Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Death of a Nation

             The recent death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia portends another significant and major event in the planned destruction of America.(See my blog—The Planned Destruction of America at theseprophets.blogspot.com dated 5/22/15). Justice Scalia whose death was attributed to “natural causes” which is more than slightly suspicious since his health was good, his head was covered with a pillowcase when he was discovered, and no autopsy was performed.   Why was his death so significant for America and what would be a motive for foul play?
          A recent Supreme Court decision (February 9, 2016)denied the Obama Administration fuller implementation of his global climate change initiative which is an important component of the United Nations Agenda 21 protocols. Justice Scalia opposed the issue as he remained as one of the last strong proponent of Constitutional government, the Bill of Rights and freedom. Now with his death and the appointment of a new jurist we will see the Supreme Court brought completely under the control of the international agenda. Several of the more recent appointments to the court are very liberal progressives and clearly advocates of the destruction of the principles of liberty. The loss of Justice Scalia is a major blow to America and the freedoms which might still remain.
            America’s inevitably fatal illness becomes more obvious progressively and now almost daily we can witness evidences of its demise. There is no place in the agenda of those who are the proponents and perpetrators of world governance for a sovereign nation of free people. Communism is antithetical to either freedom of the individual or sovereignty of a nation state. This is at the heart of the satanically inspired Zionist agenda to destroy America.  Powerful forces are at work internationally not only for the ultimate destruction of America but to bring about a merger of the world’s nation states into a system of regionalized governments numbering ten worldwide. America is to be merged at some future time with Canada and Mexico into what will be known and the North American Union. An understanding of this reality is gained through knowledge of the prophetic Scriptures. Neither constitutional freedoms nor national freedom will exist. Several significant developments lie between the present deteriorating state of America and the formation of this emerging world order.  Let us briefly review what likely lies ahead for America and the world at large. Much fuller coverage of the subject matter can be gleaned from my recent title These Prophets and the Revelation.
              Economically it is clear and easy to understand that the demise and collapse of the world’s reserve currency the dollar is inevitable and near at hand.            The debt pressures against its continuance are international arising from China, the BRICS coalition and a general international movement away from what has been known for decades as the petro dollar. When the dollar collapse occurs it will bring down America dramatically both nationally as well as the welfare of its citizens individually. There will be the necessity for the introduction of a new international monetary system whether it is to be a new world currency or a system of electronic controls or maybe a combination of the two as the world goes through a period of economic reformation. We are ultimately moving towards a cashless society as the central banks have begun an initiative for the elimination of cash.  This will bring about the power of total control to the dominating political structure eliminating privacy as well as freedom. The Scriptures tell us of this reality in chapter thirteen of the Revelation and it is called the mark of the beast.(Rev. 13:16-18). A system of electronic identification for participating in the world’s commerce will be initiated in the future.
            Also we are now seeing the escalating conflicts between nations occurring
 ever more frequently in the Middle East.  The potential for these conflicts to
escalate into World War III is very real indeed.  Jesus clearly prophesied: “and ye
shall here of wars and rumors of wars,…..for  nation shall rise against nation: and
there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places. All of
these are the beginning of sorrows.”(Matt. 24:7-8).
            This is only a sampling of national and world developments leading us
towards the consummation of all things. We are living in perilous times and the
need is great for wisdom and understanding for there is  a great spiritual war in
progress and the months and years  ahead will only reveal an intensification of
the conflict between the Lord God Almighty and his adversary Lucifer.
            Every person has a need to be informed with understanding from m the
Scriptures.  I strongly recommend that you procure and read both of my titles:
         These Prophets and the Revelation as well as The Israel Deception.
Visit my blogspot for numerous related posts and instructions for procuring the

           David Lance Dean                                   blogspot:  theseprophets.blogspot                                                                               Website: authordavidlancedean

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