Friday, June 5, 2015

The Israel Deception

The Israel Deception

            The title for my current blog bears the same identification as one of my three book titles.  The reason for this is that the content of the book is so critically valuable for an accurate understanding of the treatment of the covenants and their fulfillment as they are set forth in the Scriptures. Let me clarify this statement with an overview of the issues examined in the book.
            God made certain promises to his people under the tenets of the Old Testament. These promises are seen and proven to be fulfilled ultimately in the advent of the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ. Additionally he promised them a temporal inheritance and blessing in the “promised land” and those promises are shown in the book and through the Scriptures to have been completely fulfilled.  But because the ongoing blessing and possession of the land was conditioned upon the obedience and faithfulness of the people; we find that they were scattered and removed from their inheritance. These truths are evidenced in the two captivities of Assyria and Babylon and were finalized by the Roman destruction of the second temple and the subsequent scattering of the people from Judah and Jerusalem. How then are we to understand the significance of these events in light of the new covenant in Christ? The answer to this question is critical to our understanding of both the old and the new testaments.
            The thrust of the book was to prove scripturally that all of God’s promises to his people Israel under the old covenant have been completely fulfilled. That truth is again being emphasized here. What we have being taught and preached in today’s evangelical and fundamentalist churches is a subtle and dangerous deception. It turns around the concepts of Christian Zionism.  What we mean by this term is that multitudes of people naming Christ holding the evangelical worldview insist that there is a future millennial kingdom in store tor the natural posterity of Abraham, i.e. national and ethnic Jews or Israel. They would say that the promise of the land was never completely fulfilled to the old covenant people.
This is denied directly by the Scriptures at Joshua 21:41-45 and context as well as at I Kings 4:21. King David recovered and held complete dominion over the entirety of the “promised land”. Such a fulfillment is also completely absent in the New Testament. It is a theological aberration.
            Having laid this foundation let us move on into the essence of the Israel deception. Powerful political and economic international Zionist Jews are well on their way to establishing a one world government or a New World Order, if you will. This effort will ultimately come to rest in geographical Israel for they are led by the teaching of the Babylonian  Talmud ( a Luciferian production) but  also still hold the promise of the Torah for possession of the ‘promised land ‘ for Jewry. This effort will be finalized at the end of the age by the Antichrist in a recovery of the geographical territory. This is proven by the Scriptures at Daniel 11:31-45. Israel is already established as a nation state and it has clear ambitions to conquer that entire area in the Middle East. These plans and ambitions are documented in the Zionist movement sponsored by the Rothschild financial dynasty and their associates and agents. (Kahzarian Ashkenazi Jews).  It did not happen by some presumed promise of God fulfilled in the reestablishment of the nation of Israel. This is the Israel deception and the most critical issue being developed in today’s world. Jesus taught us in Mathew twenty four that there would come upon the world at the time of the end a deception so powerful that if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived. (Please read Matt. 24:23-25). Multitudes of fundamentalist Christians have already been deceived by this lie propagated by the Scofield Reference Bible and dispensational theology in general. The Scriptures do not support a future earthly kingdom for national Israel!!  My only motive is to warn these who have accepted this false doctrine that they are totally vulnerable to the deceptions of the Antichrist at the end of the age by virtue of their false doctrine for he will present himself as the world’s messiah. I highly recommend that you read my title (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.) for your own enlightenment.  I also would suggest that you obtain a copy of my newest release through Xlibris publishing:  Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible. If you read this material you cannot use the excuse that you have not been duly warned of the heresies of dispensational theology and the numerous superimposed notes in the Scofield Reference Bible.

David Lance Dean                                      blogspot:
                                                                        New website: authordavidlancedean

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