The global influence of America is huge, probably even beyond our
ability to comprehend it. First, economically as a result of victory in World
War II and almost simultaneously the establishment of the dollar as the world’s
reserve currency at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. America has enjoyed a
place of world financial supremacy up until more recent years. This is
completely paradoxical given the fact that the United States has been
officially bankrupt internationally since March 9, 1933. Everything financially
has been kept afloat and ongoing by the fact that the international Zionist
banking cartel owning the Federal Reserve has purposed to use the United States
as an engine to drive their plans for a one world government forward. These
plans have received a great assist politically by the use of the United States
vast military machine to influence international geopolitical developments. This has become blatantly obvious since the
911 “terrorist attacks”. This” false flag” operation set in motion the
rationale for a variety of Middle East wars, insurgencies and disruptions which
continue. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon, Tunisia and most
recently Syria have all been the object of these ongoing military and political
disruptions. How many Americans actually question or have any understanding of
what lies behind these unilateral and unprovoked interventions and involvements
of the United States in these various conflicts, whether it is directly through
the military or the political manipulations of the CIA as in the “Arab Spring”?
The rationale used is “national
security” and/or the excuse of necessarily fighting their artificially
contrived “war on terrorism”. I believe the answer can be summed up in one
word, Zionism. It is really all about
the protection, defense and promotion of Israel. That is the sum of American
foreign policy in the Middle East, whether political or economic.
I am going to advance
this argument further even in the face of realizing that Americans live daily
under the brainwashing influence of a corrupt and controlled mainstream media.
The media advances the agenda of international Zionism through biased news spin
and propaganda. All of the major
television networks and newspapers are either completely owned or controlled by
elements of international Zionist interests. It is also true that the Israel lobby in Congress
and Washington control the Presidency and Congress to the extent that political
forces and actions are always slanted in favor of the advancement and
protection of Israel. In a word the Zionist
influence of the Jewish controlled international banking cartel headed by the
Rothschild dynasty, also including their associates and cronies. They virtually
own and control America, as they do most of the western world. They own the
bankrupt corporation that Americans believe to be their sovereign and free
country. Yes, the United States is a
foreign owned corporation which has been hijacked and almost no one understands
why it is in such a state of dramatic and ongoing change and decline. The end game is the “new order of the ages” to
be controlled by Zionists and Israel, a one world government. Annuit Ceptis,
(announcing the birth of) Novus Ordo
Seclorum.(New World Order)—See the reverse side of your one dollar bill.
The political and monetary
enslavement of America by Zionist interests has been totally compromised and
exacerbated by the evangelical Christian influence. These people have been
blinded and have little if any understanding of what is actually going on. Multiplied millions of professed Bible
believing people should encompass the spiritual force of resistance to the
globalist agenda, but they have been rendered totally impotent by reason of
their adoption of doctrines which are not supported by the Book they profess to
believe. They advance the theory of a “rapture” which is propagated by millions
of believers, their congregations as a whole. and heir pastors. This doctrine
allows for the escape “rapture” of the “church”, that is, all Christians seven
years before the end of the age so the Lord can continue His dealing s with His
“chosen people”, the Jews or those who they would identify as Israel
collectively. They believe that the Jews are a sanctified people destined to be
converted to the faith and establish an earthly kingdom to be perpetuated in
Israel in the age to come. This results in a blind endorsement of the Zionist
political agenda for they too are completely Zionist in their religious and
political persuasion. So what we have is American Zionism. The support for
Zionism is both secular and religious so there does not exist any spiritually
based resistance from the Christian community to the satanically inspired New
World Order. In closing I would
recommend for your further education my recent title:
These Prophets and the Revelation, Mindstir Media, 2013 available at I am
not anti-Semitic but completely anti-Zionist. God is not a respecter of persons
or ethnicities. If you really care to
find out what is actually going on as has been revealed to us in the Scriptures
by the prophets of the Lord, this is a must read.
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