Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Warning: Economic Calamity is Imminent

            The ultimate objective of the enemy of your soul, i.e. Lucifer is to destroy
you by any means necessary. He is the ‘god of this world ‘and as such he exercises a large amount of control over fallen mankind through masterful lies and deceptions. He gained his dominion over mankind in the garden ages ago when through deception he enticed Eve through subtlety to disobey God and subsequently captured Adam by virtue of his commitment to Eve. God was not at a loss because of this spiritual calamity; but rather he not only foresaw it but had already purposed a wonderful plan of redemption through Jesus Christ available to man through and by an unwavering and enduring faith in his provision. He made a promise to Abram whose name was later changed to Abraham that through his seed (singular and not plural) that all of the families of earth would be blessed. (Genesis 12:3 in part). This promise came to rest in the new covenant in the person and work of Christ at the cross as is confirmed by numerous New Testament scriptures. If you have availed yourself of that truth and aligned yourself with it through faith and an enduring faithfulness you have been placed into a spiritual warfare and conflict which will not be completely resolved until the end of the age. So we must understand the progression of that conflict, who is behind it and where we have arrived in history relative to it.
            With these truths as a background we must now delve into the current world scene and discover the working of the enemy as he proceeds through craft and deception to attain to a new world order unifying mankind, which will elevate him into a place of honor and worship for his goal has always been to usurp the place of God and receive the adulation and glory which only God and his son Jesus Christ deserve.
            The fuel that powers the world system is something we call ‘money’. In America we call it the ‘dollar’. In other countries it has other designations, but at this time the currencies of the world propel commerce and governments. In America we were hijacked by the introduction of the Federal Reserve with legislation which turned our monetary system over to a worldwide banking cartel and destroyed the Constitutional specie of silver and gold. This fiat currency is backed by nothing except the faith and confidence of the United States government. You need to understand that the introduction of Federal Reserve notes which we call dollars perpetrated a massive fraud on the people of the United States. The usage of this debt based currency destroyed the sovereignty of the states and the people  and turned complete control over to international banking  interests. After the United States reached a point of insolvency through debt they filed an international bankruptcy on March 9, 1933 and subsequently the passage of House Joint Resolution (HJR 192) gave the government leave to steal the gold and silver specie of the American people in exchange for worthless pieces of paper called Federal Reserve Notes which are a measure of debt and not wealth. Since that time America has operated under the financial control of an international banking monopoly which includes the Federal Reserve system and will ultimaaaately bring the country into financial ruin and then  precipitate the introduction of a new world monetary system. The dollar has been the world's reserve currency since the Breton Woods convention of 1944 but that is destined by design to change soon with the introduction of a universal monetary system under the control of the International Monetary Fund and the Bank of International Settlement in Basil, Switzerland. Once introduced an international monetary system will be the demise of nation states who will defer to be in favor of a one world government. This spells the demise of the dollar and America as we have known it.
            Mayer Anschel Bauer (become Rothschild) said in the nid-eighteenth century “Give me the control of a nations money and I care not who makes its laws”. He and his descendants along with European royalty were successful in gaining complete control over almost all the central banks of the world including America. This results in the control of the politicians and the political systems in all of those subjected nations for they have been bought through greed,  enrichmant and power.
            Their psychopathic design is not yet complete, but certainly is far advanced.
You will need to understand that Donald Trump is not going to reverse this evolving movement for world government but  he is just another helpful advocate of world Zionism. Why do think he has recently advocated making Jerusalem the capital of Israel?  A worldwide satanic cabal that lies behind it all is moving the nations into a unified world government. They are inspired by the  occult Babylonian Talmud and are the advocates of a ‘Greater Israel’ the roots of which are already established in the Middle East through the various wars and conflicts evolving there to the end that Israel will emerge as not only a regional power but a world power at the age proceeds to its consummation. It is not difficult to see its progressive advancement and with an understanding of the prophetic scriptures the end is spelled out rather graphically. First, examine your relationship with Jesus Christ to be sure you are embracing his redemptive work.  Then I would recommend that if you have any surplus funds that you purchase gold and silver coins for the demise of the dollar is not only imminent but closer than you may now realize. I recommend my book The Israel Deception for further enlightenment  on the broader explanation of both secular and prophetic reality.
David Lance Dean           

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