Thursday, February 2, 2017

America First...or Israel First?

         I have not posted a blog for over month.  The reason for this being is that I have been very busy contemplating and attempting to analyze the recent presidential election. I needed to examine existing realities and delve deeper into his persona, background and associations.  Donald Trump as we know has won a rather surprising victory based allegedly on a populist movement of people fed up with the status quo in Washington and desiring a reversal of the decline of America under recent administrations. The results of the election have served to illustrate a deeply divided nation. We are witnessing a euphoric response from those Trump supporters who we might reasonably term to be patriots. On the other hand we are also witnessing substantial nationwide protests against Donald Trump as he begins to implement some of his policy changes in accordance with his campaign promises. Could it be possible that we have the hope and opportunity to turn America back to its founding principles and begin to reverse the decades of tyranny which have been perpetuated by recent administrations? My first response to Trump’s platform and initiatives was positive and I even addressed it in my most recent blog: A Reprieve for America? While I was hopeful for America and the people I had reservations concerning whether or not such positive and dramatic change was possible.  Thus I placed a question mark behind the title.
            Let me explain my reservations. Trump was clearly displaying in his campaign rhetoric a very nationalist America first agenda. It had a great appeal to to many Americans.  So let us get specific about those existing realities. We live in a nation whose monetary system is completely controlled by an international banking corporation known as the Federal Reserve which issues and prints debt based currency notes that we call money. It is not money but actually represents credit or unpaid debt. Our entire monetary system is based on debt and credit and the debt is controlled by an entity which is international in scope and cannot be controlled by the United States government, and it is certain that the people cannot exercise any control over this monetary creature nor can Donald Trump for that matter.
            Add to this most crippling handicap the fact that the Congress of the United States is subservient by an oath to protect and defend the nation state of Israel. The most powerful lobby in Washington D.C. is AIPAC (The American Israel Political Action Committee). Yes, not the Constitution of the United States but Israel by virtue of the fact that the monetary system is controlled internationally by Zionists.  That is to say those American interests are subservient to the interests of international Zionists who own, control, and promote an agenda on behalf of the nation state of Israel.
            Evmgelocal Christians provided enormous support for Donald Trump in the
vote count.  These evangelicals hold in the main a very strong support for the nation state of Israel because it is germane to their doctrine that the Jews or national Israel constitute the “chosen people” possessing a destiny to have dominion over the earth according to their  projected prophetic analysis of Scripture. This, of course, is clearly refutable by any reasonable examination of the Scripture. On this critical fact I would urge you to obtain either one of the two following books which prove the complete fallacy of this conclusion concerning anticipated Jewish hegemony. The Israel Deception and/or Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible.
            This brings me back to the election of Donald Trump and the enormous support for him by these same evangelicals. Donald Trump has extreme and significant ties to these Zionists whose ultimate objective is a world government centered in Israel and having as its capitol Jerusalem.  There is already talk of moving the capitol of Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  Trump is a personal friend of Benjamin Netanyahu the prime minister of Israel.  He also has within his own family strong ties to Orthodox Judaism. Many of his campaign staff, advisors, supporters and donors to his campaign are Ashkenazi Jews. I am not anti-Semetic but I am anti-Zionist!
            The long term agenda of the Zionist movement is to recover all of the territory in the Middle East which constituted the biblically defined geographic boundaries of the “promised land”. (See Genesis 15:18). That geographical area today includes Southern Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, present day Israel, Northern Saudi Arabia and Egypt.  Syria has not yet been overthrown yet and Iran is a giant obstacle to Israel’s design for the region. I believe that Donald Trump is under the control and influence of the Zionists and their agenda for world government centered in a “Greater Israel”.  Prepare to see this agenda being advanced under the administration of Donald Trump.  Unfortunately the vast majority of the evangelical Christian community will have no significant problem with this and will in fact support it completely because they have already adopted wholeheartedly the basic design and thrust of the Zionist world view. So will it be America first … or the advancement of the Zionist agenda which is Israel first?

David Lance Dean