Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Message to the Church

       By Scriptural definition the church is a body of sincere believers in Jesus Christ who have embraced his teachings and those of his messengers as they are set forth in the inspired texts of the Bible. So the message contained in this writing is the same as at other times including my three published books.  We are admonished in the book of Hebrews ‘to exhort one another daily while it is called today; lest any be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin’.(Hebrews 3:13 KJV) A cursory examination of that body of people we would expect to reflect in testimony the teachings of the Scriptures will certainly bring one to the conclusion that the message of the new testament has gone awry. The clear admonition is ‘That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.(Ephesians 4:12 KJV)   Is it not clear to all that this is precisely what we have today in the broad spectrum of people and denominations who would claim to be Christian?  The conclusion to be arrived at from the sectarian condition of those who would profess to be Christian can only be that there has been a decisive departure form the teachings of Scripture leading to apostasy.  The further result is that there is in America today almost no vital testimony as  being embodied in Jesus Christ as ‘the way, the truth and the life’  leaving the world without access to a gospel of hope in these perilous times. Realizing that there is no way to encompass the vast array of departures from the truths of Scripture here in this text I would hope to provide at least two or three examples for your thoughtful consideration.
            The evangelicals would profess to be the bedrock of fundamental biblical truth holding to the divinity of Christ and the inspiration of the Bible. There is however among them both unity as well as diversity leading their adherents along a pathway of both doctrinal and prophetic deception even in the context of asserting the truths of the divinity of Christ and the ‘infallibility’ of the Scriptural records. They are largely influenced by a system of theology which came to be very widely accepted in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. It was elevated into great popularity with the publication of the Scofield Reference Bible in 1909 followed by several revisions during the century. Its author was Cyrus I. Scofield with his extensive notes, and its subsequent enthusiastic publisher was the Zionist owned Oxford University Press. The Zionist movement had a profound interest in the Zionist friendly notes in the Scofield Reference Bible for they promoted an avenue of acceptance in the Christian community advancing significantly their agenda of Zionism. Its tenets of dispensational theology became a ‘Trojan horse’ entering the gates of fundamental biblical truth and destroying a vast amount of previously held truth.  Let me explain more fully what I mean.
            Prior to the widespread influence of dispensational theology Christians did not hold to a concept that there were to be two kingdoms of God—one being situated in geographical earthly Israel for the Jewish progeny, and one completely separate in heaven for those identified as the church. Dispensational theology is emphatic that this is what the Scriptures reach us. The truth is that there is only one kingdom of God and it is entirely occupied by all of those who have been steadfast and faithful in their embrace of Jesus Christ as not only Savior but Lord.
The Bible clearly teaches us that in the day of the Lamb’s wrath (Day of the Lord) to ensue after the resurrection that this present earth is to be entirely destroyed and replaced with a ‘new heavens and a mew earth’. Thus there can  be no earthly kingdom for anyone. (Please see II Peter 3:7-11, Heb.1:8-11, Rev.21:1-5).
            This concept for an earthly kingdom for the Jewish people or earthly Israel stems from the belief system of dispensational theology that the Jews are God’s ‘chosen people’ and as such must receive an inheritance on the earth pursuant to the Old Testament covenants.  The New Testament epistles are so abundantly clear that this  distinction under the Old Testament has been done away with in Christ and ‘there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free _ _ _ _ but you are all one in Christ Jesus’ (Galatians 3:28-29,See also Galatians 3:16-18, Romans 2:28-29, Romans 9:6-8 and Gal. 6:16).
          Many such like arguments could be advanced exposing the false doctrines of men as we have alluded to above in chapter three of Ephesians. These manmade distortions of the Scriptures and resulting erroneous doctrinal conclusions take the church into a realm of deception and compromise. Its adherents cannot clearly proclaim the truth because they do not know the truth.
            If anything in this brief blog resonates with you as being accurate I would encourage you to be a further seeker of truth.  I would recommend that you obtain and read one or more of my titles:  The Israel Deception, Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible, and These Prophets and the Revelation.  Visit  or blogspot: for further information on where to obtain the books, and numerous  blogs as well as  access  to  ones containing excerpts from these  three published titles.

David Lance Dean

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

World War III

      International tensions are spiraling out of control.  Recent developments In the Middle East involving ever more countries present some ominous developments which very likely will create the climate and circumstances leading to ever widening conflicts in the region.  Russia has entered the conflict in Syria inopposition to the attacks of ISIS on both Syria and Iraq in their effort to become a dominate force in the entire region.  Clearly ISIS is financed and supported by the US and other western powers in Europe and they additionally receive support from Saudi Arabia. In reality that support is shored up by the international Zionist interests in the region and the ultimate backing and ongoing destabilization of the region has everything to do with Israel and the long term plans of Zionism to establish the emergence of a “greater Israel”  as the center of their ultimate plans for world government. This objective is not generally understood by most as the Zionist agenda is perpetrated through the control of the banking systems in Europe, the United States and elsewhere. The Western powers become he proxy agents of the Zionist agenda via their control of international monetary systems including the Federal Reserve in the United States. A conflict for international power is developing between the West and East as both have designs on ultimate control.
            These developments could have ominous consequence for the world at large for coalitions have been formed representing opposing power structures. On the one hand you have the US and the NATO alliance in Europe which is now receiving opposition from Russia.  There exist other powerful forces in the region who have sided with Russia in opposition to the ISIS attempt to overthrow the Syrian government.  Those additional forces include Iran, Hezbollah and certain Christians from Syria and surrounding countries that are literally fighting for their existence as ISIS would have the intent of their total destruction through the genocide of these alleged infidels.  Understand that all of this conflict has been initiated by US foreign policy backing Israel for there is a long term objective to be gained by Israel using their proxies as a goal of regional destabilization which has been ongoing, non- stop and has included the Iraqi invasion, the war in Afghanistan and the Arab Spring overthrowing other regional countries covering a period of more than a decade. It all appears to be coming to a point of extreme crisis precipitating wider conflicts which will likely involve the larger military powers of the US, Russia, and possibly China.  Iran could also become a formidable participant. There have been provocations such as the downing of a Russian airliner killing all of it passengers and the recent shooting down of a Russian military aircraft by Turkey a NATO partner. Provocations by the attacking of one member of a coalition lead to the support of the entire coalition and its potential military capabilities.  The terrorist activities of ISIS continue as the recent Paris attack killing some 130 people and injuring scores of others. This incident has created a situation of virtual martial law being imposed in France and has precipitated a wider involvement of the French air force in strikes against ISIS in Syria. The entire situation is escalating out of control creating an environment and rationale for all-out war which could very easily become international in scope.  In other words the potential for World War III is an ever increasing possibility.
            All of these ongoing wars and conflicts were prophesied by Christ as he spoke of end time “wars and rumors of wars”.  The prophets of the Lord give us details in the transformation of the world into a system of world government particularly defined and outlined for our understanding in the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation. The scenario portrayed there lead to an understanding of such conflict as to result in the elimination of nation states in favor of regional governments to be ten in number.  The reader would do well to inform himself of the specifics of these developments which are transpiring as we move ever closer to the end of the age.  I highly recommend my title These Prophets and the Revelation which can be obtained through Xlibris Publishing bookstore or on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  You can also receive some very helpful understanding by reading my title The Israel Deception.  Educate yourselves from a biblical perspective of the perilous times which are coming upon the world as the powers of darkness seek to carry us forward into world government.

