Monday, June 5, 2017

Dispensationalism's Doctrines of Deception Part 2.Modern Israel is Fullfilling Biblical Prophecy

             This subject is central to the understanding of the false paradigm of Zionism and closely follows on my original post: Are the Jews God’s “Chosen People”? Adherents of Dispensational theology would be adamant that not only are the Jews God’s “chosen people” but the formation of the modern state of Israel was a miraculous   work of God to reinstate them to their rightful possession of the “Promised Land.” And further that they are destined to reign with Christ from that geographical location for a millennium over all of the earth. Let’s examine the truth.
            First it is necessary to understand what the Bible says concerning the Old Testament covenant of the law and its relation to Israel.  It is basic to understand
that the entrance into and possession of the Promised Land was conditioned upon faithful obedience to the commandments and statutes which God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai.  That condition was breached entirely by the generation of Israelites which came out of Egypt resulting in the death of that generation in the wilderness. The second generation was allowed entrance and possession under the conditions outlined in Deuteronomy—the “second law”. That fact which is denied by dispensationalists is verified in Joshua 21 and specifically at verses 43-45. Several hundred years later King David consolidated and affected a recovery over the entirety of the biblically defined inheritance. (See I Kings 4:20-21) So the assertion that the land was never fully possessed is a denial of the testimony of Scripture and is used by dispensationalists to justify the existence of the modern state of Israel claiming it to be a fulfillment of God’s promise. With this truth established we need to gain a full understanding of how modern Israel came into existence.  What we will discover is a masterful deception perpetrated by Satan which has blinded the minds of multiplied tens of millions of Christians.
            While Zionism (the concept of the Jews returning to and possessing their historical homeland) has a long history it came to full fruition in the late nineteenth century with many converging factors. Before tracing those details it is necessary to understand that the “Jews” who have effectively promoted and advanced the development of modern-day Zionism are not really Jews at all. They
are primarily Khazarian otherwise known as Ashkenazi Jews who have adopted a
religious association with the Babylonian Talmud and Orthodox Judaism and not because they  are ethnic Jews descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for they are not actually Jews at all. To obtain the full story of their origins and how this all developed you will need to get my books The Israel Deception or Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible. Room does not permit me to provide the full details here.
            What becomes necessary at this point is that we trace the Zionist movement in the last one hundred and fifty years. John Darby brought his invented theology to America in the 1860s—70s and planted it in the minds of receptive American preachers. One of the early adherents influenced by his clergyman peers was Cyrus Scofield. Scofield preached the doctrines for more than forty years In Bible conferences as well as a very widely distributed Bible correspondence course. Understand that the doctrines are extremely Zionist friendly elevating the Jews as God’s “chosen people” and predicting their return to God’s favor at the end of the age (or they would say dispensation).
           Moving then to the late nineteenth century Theodor Herzl was a Zionist Jew and strong advocate zealously supporting the concepts including the establishment of a homeland for Jews.  He established the first Zionist Conference in 1897 and continued each year with these conclaves until his death eight years later. The movement prospered infiltrating western governments including America. They were able to overturn America’s monetary system with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. This fact alone has placed this international Zionist cabal to take control of America both economically and politically. They gained total influence over traitor president Woodrow Wilson through Zionist counselors among his advisors. They even influenced America to enter World War I aligned with England against Germany and the axis. England’s government had agreed to give Palestine to the Jews if they could persuade Wilson to commit to the war. America entered the war and his led to the Balfour Declaration on November 2, 1917. The Khazarian “Jews” now had a foothold in the historic Jewish homeland.
            The deceptions and craft of these Zionist Jews who are not really Jews at all entered the gates of evangelical Christianity with the broad acceptance of this false paradigm of dispensational theology reinforced by the publication of the Scofield Reference Bible in 1909. They also took captive the American Republic via a fraudulent counterfeit currency controlled by the Federal Reserve. It must be understood by anyone professing to be Christian that these false Jews are the servants of Satan via the occult Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah. Jews began settling in Palestine and this movement grew over three decades to the end of World War II when there was a mass Exodus from Europe to Palestine leading to the United Nations acknowledging that Israel was a fully recognized state on May 14, 1948. Today we see the multiple wars and insurrections in the Middle East all of which are orchestrated by the Zionist controlled Central Banks and fraudulent world monetary systems solely on behalf of a counterfeit Israel.  I will defer from naming the numerous American presidents and Congress people who have been coopted and controlled by these monetary powers having sold their souls for money and power. It is indeed a sad state of affairs. There is much more to be said about modern Israel which lies in the realm of true Biblical prophecy but that will need to wait for another time.  
          The most consequential result is that a vital Christianity has been deceived and apostatized through the widespread acceptance of Dispensational theology and the several corrupted editions of the Scofield Reference Bible.

David Lance Dean                           checkout my website and follow my blogs


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