Monday, January 26, 2015

Measuring The Temple

            Many of the passages in the Book of Revelation seem to be obscure and difficult to understand.  I believe this fact to be one of design initiated by the Holy Spirit in revealing the content of the Book to the apostle John. There are the necessary elements of truth seeking requiring a measure of diligence as well as sincerity and humility in the desire of one to discover the hidden mysteries of the Revelation. Such is the case with each segment within the context of the Book as a whole. Recently I posted a blog on the “man child” 0f Revelation 12:5.  In direct conjunction with it is this treatment of “measuring the temple”.  You would find that posting to be helpful in beginning to put things together that must go together and coming to an overall understanding happens incrementally, not all at once. Also, “The Rapture Question”? explains more important concepts.   Also recommended reading is the title: These Prophets and the Revelation available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.
                The subject matter in view here is found at Revelation 11:1-2.  As a prerequisite to making any sense of this treatment as well as the “man child” you will have necessarily needed to have escaped the erroneous teaching of evangelical fundamentalism as concerns the pretribulational “rapture” of the entire church. So with that being said let us go forward with this text in Revelation, chapter 11. John is experiencing a progressive revelation here from the Angel revealed in the early verses of chapter ten. That Angel (messenger) in my view is Jesus Christ as can be shown by the description given there and other Scriptures in Revelation (chapter 1) as well as the O.T. Book of Daniel.  (chapter 10)  In view in the passage is the issue of measuring the temple of God. We must   understand that the temple of God under the New Covenant is his people. “What? Know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which dells in you? (I Cor.6:19)  We are held to account by that Spirit which dwells in us and “all things are naked and exposed unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.”(Hebrews 4:13) John is given a measuring instrument and told to measure the temple, i. e. the people of God.  The criteria of measurement is whether or not they are e worshipping “in the temple of God, and the alter, and them that worship therein.” “(vs.1) “But the court which is without the temple leave out, for it is given to the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.”(vs. 2) What does this mean?  Extrapolating from the “man child” being caught to the throne immediately before the beginning of the great tribulation; we find this measuring as the prerequisite to that end time event. All who are in reality in a right relationship of worship and humility before the Lord will be counted (measured) with the “man child”.  The tribulation period is three and on-half years in duration, and not seven as taught by the majority of evangelicals. Those in the “outer court “are believers.  However they, at that point in time, are falling short in their measure of commitment and devotion to Christ. The consequence is that they will be trodden under foot by the Gentile world system under the direction of the Antichrist suffering persecution and martyrdom for the forty and two month duration of the tribulation. But at the same time, in their awakened and repentant state “clothed in sackcloth” (vs.3) they will carry the gospel of the kingdom in power to the whole world. Jesus declared it to be so at Matthew 24:14. Yes, the larger body of Christ will endure the tribulation contrary to the popular teaching of today’s apostate church. Those who have been deeply exercised by the Holy Spirt will engage the enemy in the heavenly realm resulting tin Satan being cast out of heaven to the earth, which precipitates the tribulation period.(See Revelation 12:7-11)
            The people of the Lord need to be wholeheartedly focused on the high calling in Christ  Jesus to fulfill His purpose which is seen at Ephesians 4:13-15: “Till we all came in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried abut with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.”(emphasis added)

David Lance Dean


Published books: These Prophets and the Revelation, and The Israel Deception

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Six Pointed Star

            There is a symbol, an icon, if you will which finds a wide recognition in the realm of the doctrines and ideology of occult theosophy. That symbol is the six pointed star.  Its prominence is extremely significant and wherever it is found a statement of alliance to a fundamental worldview is being expressed. In viewing the symbol we find a composition in its construction of three sixes being   distinctly expressed. Imagine it in your mind’s eye and take note of the existence of the six distinct points, the six equilateral triangles which it displays, and finally the six interfacing lines in its interior forming a hexagon. If you have difficulty in visualizing it in your mind think of the national flag of Israel.
            If we were to examine the Scriptures with careful scrutiny the significance of this triple six might begin to arrest our attention. We would find among other things that six is the number of man going all the way back to the creation. When the Lord God Almighty created man he was to fulfill a predetermined destiny in the plan and purpose of God. Originally that purpose was bound up in a cooperative effort with the Lord God to subdue the earth and take dominion over it.  God’s plan was interrupted by the subtlety of the serpent representing Lucifer and he was able through deception and using the weaker vessel of the woman to gain an advantage over Adam.  For the woman was deceived in partaking of the forbidden fruit but the man partook willingly in defiance of God and in compliance with his relationship with the woman. Instruction and warning were given that it would result in death both spiritually and ultimately physically. Other significant and long lasting consequences ensued which were then destined to play out over time. A plan of redemption had to be implemented in order to satisfy the righteousness of God and at the same time recover the man so that the original purpose and plan of God could be accomplished.  That redemption and recovery was bound up in the person of God’s only Son, Jesus the Christ. He accepted the consequences of man’s sin and paid the just recompense with his death on the cross.  Thus He provided propitiation not only as means of redemption, but also as a means of deliverance as well.  For whosever willingly determines to realign themselves with the plan of God‘s provision may come by faith and experience restoration.
            We have departed from the original topic to lay a necessary foundation for the purpose of comprehending the conflict that has been ongoing for some six thousand years over the issue of who will retain dominion over the man and thus over the world. There is a great and continuing war and conflict for the express purpose of resolving that issue. Will man yet choose the fruit of the tree of life or will he be content to live from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? If he chooses the latter he will most certainly perish.
            Satan finds his advocates and allies among those who willfully choose to live their lives by drawing their wisdom from the tee of the knowledge of good and evil. In so doing they assume the position of retaining their independence and fail to enter into the purpose of God.  Satan has devised a system to occupy and capture them. It is based on lies and deceit expressing itself in witchcraft, sorcery and hidden secrecy. Within this realm of hidden wisdom are secret oaths, ceremonies, incantations, initiations and iconic symbols which attach to supernatural manifestations. The hexagon is significantly connected to these mystical practices. The hexagram invokes the presence and deceptive manifestations of demonic activity and it is therefore an important weapon used to capture, deceive and bring spiritual destruction into the lives of his captives. The word hex is the prefix, which means to invoke a curse. Also the operation of the three sixes is spoken of in the Scriptures as the mark or marque of satanic activity. “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man: and the number is six hundred and threescore and six.” (i.e. 666) (Rev. 13:18).It will be used at the very end of the age to trap and capture people based on their need to buy and sell.

            Other prominent displays of the hexagon include places of religious assembly including synagogues, many so-called Christian churches, the lodges of secret societies including Freemasonry, and any other location to invoke the powers of darkness.  How significant is it that the alleged “Star of David”, the six pointed star, was chosen in 1897 to represent the Zionist movement to restore Israel to its alleged  “ homeland “and lay claim to that territory? It is displayed prominently on edifices related to this international effort to restore Israel.  It is on the shield of the Rothschild dynasty, and last but not least it became the icon chosen for the national flag of Israel. Scripturally it has origins in ancient Egyptian mysticism which goes back much further in history that the time of King David. Stephen cites its occult usage in the Luciferian worship of Israel when they came out of Egypt. ”Yea, you took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.” (Acts 7:43) These words were spoken as Stephen addressed the Sanhedrin; the Jewish council of seventy in rebuke of their apostasy. Where does that leave modern day Israel? Are they the “chosen people” of God as many Christians believe or are they the instrument of Luceferian deception to establish a one World government? Read my book The Israel Deception            .David Lance Dean