Moving forward progressively in this seven part series
interpreting the Book of Daniel we are ready to look at chapter ten and the
preparation for what is to follow. It was at the time of Cyrus king of Persia
in his third year. “In those days I
Daniel was mourning three full weeks. I also ate no pleasant bread, neither
came flesh or wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three
whole weeks were fulfilled.” (Daniel 10:2-3). Daniel was deeply in fasting and prayer.
“Then I lifted up my eyes, and looked, and
behold a certain man clothed with linen, whose loins were girded with the fine
gold of Uphaz: His body was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightening,
and his eyes as lamp of fire, and his arms and his feet like the color of
polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude.” (Daniel 10:5-6). Daniel has seen a vision of
the Person of the Lord himself in preparation for the revelations which are to
follow in chapters eleven and twelve of Daniel’s recorded writings. The
description of the person in the vision is a theophany. This description can be
compared to two like descriptions found in the Book of Revelation as
experienced and recorded by the Apostle John. (Comp. Rev. 1:13-15 and Rev. 10:
1). The presence of the Lord had an overwhelming effect of weakening Daniel in
his body and physical state and caused him to fall prostrate before this
awesome Person.
The balance of the chapter is consumed with this
revelation of Christ and its effect on Daniel. Reading the final verse of the
chapter we see it to be a preparation for what is yet to be revealed in the
final two chapters. “….when I am come
forth, lo,the king of Grecia shall come. But I will show thee that which is noted
in the scripture of truth: and there is none that standeth with me but Michael
your prince.” (Daniel 10:20-21) (Compare Daniel 12:1-2 with Rev. 12:7-8 for
Michael’s further role in the conflict).
proceed to chapter eleven and begin a historical chronology which will carry us
forward to the end of days. In verse one we see Darius the Mede being
established and confirmed as king and following in verse two we find that there
will follow three more kings from among the Persians. This in turn is followed
by the conquest of Alexander the Great (Grecia) displacing the Medio-Persian Empire.
After Alexander’s rapid conquest of the region he dies prematurely at a young
age but not in battle. In verse four we see the confirmation found in chapter
eight that his kingdom is divided into four parts towards the four winds. These
four divisions were reined over by Alexander’s four generals.
there begins a chronology necessary to carry us forward to the end of
days. What we will discover is the
emergence of a world ruler who obtains power and dominion through his
allegiance with Satan who seeks to be worshipped universally and displace the
God of heaven. The icon he will use is
the “little horn” of Daniel seven and eight. This will prove to identify the
now relatively small nation state of Israel. Empowered by Lucifer he (the
Antichrist) will go forth conquering and to conquer (see Revelation 6:1). The
immediate objective is to recover the territory designated under the old
covenant as the “Promised Land”. (See my
book The Israel Deception). The further objective is to obtain world
dominion extoling and honoring the god of this world and bringing about a
spiritual apostasy that will result in “all
the world wondered after the beast”(Rev. 13:3). The lengthy chronology in
Daniel chapter eleven leads us up to the time of the revelation of the son of
perdition. Unrevealing all of those preparatory scriptures in the chapter are
not necessary to capture the end of day’s scenario. In my view those developments related to his
revelation begin at verse twenty one in Daniel eleven. But in preparation for
that event which is described in scripture as the abomination of desolation it
would prove more profitable to bring us to focus on developments in the world
at this present time. Yes, we are now approaching the end time’s events which
will ultimately lead us into the great tribulation. That does not mean that
they are likely to be at least a few years yet future in time.
believe the world to be in a stage of preparation and the signs of this include
“wars and rumors of wars” as prophesied by Jesus in Matthew chapter
twenty-four. Also in evidence is the great apostasy spoken of by the Apostle
Paul in II Thes. chapter two. If you focus on the Middle East beginning with the
first gulf war against Iraq this was the
beginning of conflicts in the region. Saddam Hussein was resistant to the
outcome and did not submit to the international effort to destroy his kingdom
and wealth. This fact led to the necessity of a further war that lasted eight
years and the dictator’s death. Also paralleling this war was the invasion of
Afghanistan allegedly to destroy the terrorists that were responsible for the
World Trade Center attack. The ‘false flag’ event of 911 was the rationale for
these invasions but there was in play another agenda. Ongoing conflicts have
been continuous in the entire region including the “Arab Spring” which involved
numerous Muslim nations throughout the same region. Then there was the
overthrow of Gadhafi’s Libya and we witness the ongoing conflict in Syria. Now
there are war drums rattling against Iran which is a hated enemy of Israel.
America is the proxy military power being used in all of the above and it has
not come to its conclusion but will be ongoing until the entire region has been
destabilized by the Zionist cabal which is orchestrating the entire regional
operation on behalf of Israel. Israel is to undergo a military expansion in the
region as we will investigate further in our series on Daniel. The initial goal
is to recover what they believe to be their “Promised Land”. When that has been accomplished the grounds
for the revelation of the Antichrist, the Jews false messiah will be complete.
The fourth beast of Daniel’s prophesies presented in chapters seven and eight will
emerge as an expression of the satanically planned New World Order. This much
lays the groundwork for the next blog which will reveal the true meaning of the
abomination of desolation. Keep your eyes upon Israel as it is not what the
religious world believes it to be.In fact it is the exact opposite of what is percieved by today's apostate church.
David Lance
Dean See my blogs and books