This title is selected because I have written
extensively in the past on the subject matter including my books Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible and The Israel Deception. My objective here is not so much to
critically evaluate the doctrinal and prophetic heresies of Dispensational
theology because that is covered extensively in my books. My intent in this
writing will be more focused on the history of its origin, development and
widespread acceptance in today’s religious world. I say religious because its
doctrinal and prophetic conclusions are very wide of the mark of Biblical
truth. It has completely engulphed and compromised that which is identified in
today’s world as fundamentalist Christianity.
theological narrative had its origin with John Nelson Darby (1800-1882) an
Englishmen with certain obvious intellectual acumen for he wrote extensively.
Over several decades he drafted a totally new paradigm for interpreting the
Bible.It came to be known originally as Darbyism but later
after more refinement came to rest in the theological world as
Dispensationalism. He was enthusiastic
about his new doctrines and traveled extensively in Europe to promote
them. He also made six trips to America
and planted the seeds of his conclusions with evangelical preachers in the
1860s-70s. Many were affected and endorsed his teaching including such as
Dwight Moody the well-known evangelist. As a very young convert with no
spiritual or biblical background his theology was accepted by one Cyrus I
Scofield. You will need to get my book to learn much more about Scofield
including his history and character for that is not the subject matter here.We are focusing here on the creation of the Scofield Reference Bible and its long
term effects on the Christian community since its original publication in 1909
and continuing even unto today.
Scofield pursued his ministry from 1879 until his death in 1921. He was awarded
a license to preach only one year after his alleged conversion by the
Congregational Church in Saint Louis, Missouri. After serving there he moved to
Dallas, Texas and pastored a missionary church there for many years. He
formulated his theological convictions from contemporaries who had been
influenced by John Darby. He authored a Bible study correspondence course which
became very popular both domestically and abroad. He developed a desire to prepare
and publish a study Bible complete with massive foot notes and headnotes to
promote his theological conclusions which were increasingly Zionist friendly.
From Dallas he moved to New York where he met and befriended Samuel Untermeyer
a very wealthy and influential Zionist Jewish attorney. They both were members
of the Lotus Club in New York City for many years.
was intimately involved in the budding Zionist movement and agenda which
included in their long range plans the reestablishment of the nation-state of
Israel. He also was closely connected to President Woodrow Wilson and he
actually executed a bribe of Wilson based on the knowledge he had of an
intimate affair involving Wilson. The bribe included a promise from Wilson that
he would nominate a prominent Zionist to the Supreme Court. Wilson kept his
promise later by nominating Louis Brandeis a Zionist Jew and head of the
American Zionist Congress. The Zionists including prominent American and
European activists were able to bring America into World War I using a promise
from England that they would give Palestine to the Zionist Jews if they could
successfully engage America in their war with Germany. They pulled it of
successfully with the American traitor Woodrow Wilson and this resulted in the
Balfour resolution at the end of the war. Now the Jews control what will
eventually become the nation state of Israel after World War II (May 14, 1948).
all ties in with Untermeyer’s relationship with Scofield and his desire to get his
dispensational and Zionist friendly Reference Bible published. Untermeyer also
had connections and influence with Oxford University Press owned by Zionist
interests. A perfect match was formed. The Zionist Jews could ask for nothing
greater than to introduce a Trojan horse into fundamentalist Christianity
favorable to the long term agenda of Zionism (the concept that a ‘chosen’
ethicality is to reign on earth for a millennium). The deal was stuck and
powerful forces both financial and political were utilized to bring the
Scofield Reference Bible to the
market place in 1909. With unrestricted financial backing it went viral among
evangelical Christians and eventually completely infiltrated Bible schools,
seminaries and multiplied millions in the Christian community. The Scofield ‘Bible’ went through several revisions (1917, 1945, and
reached its apex of deception with the 1967 edition.) This, of course was after
the reestablishment of the state of Israel. Scofield died in 1921 so all of
this activity was carried out by the owner of his reference Bible the Zionist Oxford University Press and
its editorial committee. It literally went viral.
The long
term consequences of this gigantic fraud reach beyond comprehension. Heresy
filled the pulpits and seminaries of America promoting a theological paradigm
which completely compromised and neutralized the effect of a vibrant Christian
testimony able to resist the works and deceptions of Satan. Multiplied tens of
millions of professing Christians endorse, support and honor the resulting
Zionist and terrorist state of Israel as a wonderful work of Gad and fulfillment
of Biblical prophecy The Zionists have initiated multiple wars in the Middle
East killing millions including Christians on behalf of Israel and they are applauded
and supported by untold numbers of people claiming to be Christian. These wars
are all about Israel. The apostasy existing in American Christendom owes much
of its condition to the heresies perpetrated upon it by the Scofield Reference
Bible and its Zionist sponsors. Christian reader if you are deluded and deceived
by this fraud please obtain and read my books
where sound doctrine and Biblical truth is clearly set forth in opposition to
the Zionist agenda for word government and the emergence of Antichrist acting
in harmony with and in support of the
Israel deception.
David Lance Dean visit my website: