Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Strong Delusion

             There is a key passage found at the second letter to the church at  Thessalonica at chapter  two which provides important insights as to the revelation of the one which Scripture calls the son of perdition.  Said in other terms this passage is referring to the Antichrist who will be made manifest to the world towards the end of the age and just prior to the time of tribulation.
        Let us take a look at the content of the passage and it’s very important ramifications for all peoples dwelling on the earth at that time. Many Christians have been taught that there will be a “rapture” of all who are true believers immediately prior to the time of tribulation and that the Church or the saints will not be affected by the tribulation, but rather that period is reserved for God’s dealings with Israel or the Jews. Is it true?
            Paul is seeking here to cast the light of truth on the event of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the gathering together of all true believers unto Him.  He is instructing them and us as to the order of events which must occur before that return.  He tells them and us that that gathering will not occur before there is a great falling away and that the man of sin (Antichrist) must be revealed. When that event which is certain to come the evil one will present himself as God and set himself in the place of God sitting in the temple. Under the new covenant the temple of God is the inner spirit of man not a building made with hands. So the prevailing issue for mankind in that day will be the issue of deception because he will manifest himself in craft and deceit. There has been a very great spiritual battle raging down through the ages to determine who will gain dominion over the souls of men. This warfare will reach its peak of intensity at the time of the tribulation and contrary to the doctrine espoused by many of those people who profess the Christian faith; .The church will be subjected to this very difficult tine of trouble which is to come upon the earth. We know this not only from the passage but many otters such as Matthew 24:29-31, I Corinthians 15:51-52, and the passage at I Thessalonians 4:13-18 all of which are clearly defining the resurrection and not a “rapture”. The resurrection is after the tribulation.
            Paul is warning concerning all “deceivableness of unrighteousness “for the craftiness  and deceit of the evil one exceeds our ability to discern except one is abiding  in Christ and is quickened by the Holy Spirit.  In the absence of this reality Paul continues by stating that God, as it were, will “send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie”(verse 11). The words of the Lord Jesus confirm the deception speaking to his disciples At Matthew 24:24: “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect”. And Daniel adds at Daniel 11:32: “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt with flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.”
            So we see that to avert the possibility of being deceived for those living at that day living in that day (and that might well include you or your loved ones)Is of the utmost importance.
       . A principle area of deception within the Christian community is the false doctrine that the Jews or Israel are God’s “chosen people”  and there is in the plan of God a restoration of these people in the ancient homeland from which an earthly kingdom will be established with dominion and rule over the nations for a millennium. All of God’s promises to the Jews were completely realized and concluded under the old covenant and the coming of their Messiah, Jesus the Christ. To prepare yourself with understanding you must be established in the truth and be completely aware of this deception.  I recommend my recent title The Israel Deception.
The book is available at Amazon.com, BN.com and other major book sellers.

David Lance Dean        website: thesprophets.blogspot.com

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