Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Woman and the Man Child

                 The subject of this writing has the purpose of bringing a new understanding
to a portion of scripture which has been misinterpreted and completely corrupted. My reference is to the twelfth chapter of the Book of Revelation.  This falls within the context of end time prophecy and it has a connection to a four part series in which I am seeking to cover the subject of resurrection in much detail. We began with Daniel’s prophecy of the ‘seventy weeks’ with the purpose of proving that the prophecy has been completely fulfilled and has no application to the teaching that the final week occurs at the end of the age. This foundation had to be laid for the purpose of proving that there is no pretribulational rapture of the church as is held by those who endorse dispensational theology. The second blog was a detailed account establishing that the resurrection occurs after the tribulation and there is no pretribulational rapture of the entire body of the church.  The text of I Thessalonians 4:13-17 was explained to be the description of that resurrection event when compared with other scripture and not  a description of the so-called rapture. This leads us to our current topic.
            The text in chapter twelve of Revelation describes a great wonder seen in heaven consisting of a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars. This of course is a metaphor which needs to be understood. Where then does the metaphor come from and how do we interpret it? The metaphor is drawn from Joseph’s dream recited from Genesis 37:9-10. From that text we can discern that the sun, moon and stars represent the whole household of God as it existed at that time and is represented by the family of Jacob (Israel). So by application of the Revelation text we can see that the woman along with her offspring represent metaphorically all of God’s people, i.e. the church. We further see that the woman is with child and is in travail ready to give birth. Then the text reveals to us the dragon (Satan)  is operatung through his instrumentality the beast having seven heads and ten horns. This entity is more thoroughly described in Revelation 13:1-2 and we glean from other scriptures  as detailed in Daniel 7:7 & f that this beast in both texts is one and the same and represents the final worldwide kingdom under the control of Satan at the end of the age. In modern vernacular that is the “New World Order” which will prevail universally at the end of this age. Then we see in verse four that the woman is in travail and ready to give birth. The dragon seeks to devour her offspring as soon as it is born. In verse five of the text we read that she “brings forth a man child which is to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child is caught up to God and to his throne.”  We now need to know how to interpret the text up to this point.
            The woman who is clothed in the metaphor is the entire church living on the earth at the end of the age.  She is in the travail of birth for within her resides a people who have been perfected and purified by the workings of the Holy Spirit in them. Through their faithful responses to Christ he has been thoroughly formed in their hearts. We do not know their number. We only know that Christ has been formed in them through their enduring faith.  Thus, this remnant out from the church as a whole is “caught up (to snatch or seize violently, to take away by force-Strong’s Concor.) to God and to the throne.” The preparatory text for understanding this phenomenon is found at Rev. 11:1-2 in the measuring of the temple (the house of God, i.e. the church) finding those who are worshiping  in truth therein in contrast to the court without which is given unto the Gentiles to be trodden under foot forty and two months. This divides the people of God into two spiritual conditions and prepares our understanding as to why a remnant (the man child) is caught to the throne. Then we see in verse seven that the woman (the church) ‘fled into the wilderness’ finding a place which God has provided to sustain her for a thousand two hundred and three score days (the period of the duration of the tribulation).
                This catching up of the man child precipitates warfare in the heavenly realm.
The Lord has procured the spiritual ground through the man child to evict Satan from any access to the heavenly realm which he has retained continuously since the fall of man. “… the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was there place found any more in heaven…..he was cast out of heaven, and his angels were cast out with him.” (portions of verses 7, 8, and 9). “And I heard a loud voice. Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame hum by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony: and they loved not their lives unto the death.” (Rev. 12:10-11).
            We then see the devil as cast down to the earth having great wrath for he knows he has but a short time. “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed (the church remaining on the earth during the tribulation), which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”(Rev.12:17).
            The purpose of this series of blogs is again to clarify and explain the extreme confusion in the church on the subject of resurrection and in the case of the ‘man child’ a translation (catching up of living and faithful saints into the heavenly kingdom) prior to the three and one-half year tribulation.
            A fourth presentment will be made soon to finalize and summarize this study on the subject of resurrection. You would profit to read them all as well as chapter twelve. It is recognized by the writer that this account of the text is entirely new to almost everyone who will read it. Obtain my book These Prophets and the Revelation for an entire exegesis of end time prophecy.

David Lance Dean                                     website:

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