Friday, January 31, 2014

The Revelation

           Comprehending the content and meaning of the final book of the New Testament is a daunting undertaking, which requires many years of diligent study and Biblical research.  Many have searched and attempted to understand and explain its content.  Clearly by the very definition of the Greek word apokalupsis (an uncovering, or to take off the cover--Vine’s Expository Dictionary of the New Testament), it will require the witness of the Holy Spirit, for the New Testament contains deep and hidden mysteries of truth which cannot be grasped by the reasoning process of the human mind.  Without the agency of the anointing of the Spirit of God, the apostle John could not have written down the words of its content.  Therefore, without that same anointing, it cannot be interpreted by either the reader or one who would undertake its exposition.  At this time in history and in understanding God’s dealings with men, an understanding of the Revelation is needed at this time of the approaching consummation of the age.  We are now living in times when a fuller revelation is needed by any who would see themselves as seekers of wisdom and understanding. Further it must be stated as an absolute that any interpretive teaching will include the support of at least one of the other prophetic witnesses.  The Lord has chosen to support, compliment and verify His revelation through the prophet Daniel in a special way, but has also used many other prophets both from the Old and New Testament writings. Do you believe the Scriptures to be the Word of God?  If so, then a searching for their true understanding becomes compulsory upon you.
            As an introduction to These Prophets and the Revelation, this writer has provided these short essays to be scrutinized as containing valuable commentary on subject matter or information relative to that which is covered in detail in the book.  A few brief but accurate statements concerning these revelations become relevant that the reader or inquirer might be impressed that the issues and subject matter have been diligently and thoroughly pursued in order to lend credibility to the more comprehensive exposition of the entire content of the Revelation.
            The Revelation is primarily an uncovering of the person of Jesus Christ.  He is revealed everywhere in the Book to be its Author through the Holy Spirit, and the subject matter of its content in every detail.  Without seeing Him as everywhere revealed as the Judge of this present world, and all of mankind whether living or dead, the pages would be void of content.  The apocalyptic events which occur and described are always expressed in terms of His offices of Prophet, High Priest of the everlasting covenant, final Judge of all things, and ultimately the already crowned King of Kings.
            The Book is shrouded in mystery, for it is a truth that the concealment of truths until the time and appropriate season of removing the cover, is to the glory of God.  Believing that the time has arrived, we would approach the mysteries that are written therein in metaphor and symbolic language humbly and prayerfully.  We come as seekers in order that the Spirit of God might teach us the truths concerning His return and His execution of righteous judgments.  His first appearance was as the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world and mankind.  His return will be as the Lion of the tribe of Judah to judge and to destroy all that is not worthy of His kingdom.  He will destroy this present earth and every element of corruption, which men have propagated, upon His creation. He will create a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness, and He will inhabit His kingdom personally in glory with all those who have loved His appearing and have been partakers by faith in the blood of the covenant that He shed and have faithfully endured the true meaning of the cross of that covenant.
            I will close in recommending These Prophet and the Revelation (Mindstir Media, 2013) available through, or major book retailers.  I believe that you will find its contents and the exposition of the prophetic Scriptures in light of emerging world developments to be an insightful and an edifying experience.

                                                                        David Lance Dean

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