Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Can Trump "Make America Great Again"?

Merely asking this question raises many more questions that we may not be able to completely answer. Nevertheless, in light of the recent election it is an issue that must be addressed here. America’s people have head all of the rhetoric covering a plethora of issues e.g. immigration, taxes, a wall at the border, trade agreements, Supreme Court nominations, law and order, etc. ad infinitum. These and more were continually expressed throughout his campaign. My motive in this inquiry and my writing is not to bring question to the sincerity of the many promises made; but rather more in addressing the reality of whether or not these many promises driving the campaign and subsequent election are even possible. The euphoria is substantial and the economic indicators are currently positive but what lies ahead? The resistance is also formidable and the political and economic forces of resistance are powerful as the Zionist Luciferin agenda is threatened.
            Clearly Trump’s proposed agenda stands in stark contrast to the direction of our nation over the past twenty-five years or more. From the standpoint of a patriot I would love to see every aspect of this agenda become operative for the benefit of the American people and the restoration of what was once a Constitutional Republic.  It is now a for profit corporation controlled by international interests and another agenda. That desire would most certainly include the nullification of the Johnson amendment to the IRS code (501c3) which granted a tax exemption for churches and its members with the caveat that they would not become involved in political actions or rhetoric. This issue alone has stifled the voice of the church to identify and resist the tyranny which restrains the legitimate voice of Scriptural freedom upon those who at least profess to be Christian. Donald Trump has voiced his desire to accomplish this nullification. This particular issue brings me to the point of at least beginning to be able to answer the original question.
            The international forces opposed to the concept that America could be made great again are extremely formidable. At the root of the powerful cabal that dominates internationally is the ‘money power’ now vested in the International Monetary Fiend and related international banking institutions including the Federal Reserve System controlling America. These systems combined control includes markets, money printing, investments and economies. They operate in collusion with a single ultimate goal.  That is to control the world’s nations and its population. At the time of this writing we are very near to the planned demise of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. It will very soon be replaced with a new world currency system known as ‘world money’ and America will lose the many benefits of possessing the controlling world currency—the dollar. The system to be introduced will include a basket of currencies controlling all commerce and trade internationally. When the dollar collapses and is replaced with a new international monetary system America will be financially devastated. The price of gold and silver will escalate exponentially and the value of the dollar will conversely be depleted. I am not an economist and my only real perspective on developing world events is derived from decades of research and observance of the transformation of the world from a spiritual perspective. We are observing and will continue to observe even more dramatically in the years to come a transformation of nation states into regional governments interacting with an ever more centralized world government. This is the agenda of Lucifer for a New World Order under his control that he may receive universal worship in an attempt to displace God for a short period of time before the final judgment. Wake up Christians!
            The Scriptures clearly prophesy these developments. We are engaged in a great spiritual war with the powers of spiritual darkness and ultimate evil. They are acting to enslave and destroy America as well as the other nations of the world and bring them into harmony under a single control mechanism of absolute international tyranny. Due to this reality I do not believe that Donald Trump will be able to make America great again because this concept is diametrically opposed to the agenda of the evil one which is clearly prophesied in the Scriptures. Due to the apostate state of the Christian church the Lord will allow this deterioration into judgment as he willfully limits himself and allows judgment to occur as an instrument to bring potential repentance to an immoral and ungodly nation and world. See my books: These Prophets and the Revelation and The Israel Deception.

David Lance Dan                               website:authordavidlance

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

America's Final Crossroad

             November 8, 2016 is a date that could well be a date that lives in infamy
quoting Franklin Roosevelt’s description of Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
It is, of course, Election Day in America. The political race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is of ultimate consequence for all Americans and many do not
perceive its massive impact on this once great and free Republic. Powerful forces
have not only attacked  us but have hijacked the Republic and turned it into first a democracy and then subsequently an oligarchy ruled and controlled by an international cabal of very wealthy and powerful men directed by the evil powers of darkness.  These people have been active in the planned destruction of America for decades and in fact their activities can be traced back at least to the time of the so-called civil war. These forces support the election of Hilary Clinton.
            An opposing political phenomenon resisting this criminal cabal has emerged and become very apparent through a populist uprising in support of Donald Trump. America is divided between freedom loving people and those who support the tyranny of ever bigger government deceptively offering them the alleged benefits of safety and security. In reality and in truth these have purposed to impoverish, control and ultimately destroy America. This is the agenda for a new international order of world government which has been referred to and described as a New World Order. The Scriptures have defined this international order as the fourth Gentile Empire to rise up and take total control of the earth and all nations.  The details of this new order can be found in the book of Daniel specifically in chapters seven and eight and are enlarged upon in the book of Revelation at chapters eleven, twelve and thirteen. It can be more completely understood in all of its detail by reading my book These Prophets and the Revelation.
            Returning to the current conflict and the crossroad it represents in the upcoming election; in which very powerful forces ae operating to destroy America as a bastion of freedom. This election is central and critical to that planned agenda. Donald Trump is by no means a perfect candidate as he has his moral and spiritual flaws.  However, he does in my opinion represent a sincere desire to put in place political reforms which would return the country to be more governed by the Constitution and the rule of law. His agenda is diametrically opposed to the plans of Hillary Clinton who is controlled by the illuminati and other secret societies whose purpose is clearly to establish a world tyrannical government modeled after communism. This agenda is undoubtedly orchestrated and controlled by the prince of darkness himself.  It is Satanic in cause and effect.
            In the coming days leading up to the election prepare yourselves for some significant surprises for these dark forces cannot and will not allow Donald Trump to be elected.  The MSM (mainstream media) is wholly controlled by the same people who endorse Hillary Clinton for President.  Is that not totally apparent if you watch or listen to their propaganda at all? While they say she is leading in the polls and there is only a very remote chance that Trump could overcome that presumed lead, the truth is that he is likely leading in the popular support of the American public. If this is true he is a total threat to their retention of power over America and that fact is so significant that it could trigger a revolution both politically as well as an open conflict with the corrupt establishment. The establishment is fully aware of this fact and they will take appropriate action to assure that the election of Donald Trump will not be allowed to transpire. Many possibilities exist to accomplish this political coup and I cannot predict what they will precisely be.  However, in my opinion some major event will be orchestrated
prior to the election causing it to be cancelled. It will be of the magnitude of a national emergency whether it be a ‘false flag’ terror attack as was 911, or a financial crisis resulting in the shutdown of banks and the equity markets, or a complete fraudulent rigging of the election itself.  I have no specific insights as  to precisely what will be used but I do understand that Donald Trump cannot be allowed to win the presidency through a popular and fair election by the people.
            If you are a person of faith and you understand the premises which I have set forth above then I would urge you to diligently pray (II Chron. 7:14)that this overthrow of the  American government would not be allowed to happen at this crossroad event of the national election.  One thing I a m very sure of is that the Clinton political machine is very powerful and very corrupt and it is sponsored both nationally and internationally by some extremely wicked people who are totally anti-Christian.  If she is elected you can look forward to international warfare.  Likely it will be with Russia and/or China. Also possible in the near future is a complete collapse of the financial system, and the very real possibility that you will be incarcerated in one of the many FEMA camps which have been set up and established in various places in the nation. Christians must have an awakening and an unprecedented revival to stand against the evils of this coming Antichrist agenda for a one world government.  Hilary Clinton is an integral part of this Luciferian inspired agenda.

David Lance Dean                               website:
                                                             Books: These Prophets and the Revelation,
                                                            The Israel Deception, and Christian Zionism                                                                           and the Scofield Reference Bible


Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Muslim Invasion

There is in full operation an agenda of destruction both in America and Europe. A principle element of this planned destruction becomes very apparent with an investigation of the orchestrated migration of multiplied millions of so -called “refugees” from Syria and areas of the Middle East into the nations of Europe as well as America. This migration of people is designed as an invasion of a religious ideology as well as a political transformation. Looking first at Western Europe we find complete chaos being accomplished against the legitimate citizenry of many if not most of the countries in the European Union. These Muslim hoards fleeing the war and destruction in Syria, Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries are essentially bringing with them crime, the rape of women, political disruption and economic stress to the victim nations of the entire region. It must be understood by all that this plan is designed to accomplish an agenda of internationalism conceived by very evil men who seek to enslave and control the world. It is Luciferian in cause and effect. It is a battle plan to destroy freedom, the sovereignty of nations, economic stability and religious independence in favor of a system of regionalization, a new world monetary system, and ultimately the homogenization of religions into the acceptance of a universal religion. As Christians have been targeted, persecuted and murdered in the Muslim countries of the Middle East so this same persecution will be ultimately brought against those who profess and obey the gospel of Jesus Christ in the affected nations and that will definitely also include persecution in America. Turning to America we see the same phenomenon occurring. Our borders have been opened by Barack Obama, his handlers and supporters. This invasion of so called “refugees” from the Middle East, Mexico and Central America includes people who may be terrorists, criminals, and many who have been indoctrinated to hate America and most certainly Christians. The numbers include also people who are simply looking for a safe haven. Its eventual effect will be increasing acts of violence against and murder of law abiding and freedom loving Americans. The infiltration of those who hold contrary ideologies and religious indoctrination will have the effect of neutralizing and compromising the basic values upon which America was established. Ultimately it will become a bulwark to completely destroy America and will bring severe persecution to any remaining that will stand uncompromisingly on the truths of Scripture and acknowledgement of Christ as the only Lord and Savior worthy to be worshipped and obeyed. The long term purpose is to completely destroy America in favor of an international political and monetary order which will also require spiritual and political compromise. The internationalist’s plan is satanically inspired, totalitarian in nature, and intended to capture and enslave mankind into a system contrived and orchestrated by Satan himself. So who are these agents and purveyors of death and destruction? There exists in the international arena a very powerful coalition and vast network of people who have in essence sold their souls in exchange for monetary riches and power. They have voluntarily given themselves to the god of this world who is able to provide them with the riches and power which they lust after. They network together through secret societies, national and international organizations (United Nations), and they are well established in occult dogma, satanic worship and economic theft. They have hijacked America through implementation of the Federal Reserve System giving them the total control over America’s monetary system. Through their control of fiat “money” they are able to control politicians, elections, media, legislative bodies and even religious ideologies. Their ultimate goal is the complete control of the peoples of the world and a new one world system that will bring a universal religion and worship of Satan through the instrumentality of the Son of Perdition; that is the Antichrist. They are well represented throughout the American political and economic system through multiple organizations including political parties (Republican and Democrat), the major banking institutions, the media and multiplied thousands of corporations. On an individual level we have people working diligently for the destruction of America such as George Soros. He is a multibillionaire sponsoring such groups as Black Lives Matter to promote racial violence and division through implementation of racial conflict dividing people with the purpose of conquering American unity. He has pledged five hundred million dollars for the promotion and advancement of the open borders agenda supposedly to bring “refugees” into the country. The real motive is stated clearly above. Then we have Hillary Clinton, illuminati, Luciferian, hater of Christians and confidant of George Soros and the Rothschilds, She is the planned President of the United States who, if elected, she will continue to promote this agenda of American destruction and world government. The election may be interrupted, cancelled or in some other manner modified as Hillary has some very serious health issues. Also, does there remain some possibility that Donald Trump will be elected?? If there exists any prospect of this occurring beware of a false flag event to delay or cancel the election. If he is elected and he attempts to implement his promised agenda his attempts to govern will be stifled by this world cartel of evil that control monetary systems virtually worldwide. The very sad part of this commentary is that the alleged Christian church lies in a state of not only compromise but outright apostasy so there does not exist a viable body of spiritual resistance to the advancement of evil in America and the world at large. A great revival of Biblical Christianity must occur to counteract and resist the existing spiritual, economic and political forces. The Scriptures speak clearly prophesying concerning a universal government to be established at the end of the age and prior to the return in judgment of Jesus Christ. My books and writings cover these truths in significant detail. But there will certainly come a day eventually after a time of trouble and great tribulation when Jesus Christ will return only for the purpose of delivering through resurrection his faithful people both dead and living from this present evil world and bringing his judgement upon this emerging world order, Satan himself, and all evil men.(See Matthew 24:29-31. I Thes. 4:13-17 and Revelation 11:11-12) David Lance Dean Books: The Israel Deception, These Prophets and the REvelation, Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible

Saturday, September 17, 2016

America's Dilemma

              “Give me control over nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.”
This famous historical quotation was spoken over two hundred years ago.  Thus was the edict of Mayer Amschell Bauer (Rothschild). His agenda has now evolved into an international monetary cabal of very wealthy Luciferians directing a monetary system which captured America by a Congressional act of fraud and treason on December 23, 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act.  This single act placed the monetary control of the nation into a foreign owned corporation of international banking and financial elitists whose long term goal is the total destruction of America in favor of a new international order. That control mow does not only apply to America but is international in scope (IMF -International Monetary Fund) including ultimately all of the large central banks of the world.
            In the context of the upcoming election in America prepare for a collapse of cataclysmic proportions altering the world’s financial system with the removal of the petrodollar as the established world reserve currency which was placed in effect by the Bretton Woods Agreement in July, 1944 creating the International Monetary Fund.  This agreement set the stage for the long term goal of establishing a single world currency and ultimately a digital monetary system. This
ongoing process and agenda is to lead the world into a Luciferian inspired system of total tyranny through control of the world’s wealth, food, energy and natural resources preparing the world’s population for the emergence through massive deception of a world ruler and  an alleged savior identified in the Scriptures as the Son of Perdition or the Antichrist.
            The event I speak of will likely occur at the very end of September with the introduction of a new international currency system based in the Chinese Yuan and a world system of special drawing rights (SDR). This international reset of currencies is orchestrated by the same cabal responsible for the capture of America through the Federal Reserve Act. It is simply now going international and will involve a massive transfer of wealth into the hands of these same world monetary controllers. When understood this world wide monetary conspiracy of control and reset would be identified by them as ‘Shimitah’. A few words of explanation become necessary. Under the Old Testament economy the Lord God established a system of Sabbaths. Six days of labor and then a seventh day of rest or Sabbath. The principle extended to Sabbath years in which the land would be tilled and harvested for six years and then it was required to be given a seventh year of rest. After seven yearly Sabbaths came the Jubilee (‘Shimitah’) meaning a release at which time all debt was forgiven and all property rights were restored to the original owner in spite of any encumbrance of debt or obligation. Thus there came a release. The cabal assumes their world ownership through  Babylonian Talmudic dogma.
            The financial and political world is now controlled by a Luciferian cabal who draw their justification for world dominance from the Old Testament concept of them being a ‘chosen people’ or in another way of expression is as the ‘master race’. They have counterfeited the concept of the Jubilee (Shimitah) to orchestrate through the Federal Reserve’s control of monetary policy a series of boom and bust cycles occurring every seven years. This cycle can be followed from the oil embargo of 1973 every seven years. The 1980 recession, the 1987 stock market collapse, the collapse of the bond market in 1994, the 9/11 false flag attack on the world trade center (9/11) and the subsequent stock market crash immediately following. In 2008 we experienced the sub-prime mortgage debacle bringing financial calamity and foreclosure to millions of Americans. Always the object is involving a transfer of wealth. The stage is now set for the Jubilee as the fiftieth year which began in September 2015 but is ending September, 2016.
             We are there now and must be prepared for this cataclysmic event precipitated by the collapse of the petrodollar and the move to a new international monetary system. Those in control have postponed the event until this year in the face of the upcoming election. Hillary Clinton is the obvious choice of the cabal as she herself is a member of the illuminati and supported by George Soros, the Rothschild’s, et al. She has become obviously quite ill and may not be able to complete her anointing as President of the United States. Be prepared for an election surprise coming in conjunction with the currency reset. Donald Trump is completely unacceptable as a possible President to the power brokers so some manner of crisis will be implemented to possibly delay the election, call it off completely or some other option. Who knows for sure what the other options would be?
            If by some miraculous intervention Trump might actually be elected he would be totally unable to initiate the reforms he has proposed in his campaign.  Why? Because he does not control the world monetary system.  Regardless of any noble or patriotic intent that he may have for America he will not be allowed to implement his agenda.  It simply does not conform to the planned destruction of America which has been established by those who are moving forward in favor of a one world government ultimately to be revealed in their plan for a ‘Greater Israel’ and the emergence of a false messiah to rule the world prior to the return in judgement  of Christ.
            A crisis of great proportions for America lies immediately ahead.  This is America’s great dilemma. Are you spiritually prepared by virtue of an abiding faith and dependence on the only one who can provide hope and salvation?  Jesus Christ. He will ultimately judge it all and prevail after times of trouble and great tribulation.

David Lance Dean                                         
            Two books which will greatly enhance your understanding of today’s world:
These Prophets nod the Revelation   amd The Israel Deception        


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Voices of the Prophets

          As I indicated in my most recent post I have purposed to gather up and place in order a summary of the prophetic utterances from the Scriptures relative to the unfolding world events leading us towards the end of the age. This covers a comprehensive revelation of significant events prophetically developed by several of the  prophets whose purpose it was to inform us precisely what to expect that individual believers could gain an understanding and avoid the many deceptions of the enemy who seeks to ensnare many and capture them for his own purposes of death and destruction.
            After careful thought and consideration I believe that to focus our attention on the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24 provides us with a context to build upon for he is answering a question posed to him by the disciples. “Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and the end of the world?”(Matt.24:3) Jesus’ answer gives
us a foundation to fully examine prophetic truth to the very end of the age.
            His words are both a warning as well as instruction to be prepared with knowledge of the truth that we may avoid being deceived, captured and destroyed by the evil one. He first warns of wars and rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes, and pestilences assuring his followers that these things will come to pass, but will not be the signs of the end of the age. Rather he refers to them as “the beginning of sorrows”(vss.6-7).This is preparatory for much more extreme consequences resulting in persecution and martyrdom for faithful believers in Christ. We have not yet experienced this in America, but we can be assured that it is coming from that international satanic driven forces intent upon establishing a one world government. We can see clearly in America the breakdown of the rule of law and the coming political and economic chaos. With the impending economic collapse which is soon to come our perceptions of America, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution will be relegated to history and tyranny will be the new paradigm. This fact is more than obvious at this time as we honestly analyze current and developing trends. The church is in an advanced state of apostasy and has been almost completely neutralized by government regulation (501C3) and spiritual compromise. Iniquity will indeed abound more and more and the love of many will wax cold.(Cp. Maatt.24:12). False prophets and false teachers abound in the religious world and many are captured by their lies and distortions of the truth.
            We have observed within a generation the demise and destruction of a once free nation. The stage is almost completely set for the establishment of a virtual dictatorship including economic and political bondage. With it will come the wholesale persecution of any who will confess and stand for Christ. America as its collapse is complete will be merged with Mexico and Canada into a regional government as one of ten such regions that will make up the emerging New World Order. Daniel has prophesied the same at chapter seven, verse 7. “After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth; and it devoured and brake in pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it……..and it had ten horns.”  Daniel’s vision of the ten horned beast (regional governments) is confirmed by the Apostle John at Rev 13:1. “And I stood on the sand of the sea, and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon the horns ten crowns, and in his heads were the name of blasphemy.” This conforms to the United Nations Agenda 21 for world government as well as the 1980 Oded Yinon plan for a “Grater Israel”. For details see my book The Israel Deception.
          Returning to the text of Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew 24 we perceive that we are called upon to remain faithful in the face of adversity and persecution as “he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (verse 13) “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached  in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”(vs. 14).
         Jesus warns us of a significant event to occur just prior to the beginning of the great tribulation.  “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet……whoso readeth let him understand.”(vs.15)  For a full understanding read my recent blog -The Abomination of Desolation.  This solemn event occurs immediately prior to the onset of the tribulation and is explained more fully at II Thes. 2:1-11.(See Daniel 12:11-12 and read my recent blog The Great Tribulation). Jesus tells us at Matthew 24:21 that this sign and its effects will mark the onset of the great tribulation. This period which brings such tribulation as has never been seen upon the earth and except the Lord would shorten it no flesh should remain alive. Read the text of his warnings at Matthew 24:21-25. Compare this text with Daniel 11:30-45 which reveals the Antichrist and his activities running through the tribulation to the very end. Daniel 12:7 verifies the duration of the tribulation to be 3 ½ years.( Compare also Rev. 11:2; 12:6 and 13:5). The length of the tribulation is confirmed several times to be 3 ½ years and not a seven year period as taught by most of today’s preachers. It will be a time of extreme persecution and martyrdom of all who confess Christ for Satan and his agent the Antichrist are purposed to remove any testimony of Christ from the earth. Yes, the body of the church will be subjected to the tribulation including persecution and martyrdom. No pretribulation ‘rapture’.
            Returning to the words of Jesus in Matthew 24 beginning at verse 29 we read: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall he sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light………..Then shall appear the sign of the  Son of man in heaven…… they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of the heaven with power and great glory…….and they shall gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of haven to the other.”(vss.29-31)
The resurrection and the gathering of the elect occurs after the tribulation. (Cp. I Thes 4:13-17; Daniel 12:1-2; I Cor. 15:51-52; Revelation 7:9-10; Rev. 11:11-12). See my blog The Resurrection.
            The Day of the Lord shall ensue after the resurrection when the Lord returns with his elect to bring judgment upon the earth. Contrary to dispensational teaching which states that chapters 4-19 constitute the tribulation we find that many of those chapters are dealing directly with the Day of the Lord or said another way the Day of the Lamb’s Wrath. This activity of his judgment of the earth can be found in Rev. Chapters 8,14,15,16 and finally reaching its consummation in chapter 20 when men are judged at the great white throne. At chapter 21  and chapter 22 of Revelation we see that a new havens and a new earth are brought into existence as the old world and its order having been judged and destroyed. The Day of the Lord is consummated with what has come to be known as Armageddon. Contrary to conventional wisdom this happens outside of time and is not conventional warfare but entirely spiritual in its nature and consummation. See my blogs The Day of the Lord and the Eschatology of Armageddon.  The reader will be even better informed if they obtain and read my book These Prophets and the Revelation. I hope that this discourse will bring new understanding to many.

David Lance Dean                                      website and blog access at:

