We continue our multiple part series in Daniel with
Daniel, chapter 9 with an in-depth investigation of the final four verses in
the chapter which have been designated as Daniel’s “Seventy Weeks”. This is an extremely important potion of
Scripture because an extended understanding of the eschatology of the Bible
depends upon its accurate interpretation. The precise understanding of the
truth of these four verses stands in complete opposition to the popular
teaching in today’s evangelical churches. After we have interpreted the
passage, verse by verse and phrase by phrase there will be an opportunity to
expose the heresies of today’s apostate churches and the extent to which the
truth of God’s word has been corrupted.
background before moving into the text (vss.24-27) we come to understand by the
early verses in the chapter that the timing of Daniel’s revelation was in the
first year of Darius the king of the Medes. This is significant as it marks the
end of the Babylonian captivity and the beginning of the regime of the Medes
and Persons. The Babylonian captivity
was imposed on Israel for a period of seventy years of judgment and Daniel came
to understand that it was complete based on the words of Jeremiah the prophet.
(See Jer. 25:12). An explanation of the weeks is necessary before we begin to
expound on the meaning of the four verse text. The weeks are weeks of years in
the understanding of the Hebrew law. So one week equals seven years and then by
extension seventy weeks equals four hundred and ninety years (70 X 7= 490) (See
Lev. 25:10 and context). We can now begin to interpret the passage.
weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city.” The prophecy is to extend for four
hundred and ninety years and it concerns only the Jews and the holy city which
was at that time in total ruins. "…to finish the transgression, and to make an
end to sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in
everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to
anoint the most holy.” Clearly all of the above is the work of Christ
in his death and resurrection. His anointing was at the time John the Baptist
baptized him in the Jordan River and the Holy Spirit descended upon him. (vs.24).(See Matthew 3:16-17).
therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to
restore and build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks and three sore and two weeks:
the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.” So
we must have a beginning point to measure the seventy weeks. This is found in
the seventh chapter of the Book of Ezra.
You would find it profitable to read the entire chapter for it is a
confirmation of the fulfillment of the promised event “to build and restore Jerusalem”
This is the essence of the prophecy in verse twenty five and its date of origin
was about 457 BCE by Artaxerxes king of Persia.
It must be understood by the reader that the secular date may be
slightly off because the measurement of time is according to the Hebrew
after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, (This clearly
speaks of the crucifixion of Christ.)But not for himself: and the people of the
prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end
thereof shall be with a flood and unto the end of the war desolations are
determined.” (vs. 26). The city, the temple and the wall were
devastatingly destroyed by an act of God’s judgment on apostate and wicked
people. This was accomplished and executed by the Roman general Titus in 70 A.D.
he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week, and in the midst of the
week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease. To those of
you that have been deceived by the heresies of dispensational theology: this is
not the Antichrist having made a covenant with the Jews at the outset of
tribulation. This is the Lord Jesus Christ,
who having preached the gospel of the kingdom to the Jews for 3 ½ years was
rejected and crucified, but many believed and followed him. In the middle of the seventieth week he was
crucified and by this act of redemption caused all of the Jewish ceremonial law
including sacrifice and oblations to cease.
The vail of the temple was rent in twain. After his crucifixion his
apostles carried the message using the power given by the Holy Spirit to
further minister to the “lost sheep of the house of Israel”. A total of seven
years (one week) was the gospel ministered to the Jews only. Its point of
consummation is found in Acts, chapter seven when Stephen preached to the
Sanhedrin---the council of elders of Jewry. His reward was to be stoned to
death by the Jewish authority thus bringing an end to God’s dealings with
ethnic Israel, i.e. Jewry collectively. The “seventy weeks” was complete at
this event. “…and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate,
even unto the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the
desolate.” (vs. 27). This is the judgment of the Lord on an
apostate and Christ rejecting Israel. It was a complete desolation of their
corrupted religion, their temple, their city and their priesthood. Further
commentary on the passage is made necessary by the corrupted interpretation
assessed by dispensationalists which includes the vast majority of
First we must emphatically state that
the Antichrist does not appear anywhere in the passage contrary to their
interpretation. The phrase “in
the midst of the week he shall cause sacrifice and oblation to cease.”
This is accomplished by Messiah, i.e. Christ who forever put to an end to the
offering of sacrifices. Also the alleged “gap” occurring after the sixty- ninth
week is an aberration. The seventy weeks are obviously an unbroken continuum.
There is no return to ethnic Jewry or Israel after the flesh with the inception
of the New Covenant. Their heretical interpretation of the passage corrupts and
destroys its true meaning. Zionism as it has emerged in the past century is attributed
to the heretical doctrines of the dispensationalists and has corrupted the
truths of Scripture as well as deceiving the people by the tens,if not hundreds, of millions
and it is truly The Israel
Deception.(See my book). A Zionist Trojan horse
has invaded the Church and effectively destroyed it from within the gates
except the Lord raise up a remnant.
David Lance
Dean Find
my three books and numerous blogs at:
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