“The rich rule over the poor, and the
borrower is servant to the lender.” (Proverbs 22:7) This immutable principle
has provided the means by which the world elite, who control the monetary and
banking systems of the United States and virtually the entire world, have
enslaved the people.
It is also the
means through which they will accomplish the establishment of a totalitarian
New World Order.
In order to demonstrate this principle and its ultimate goal let us just review its operation in our own country, America. Before we begin with that explanation, let me encourage you to obtain a copy of These Prophets and the Revelation (Mindstir Media, 2013) available at Amazon.com. Your understanding of the words of the prophets of God is vital to your spiritual survival in the coming perilous days.
In order to demonstrate this principle and its ultimate goal let us just review its operation in our own country, America. Before we begin with that explanation, let me encourage you to obtain a copy of These Prophets and the Revelation (Mindstir Media, 2013) available at Amazon.com. Your understanding of the words of the prophets of God is vital to your spiritual survival in the coming perilous days.
original American Republic was captured by the neo moneychangers at the time of
the so-called Civil War. I refer to it
as the so-called Civil War because it
did not conform to a Civil War as would occur internally within a nation state.
The united (note lowercase u as united
is an adjective) States prior to that time was a Republic, consisting of
individual free and sovereign states functioning only in a loose confederation
under the terms and precepts of the Constitution. Only seventeen specific powers were constitutionally
ceded by the States to be carried out by the federal government. The united States were not then a nation and is not a nation today contrary to what you have been led to believe. The incorporation of the UNITED STATES
occurred officially in 1871. The
southern states, at the time of the Civil War, sought jointly to remove
themselves from the compact (by succession) for economic reasons that were not
related to the issue of slavery. The
basic issues were the tariffs and trade control and those details are another
story too lengthy to address in this discourse. The war cost not only 600,000 lives but also
created massive debt. The so-called
Civil War was fought by the confederacy to free these sovereign states
(countries) from the control, overreaching power and economic tyranny of
Washington. They saw it as a second
revolutionary war of independence. This much must be understood before we can
continue and bring understanding to the rest of the story. Forget about the cause of the war being the
issue of slavery. This is revisionist history.
July 9, 1868, the 14th Amendment was entered into the Constitution. This amendment was the destruction of the
American Republic. Its usurping authority caused the dejure (rightful) governments and their people, who were known as the free and sovereign republic
states, to enter into a defacto (unrightful) government that exercises power without being rightfully established. Further federal tyranny was
accomplished by the amendment in at least two significant ways. First, the people unwittingly became United States
citizens and subjected to the jurisdiction of a foreign body politic
(Section 1). Secondly, they (you) were
enslaved as a human resource being made a guarantor responsible for and unable
to protest against liability for the national debt. “The validity of the public debt of the United
States, authorized by law…. shall not be questioned." (Section 4 in part) This necessary foundation is a very brief
history for what was to lie ahead.
UNITED STATES is not a country, it is a foreign owned corporation. Its official status as a corporation was
established in February, 1871, by a corrupt Congress. A further evolution of the enslavement of
America and ultimately the entire world under a New World Order was legislated
by Congress on December 22, 1913, through the Federal Reserve Act. Only a handful of Congressmen were present to
vote due to the holiday season. This
scheme empowered and gave control to another international and private corporation
owned by the world’s banking elite called the Federal Reserve. Later in 1913, the 16th Amendment
to the Constitution was passed which gave you the privilege to pay an “income tax”. On
March 9, 1933, through the Emergency Banking Relief Act, America was officially
declared bankrupt with an unpayable debt to the banking cartel. You and your posterity from birth were secretly pledged as
collateral, along with everything you think you own, to guarantee payment of
the debt to the international bankers—the Rothschild Dynasty and their cronies.
On June 5, 1933, gold coin was abolished as payment for debt (House Joint Resolution 192) and all gold coin was made illegal and
called in (stolen) by the federal government.
The people were given Federal Reserve Notes, evidences of debt, in
exchange for their Constitutional money.
America has been owned internationally and also controlled by the
Federal Reserve for one hundred years while amassing an unbelievable and
unpayable debt. You are paying the
interest on this debt to the international bankers when you file your taxes,
and also signing a statement under penalty of perjury at the bottom that you
are a United States citizen. Meanwhile
the debt has increased exponentially. There is no “money”, only debt. This debt debacle, as well as the dollar, will
soon collapse and the dollar will be removed as the world’s reserve currency. A new monetary system will be initiated, a
global currency reset will occur, and this will ultimately in turn, and over
time lead all into a cashless society. The final “monetary” initiative will involve
the electronic controls of the mark of the beast.
Prepare yourself with
wisdom and understanding by reading, These
Prophets and the Revelation.
Lance Dean
Be sure to check out: The Israel Deception coming in February
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