Saturday, February 21, 2015

America's Captivity

       The country which American’s live in today is no longer the “land of the free”. Most American’s do not perceive at all, or have only some faint awareness that this is the economic, political and spiritual reality. We do not salute a flag or sing a national anthem which represents or proclaims in truth that we are a free people. The Republic does not even exist and has not existed for nearly one hundred and fifty hears. The evolution of our decline and enslavement has a long history.  Few would truly understand the so-called Civil War was really a second effort by the Southern Confederacy to reclaim the freedoms envisioned in the Constitution. It is sold to the students in our government controlled educational system as a war to free people of African ethnicity from slavery. The slavery issue was brought in after the war was well underway to provide a justification for the North’s invasion of the Confederacy after thirteen nation states had succeeded from the union. The United States federal government was imposing unjustified tariffs on the agricultural productive economy in the south. After the war had been won by the federal powers of the northern states the Reconstruction Amendments (thirteen, fourteen and fifteen) were unlawfully added because they were imposed on the Confederacy for its “rebellion”. The previous Thirteenth Amendment disappeared being replaced by new one.  The original thirteenth amendment declared that no one holding a title of nobility (i.e. Esquire—lawyers) could serve as representatives in the federal government. The replacement amendment allegedly was to free the slaves. In reality the Fourteenth Amendment reversed the concepts of freedom by making every one either born or naturalized in the United States a citizen of the federal union. This was completely foreign to the original organic Constitution because prior to the so-called Civil War everyone born in America was a citizen of the sovereign country (state) of their birth.  Prior to the war America was a Constitutional Republic. The war and the reconstruction amendments changed completely the nature of the union of the states. The Fourteenth Amendment also placed upon new “citizens” any ability of rebuttal or denial of their liability for the debt accumulated by the United States. Examine the Fourteenth Amendment some time. It is a real work of enslavement written, of course, in legal ease to confuse you.
            The next step of America’s captivity was its incorporation by an act of Congress in February of 1871. Did you know that you do not live in a country but your citizenship is identified by a corporation, named the UNITED STATES? The new Constitution was put in place at that time which was a corporate charter named THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. The international bankers, that is to say, the House of Rothschild is now back in control. Lincoln was asassinated as a result of his order for the printing of “greenbacks”. Lincoln, of course, was actually a traitor waging war against the free and independent sovereign states of the Confederacy.
            Fast forwarding another fifty or so years we have the Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913 passed through Congress when most members were gone for Christmas vacation. This was orchestrated by a coalition of international bankers including John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan and Paul Warburg CFO of the Rothschild banking dynasty of Europe. These power brokers are all Zionist Jews intent upon complete control of America’s monetary system. They succeeded and now the corporation became a foreign owned corporation.  Move forward another twenty years to March 9, 1933 and the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt (a thirty second degree mason and Zionist Jew) who declared by executive order and succeeded in getting passed by Congress the Emergency Banking Relief Act.  This is the international bankruptcy of the UNUTED STATES, INC. Three months later HJR 192 accomplished the abrogation of gold coin and made it illegal.  Your Constitutional specie (real money) was confiscated (stolen) by the federal government.  To add to the injury you and your property were hypothecated that is to say were seized as assets to secure the bankruptcy debt of the corporation. You were incorporated as an artificial person your name being changed to all capital letters. I.e. JOHN Q. DOE Check it on the label of your latest IRS form or other government related document including your driver’s license.
            When you go into court do not claim Constitutional rights for you have none. The courts are subdivisions of the corporation and operate solely in Admiralty (Maritime) law. If you hire a lawyer you have employed a registered foreign agent, i.e. a BAR member of the British Accredited Regency. He has sworn an oath to the Queen of England. You are a complete captive slave of an international Zionist Babylonian system intent upon establishing a communist one world government.  Zionism is communism. Your only hope is in the redemption and deliverance available through faith in Jesus Christ. Do you have any desire to understand from the Scripture what lives behind the prophetic world developments spoken of by the prophets of God? I recommend each or both of my titles: The Israel Deception and These Prophets and the Revelation.  Visit my BlogSpot for further posted blogs and details.
David Lance Dean

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