Once again we see more sabre rattling pursuant to more
warfare in the Middle East. A contrived false flag event most likely
by the CIA or Israel’s Mossed or both to justify a missile attack by America on Syria. How ludicrous and obvious is this charade? Bashar Al Asad is elearly wining his war against the rebels (sponsored by the UJS)and insurgents seeking to overthrow this regime. So it would be insane
on his part to initiate a attack on his own people. Ameica’s ‘humanitarian’ response
to teach him a lesson concerning attacks on innocent women and children is the
presumed logical act to respond with an attack on innocents including women and children.
The reality is that Assad is the respected leader of his country while warmongering America has no respected
leadership because it is held captive by
an international cabal of elitist Zionists
promoting an agenda for the emergence of
a ‘Greater Israel’ at the center of a new world order.
ahead a sort period of time we now have President Trump renouncing the canceling of the nuclear
deal with Iran. Most certainly this is a precursor for military involvement
with Iran—a stanch enemy of Israel. When that scenario comes into full focus
the stage is being set for a full scale international war which will undoubtedly
involve Russia and maybe even China?
Is this total insanity or what?
This conflict with Iran could very likely be initiated by Israel but if
that is the case they will have the full support of America and its military
power. We have yet to see how it will play out,but there are certain key elements
which are supported by the scriptures when you have spent the time to study
what the end time prophesies of Daniel portray.
And those prophesies are supported by tshe Lord Jesus Christ himself and
are further detailed in the Book of Revelation by the Apostle John, if and when you are able to
accurately interpret it. I believe that I have dome that through decades of
study and would recommend that you obtain a copy for as little as $14.95 on
Amazon. The title is These Prophets and
the Revelation.
trying to avoid the massive details of this Zionist agenda let me just
summarize a few points that are completely supported by prophetic portions of
the Scripture. First we would understand by the recorded prophesies of Jesus
that there will be a series of wars and rumors of war. This clearly set forth
in Matthew chapter twenty-four. And the chronology suggests that these are preparatory
in their consequences. The result of the first world war was a resolution by the
government of Great Britain to award a parcel of land to Israel in the area of
Palestine. It is called the Balfour Resolution and it was passed by the British
Parliament in November of 1917. This laid the groundwork in so far as Israel is
concerned for the consequences of the Second World War. A Major consequence of that worldwide
catastrophe was the migration of Jews to Palestine resulting eventually in the
declaration of that region in Palestine as a Jewish state and the birth of
Israel in 1948. Principal to this exodus to Israel was the alleged holocaust
which has some questionable ramifications.
But not to say that it was not uite as it was represented to be does not
square with conventional wisdom. A great deal of propaganda was utilized to
support the premise that it was disastrous to Jewry. By the way the Jews involved were
mostly European Jews or Ashkenazim and not legitimate Jews as in Sephardic as the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This plays a major part in the charade
because these Jews in the main are not Jews at all but imposters hiding behind
the adoption of Judaism based on the Babylonian Talmud or in many cases just secular Jews from many
parts of the world.
preparatory wars and evnts lead us up to more recent times and more recevt Middle East
wars initiated from the false flag event of the 911 Trade Center attacks
allegedly carried out by radical Islam. That turned out to be a convenient cover as the real perpetrators
were the CIA and the Israel Massed. Again it is all about Israel. These wars
included an invasion of Afghanistan and an invasion of Iraq based on the false
fla g of 911 and initiated the ‘war on terrorism’ which is ongoing. Of course
Syria and Iran remain as targets of Zionism and Israel for their intent to recover
total control over the region for the purpose of initiating a world ruler and a
world government under the auspices of Antichrist and a New World Order. End time prophetic events are
being fulfilled and the general attitude of the Christian community is that America
is performing a wonderful blessing for the state of Israel (for surely you know
that they are God’s 'chosen people'--please forgive my sarcasim) in their attacks on the several Moslem
counties in the Middle East. The entire Middle East must be destabilized for the
enemy to finally execute his agenda even if requires a Third World War killing multiplied
millions But America and particularly Christians stand in support of any thing and everthing done in favor of or support for Israel.
David Lance
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