Because the person and work of Jesus Christ as precisely set forth in
the Holy Scriptures is the only hope for a lost and fallen humanity it is
imperative for each sincere seeker of truth to examine them for exposure of
what is in fact true. The widely accepted paradigm of dispensational theology
presents a perfect example for investigation because of its wide acceptance as
well as its multiple heresies.
It is
undeniably true that God entered into covenant with Israel and made certain
promises to them including blessing and a temporal inheritance in the Promised
Land. However, what is not understood is the fact that those promised blessings
in order to be perpetuated were dependent upon an enduring faith and obedience.
The record of God’s faithfulness is undeniable in any honest examination of the
Old Testament. The second generation of Israelites under Joshua’s leadership
entered and possessed the Promised Land. (Joshua 21:43-45).
Also, we find that after a lengthy period of
disobedience and apostasy under the Judges there was a recovery under King
David restoring the kingdom. David’s
military victories recovered all of the promised geographical territory and
brought about an extended period of blessing under the reign of Solomon
including the building of the temple at Jerusalem. This begins to be verified
at I Kings 4:20-21and finds further verification in the Old Testament history after
those recovery events. So we find the Lord to be entirely faithful to the
covenant which was also entirely conditional in its nature and content.
Obedience to the law was required and in the event of transgression there was
an elaborate system of sacrifice and oblation to appease a Holy God. As long as
there was a subservient obedience on the part of the people the Lord would
bless and sustain them.
we find even during Solomon’s reign there began to be transgression and
departure from a covenant that was entirely conditional. Solomon set an example
of transgression which resulted in the Lord judging Israel by dividing the kingdom
into the Northern ten tribes of Israel and the Southern two tribes of Judah
each with their separate governments and worship practices. This state of
spiritual decay was progressive over the next three or four centuries of
Israel’s’ history. It was first obvious with the Northern tribes establishing
their spiritual headquarters in Samaria and following a consistent decline
having no righteous leadership at any time after the dividing of the kingdom.
This apostasy grew progressively into Baal worship and was finally judged by
the Lord with the Assyrian captivity about 721 BCE. The devastation and scattering
of the Northern ten tribes was complete and without recovery.
Judah survived an additional 135 years having an occasional righteous king they
too were experiencing a progressive departure and decline from their required
obedience to the covenant. Eventually the Lord brought judgment upon them as
well through the seventy year captivity using Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. These
devastating consequences included the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple
and a complete subservience to the Babylonian dynasty. Through the Lord’s mercy
there was a recovery for a remnant after the expiration of the seventy years.
Daniel received revelation concerning a 490 year time period (70 weeks
consisting of seven years each)
which was to bring to a
conclusion God’s dealings with Old Testament Israel. The temple was rebuilt as
well as the city and wall and this period was to reach a consummation and
finality with the incarnation, ministry and death of Christ. The seventy weeks
prophesied by Daniel were completed when the gospel of their Messiah was fully
communicated to Israel. A new covenant in Christ was initiated by the apostles
and the New Testament reveals that Abraham’s seed was fulfilled in the person
of Christ and the old covenant was abrogated and put away entirely for Christ
fulfilled the law and the prophets.
So let us examine the New Testament revelation which is abundantly
clear in setting forth this truth.
The seed of Abraham which is Christ was set forth that in that seed all nations
should have access to that promised blessing through faith. “Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, of a
truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he
that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” (Acts
10:34-35) “For Christ is the end of the
law for everyone that believeth.” (Rom.10:4) “That is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the
children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.” (Rom.
9:8) “Now to Abraham and his seed were
the promises made He saith not as to seeds, as of many, bit as of one, and to
thy seed which is Christ.” (Gal.3:16)
“But in Christ Jesus neither
circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. For as
many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them and mercy, and upon the
Israel of God.” (Gal.6:15-16).”For as
many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is
neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male
nor female for ye are all one in Jesus Christ. And if ye be Christ’s then are
ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Gal.3:27-29).
“He came into his own (Jesus being of
the tribe of Judah), and his own received
him not, but as many as received him (a remnant from among the Jews did
receive him) to them gave he power to
become the sons of God, even to them who believe on his name.”(John
1:11-12). So is salvation in any way determined by ethnicity or any natural
distinction? The Scriptures are clear. The Israel of God will be constituted
and made up entirely by a people of unwavering faith.
David Lance
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