim Invasion

There is in full operation an agenda of destruction both in America and Europe. A principle element of this planned destruction becomes very apparent with an investigation of the orchestrated migration of multiplied millions of so -called “refugees” from Syria and areas of the Middle East into the nations of Europe as well as America. This migration of people is designed as an invasion of a religious ideology as well as a political transformation. Looking first at Western Europe we find complete chaos being accomplished against the legitimate citizenry of many if not most of the countries in the European Union. These Muslim hoards fleeing the war and destruction in Syria, Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries are essentially bringing with them crime, the rape of women, political disruption and economic stress to the victim nations of the entire region. It must be understood by all that this plan is designed to accomplish an agenda of internationalism conceived by very evil men who seek to enslave and control the world. It is Luciferian in cause and effect. It is a battle plan to destroy freedom, the sovereignty of nations, economic stability and religious independence in favor of a system of regionalization, a new world monetary system, and ultimately the homogenization of religions into the acceptance of a universal religion. As Christians have been targeted, persecuted and murdered in the Muslim countries of the Middle East so this same persecution will be ultimately brought against those who profess and obey the gospel of Jesus Christ in the affected nations and that will definitely also include persecution in America. Turning to America we see the same phenomenon occurring. Our borders have been opened by Barack Obama, his handlers and supporters. This invasion of so called “refugees” from the Middle East, Mexico and Central America includes people who may be terrorists, criminals, and many who have been indoctrinated to hate America and most certainly Christians. The numbers include also people who are simply looking for a safe haven. Its eventual effect will be increasing acts of violence against and murder of law abiding and freedom loving Americans. The infiltration of those who hold contrary ideologies and religious indoctrination will have the effect of neutralizing and compromising the basic values upon which America was established. Ultimately it will become a bulwark to completely destroy America and will bring severe persecution to any remaining that will stand uncompromisingly on the truths of Scripture and acknowledgement of Christ as the only Lord and Savior worthy to be worshipped and obeyed. The long term purpose is to completely destroy America in favor of an international political and monetary order which will also require spiritual and political compromise. The internationalist’s plan is satanically inspired, totalitarian in nature, and intended to capture and enslave mankind into a system contrived and orchestrated by Satan himself. So who are these agents and purveyors of death and destruction? There exists in the international arena a very powerful coalition and vast network of people who have in essence sold their souls in exchange for monetary riches and power. They have voluntarily given themselves to the god of this world who is able to provide them with the riches and power which they lust after. They network together through secret societies, national and international organizations (United Nations), and they are well established in occult dogma, satanic worship and economic theft. They have hijacked America through implementation of the Federal Reserve System giving them the total control over America’s monetary system. Through their control of fiat “money” they are able to control politicians, elections, media, legislative bodies and even religious ideologies. Their ultimate goal is the complete control of the peoples of the world and a new one world system that will bring a universal religion and worship of Satan through the instrumentality of the Son of Perdition; that is the Antichrist. They are well represented throughout the American political and economic system through multiple organizations including political parties (Republican and Democrat), the major banking institutions, the media and multiplied thousands of corporations. On an individual level we have people working diligently for the destruction of America such as George Soros. He is a multibillionaire sponsoring such groups as Black Lives Matter to promote racial violence and division through implementation of racial conflict dividing people with the purpose of conquering American unity. He has pledged five hundred million dollars for the promotion and advancement of the open borders agenda supposedly to bring “refugees” into the country. The real motive is stated clearly above. Then we have Hillary Clinton, illuminati, Luciferian, hater of Christians and confidant of George Soros and the Rothschilds, She is the planned President of the United States who, if elected, she will continue to promote this agenda of American destruction and world government. The election may be interrupted, cancelled or in some other manner modified as Hillary has some very serious health issues. Also, does there remain some possibility that Donald Trump will be elected?? If there exists any prospect of this occurring beware of a false flag event to delay or cancel the election. If he is elected and he attempts to implement his promised agenda his attempts to govern will be stifled by this world cartel of evil that control monetary systems virtually worldwide. The very sad part of this commentary is that the alleged Christian church lies in a state of not only compromise but outright apostasy so there does not exist a viable body of spiritual resistance to the advancement of evil in America and the world at large. A great revival of Biblical Christianity must occur to counteract and resist the existing spiritual, economic and political forces. The Scriptures speak clearly prophesying concerning a universal government to be established at the end of the age and prior to the return in judgment of Jesus Christ. My books and writings cover these truths in significant detail. But there will certainly come a day eventually after a time of trouble and great tribulation when Jesus Christ will return only for the purpose of delivering through resurrection his faithful people both dead and living from this present evil world and bringing his judgement upon this emerging world order, Satan himself, and all evil men.(See Matthew 24:29-31. I Thes. 4:13-17 and Revelation 11:11-12) website:authordavidlancedean.com Blogspot:theserophets.blogspot.com David Lance Dean Books: The Israel Deception, These Prophets and the REvelation, Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible