Friday, November 10, 2017

The Zionist Agenda for a 'Greater Israel'

           The events in the region identified as the Middle East over the past several decades whether politically or militarily are of great significance.  It is likely that these facts are not discerned by most as having everything to do with Israel. The United States has been captured and utilized as the proxy agent for Israel both in its financial support as well as the utilization of its strong military in the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. The passage of the Federal Reserve Act by a small number of the members of Congress in December of 1913 was the vehicle of America's capture.  As was stated by Baron Rothschild nearly two hundred years ago ‘give me the control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws’. The Zionists controlled this transformation of America by gaining control of its monetary system and they retain control to the present over both the realm of economics as well as that of the political.
            Beyond America a more insidious and nefarious plan is in operation under the control of international Zionists. It is that of a one world government centered in the nation state of Israel and being orchestrated by Lucifer to ultimately bring the world at large into a state of deception which will bring worship and honor to himself. While the deceptions are both political and economic the actions are progressive and international in scope. They will be focused in the Middle East.  This is because ultimately it is all about establishing the nation state of Israel as the central and dominant nation in the world with Jerusalem becoming the capitol of the world.
            So who are these Zionists that we are speaking of whom are planning and orchestrating over time this one world government? They are first a cabal and a network of evil people who have sold their souls to Satan and serve him in his agenda to dominate the entire world. A reading and understanding of my previous three blogs on Revealing Mystery Babylon will provide you with some of the information and insights necessary to understand who lies behind developing world events. You will need to grasp fully that their religion is Orthodox Judaism and the tenets of the corruption and evil are found in the Babylonian Talmud and the mystical Kabballah. But included in their nefarious plans are multitudes of Gentiles who have been compromised for the rewards of money and power and nanny who are engaged with secret societies which are ruled by the occult powers of darkness. They have succeeded in the control of most governments worldwide and much of the worlds monetary wealth through the imitation of fiat currencies including the dollar. Chief among these are the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Bank of International Settlements in Basil, Switzerland all controlled by Zionist jews.
            Observing the conflicts, revolutions and wars in the Middle East one should be able to see that this region is being focused upon. Why is that? It is because these wars and revolutions are all about Israel. The Obed Yinon Plan (1982) is all about destabilizing the Arab and Muslim countries and eventually breaking them up by weakening and compromising  them so that Israel may emerge as a regional imperial power. The Zionist plan for world government is in process and progressing in the region and the United States military has plaid a central role. The long range plan is for Israel  to recover all of the territory which comprised the ‘Promised Land” of Old Testament Israel. That territory includes a large portion of Iraq, most of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, present day Israel, Egypt up to the border of the Nile River and the upper portion of Saudi Arabia. The final conflict is described in the last several verses of Daniel, chapter eleven in case you might think this is all conjecture. You would find much more supporting information in my book The Israel Deception.  Also in the book is an extensive treatment of Mystery Babylon.
            The vast majority of America’s Christian community has been completely deceived concerning this Zionist orchestration for world dominance because they have bought into almost totally the concepts of dispensational theology where the Jews are extolled as the ‘chosen people’ and are destined to a millennial dominion over the entire world. This entire false paradigm is totally destroyed by an accurate examination of the scriptures as can be found in my book Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible (subtitle: A critical evaluation of dispensational theology).
            Let us examine a few theological facts. Christ finalized and abrogated all of the tenets of the old covenant of the law when he went to the cross. (!) “Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believeth. (Romans 10; 4).The end of the law means the end of the old covenant in total and introduces a new covenant in Christ where therein is neither Jew nor Gentile. “Know ye therefore that they which are of faith are the children of Abraham.(Galatians 3:7).
           (2) There are no scriptures testifying that Jewish Israel is to reign in a millennial kingdom. This theological lie is projected only by footnotes in the Scofield Reference Bible and those who have been brainwwashed with the doctrines contained therein.
            (3) There is no pretribulational ‘rapture’ of the entire church making a way for God to return to his dealings with ethnic Jewry and Israel after the flesh. The principle text used by dispensationalists in an attempt to prove this is I Thes. 4:13-17. This text is speaking of the resurrection which occurs after the tribulation as is proven by the context. It has nothing to do with removing the church prior to the tribulation.
           Yes, indeed Israel is destined and prophesied to return to a place of international dominance but it will not be by the initiative of the Lord but rather that of Lucifer. You can read about this at Daniel 11:30-45 if you are able understand it. Multitudes in the church have been deceived by reading the notes in the Scofield Reference Bible or by being taught the precepts by their mentors rather than just studying for themselves the content of the scriptures.

David Lance Dean                                      website and blog access at;


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