Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Kennedy Assassination

After a day of observing the memorials and main stream media spin on one of the most significant events in American history, it led me to a point where I was almost ready to abandon the idea of writing this blog. 
The memorials and particularly the eulogies and presentation of the Navy men’s Glee Club singing The Battle Hymn of the Republic and other patriotic numbers at Dealy Plaza in Dallas was very effective in the stirring of all of one’s patriotic emotions.  The media coverage of this historic event was designed to bring you to the final and definite conclusion that the perpetrator of the heinous murder of John Kennedy acted entirely alone, and any questioning of or idea that there might be any element of conspiracy involved would be a display of political ignorance not to mention an absence of common sense.
            Having slept on the evidence presented and all of the emotional appeal of the memorials so effectively orchestrated, I awoke this morning with many of the same searching questions that have lingered in my mind through the course of the past fifty years.  I was a young banking officer in November of 1963 when this crime against America and humanity was indelibly imprinted on my mind and conscience, and I have always questioned the original conclusion of the Warren Commission, and the consistent media support of their conclusions.  Searching unanswered questions remain and are not addressed in the rehearsal of the alleged events of that fateful day.  If there was no conspiracy involved why was it necessary to seal a virtual warehouse containing thousands of documents from the scrutiny of the American people, and which evidence remains secretly archived to this very day?  If Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone perpetrator of the assassination based strictly on his ideological conflict with President Kennedy, why was he so conveniently murdered within two days of this very consequential crime?  A further related question would be, how then can there be numerous traced deaths, unaccounted for, of people who may have had further knowledge and information concerning all that transpired behind the actual scene of the crime.  And, finally, who has openly been able to challenge the forensic evidence of the shots fired, the trajectory of the bullets, and the entry points of the various wounds suffered by Kennedy and Connelly, and the removed windshield of the limousine because it had a bullet hole in it caused by a frontal entry point?  Many other questions have remained unanswered.  Oliver Stone’s movie account provided some alternatives, which more realistically might at least begin to explain to some degree the facts of a conspiracy?
            What motives are clearly present for murdering John Kennedy by an international cabal with an agenda clearly in conflict with the actions of the Kennedy administration?  The banking elite of the world have in place a privately owned fiat currency scam which they fully own and control through the Federal Reserve System.
Fact number one:  Kennedy had placed an obstacle conflicting with their monopoly of the American monetary system by ordering the printing of debt free and interest free United States Notes, which had already begun to circulate.  Fact number two:  Kennedy was moving to withdraw military advisors from Vietnam and shut down any possibility of a war involving America in that region of the world.  If John Kennedy would have remained in office there would not have been a Vietnam War, killing over fifty thousand Americans and reeking social and political havoc on this nation.  When Lyndon Johnson became president, he reversed both of these critical directives by nullifying the printing of the interest free money of the United States, and then utilizing the “false flag” incident of the Gulf of Tonkin to justify the ramping up of the Vietnam fiasco that went forward for well over a decade costing America enormous political, monetary, and moral consequences.  We did not win the war in Vietnam, but ended up withdrawing in virtual defeat after the death and maiming of countless thousands of young Americans.
            Like it or not there exists a vast Zionist inspired conspiracy to establish a New World Order.  America must wake up to this reality!  You may read the details of the biblical proof of this agenda in my recent book These Prophets and the Revelation (Mindstir Media, 2013) available at  Each American will need to decide whether a conspiracy was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. For my part, I believe with all sincerity of conscience that it fits very comfortably in every detail into the Luciferian agenda for a one-world government.  The prophets of God in His word have written down the final answers for our instruction.  Understanding these truths is vital to everyone living in America as well as the world at large.

                                                                        David Lance Dean

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