Monday, December 29, 2014

The Man Child

            Certain Scriptures, particularly in the Book of Revelation have been made obscure due to preconceived doctrines which are untrue. Evangelicals in general hold very strongly to the concept of a pretribulational rapture of the entire Church immediately preceding a period of tribulation which they perceive will last for a period of seven years.  It is seen by them as the fulfilment of Daniel’s “seventy weeks” prophecy. The pretribulational “rapture” of the entire Church is the product of dispensational theology invented by John Darby in the mid -nineteenth century and popularized with the publication of the Scofield Reference Bible, the  first  edition having been published in 1909 and experiencing several revisions since then. This was the introduction of dispensational theology which became widespread throughout evangelical Christendom. The question: Is it true? I recommend that you read my previous blog on The “Rapture” Question or in the alternative read either one of my previous titles: These Prophets and the Revelation and/or The Israel Deception. When the myth of the pretribulational “rapture” of the entire church has been completely dispelled in your mind; then the truth of the man child of Revelation 12:1-5 and following context can be understood. This blog will deal with the truth concerning the man child, but you may need to also read my previous blogs on the rapture and “A time, times and a half”. Whether ready or not here is the accurate interpretation of the man child passage in Revelation chapter twelve.
            The first truth to be understood is that the tribulation period is three and one-half years and not seven as is taught in dispensational theology.  This fact can be verified by reading Daniel chapter twelve and several references in Revelation:
(Comp.  Revelation 11:3; 12:6; and 13:5). Nowhere in Scripture is there support for a seven year tribulation.  Dispensational theology has manufactured this doctrine through a perversion of Daniel’s prophecy at Daniel 9:24-27.
            Now we get to a more difficult concept to grasp because most evangelical Christians have been seduced by the pretribulational rapture theory and the seven year tribulation theory both of which are untrue. What we have in Revelation chapter twelve is the catching to the throne of a remnant company of faithful spirit filled Christians (i.e. the man child) who are alive on the earth at the time immediately prior to the onset of tribulation. You may call this rapture if you choose to use that word. The Scriptures say: “And she (the woman) brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.”(Rev.12:6). Identifying the various participants in this activity we find as follows: It should be obvious that the dragon is Satan and in fact the text identifies him definitively at 12:9. The woman is not Mary and the man child is not Jesus as you may have been taught. We are dealing with future prophecy here, not with history. The woman is the church which is living on the earth at the time of the onset of the three and one-half year tribulation period. The sun, moon and stars in the metaphor represent God’s people as is drawn out from Joseph’s dream in Genesis 37: 9-11.   Joseph was an overcomer. He went to the throne as it were, to the very right hand of Pharaoh, and there he became an instrument of deliverance for his family. Who represented all of God’s people at that point in time.  This metaphor must be understood in the context of Revelation 12 in order to gain an insight to what is happening here.
            A remnant from the church that has been found faithfully living by the guidance and fullness of the Holy Spirit are taken up.  Their arrival in heaven precipitated a war in heaven and the ground for direct conflict with the enemy. Satan is cast out of heaven and he comes down to earth with great wrath because he knows he has only a short time (3 ½ years according to the text). “And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives, unto the death.” (Rev.12:11).  The woman representing the remainder of God’s people on earth are taken into a wilderness experience and the persecution of them begins in earnest. Many will suffer martyrdom if they abide faithful to Christ (See Rev. 11:1-12). This scenario is  also explained for us at Daniel 11:32-35. I would suggest you read it in context and on to the end of the chapter. If you look at Revelation 3:10 as concerns the church at Philadelphia (brotherly love) you will see the following:” Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I will keep thee from the hour of temptation; which shall come upon all the world, to try tem that dwell upon the earth.” Christian brothers and sitters there is a war going on!! You have been fed a great deal of false doctrine from the pulpits of evangelical churches. The pretribulational rapture of the entire church before the tribulation is a lie. Many other untruths are connected with this form of theology. My two titles: These Prophets and the Revelation and The Israel Deception will provide you with a complete understanding of end time prophecy. Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc. Many other related blogs and information on the books can be found at

David Lance Dean

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