the past several weeks I have been occupied with a study in the Book of Daniel.
It has consisted thus far with eight postings during the months of February and
March. To review the February postings all that is needed is to visit and click on February and the March postings are in
the forefront. My purpose in all my writings is to bring wisdom and spiritual
understanding to the reader and to dispel any doctrinal ground the enemy has in
the minds of people that are not true and cannot be supported by the testimony
of Scripture. Sound biblical doctrine will lead us upon the path that has been
set before us to grow in grace and knowledge and be among those who overcome.
Accurate understanding of prophecy leads us towards the sound doctrines taught
us throughout the entirety of the Bible.
The significant teaching of Daniel will have the effect of destroying
heresies and distortions being propagated through false religious systems and
particularly important is the exposure of dispensational theology for it has
captured multiplied millions of those who would profess Christ. In this posting
I am seeking to review several of those heretical teachings which have had the
effect of deceiving the multitudes I have referred to. To the extent that they
are not exposed, revealed and understood they constitute a strong hold in the
mind and lead to one’s spiritual decline and/or even destruction.
My perception is that one of the
principle roots of dispensational teaching lies in corrupting the
interpretation of Daniel’s “seventy weeks”.
My purpose here is not to undertake a complete exegesis of the passage
for you can do so by clicking on February at my blogsite and then clicking on
Daniel’s Seventy Weeks for a complete interpretation of the passage. My focus
here is to state unequivocally that those “seventy weeks” (four hundred and
ninety years) were continuous and brought an end to God’s dealing with Old
Testament Israel under the tenets of the law. Because they were entirely
fulfilled in the first advent of Christ and his ministry to Israel of old and
thus they have absolutely no application to ethnic Jewry or anyone else for
that matter at the end of the age as they dogmatically insist. There is no returning
to the old covenant people to reestablish them as central to an earthly
millennial kingdom. The errors of interpretation of this passage lead to
complete confusion of the scriptures and result in a falsely constructed paradigm which completely
precludes any possibility of rightly interpreting the prophetical truths of either Daniel or
By artificially projecting
Daniel’s seventieth week to the end of the age there is a false attempt to restore national Israel not
only for an additional seven years which
they assert to be the duration of the tribulation; but for the entirety of a falsely conceived earthly kingdom lasting for a thousand years. While Daniel’s
prophesies do not extend to the age to came they make it very clear that there
is no pretribulational ‘rapture’ of the church.
Rather it is clear from the verses beginning at Daniel 11:30 that the
saints who have not been caught up with the man child will endure those days of
extreme trouble including intense persecution and martyrdom. Their doctrine
forces them to a pretribulational rapture of the entire church so that God can
return to dealing with his “chosen people” for seven years to establish the
centrality of Israel for a millennial reign with Christ sitting on the throne
in Jerusalem. When, in fact, Daniel in chapter eleven, following the narrative
of the last sixteen verses clearly establishes that it will be the Antichrist who
will set up his throne in Jerusalem. Read
the text leading up to verse forty -five where that is explicitly proclaimed by
and martyrdom of the saints play a central role in Daniels’s accounts of the
fourth beast to rule over the earth and
the emergence of the “little horn” (Greater Israel). References to this fact
include Daniel 8:9-10 where we read: “And
out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great,
toward the south and towards the east and towards the pleasant lend.” This is the emergence of “Greater Israel” even
now in the planned agenda which has already been proclaimed by its Zionist
supporters. “And it waxed great, even to
the host of heaven and cast down the host and of the stars (the stars
represent metaphorically the people of God as can be established by several other
scriptures) to the ground, and stomped
upon them.”(Daniel 8:10). Cross reference
this to Revelation 11:1-2). Then read
Daniel 11:33; “And they that understand
among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword,, and by
flame, by captivity, and by spoil many days.” “And I heard the man clothed in linen,
which was upon the waters of the river (Christ Jesus established from
chapter ten) when he held up his right hand and his left
hand into heaven, and swore by him that liveth forever that it shall be for a
time, times, and an half (three and one-half years) and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy
people, all these things shall be finished.”(Daniel 12:7). Again this is the period of the tribulation
which is three and one-half years and not seven as asserted by
dispensationalist we see the saints being trodden down by the enemy and the unbelieving.
Instead of being raptured away into heaven before the tribulation as they
proclaim. We find that in fact the vast
majority of the church will not only be subjected to the tribulation but they
will be the principle object of persecutions and martyrdom being executed by
the wicked people in league with the son of perdition.
Something must be said as
concerning the abomination of desolation. It has nothing to do with what the
proponents of this theology proclaim. It I not an animal sacrifice offered on
the altar of the temple by Antiochus Epiphanies at some time in antiquity.
Rather it occurs precisely thirty days prior to the onset of tribulation (See
Daniel 12:11). I will not elaborate on the topic here because I have covered it
thoroughly in a previous blog. But I must say dogmatically that his nothing to
do with animal sacrifice; but it is a spiritual phenomenon first spoken of at
Daniel 11:30 and encompasses a spiritual exercise of power and dominion which
is orchestrated to capture and destroy people spiritually and its author is
Lucifer himself.(See II Thes. 2:1-10).
I want to speak to the necessary cleansing
of the sanctuary as a prerequisite to any person’s entrance into the kingdom of
God. This concept is untaught in circles where dispensational theology and
Calvinism prevail. That results in many false conclusions In their
interpretations. Certainly it results in the doctrine of a pretribulational
‘rapture’ of the church for they have concluded that every believer will be a
participant in that (non-event) regardless of their spiritual condition beyond
an actual spiritual rebirth. This is the Calvinist doctrine of ‘eternal security’
which is embraced by dispensationalists. It is blatantly false and is proved by
Daniel without even examining the New Testament teaching on the issue. Consider the following: “How long shall be concerning the daily sacrifice (no word in the original
for sacrifice), and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary
and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said unto me, two thousand and
three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” (Daniel 8:13-14). The period runs from before the tribulation
(31/2 years) and all the way to the end of the age for the issue is cleansing
of the sanctuary which is the work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the
believer. No one will enter into the eternal kingdom apart from the necessary
purification of the heart. This is the purpose of trial, tribulation and
affliction in the individual life to make sure the vessel for the complete
control of the Spirit. Thus, a pretribulational ‘rapture’ of all of the church
is impossible apart from the cleansing of the inner life of believers, which
negates both dispensational doctrine and also Calvinistic doctrine. This truth
is emphasized again in the text of chapter eleven at verses thirty–one and
thirty-two. “And such a do wickedly
against the covenant shall he (antichrist) corrupt by flatteries (deception):
but the people who do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.” The
entire purpose of the tribulation is to bring extreme difficulties, trials, and
even martyrdom upon people to effect a purification of the heart. “And some of them of understanding shall
fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of
the end; because it is yet for a time appointed,” (Dan 11:35). Dear
Christian your ‘born again’ experience will not provide you entrance into the
kingdom of God. Much more is required. “Wherefore, my beloved,
as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my
absence work out your own salvation with
fear and trembling. For it is God who worketh in you both to will and to do
his good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:12 -13).(emphasis
David Lance Dean See my books and blogs:
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