David Lance Dean                              website:


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Internatonal Imigration Fiasco

              I have not posted a blog recently in anticipation of the widely proclaimed and anticipated financial collapse and the global currency reset. These two events have apparently been temporarily postponed by the IMF and Federal Reserve for reasons we do not know but are of significance in the long term planning of those intent upon transforming the world into a global system of international communism. My most recent blogs dealt in some detail with these plans and I was surprised that they were not implemented in the months of September and October. I do very much believe from all of the information I can gather that these events remain on the agenda.
         I will turn now to other developments leading inevitably to the threat of eliminating the sovereignty of nation states and countries as we have come to know them. First, I would mention the Pope’s visit to America and his speech before the US Congress. He had much to say very pointedly about the subject of immigration and how there existed some sort of moral imperative to receive these immigrants arriving in America not only from Latin America but the refugees from the war and strife which is ongoing in the Middle East. The administration is promoting, receiving and encouraging these people from various countries. Many of them could well be not only criminal but have designs to subvert the American people in various ways. Most of them do not have any particular love for America especially those who have arrived from Muslim countries in the region of the Middle East. These massive immigrations are also widespread in many European countries. These refugees present major problems to the stability of any country not only from a cultural standpoint but economically as well as they cost governments large sums of money placing further stress on the already weak financial condition and massive debt of most of the members of the European Union.
             This massive integration into Western hemisphere countries including America and many European countries represents yet another means of diluting the sovereignty of nation states.  This fits comfortably into the Agenda 321 protocols and is not only endorsed by the United Nations but is being actively promoted by them.  Ultimately the goals of internationalism are to destroy the sovereignty of individual nations eliminating the concept of patriotism or love of country and replacing the present order with s system of regional governance.
        In my view the completion of the agenda will not and actually cannot be accomplished without the introduction of yet more warfare which will inevitably involve the very large nations of both China and Russia. The Zionist phenomenon must be carried out on an international scale to bring nations into a state of collapse so that they can be comfortably merged with others in a system which will include ten international regions. World War III in my view is the necessary event to predicate such massive international chaos and suffering to set the stage for this to be accepted by the world’s populace. Clearly by going to the Scriptures we see this paradigm clearly outlined in both the books of Daniel and Revelation. We find the number ten as dominating the prophesies of Daniel both from the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream describing the ten toes of the image and the ten horns discussed in the later visions of Daniel. Also we find the beast of Revelation chapter thirteen possessing ten horns. These are the prophetic precursors to the final stage of world government.  Wars and rumors of wars are ongoing as has been spoken by the Lord Jesus in Mathew chapter twenty four.  A major international conflagration is imminent to provide the environment necessary to divide the world into regions and do away with the concept of sovereign nation states. America’s complete demise is certainly a part of this plan which will result eventually in the merger of Mexico, Canada and the United States into the North American Region of the New Order of the Ages.
         To completely understand these enormous changes as described by the Scriptures you must obtain and read my comprehensive book on biblical prophecy entitled These Prophets and the Revelation and it companion title The Israel Deception. My books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Xlibris Publishing bookstore. Become one who is thoroughly informed and subsequently prepared concerning developing world events which will lead the world into its final form of empire or world government.

David Lance Dean            website:

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Handwriting on the Wall

America’s economic demise is near at hand and will be followed in due time with its political destruction. Being recalled to my mind is the destruction of ancient Babylon late in the sixth century BCE. On that occasion a mysterious hand wrote on the wall of Belshazzar’s palace which needed to be read and interpreted by the prophet Daniel. Daniel gave the interpretation and it shortly came to pass. The message on the wall aid: “Thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting. God has numbered thy kingdom and finished it.” The Medes and the Persians were soon to replace Babylon as the dominant world kingdom. Daniel’s prophesies went on as his writings reveal to us much of what is currently transpiring in today’s world. Indeed America is being weighed in the balance even now and its condition of debauchery, idolatry and corruption is evident wherever you may look. The Christian churches languish in a state of apostasy which is further curtailed by their 501c3 status allowing them to be “tax exempt” in exchange for them muting heir voice on any issues having political implications.  In other words they are wards of the state and cannot speak negatively concerning the growing tyranny and corruption in America. Add to that their distorted doctrinal and prophetic views and you have a perfect formula for the existent condition of virtual spiritual impotency.
            Taking note of the recent extreme volatility of the international stock markets including America it is not difficult to see that a major crash and collapse is an imminent event. The “plunge protection team” can hold it together for a couple of more weeks until we reach the Shimitah or “release” dictated by the Jubilee. This Is carried out regularly every seven years in accordance with the principle of seven Sabbath years found in Leviticus chapter 25, but has been distorted and corrupted by the Khazarian “Jews” who virtually own and control the world’s financial systems including the Federal Reserve.(See my previous blogs on Shimitah and the Global Currency Reset).For the past six years the Federal Reserve has been printing multiplied billions of fiat paper money through their program of “quantitative easing”.  Take note that there has been three phases of this massive “money” printing—QE1, QE 2 and QE3.This scheme is utilized in three ways. First, they buy up United States Treasury bonds which represents the ever increasing “national debt” because most wise inverters will be avoiding them. Secondly, they place billions  into the stock market to promote its popularity with investors knowing all along that they will crash the market and reap windfall profits while the average investor will lose  almost all of their investment, and third they are buying up mortgage backed securities so that they may control the real wealth of real estate and make massive profits when they foreclose on the notes.  They did not loan you any “money” in the first place and the bankers have no investment. In the property they intend to steal.  The notes are processed through the Federal Reserve System and simply became credit so that you could move into your home or refinance the old mortgage “at a record low interest rate” for the next thirty years.
            So when the planned collapse takes place in mid-September the stock market will go into the tank, millions of jobs will be lost and America will experience the most serious financial calamity and chaos in its history. After that in October there will be a justified reason for the reset of values on international currencies and the dollar will be removed as the world’s reserve currency with the implementation of a new international currency system. Home foreclosures will virtually sky rocket as even compared with the sub-prime mortgage debacle of 2008. Do you remember the hundreds of thousands of foreclosures which occurred as a result of that financial fiasco?
            You must realize that you are just chattel property no better than an animal in the mind of these Luciferian Babylonian Jewish imposters. You are to be farmed and slaughtered as necessary because you are goyim and have no value in the eyes of the “master race”. Do you doubt it? Do a little research in the Babylonian Talmud. Prepare yourself for the most massive transfer of wealth in world history!! Do you understand that the NWO is international communism? People are not allowed to own property under the communist manifesto.
            Do you really want to know what is transpiring in today’s world?
Read one or more of my three titles These Prophets and the Revelation—a comprehensive study in end time prophesy interfaced with events in the secular world.  The Israel Deception –A Bible study in Zionism arriving at the source and the entities responsible for the emerging world government. Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible exposing the deceptions and the heresies inherent in dispensational theology.

