Thursday, July 30, 2015

Zionism and Communism

     Today’s world is faced with the consummation of an age old war for the dominion of the earth and the control of virtually all of mankind.
It is not understood by the vast majority of the human race that this war in its very essence is spiritual in nature and involves two entirely opposite and very powerful supernatural entities. They are by identification the Lord God Almighty and his designated Redeemer and Creator the Lord Jesus Christ.  Standing in opposition to them is the father of all lies and deception who is identified as Lucifer or Satan. The man whom God, through Christ, has created and likewise provided redemption stands in between these two opposing spiritual realities. The overriding issue to be resolved is who will be worshipped and who will ultimately have dominion?  Lucifer temporarily gained control over the fallen man when he enticed him to disobey God and thus draw his resource for wisdom and understanding from and by voluntarily submitting to the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. Man was plunged into spiritual darkness and deception and the ground for the war of the ages was initiated for the Lord had to provide an avenue of recovery for the man in order to secure his ultimate purpose for creating the man in the first place, which was to rein and have dominion with his Creator. The conflict is documented in the Holy Scriptures and it is reaching ever closer to an ultimate consummation. The enemy of man’s soul has purposed to gain complete dominion over the earth and control over all of mankind and totally destroy Christ’s crowning creation and eternal purpose in redemption for man.
          With this introduction we need to visit the current world scene closely so that we might gain an understanding based on truth and thus be able to align ourselves individually with him who is the Author of all truth for many if not most have been deceived by the father of lies.       There exists in the world two phenomenon which are very closely aligned with each other.  They are Zionism and Communism. Zionism is the concept that the “Jews” are a people chosen by God who are ultimately destined to rule the earth for at least a millennium. This ruler ship according to them is to soon be consummated in a one world government or New World Order, if you will. A vast number of so-called Christian evangelicals have given their assent to this “Jewish” dominion.
          Communism is a political ideology which endorses the concept that total power and control of a society rests with the state and its political, economic and social centralized governmental system. It rests upon ten planks expressed in a manifesto put together by Karl Marx in the mid nineteenth century. It is a system if tyranny enforced violently and by whatever means necessary to bring its subjects into submission.
   The Zionist phenomenon and movement has an agenda which precisely conforms to the manifesto and it is to be centralized progressively in the nation state of Israel. The “Jews” who are orchestrating the agenda are not really “Jews” as identified by their DNA but a people who originated in the kingdom of Khazaria and embraced through prostelization the Babylonian Talmud of Orthodox Judaism. Their expressed goal is the world dominion we have previously described and according to the prophetic Scriptures their purposes and agenda will be largely accomplished. It will be interrupted only at the very end of the age with the return of Christ (not to the earth) but from heaven to gather his faithful people into his eternal kingdom. (See Matthew 24:29-31). At the very end of the age during a period of great tribulation a false Jewish messiah will make his appearance on the earth as a supposed world savior and humanity in the main will accept and endorse him as a god. I would that you might not be deceived by this master plan of deception and fall prey to your own destruction but that is only possible if you receive and embrace a love of the truth.  I recommend for your reading and further instruction Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible available at major book sellers. It fully exposes the lies and deceptions of dispensational theology.
David Lance Dean    website: and blogspot:

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