Monday, March 9, 2015

Novus Ordo Seclorum

Novus Ordo Seclorum
            Have you ever examined the reverse side of a one dollar bill? And if you have, do you have any understanding of the symbolism of the graphics displayed there? On the left side we find the Egyptian Pyramid of Giza with an elevated “all seeing eye”.  There are thirteen layers of stone from top to bottom on the Pyramid.  To the right of the Pyramid in the center of the dollar it reads “In god we trust” All are part of the Great Seal of the United States. You will note that I have not capitalized the word god.  That is because the one being referred to is not the God of the Bible but rather the god of this world. That is Lucifer represented by the “all seeing eye”.  The capstone is not yet in place because the occult satanic agenda for a one world government is not yet complete. The inscription over and under the Pyramid reads “Annuit Ceptas” and “Novus Ordo Seclorum”  Those words translated from the Latin mean  “announcing the birth of the new order of the ages.” There are numerous other occult symbols on the dollar bill one of which is the six pointed star above the head of the eagle. The six pointed star or hexagon is prominently displayed as a symbol of submission to the authority of Lucifer. You will find it in the domain of the illuminati, the lodges of Freemasonry, places of worship such as synagogues, and it is the symbol displayed on the flag of the nation of Israel. It is a prominent icon of the new age agenda. So what is the common denominator to these symbols and the manner in which they are displayed? A further question is what does that tell us about America’s prominent place in binging into existence this proclaimed New World Order?
            Let’s see if we can connect a few dots.  First of all the world’s elite including some of the richest and most prominent people are generally either Ashkenazi Jews  (not the descendants of Abraham) or goy which are gentiles who have sold their souls for money and power and have been gathered up into their international cabal and brought under their control. These include such people as the Rothschilds, George Soros, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Benjamin Netanyahu, many high ranking officials in the American government including Jacob Lew, Secretary of the Treasury and, of course, Janet Yellen current director of the Federal Reserve.  The involved Gentiles would include people such as Barack Obama, George Bush (Sr. and Jr.), John Kerry and thousands more worldwide.  America is totally controlled politically and economically by an international power structure that actually owns America and all of its assets. So the “money” is Federal Reserve Notes printed and placed into circulation by an international corporation which is not part of the United States government.   So we find that America is not a sovereign country but a foreign owned international corporation.  In collusion with this massive international structure is the IMF, World Bank, all of the major central banks of Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, etc. ,etc. America was captured by the Zionist European bankers once and for all at the time of the civil war.  That ended the free American Republic. It is only reasonable to expect that the “money”, which consists of debt based notes evidencing the debt owed to the international cartel, should bear symbolism and icons proclaiming their god who is none other than Lucifer.
            The iIluminati growing up out of the upper degrees of Freemasonry (32nd and 33rd degree), the various secret societies such as Skull and Bones, Bilderberg group as well as several others is a network collaborating together in full cooperation for a single goal. That goal is to set up a communistic and totally tyrannical one world government which at the very end will be centered in Israel with Jerusalem becoming the capital of the world.(See Daniel 11:36-45) The Antichrist will deceive the nations presenting himself as a messiah with a Jewish identity and credentials and demanding worship. Lucifer is the god of this world and its systems and his ultimate goal is to b worshipped as the supreme god. ”I will ascend above the heights of the cloud. I will be like the most High.”(See Isaiah 14:4 and context) Israel lies at the center of the deception. (Obtain and read my books: The Israel Deception also These Prophets and the Revelation).
            Orthodox Judaism and their law book, the Babylonian Talmud is the guidepost for their agenda and belief system. It includes a worship of Jews themselves as the “master race”, a hatred for Jesus Christ and anyone who proclaims Him to be Lord. They are so adamant in their attitudes of pride and superiority that they regard Gentiles as subhuman animals. Christians are vehemently hated and will suffer death under the Noahide Laws as idolaters when they have finally been able to assert their planned ascendancy to rule the world. (See Rev. 20:4-6). Their religion is basically ancient Babylonian and Egyptian occult paganism. They utilize the Kabballah also which is basically a collection of witchcraft, sorcery and black magic. Sad to say Christian evangelicals consider then the “chosen people”.
            There is a great spiritual war going on in the earth for the souls of men and there is only one safe and secure place to find refuge. That is through a personal faith in Jesus Christ as a propitiation for your sins and then appropriating the Deliverer (Christ) as your own deliverance through the death of His cross from the powers of sin, deception and darkness which control this present evil world.
David Lance Dean                                          blogspot:

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