David Lance Dean

Linking you to my blogspot:

Friday, August 14, 2015

Toward an Understanding of their Agenda

     The vast majority of the population at large live in a world carefully planned to control them through multiplied lies and deceptions. They are constantly being bombarded with distortions, half-truths and outright lies.  This reality keeps most in a mental and emotional state which makes it very difficult or even impossible for them to be reached with truth whether that truth is related to the political, the economic or the spiritual realities of today’s world. There is a very real and ongoing spiritual warfare taking place daily in the world but few would recognize its reality and implications. A constant flow of propaganda  and  misinformation is fed to the masses via the controlled mainstream media, many if not most of the  most widely  circulated news magazines and of course the television media of CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox, et al. People should be able to receive truth from the Christian community. Christian radio, books and other writings should be a reliable source of truth.  But, alas, these sources have also been compromised by the government’s 501c3 “tax exempt” status not to mention the multiplied distortions of the Scriptures including both corrupted doctrine, and prophesy which will not stand up when examined in light of the Bible. So the people are blinded and deceived about the transformation of America and are largely unable to discern the meaning of national and international phenomenon in a rapidly changing world scene. I have attempted to be a source of information and biblical truth through my writings which include three published books and dozens of blogs. This blog is part of that ongoing effort to provide information and truth.
       So there exists an international agenda to form a one world tyrannical government, which will ultimately enslave not only America but the world at large. This agenda has been drafted by the god of this world namely Lucifer or Satan if you prefer that identification. It is international in scope and includes every race, ethnicity and religion.  It covers all issues, political, economic, social and religious. It is explained and detailed by the prophets in the Word of God. We are now on the precipice of the events which will lead progressively to its implementation. The principle instruments for affecting its progress and completion is a cabal of international financial elitists who have gained virtual control of the world’s monetary system. It is centered in the Rothschild financial dynasty that control the world’s fiat monetary system and by virtue of this control  can buy the world’s political leaders. It includes a network of secret societies beginning with the illuminati and the associated network of Satan worshippers including the Skull and Bones Society, the upper echelons of Freemasonry, the Bilderberg group, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations and a plethora of other organizations and   networks who have succumbed to the Khazarian Ashkenazi Jews who have adopted Orthodox Judaism and its guiding rabbinic principles as found in the Babylonian Talmud and the Kabballah. Its core group is the Khazarian criminal mafia who control most of the vast empire of criminal activity internationally which includes unlawful wars, murder, assassinations, prostitution, drug running, extortion pedophilia and every other vile and unlawful activity that you may be able to identify.
           From an economic perspective the world’s major central banks are controlled by this criminal dynasty which includes America’s Federal Reserve System. The immediate plan is to collapse the American economy in September and this is to be followed in October by a reset of currencies internationally removing the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and destroying America economically.  This will effectively destroy America as we have known it and pave the way for its political demise as well.  The Zionist agenda plans to merge Canada the United States and Mexico into a regional unit destroying the Constitution and any remaining semblance of freedom. This world regional unit will be joined by nine other regions to compose a total of ten when completed.  This ten toed and ten horned beast is described in detail by the prophets Daniel and the Apostle John in the Revelation. There is now no spiritual power in an apostate and compromised Christian church to oppose and stand against this beast and it will emerge and gain control of the world.
         The tiny nation state of Israel will ultimately arise as the dominate power in the Middle East and will be used as the deception and lie of the Antichrist to bring about universal worship of Satan.  This lies in direct contradiction to the popular doctrines of dispensational teleology where the Jews are the “chosen people” of God and are destined to rule for a millennium from their recovered “promised land” in the Middle East. This deception is enormous and paves the way for their spiritual demise if they cannot be awakened to the truth.
        I recommend for your reading and theirs all three of my titles in order that you might gain a fuller understanding of the agenda and be delivered from the overwhelming lies and deceptions prevalent in today’s world. There is a great and pressing med in America for revival and a turning back to Jesus Christ for salvation and spiritual deliverance.
    These Prophets and the Revelation: In depth studies in biblical prophecy interfaced with current national and international developments. Xlibris Pub.
       The Israel Deception: An accurate account of who, how and why this deception of Zionism has been perpetrated on such a vast scale. Amazon. com,
     Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible. A critical expose’ of the false doctrines and prophesies of dispensational theology .Xlibris Publishing

David Lance Dean                                    website and blogspot available at


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Zionism and Communism

     Today’s world is faced with the consummation of an age old war for the dominion of the earth and the control of virtually all of mankind.
It is not understood by the vast majority of the human race that this war in its very essence is spiritual in nature and involves two entirely opposite and very powerful supernatural entities. They are by identification the Lord God Almighty and his designated Redeemer and Creator the Lord Jesus Christ.  Standing in opposition to them is the father of all lies and deception who is identified as Lucifer or Satan. The man whom God, through Christ, has created and likewise provided redemption stands in between these two opposing spiritual realities. The overriding issue to be resolved is who will be worshipped and who will ultimately have dominion?  Lucifer temporarily gained control over the fallen man when he enticed him to disobey God and thus draw his resource for wisdom and understanding from and by voluntarily submitting to the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. Man was plunged into spiritual darkness and deception and the ground for the war of the ages was initiated for the Lord had to provide an avenue of recovery for the man in order to secure his ultimate purpose for creating the man in the first place, which was to rein and have dominion with his Creator. The conflict is documented in the Holy Scriptures and it is reaching ever closer to an ultimate consummation. The enemy of man’s soul has purposed to gain complete dominion over the earth and control over all of mankind and totally destroy Christ’s crowning creation and eternal purpose in redemption for man.
          With this introduction we need to visit the current world scene closely so that we might gain an understanding based on truth and thus be able to align ourselves individually with him who is the Author of all truth for many if not most have been deceived by the father of lies.       There exists in the world two phenomenon which are very closely aligned with each other.  They are Zionism and Communism. Zionism is the concept that the “Jews” are a people chosen by God who are ultimately destined to rule the earth for at least a millennium. This ruler ship according to them is to soon be consummated in a one world government or New World Order, if you will. A vast number of so-called Christian evangelicals have given their assent to this “Jewish” dominion.
          Communism is a political ideology which endorses the concept that total power and control of a society rests with the state and its political, economic and social centralized governmental system. It rests upon ten planks expressed in a manifesto put together by Karl Marx in the mid nineteenth century. It is a system if tyranny enforced violently and by whatever means necessary to bring its subjects into submission.
   The Zionist phenomenon and movement has an agenda which precisely conforms to the manifesto and it is to be centralized progressively in the nation state of Israel. The “Jews” who are orchestrating the agenda are not really “Jews” as identified by their DNA but a people who originated in the kingdom of Khazaria and embraced through prostelization the Babylonian Talmud of Orthodox Judaism. Their expressed goal is the world dominion we have previously described and according to the prophetic Scriptures their purposes and agenda will be largely accomplished. It will be interrupted only at the very end of the age with the return of Christ (not to the earth) but from heaven to gather his faithful people into his eternal kingdom. (See Matthew 24:29-31). At the very end of the age during a period of great tribulation a false Jewish messiah will make his appearance on the earth as a supposed world savior and humanity in the main will accept and endorse him as a god. I would that you might not be deceived by this master plan of deception and fall prey to your own destruction but that is only possible if you receive and embrace a love of the truth.  I recommend for your reading and further instruction Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible available at major book sellers. It fully exposes the lies and deceptions of dispensational theology.
David Lance Dean    website: and blogspot:

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


    Several days ago I posted a blog entitled Global Currency Reset. It was provided both to advise and to warn of the upcoming international reset of currencies which will occur in October of this year. At that time the dollar will be removed internationally as the world’s reserve currency by the IMF.  It will be replaced by a basket of currencies called Special Drawing Rights (SDR).With the removal of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency it will undergo a dramatic devaluation.  Probably as such as thirty percent of its value will be lost. I would recommend that you review that blog in connection with this one because they are closely related to each other. So what is the significance of the Shiimitah?
       Under the provisions of the Old Testament the Lord established for the nation of Israel a recurring cycle of Sabbaths based on the number seven.  You are familiar with the weekly Sabbath which provided for a day of rest after six days of labor. That same principle was placed into operation utilizing a Sabbath year. It provided that the land should also experience a year of rest after it had been tilled and harvested for six years. The seventh year it was to lie fallow and not be planted and of course there would be no harvest in that sabbatical year. Extending the principle of seven to a time known as the Jubilee under the old covenant after seven of those seven year cycles had past there came the fiftieth year.   This was the Jubilee and had great significance for Israel for within its provisions was “a release”. This was the Shimitah year for the word means a release.  This occasioned the release of any debt. It also released any land which had become indentured for it had to be returned to its original owner free of encumbrance. Where an individual Israelite had to place himself in servitude because of poverty his freedom was restored at Shimitah or Jubilee as it were. So what does this have to do with the global currency reset which will occur in October? That will require a much further explanation.
            First it must be understood that the monetary and financial powers which essentially rule most of the world are Talmudic Jews who control almost all of the world’s central banks including the Federal Reserve System which holds rule in America and all of its monetary system and has done so since the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. It should be further explained that this cabal is controlled by the Rothschild dynasty but includes many other Ashkenazi Jews sometimes identified as Khazarian for their origins were in the kingdom of Khazar  in the middle ages. The Rothschild dynasty has captured the world monetarily and as a result politically as well in large measure. These people are “Jews” by virtue of the fact that centuries ago they converted as an empire to Talmudic Judaism. In so doing they became the advocates and propagators of the Babylonian Talmud. These writings were the product of centuries of organizing and setting down in writing the “oral traditions” of an apostate Israel whose god became Lucifer. Jesus condemned them and identified them as the children of Satan. While retaining some of the Torah as it suited their purpose they largely abandoned the commandments of God and established their own occult religion. They retained the concept that the Jews are the  “chosen people” and are destined to reign on the earth as the “master race” They also retained other parts of their Old Testament heritage even though they  with the exception of a remnant rejected their Messiah.
            The Shimitah comes from the concepts of Sabbath days, years and Jubilees found in Leviticus twenty-five. They are executing its precepts to assist them in the establishment of a New World Order. Here is how it works.  By controlling the world’s monetary systems they are able to produce periods or cycles we can identify as “booms” and “busts”. In the boom cycle they pump their fraudulent currency into the stock market and cause a period of expansion and “boom” for a period of six years and then in the year of Shimitah they crash the market and gain an ever incasing control over the real wealth while the common investor is stripped of his resources as a result of the” bust.” This is the master plan for redistribution of wealth. It is also called communism. Follow the pattern since 1973 with the Arab oil embargo put on place through the Nixon administration and Henry Kissinger (a prominent Ashkenazi “Jew”). Each seven year period since then there has been another event of consequence either in the stock market, the bond market or both. Without tracing each one, in detail take particular note of the market crash after 9/11(an orchestrated event in September of 2001). Then we have the sub-prime mortgage debacle in September of 3008 resulting in another dramatic drop in the stock market. Each time there is a massive transfer of wealth to certain identifiable people and entities. The coming crash is the seventh in the Shimiah cycle due to happen on the thirteenth of September, 2015. This is the last day of the seventh Shimitah year cycle The Federal Reserve controlled by the Jewish international banking cabal has been buying up mortgage backed securities through massive money printing (QE 1, QE2, and QE 3). Prepare for a financial disaster to hit America followed by dollar devaluation with the Global Currency Reset in October and then a massive number of foreclosures on the mortgages they have purchased with fiat money when the borrower is unable to make mortgage payments due to the crashing economy and dollar devaluation. Do you understand that these imposter Khazarian “Jews” are stealing your wealth and property and justifying it with Old Testament Scripture and their corrupted Babylonian Talmud.  The coming financial catastrophe is a planned event and will became their Jubilee for their attitude is that they own the world and it all belongs to them so they are just taking what the deem to be their property, This is pure communism which will trigger many more amazing and prophesied developments in America and the world at large in the days and years to come,

I do recommend that you obtain one or more of my books as you need to be informed both doctrinally and prophetically concerning the future days, months and years. Three titles all containing vital information.

Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible—critical look at dispensational theology  and
These Prophets and the Revelation –both available at
The Israel Deception— at Amazon, Barnes and Noble other major book sellers.

Visit my website and blogsite for many supporting blogs and information.         

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Global Currency Reset

        Looming on the horizon and soon to be implemented is a global currency reset. The ramifications, effects and consequences of this international action are beyond comprehension. Since the Bretton Woods conference of 1944 the dollar has served as the world’s reserve currency.  It is to be removed from that status and is about to be greatly devalued. How, when and why are all questions that need to be answered.  I wrote of this pending event over a year and a half ago but my blog was qualified with a question mark(?).  The reason for this being that I was aware of the ongoing international currency wars involving some of the world’s major players such as China, Russia, India, and of course the United States. The petro dollar has been king of the currencies for over seventy years which has given Americans an economic advantage and led to an unprecedented period of prosperity for most Americans. That party, because of massive debt, is just about over. When the reset occurs it will dramatically affect all Americans.
            Several important facts need to be explained because the average American is not very well informed concerning world events and particularly how the international monetary system works,  or does not work, depending on your perspective. America’s monetary system is foreign owned through the Federal Reserve System which is not controlled by Congress or the United States government but is orchestrated by a foreign owned corporation which makes all monetary policy and prints all of what we call “money” in the form of Federal Reserve Notes. (Now identified as United States Treasury Notes).  This paper fiat currency is not really “money” but rather simply the evidence of ever increasing and unpayable debt imposed on the United States citizenry via the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the subsequent sixteenth amendment to the Constitution which we understand as the imposition of an “income tax”. America’s monetary system was taken over by a globalist cartel of Zionist Jewish bankers when the Federal Reserve Act was secretly passed in Congress on December 23, 1913. Since that date the entity of the UNITED STATES, INC has been a totally foreign owned corporation established for the profit of the elite few, as well as the agenda to bring forth a New (international) World Order.  You do not live in a country but are in fact totally controlled by an international corporation. This must be understood as a foundation of facts in order to understand the evolution of world political and economic events which are to follow in accordance with this agenda, but also foreseen by the prophets.
            Moving one step farther we must become educated to certain political and economic realities which are implemented in secret and hidden from the public at large. Secret negotiations, plans and international geopolitical events are orchestrated by a powerful financial dynasty which controls virtually the entire world. Its ultimate agenda is the total enslavement of the world’s populations in a communistic system which they have identified through the United Nations as Agenda 21. In addition to the Federal Reserve there exists a very powerful entity known as the International Monetary Fund (IMF).  Their function is creating and regulating international debt to the nations to enslave them through loans and credits which they ultimately find to be impossible to repay. This is by design for the borrower will always be the servant of the lender (See Proverbs 21:7). The United States Corporation as well as many other countries around the world are approaching this impasse of debt burden. Thus we arrive at the soon to be implemented Global Currency Reset.
           This international event will most likely occur in October of 2015 when the IMF again meets formally in preparation for announcing the reset.  Christine LaGarde, head of the IMF has clearly indicated that the reset is imminent. We can very likely expect a collapse of the stock and bond markets (September) in the United States prior to the reset affecting much of the world but particularly devastating to Americans. The powers that be must orchestrate a crisis in order to justify dramatic changes in the nations and particularly the United States. A market crash can be orchestrated at any time by implementing a “crisis” triggering event. A rise in interest rates by the Federal Reserve Board would provide the impetus for a collapse. A possible “false flag” event such as a terrorist attack could also be used. The market collapse provides a justification for the global currency reset. At that time 204 world currencies will be adjusted in relation to each other bringing them much closer together in value. This levels the “playing field” of the world’s financial system and takes every nation closer to the global agenda for a one world government. The world lies in the hands of those who will eventually destroy nation states in favor of regions. Also many will die to accomplish their satanically inspired plans for world domination. You owe it to yourselves, and those you care about to educate yourself concerning all that is to transpire in the future according the testimony of Scripture.  Discover a wealth of carefully researched information at my blogspot: and find there access to many blogs and two valuable books: These Prophets and the Revelation and The Israel Deception. Both are biblically based must reads to prepare for what lies ahead. 

David Lance Dean:  website for my newest book: Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible,  

Thursday, June 11, 2015

A Trojan Horse

              If you know something about Greek mythology you can learn a truth which has a much more recent application? First it is necessary to understand the story which was developed from ancient Greek mythology. Then we can look at the later application of the principle utilizing the story to convey a spiritual truth.
         The Greeks were involved in a long and ongoing war with the city of Troy. This was known as the Trojan War. Troy was a fenced city and the Greeks had besieged it but could not gain entrance to win a military victory.  They decided to build a very large but mobile wooden horse.  They did so and then feigned a complete departure from the besieged area. They placed many of their best warriors within the horse secretly and then made their withdrawal from the area. The people of Troy soon opened the gate and captured the horse bringing it with the gates of the city. They presumed it to be a trophy of victory. Then by night the Greek army returned to the area and the warriors in the horse came forth and crashed the gates of the city allowing the Greek army to enter by night and completely destroy their enemy thus ending the Trojan War.
             In the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century Cyrus Scofield was diligently working to prepare hoping for publication of a version of the Bible containing very extensive notes setting forth his views of dispensational theology. He had learned them from the teachings of John Darby, D. L.  Moody and he added his own thoughts. It was a new paradigm for teaching and allegedly understanding the divisions of Scripture. It came eventually to be known as Dispensational theology. Many of Scofield’s notes were very Zionist friendly.  That is to say they strongly supported the concept of a future millennial earthly kingdom for Jewish Israel as one of the main components of this theological system. During Scofield’s years of working on his note preparation he met and was befriended by a Zionist Jew named Samuel Untermeyer. They shared membership in an organization called the Lotos Club and spoke with one another regularly. Untermeyer was a prominent and wealthy Jewish criminal attorney in New York and had close ties to the budding Zionist movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. He also had a close connection and influence with the Oxford University Press a prominent Jewish owned publishing house. He was very interested in Scofield’s Zionist friendly Bible and theological position for he saw it as an avenue to gain extreme influence for Zionism within the Christian church.  His influence eventually resulted in the publication of the first Scofield Reference Bible in 1909. This publication is controlled by the copyright obtained by Oxford University Press and has resulted in a century of promoting it through several republications even though Cyrus Scofield died in 1922. They have dishonestly continued to show him as the editor through several revisions each one becoming more definitely Zionist oriented. The Scofield Reference Bible soon became the standard for teaching within evangelical Christian circles including most of the major Bible schools and seminaries. It became a virtual Trojan horse gaining entrance by subterfuge into the Christian Church via the influence of Jewish (Christian) Zionism. The effects of the teaching have filtered down through two or three generations of teaching and preaching in evangelical and fundamentalist circles. It is now standard protocol in thousands of those assemblies affecting literally millions of Christians. The problem with all of this is that many of the theological conclusions are simply not true.
            I will briefly explain. Among numerous other errors in the paradigm there are two that blatantly stand out. First and foremost the Scriptures will simply not support the concept of an earthly millennial kingdom centered in geographical Israel. The book of Revelation as well as second Peter and other places reveal that this present earth is to be totally destroyed in the Day of the Lamb’s wrath at the end of the age. Under the New covenant there is no distinction between Jew and gentile but all become one in Christ. (Compare Galatians 3:16-18, Romans 2:28-29 and Romans 9:6-8). Thus there is no pretribulational rapture of the entire church before the tribulation to make room for God to deal with his alleged “chosen people”.  There are not two kingdoms of God and all natural distinctions have passed away in Christ Jesus.
            You may have difficulty in grasping these truths because dispensational teaching has become so pervasive. It is a deception containing many serious heresies. I would encourage you to obtain and read my latest book entitled: Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible  (Xlibris Publisning) for it takes many of the notes form the Scofield Bible and compares them directly with the Scripture to prove the fallacy of many of the conclusions which  to so many people have been a major source of deception including millions of evangelical Christians. The book provides unequivocal proof that the Zionist concepts of Dispensationalism have been a Trojan horse entering the gates of the Christian gospel and subverting it causing great  spiritual damage and deception for so many who would profess Jesus Christ.

David Lance Dean                               Many more blogs and my other book titles at:


A Trojan Horse

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Israel Deception

The Israel Deception

            The title for my current blog bears the same identification as one of my three book titles.  The reason for this is that the content of the book is so critically valuable for an accurate understanding of the treatment of the covenants and their fulfillment as they are set forth in the Scriptures. Let me clarify this statement with an overview of the issues examined in the book.
            God made certain promises to his people under the tenets of the Old Testament. These promises are seen and proven to be fulfilled ultimately in the advent of the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ. Additionally he promised them a temporal inheritance and blessing in the “promised land” and those promises are shown in the book and through the Scriptures to have been completely fulfilled.  But because the ongoing blessing and possession of the land was conditioned upon the obedience and faithfulness of the people; we find that they were scattered and removed from their inheritance. These truths are evidenced in the two captivities of Assyria and Babylon and were finalized by the Roman destruction of the second temple and the subsequent scattering of the people from Judah and Jerusalem. How then are we to understand the significance of these events in light of the new covenant in Christ? The answer to this question is critical to our understanding of both the old and the new testaments.
            The thrust of the book was to prove scripturally that all of God’s promises to his people Israel under the old covenant have been completely fulfilled. That truth is again being emphasized here. What we have being taught and preached in today’s evangelical and fundamentalist churches is a subtle and dangerous deception. It turns around the concepts of Christian Zionism.  What we mean by this term is that multitudes of people naming Christ holding the evangelical worldview insist that there is a future millennial kingdom in store tor the natural posterity of Abraham, i.e. national and ethnic Jews or Israel. They would say that the promise of the land was never completely fulfilled to the old covenant people.
This is denied directly by the Scriptures at Joshua 21:41-45 and context as well as at I Kings 4:21. King David recovered and held complete dominion over the entirety of the “promised land”. Such a fulfillment is also completely absent in the New Testament. It is a theological aberration.
            Having laid this foundation let us move on into the essence of the Israel deception. Powerful political and economic international Zionist Jews are well on their way to establishing a one world government or a New World Order, if you will. This effort will ultimately come to rest in geographical Israel for they are led by the teaching of the Babylonian  Talmud ( a Luciferian production) but  also still hold the promise of the Torah for possession of the ‘promised land ‘ for Jewry. This effort will be finalized at the end of the age by the Antichrist in a recovery of the geographical territory. This is proven by the Scriptures at Daniel 11:31-45. Israel is already established as a nation state and it has clear ambitions to conquer that entire area in the Middle East. These plans and ambitions are documented in the Zionist movement sponsored by the Rothschild financial dynasty and their associates and agents. (Kahzarian Ashkenazi Jews).  It did not happen by some presumed promise of God fulfilled in the reestablishment of the nation of Israel. This is the Israel deception and the most critical issue being developed in today’s world. Jesus taught us in Mathew twenty four that there would come upon the world at the time of the end a deception so powerful that if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived. (Please read Matt. 24:23-25). Multitudes of fundamentalist Christians have already been deceived by this lie propagated by the Scofield Reference Bible and dispensational theology in general. The Scriptures do not support a future earthly kingdom for national Israel!!  My only motive is to warn these who have accepted this false doctrine that they are totally vulnerable to the deceptions of the Antichrist at the end of the age by virtue of their false doctrine for he will present himself as the world’s messiah. I highly recommend that you read my title (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.) for your own enlightenment.  I also would suggest that you obtain a copy of my newest release through Xlibris publishing:  Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible. If you read this material you cannot use the excuse that you have not been duly warned of the heresies of dispensational theology and the numerous superimposed notes in the Scofield Reference Bible.

David Lance Dean                                      blogspot:
                                                                        New website: authordavidlancedean

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Planned Destruction of America

         The impending destruction of America is near at hand.  It has been in the planning stages as well as the progressive execution of its demise for many decades. Its complete capture became effective on December 23, 1913 when a small group of treasonous congressmen in coalition with powerful foreign banking interests seized control of its monetary system via the Federal Reserve Act. Its progressive death began even decades before that with the consummation of what we were taught in public school as the Civil War fought over the issue of slavery. A more accurate evaluation of the conflict would have defined it as an international war pitting sovereign nation states against an overreaching and tyrannical government in an attempt to secure their states’ rights and sovereignty. Unfortunately those who fought for liberty were enslaved by tyranny, citizens were made wards of the federal government, i.e., United States citizens via the unconstitutional Fourteenth Amendment which was never lawfully ratified, and the ongoing destruction of freedom was thus assured.
            The Zionist international banking dynasty of Rothschild and associates, et al, became our slave masters by virtue of their monetary control and the subsequent international bankruptcy of March 9, 1933 (The Emergency Banking Relief Act).Subsequently it was  secured by the theft of all gold coinage and replaced by fiat Federal Reserve Notes (HJR 192, June 5, 1933). Our slavery was secured by a secret hypothecation of all of our property as well as our persons as collateral for the debt owed to the Zionist bankers. Do you know that America is owned and controlled by a foreign corporation representing the ultimate interests of Zionist Israel? AIPAC (American Israel Public Action Committee). They control and dictate policy both foreign and domestic by virtue of their monetary control over America. When a public official is elected he/she is required to sign an oath of allegiance and fully support Israel. A refusal to sign will most certainly guarantee that politician will not prevail or be reelected. So we have an entire government by treason. If Israel wants a war in Iraq or Afghanistan or anywhere else for that matter they most certainly are guaranteed it will happen because AIPAC is far and away the most powerful lobby in Washington D. C. controlling the President, Congress. agencies, etc. etc. If you have been wondering why America is in a state of decline and has been for decades this is your answer. The proverbial “handwriting is on the wall” for America is soon to be destroyed and this has been in the plans of the Zionists for a very long time.
            This brings us to the subject matter of biblical prophecy and things which lay in the near future for both America and the world at large. The Zionists are orchestrating a New World Order, a one world government and this reality is clearly set forth by the prophets of the Lord such as Daniel and the Apostle John in the Revelation to mention just a couple of the main sources of world government prophecies. America as we know it is to be destroyed. First economically, and then subsequently politically. Because she lies in a state of great spiritual apostasy she has no strength to sustain her. The people who profess themselves to be Christian are content to sit in the pew on Sunday in their 501c3 church and listen to watered down sermons which do not reveal their true spiritual state. After all isn’t “tax exempt” status more important than the truth?
            We find in scripture that the emerging Luciferian world government is first to be headed up in its final form by Zionist Israel.  It will consist of ten regional units and sovereign nations are to be done away with for Zionists are communists and they do not endorse sovereignty of a person or of a nation. The impending economic collapse and the removal of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency will assure it political demise and merger with Canada and Mexico as one of the world’s prophesied ten regions. Now I understand that this stands in complete opposition to the evangelical view that Jewish Israel are God’s “chosen people” and as such are destined to reign from geographical Israel for a millennium over the entire world. The Scriptures absolutely do not support such a concept for we see in the Revelation that in the Day of the Lord’s judgment on the earth  which now is will be entirely destroyed and replaced with anew heavens and a new earth. So much of the truth of end time prophetic reality has been lost within those churches which claim to be the “bed rock” of fundamental biblical truth. All of my writings are focused upon the revelation of what the scriptures actually proclaim as a necessary preparation for the perilous times which are coming upon us all.
        I have recently completed a new book which will be on the market published by Xlibris Publishing. Its title is Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible.  It was written to show how so many of the notes in the Scofield Reference Bible are contrived and stand in opposition to sound doctrine as well as prophetic truth. I highly recommend it as we desperately need to understand the realities of these days which are coming upon us.  I have also authored two other books. These Prophets and the Revelation is a complete study on end time biblical prophesies interfaced with current world developments.  The Israel Deception reveals completely the agenda for a Zionist led world government.
David Lance Dean                                                                                                                                                                                        

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The War on Christianity

If you are among those in America who would profess to embrace the Christian faith then this message is for you. The concept of an ongoing warfare is not new, but as we move progressively towards the end of the age it becomes ever more intense. We find full evidence of the conflict in the New Testament and it was raging even at the time of the eerily church. Christians who were completely committed to the gospel of Christ became the object of persecution and martyrdom very early in the history of the Christian faith. It is very likely that many were tortured and murdered and if we knew all of the facts we would probably find that among the original twelve apostles of Jesus Christ many met their demise by physical violence.  It is clear from Acts chapter seven that Stephen was stoned to death by the Jewish council, i.e. the Sanhedrin for simply confronting them with the truths of their own sin and their rejection of their intended Messiah. Down through the ages this reality has always been true to a greater or lesser degree. If we would travel to many of the Muslim countries in the Middle East today we would find that Christians are severely persecuted and even subjected to very violent death. Because it has not yet come to America we are insulated from these realities. I assure you that we are not far away from the time that it will all change. The closer we come to the end of the age the more intense the inevitable reality of the spiritual conflict will become.
        The testimony of Christ has several major enemies the foremost being a progressive and ongoing state of apostasy which exists and thrives almost everywhere in those gatherings where a profession of Christianity is made. Virtually every denomination has a different twist on what they would assure us is sound doctrine. This was already a significant problem in the early days of the church as we can read in the New Testament. When the Roman Catholic Church emerged as the dominant force in a form of religion wherein Christianity became something of a state religion but being in denial of the power thereof we find apostasy flourishing. The Reformation was an attempt to recover biblical truth, but clearly its effects were not able to bring about a uniform and clear statement of biblical truth. The enemies strategy has always been one of divide and conquer.
There have been revivals down through the centuries in various locations where the Holy Spirit has been able to grip the hearts of people and effect dramatic change. Certainly in this present day that is the greatest current need. I believe as
the powers of darkness move progressively to annihilate true Christianity we will experience a renewal and revival but it most certainly  will be accompanied by persecution. And it will occur in a remnant whose commitment is unwavering.
            The attacks will come from without for other religious peoples hold a violent opposition to the testimony of Christ. Islam is major among them and we are now experiencing in America a dramatic influx of Muslims into this country. This is being openly promoted by the President for it has become obvious that he is a devoted Muslim. This in itself presents a danger to those who would be openly committed to Christ.  The attitude of many if not most Muslims are simply that infidels who do not endorse their religion must either convert or they deserve to die. Their prevailing attitude towards America is that she is the “great Satan”. This belief has been greatly advanced by the numerous wars and insurgencies in the Middle East. It is the belief of Islam that they are to control  and dominate the world.
            A second grave danger comes from Talmudic Judaism. Large numbers of Christians are deceived into the belief that the Jews are God’s “chosen people” and are destined to again to completely inhabit the ancient “promised land” and prevail there for a millennium.  The Scriptures do not support this view.  However,
there are large numbers of Ashkenazi Jews (not the seed of Abraham) whose goal and purpose is precisely to establish a “greater Israel” geographically in that exact  location. These people, contrary to what m any Christians believe, intend to establish their New World Order centered in their concept of establishing a “greater Israel” and completely destroying any testimony of Christ on the earth. So many in the Christian community are completely deceived and uninformed of this agenda and are blinded by their doctrinal attitudes towards ethnic Jews. In my writings and books I have sought to uncover and explain these deceptions for it must be understood that the Jews who are essentially in control of the world’s financial and political systems have an avowed hatred for Christ. The Noahide laws of Talmudic Judaism have been adopted by the United States Congress and they include a death sentence to any who would openly proclaim Jesus Christ to be Lord. My book The Israel Deception reveals fully these truths and my book on end time prophecy provides a full biblical disclosure of developing world events in light of the prophetic Scriptures.

David Lance Dean                                     blogspot:

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Impending Economic Colapse

Life in America is soon to undergo a dramatic change. The approaching collapse of the dollar is inevitable as the efforts to destroy it as the world’s reserve currency continue. Many having greater knowledge than myself have sounded a solemn warning that removal of the dollar and replacement by another international currency is rapidly approaching.  The petrodollar has been the basis for all purchases and sales of oil for decades after a deal was cut with Saudi Arabia in exchange for their use of oil revenues to purchase United State Treasury Bonds.  This arrangement has had a twofold important impact on the American economy. First the purchase of United States debt has allowed the United States government through the Federal Reserve to ramp up government debt exponentially.  In turn while this was occurring it allowed a growing prosperity for the American people.  The party is nearly over now with the massive expansion of government debT which has virtually doubled during the Obama Administration.
            What must be expected and prepared for is a trigger point when the cartels and controllers of international banking decide to establish a new international world currency model. This could occur as early as June 17th when the Federal Reserve board meets should they decide to raise interest rates? But maybe not. This could have a triggering effect on the stock market and could bring this whole financial house of cards tumbling down. The new currency model will likely be expressed as SDS or special drawing rights which would include a basket of world currencies as the new standard. That group of currencies will not include the dollar which will be devalued dramatically.  When this currency reset takes place it will likely produce a stock market crash on Wall Street that will surpass the 1929 crash which initiated the great depression.  That debacle affected America for a decade and recovery was very slow and painful up until the time of the Second World War. That also affected a dramatic change in government in America bringing about a growth of Socialism which has continued more or less unabated ever since then. Currency wars have been ongoing for some time but are now reaching the point of crisis as the Chinese and Russians are both initiating a movement away from the dollar as the standard for world currencies. More recently Saudi Arabia has also joined the war against the dollar.
            When people like Jim Richards, recognized economic expert; Paul Craig Roberts, Secretary of the Treasury under Ronald Reagan; former twenty two year Congressman Ron Paul, a student of economics and the Federal Reserve; and Peter Schiff, world class private investment counsellor are all giving us this same loud and clear warning we can be sure that financial calamity is on the near horizon. Their warnings are credible and imminent.
            The Federal Reserve is not a part of the United States government but it is a
privately owned foreign and international entity controlled by the “money power” of the world which rests with the Rothschild dynasty who also control the central banks of Europe, Great Britain Japan, Australia, Canada, Japan, and much of the rest of the world.  It is linked to the International Monetary Fund and the In Bank of International Settlement in Basil Switzerland. Their singular goal is total control of the world monetarily and politically and it has advanced its cause dramatically in the last two or three decades.  The recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were to gain control of their economic systems. The “Arab Spring” of the Obama Administration had similar goals particularly with Libya which was completely free of international monetary control and possessing significant wealth until it was overthrown and its leader Gadhafi murdered. Through the destruction and removal of the dollar the Zionist Ashkenazi Jews will take another giant step forward towards world dominance and their long planed New World Order. It’s all about a one world government ultimately to be centered in Israel.
            You would be well advised to prepare for the coming economic calamity for it will no doubt be accompanied by civil unrest, probable martial law and a government sponsored oppressive agenda against the people. It will also likely bring substantial economic difficulties to the majority of Americans as their purchasing power will be greatly diminished. Storage food, access to pure water and alternative heat would be wise steps in preparation.
            The most important area of preparation is spiritual and to educate yourself and make a pronounced turn towards understanding that what lies ahead is a great spiritual battle for control of the earth.  It is planned and orchestrated by evil men who are under the dominion and power of Lucifer. It is ultimately the fulfillment of biblical prophecy and we have been warned and instructed by the prophets of the Lord in the Bible. I highly recommend my two books, The Israel Deception and These Prophets and the Revelation to provide you with a true understanding of what is happening in America and the world at large.  Knowledge is power and understanding provides the wisdom to perservere.

David Lance Dean

Information on my books and numerous previously written blogs are available at my blogspot.  There is wealth of information open and available for you at

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Unconstitutional Death of the Republic

The Unconstitutional
Death of the Republic
            The America envisioned by the founding fathers as a bastion of liberty has been irrevocably, first hijacked, and then subsequently destroyed by the infamous Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Although this was accomplished almost one hundred and fifty years ago Americans remain virtually ignorant of what happened and certainly have no real awareness of how or why freedom hasbeen progressively eroded. After the death of over six hundred thousand Americans and the devastation of the so-called Civil War a new and radically different government emerged based upon the unconstitutional Fourteenth Amendment. Its passage as well as its alleged ratification was unlawfully manipulated. The content of all four of its major sections stand in direct opposition to the original organic Constitution of America’s founding. First, a brief look at its provisions is necessary. They must be understood by all who have any awareness of the Socialist/Communist New World Order tyranny and its planned destruction of America. This is only a brief overview as the subject matter requires a much larger volume to adequately expound its content and legal ramifications. The Fourteenth Amendment was passed by Congress June 13, 1866 and allegedly ratified July 9, 1968. It was announced as ratified July 28, 1868.
        Section 1 makes in part the following provisions: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside.” Contrary to the  Constitution which is being amended by this clause a change in your citizenship status from your country of domicile into a foreign artificial defacto body politic is being imposed upon you and you are now being identified artificially as a person.
          Section 2 makes the people of the several American states unwittingly rebel
 against their dejure law forms, of which a war is required to engage the constitutional authorities for federal emergency intrusion, i.e. creates civil wars, as a matter of law in the American republics. “EXCEPT FOR PARTICIPATION IN REBELLION, or other crime the right to vote in any election is denied, i.e. you are tricked into being in rebellion. This is a crime! It is deemed a crime because it is deemed sedition to the rightful body politic of your dejure nation. It has been established herein that the United States is not a nation. It is a federation of nations. As it is a perversion of international law, the newly created body politic can only be a corporation. Indeed, the corporation was officially formed by Congress on February 21, 1871 as the UNITED STATES, INC. They then needed to incorporate you as a sub -corporation (artificial person), I.e. JOHN Q. DOE.
        Section 3 of the Amendment sought to expel every level and branch of government denying Southern white men “who had taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States….engaged in insurrection or rebellion (against the United States), or had given any aid or comfort to the enemies thereof the right to hold public offices in state or federal government. This essentially eliminated every white man in the South for the North was defining the word “engaged” and /or “given aid and comfort”.
            Section 4 establishes that “The validity of the public debt of the United States (new federal defacto government), authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing   insurrection  or rebellion, shall not be questioned.” Perpetual debt is legalized.
            The day immediately prior to the official announcement of the enacting of the Fourteenth Amendment Congress passed the Expatriation Act (15 Statutes at Large, Chapter 249, pages 222 and 223 Codified at 8 USC Section 1841)). Because the Congress was fully aware that the Fourteenth Amendment presented an entirely new (defacto) form of government, as well as citizenship and virtually destroyed in effect the previous sovereignty of the countries and its people a remedy had to be provided.
            The Fourteenth Amendment made a complete mockery of the U. S. Constitution. (1) The joint resolution proposing an amendment was not submitted to or adopted by a Constitutional Congress per Article I, Section 3 and Article V of the U.S. Constitution. (2)The joint resolution was not submitted to the President for his approval pursuant to Article I, Section 7. (3)The proposed fourteenth amendment was initially rejected by more than one-fourth or the States then in the union (37), and it was never ratified by three fourths of all the States as is required by Article V of the U. S. Constitution. (4)Section three was an ex post facto law specifically prohibited by Article I, Section 9. (5) Through manipulation of those senators and representatives authorized to vote who were subsequently denied the right and replaced through force and coercion.  The entire process was a case study in  political and economic fraud.
            To any and all Americans who cherish freedom there must be an awakening and a forceful resistance to the tyranny which has been imposed upon us for over one hundred and fifty years since the so called Civil War. The progressive evolution of Socialism has now become Communism for we find ourselves unwittingly subverted to all ten planks of the Communist Manifesto.

David Lance Dean                                          blogspot: