Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Middle East War Agenda: A "Greater Israel"

             For more than a quarter of a century we have been witnessing perpetual warfare in the Middle East. These wars have always involved the United States either directly or indirectly. They have resulted in the death of millions including thousands of American military people not to mention the further multiplied thousands who have returned disabled missing arms, legs, etc. Does the average American Christian have an explanation for the cause and effect of this massive death and  destruction? Is it believed that this costly death and dismemberment serves some purpose in the national security interest of the United States? Does Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan pose any kind of a military threat to America? It has been designated as the ‘war on terrorism’, but who in fact are the terrorists ,and  reasonably why would we expect anything but terror in response against us if not having been provoked by aggression. Can there be found a reasonable justification for all of these wars of aggressions against foreign sovereign nations?
            I have not posted a blog for more than two weeks and if you follow my posts you know that the last several posts have covered the revelations of Daniel the Old Testament prophet. Daniel tells us a significant part of the story concerning the answers to all of the above posed questions. He takes us prophetically through history and the significant kingdoms which have ruled in the Middle East and then focuses on one final kingdom which is to emerge at the end of days. I have been pondering Daniel’s prophetic words in light of the current developments in the region we know as the Middle East. The reader might consider pondering those writings once again as they are so significant for the days and times that we live in presently and those that lie immediately ahead. There is a chronology of eschatological events brought forward in the last two chapters of Daniel. These writings take us up to and through the very end of days as determined. They include the abomination of desolation, the emerging of the Antichrist, the martyrdom and persecution of the saints, the great tribulation, and his conquest of this very region at the end of chapter eleven. Most of the people who profess the Christian faith fail to really grasp not only the nearness but the significance of all of these events.
            America’s Christians are mostly oblivious to the effects of these cataclysmic events for they live in the delusion that when the end comes they will be marvelously raptured away from any danger or harm regardless of their spiritualcondition. Also, a very large number of them believe that the nation state of Israel has a great and wonderful future with the prospect of national salvation and a kingdom reign that will last for a thousand years. Unfortunately these hopes are mere delusions fabricated from a false paradigm of theology which is not supported in Scripture.
            So looking at recent headline news we learn that there was a poison gas attack in Syria  alleged to be perpetrated by its leader Bashar Al Assad. He was alleged to be responsible for the release of chlorine gas killing many of his own citizens and injuring hundreds more.  This defies common sense for more than one reason. First, he has been winning the civil war in Syria and it would be foolish to instigate such an event because of the known reactions of the world at large including America.  Next, contrary to the propaganda media Assad is neither a tyrant nor a terrorist. He is generally loved by the people of Syria and is very kindly disposed towards Christians of whom there are many in Syria. So this event was a ‘false flag’ perpetrated by others seeking to put the blame on Assad and hold him accountable. When you really understand what the issues are you could likely name the CIA, the Jewish Mossad, or other terrorists or rebels in the area. That cannot be determined because it will be covered up, but it was not Assad or his government. Many people and sources with more direct information than me have confirmed the same.
            The American response given by the President was to launch over one hundred missiles into Syria to punish them for war crimes likely instigated by other controlled people or entities.  This act of aggression provides an alleged justification for the action taken, but falls short of reason when you really understand the position of the American government in relation to Israel. And  also when you understand that all of these Middle East conflicts, wars, etc. are all about Israel. The uninformed public and specifically evangelical Christians are completely deceived concerning the agenda for a counterfeit Israel as we move progressively forward to end time biblical prophecy. The propaganda and deceptions perpetrated by the controlled media and the very powerful Zionist agenda escapes the understanding and perceptions of almost everyone. The emergence of the nation state of Israel is a work in progress and will ultimately be established as  a world imperial power perpetrated by the enemy of all mankind-Lucifer. He seeks to be worshipped as the god of this world and he has used the lies and deceptions concerning the Jews as being the so-called ‘chosen people’ to effectively capture America, its presidents and politicians, its economic system, its educational system, the media and to some extent the internet to foist a vast deception on America and its people. Christian Zionism rules in the evangelical world and they believe wholeheartedly that all of America’s support and promotion of Israel is a biblical mandate. When in fact the American government is totally controlled by the Zionist agenda for a New World Order ruled from a much “Greater Israel”.  You can find all of the details of how this has transpired over time as well as the counterfeit Jews who are responsible for the ultimate outcome in my book The Israel Deception. Reviewing my eight recent blogs on Daniel’s prophesies will also be very helpful. Jesus warned us ‘Be not deceived.’!!

David Lance Dean                 see my blogs and books: authordavidlancedaean.com


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