Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Daniel's Prophesies (Part 6) The Abomination of Desolation

             A spiritual truth which is not at all understood by evangelicals and probably the great majority of those who would claim to embrace Christianity is an understanding of the abomination of desolation, which was first spoken by Daniel the prophet. This subject must be a part of any biblical investigation of prophetic truth because it will play a very important role at the end of days just prior to the beginning of the great tribulation.
              Let us begin our search for this understanding of that prophesied event with the words of Jesus. “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place whoso readeth, let him understand.” (Matt. 24:15). So our understanding of the abomination is necessary by the words of Jesus himself. He has referred us to Daniel to help us to begin to understand the truth of this important prophetic event. Daniel makes mention of the abomination in two passages of his prophetic revelations. First, we find at Daniel 12:11 where we read: “And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred an ninety days.” (Take note that in the King James translation of the Bible that the word sacrifice is in italics which means that there was no Hebrew word to translate. The translators just assumed that the word sacrifice was necessary as they were viewing the Old Testament practice. This is extremely important because it leads to a wrong interpretation of the verse as an animal sacrifice is not in view in the abomination). This verse tells us that the abomination will take place exactly thirty days before the onset of the tribulation which  is 1,260 days, 42 months or 3 ½ years in duration as is established by both Daniel and John in the Book of Revelation (five times in chapters  eleven and twelve). Never do we find the tribulation to be identified as seven years as declared by dispensationalists. Also it becomes clear that the abomination is yet future and not as taught by dispensationalism that it was fulfilled in the past by Antiochus Epiphanes when he is alleged to have sacrificed a swine on the altar of the temple. This is a Jewish fable and has nothing to do with the truth.
            Examining she passage beginning at Daniel 11:31 we read: “And arms (i.e. force or power) shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily (sacrifice), and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt with flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.” At this point the foregoing two verses require interpretation and then we will move to the New Testament book of II Thessalonians to establish its confirmation.
            In view here is the power of satanic deception. The word flatteries means to deceive. The Antichrist will have the power of deception and those who are not in an absolutely committed relationship with Christ (i.e. “such that do wickedly” will be deceived by “strong delusion” that they might believe a lie. (Comp. II Thes. 2:10-11). While those “who do know their God will be strong and do exploits”. The powers of darknesshave not only have the power to deceive, but demonic influence can capture the mind but also the spirit of a person. This is what is in view in the “abomination of desolation”. Jesus warned us solemnly of false teachers and false prophets in Matthew 24 that will deceive many and were it possible even the very elect. This is why we must know the truth and tenaciously cling to all truth. The paradigm presented to us by dispensational theology is a series of lies and is designed to deceive. Israel after the flesh is NOT God’s “chosen people”.  They are the Israel of God, a spiritual seed in Christ. The old covenant has been conpletely abrogated.
            We now need to go to the New Testament and examine the abomination of desolation in light of the truths of the new covenant. For its application is not to the old. “Now by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that you be not son shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter from us, as that is the day of Christ at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there comes a falling away first, and that man of sin, the son of perdition be revealed.  For he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that he is God.” (IIThes. 2:1-4).  Interpreting the above we find the following: First, the coming of Christ and our gathering together unto him, i.e. the resurrection does not happen until after the tribulation. Secondly, the day of Christ refers to the Lord’s judgment to be executed after the resurrection. Third, the man of sin, the son of perdition must manifest himself and be revealed at the onset of the tribulation. Fourth, there will be a great falling away which precedes the revealing of the son of perdition. He will sit in the temple of God which is not a building or physical edifice; although he may also inhabit a rebuilt third temple to emphasize the deception. His entrance is into the true sanctuary, the minds and spirits of  people who are in denial of Christ as well as those who are not abiding in him. “Howbeit, the Most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands as saith the prophet, Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool, what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what id the place of my rest? (Acts 7:48-49).
          The abomination of desolation is a spiritual phenomenon realized when the enemy invades the minds and even the spirits of people for this was intended to be the sanctuary inhabited by the Holy Spirit. It is an entrance to bring worship to himself and ultimately to Satan.It is an abomination which brings desolation.
            Beware all who may have been indoctrinated in dispensational theology because it is mythology, not theology and not truth. You have been deceived by doctrine carefully crafted by the enemy of your souls. Much of it will center in The Israel Deception (see my book). Also all of these doctrines and prophesies are thoroughly covered in my book Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible.

David Lance Dean               See my blogs and books:          

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