This posting will be a continuation of Part 2 where we
examined the question is modern Israel a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy? That presentment was a denial of the question
above with a provision of relative facts to establish the rebuttal of the
Zionist view of a restored Israel as an unfulfilled promise of God and the
Scriptures. There is much more to be discovered and my intention is to delve
into those further truths under this heading.
As an aside before we move forward with the topic I do highly recommend
that you obtain two of my books to assist in assimilating the many details of the premise
from a completely scriptural perspective. The book titles are The Israel Deception and Christian Zionism and the Scofield
Reference Bible.
Our argument is that the modern state of Israel is not only a counterfeit
but a subtle deception orchestrated by Lucifer himself designed to capture the
minds and hearts of people whether professing to be Christian or just those in
the world at large. The introduction of dispensational theology some one
hundred and fifty years ago and the subsequent publication of the many
revisions of the Scofield Reverence Bible have been a major source of this mass
deception. The modern state of Israel
founded in the precise location of ancient Israel does have an extremely
significant role to play in end time prophecy. But not in the sense that it is
an instrument of restoration for Jewry to prevail in a future age which the
Scriptures identify as the millennium. The
exact opposite is true. This is that
Israel as it exists today in the Middle East has been orchestrated entirely by
a deceptive and false paradigm that they are the ‘chosen people’ of God and
they have a right of possession as a restored Israel because the “Promised
Land” was given to them by God under the tenets of the Old Testament. We have
before proved that the old covenant was replaced and all of God’s promises to
that earthly people were fulfilled in the Person of their rejected Messiah,
Jesus Christ.
let’s look at recent history revealing what is transpiring today, and what the
prophetic future reveals concerning modern Israel. The land of Palestine was
given “Jews” after World War I via the Balfour Declaration by Great Britain on
November 2, 1917. This was fulfillment
of a deal and promise made by the government of Great Britain to Zionist “Jews”
seeking a homeland if they could persuade America to join them in the war
against Germany which they were able to successfully orchestrate. Give credit
to traitor President Woodrow Wilson. Note that I have placed the word “Jews” in
quotation marks because the in fact or not really Jews according to their DNA
and genecology.They are in fact Ashkenazim which call themselves"Jews" because
they adopted Orthodox Judaism and the occult Babylonian Talmud centuries ago.
They in fact are practicing Luciferians. America’s evangelical Christians have
beam totally duped by their Zionist theology. Thanks again in major part to the
corrupted Scofield Reference Bible gaining a foothold in Christian Bible schools
and seminaries across the land.
forward to current times we can then project forward into the prophetic
Scriptures which reveal the satanic agenda for world domination and the revelation
of Antichrist. Much more detail can be
discovered in my books. Athoroughly documentable agenda is well advanced although not yet complete in the world bath politically
and economically for a NEW WORLD ORDER centered in a “Greater Israel” and its
capitol Jerusalem. Witness the wars and conflicts in the Middle East ever
escalating which were prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 24. The region must be destabilized on behalf of
Israel. The Muslim nations must be compromised sufficiently to allow the
emergence of Israel’s dominance. This means a continuation of these conflicts
as Syria and Iran must be defeated or weakened dramatically. America is the dominant military ally of
Israel for it is controlled both politically and economically by the Jewish
international banking cartel headed up by the Federal Reserve and soon to be
the IMF with the collapse of the petrodollar. America provides the proxy army
and military power to assure Israel’s ultimate victories over the nations and
peoples in the region.
to the future and the consummation of this world government Antichrist agenda
we can go to the Scriptures for our verification. The prophet Daniel is our
chief commentator. The objective of Lucifer and his Zionist counterfeit “Jews” is
to recover the entirety of the territory which encompasses the “Promised Land”
(See Genesis 15:18) from the Nile to the Euphrates. In accomplishing this deception
of the world will be complete. The Luciferian empowered Antichrist certainly
must be the returning Christ. Right? Jesus warned us solemnly in Matthew 24 “Be not deceived.” It would be well for
you to read that text for He reveals much more concerning the tribulation and
end times.
prophecies from chapter seven and forward provide us with all of the keys to
understand the unfolding of events up to and including the period we understand
to be tribulation. We can also discover that the “little horn” spoken of in
both chapters seven and eight is undoubtedly modern day Israel “towards the South and towards the East ant
towards the pleasant land.” Its
existence now is a sliver of land along the Mediterranean. However, Daniel
reveals a future conquest (chptr 11 vss.41-42))which will ultimately
incorporate Lebanon, Jordan, most of Syria, the lower half of Iraq, upper Saudi
Arabia and Egypt up to the Nile River. This is the plan and destiny for a “Grater
Israel” as we come to the end of the age being orchestrated by Lucifer on
behalf of the Zionist Talmudic and counterfeit “Jews”. This deception will be
the greatest of all perpetuated by dispensationalism as they will believe that
this is an act of God on behalf of his “chosen people”. If you are a truth
seeker and you would like to understand these important prophesies contained in
Daniel and Revelation I also recommend my book These Prophets and the Revelation. All of the details are explained
David Lance
Dean website
and blogs found at
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