Wednesday, September 10, 2014

ISIS Iraq Syria and Israel

            As most of the world has been awakened to a new insurgency of radical Islam in the Middle East we are made increasingly aware that the violence of their ideology will inevitably impact so-called western civilization including America. They find in their holy book the Quran the justification for the elimination of all those seen as infidels, i.e. those who do not conform to their ideology.  Now known as ISIS or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria whose objectives are allegedly to establish a caliphate in the region and expand their influence into all of the surrounding Muslim countries.  The composition of the insurgency is primarily Sunni Muslims along with many recruits from Europe as well as the U.S.  Recruits likely also include mercenaries with whom the ideology is not a primary motive for their involvement.  Discovering what truly lies behind the movement may prove to be somewhat different than the agenda reported by the controlled media. Understand that there exists a basic enmity between Sunni and Shiite Muslims and that the government of Iraq under departing Prime Minister Maliki has been dominated by Shiites.  There is now a new government being established in Iraq and although the newly elected Prime Minister Abadi is Shiite he will be taking a more balanced approach to governing the coalition of Kurds, Sunni and Shia. ISIS or ISIL is ideologically in conflict with the Shiite sect of Islam. This dichotomy provides a means for the continuing destabilization of the Middle East utilizing Muslim against Muslim. ISIL theoretically intends to expand and gain domination beyond Syria and Iraq. This then would become the means of exporting violent terrorist activity to the world at large with a particular emphasis on the destruction of America.  Violent acts of terrorism are almost certain to come very soon to America as ISIS continues in their attempts to expand influence and control regionally in the Middle East. As a product of expansion they would become known as ISIL which reaches to the Levant or regional hegemony over Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt.  They would intend to stir up jihad or holy war for as far as their strength of numbers and radical religious doctrines will facilitate. Most certainly this ongoing insurgency in the region will bring about backlash against radical Islam. The current objective is the overthrow of Assad in Syria, establish the caliphate, and control as much of Iraq as their increasing military might will permit. To what extent the United States will intervene remains a question as of this writing?  It is likely that a coalition of nations from NATO will cooperate to address the ISIL threat but there exists more to the story behind the scene that most do not understand and some added explanation is necessary.  In any event this current developing insurgency demands the attention of the world and has very important future ramifications upon Biblical prophecy and end time applications which need to be explored and brought to the attention of those who would call themselves Christian.
            The United States utilizing the CIA is complicit with Israel as it also utilizes the Mossed to play a major role in the manipulation and orchestration of the activities of Islamic terrorists in general. Certainly Al Qaida and no doubt to a large extent ISIS have received the provisions of training, equipment and financing through these covert agencies. This clear allegation may appear on the surface to many to be irrational.  However, when you have searched the prophetic Scriptures to understand the end game of Biblical prophecy you are then able to discern the motives and the long term agenda of the Zionists as they now control the western world including Europe and America.  Then moving beyond that reality the ultimate goal is to establish a world government centered in Israel. But before this plan can become a reality further geopolitical developments must be orchestrated. We are very likely approaching a third world war pitting a western coalition of nations against radical Islam resulting in  further destabilization of the Middle East and making some major changes in  geopolitical configuration. The NATO alliance continues in conflict with Russia over the issue of control.  Crisis in the Middle East is a recipe for World War III. Ultimately Zionist Israel is to emerge and recapture large portions of the Middle East. This scenario remains a puzzle until you have discovered the truth concerning the emergence of Zionism as the consummating factor in world history according to the prophets. I recommend the reading of my two titles: The Israel Deception and These Prophets and the Revelation in order to provide an understanding and accurate Scriptural interpretations explaining the direction and agenda of Zionism in relation to national Israel in these last days. This reality stands in stark contrast to the belief system of the vast majority of the Christian community.  The deception lies primarily in the conventional view of Jewish Israel and the role these people play in end time prophecy. The Scriptures explain it all.  It turns out to be much different than you might think.  Books are available at, and other major book sellers.

David Lance Dean      blogspot:

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