Monday, August 8, 2016

The Great Tribulation

           Having recently posted blogs on the topics of the Abomination of Desolation and the Day of the Lord I feel the next and closely related subject is the great tribulation.  Following shortly I will consolidate all three topics into   a comprehensive overview of the eschatology of the end times as revealed in the Scriptures.  This coming blog will tie all of the relevant events together and provide the reader with an accurate chronology of the manner in which they will unfold in time. I do recommend my title These Prophets and the Revelation if you desire to obtain a complete narrative of these unfolding and future events on the horizon and their interface with developments in the secular world of today.
            The Great Tribulation is a vast topic and we can only deal with the major elements of its
content in this short space, but can provide a significant amount of understanding. I think to introduce the subject it can be best addressed by beginning with the Old Testament prophet Daniel. A major portion of the closing revelations of Daniel beginning at Daniel 11:30 and continuing to the end of that chapter and then all of the twelfth chapter of Daniel can provide a
very helpful foundation before we move into the New Testament.
            What we are seeing beginning at Daniel 11:30 is a narrative of the emergence of the son of perdition, i.e the Antichrist. Revealed here first is his setting himself forth as he assumes the place of God. He shall ’have indignation (great wrath, the highest detestation) against the holy covenant’ and have ‘intelligence (understanding) with them that forsake the holy covenant’ (vs.30). He ‘shall take away the daily (constant, continuing) sacrifice(this word was added-not in the original text) and shall place the abomination that maketh desolate’(vs.31). It must be understood that a sacrifice of animals on an alter in a physical temple is not in view here. While many would interpret it in that manner; you will need to go to IIThes. 2 for a clearer understanding or read my previous blog on the abomination of desolation for clarification. Thirty days after the abomination is established the great tribulation will commence. This is verified at Daniel 12:11. The length of the tribulation is established at Daniel 12:7 as ‘a time, times and an half’ (1260 days or 3 ½ years). This is confirmed several times in Revelation 11 and 12. The tribulation is not seven years in length but only half of that time
            All of the remainder of chapter eleven provides us with the actions of and responses to the Antichrist who has set himself forward to be worshipped. ‘And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people who do know their God Shall be strong and do exploits. (vs.32) He can be shown in the text following to be of Jewish decent. ’Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers (shows him to be a Jew) nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.(vs.36-37). In the end of his campaigns and conquests ‘he shall plant the tabernacle of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet shall he come to his end and none shall help him.’ (vs.45). Jerusalem is located between the seas (the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea). The glorious holy mountain in Daniel’s time would be understood to mean Mount Zion.
            Moving now to the New Testament and the testimony of Jesus: At Matthew 24:15 Jesus
speaks as a prophet warning us that when we see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet we will know that the time is nigh. He describes it as one standing in the holy place and admonishes us to understand. Note that He says nothing about the sacrifice of an animal in a physical temple. He introduces this warning sign as an onset to the tribulation. ‘For then shall be great tribulation, which was not since the beginning of the world to this tie ,no or ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved…..’(vss.21-22). He explains it as a time of great deception with signs and wonders to deceive people that it is he himself who has returned , but not so and he warns people to not be deceived that Christ has come again to the earth.  Later in the chapter at Matthew 24:29-31 we see him coming in the clouds with power and great glory to gather together his elect from the four corners of the earth and heaven.  This is the resurrection is after the tribulation and this passage is explained further at I Thes. 4:13-17. (not a rapture as proclaimed by dispensationalists).
            We need to move now to the book of Revelation and consolidate some of the relative truths from the Revelations of the Apostle John. First it is important to identify those texts in Revelation which are actually concerned with the tribulation for many have taught that the majority of the entire book deals with the subject. This is not true. Relevant are chapters 6, chapter 11:1-12, chapter 12 and chapter 13.
            Beginning with chapter 6 and the opening of the six seals spoken of in the text we will briefly state the essence of each of the seals. The first seal personifies a white horse and he that sat upon it with weaponry and a crown. This is the Antichrist moving forward to accomplish conquest. The second seal reveals a red horse with power to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another. The third horse is black and he that is upon it has a pair of balances in his hand to in effect measure the oil and the wine. This speaks of widespread famine and the scarcity of food. The fourth horse was pale and his name that sat upon him was  Death and Hell followed him. This is the consequence of all that is transpiring bringing pestilence and disease and widespread death.  The fifth seal reveals the souls of those who have been martyred for the testimony of the gospel of Christ asking the Lord when will their deaths be avenged? The sixth seal is a darkening of the sun and the moon and the Lord intervening to signal his coming judgment—the Day of the Lord-- upon the earth and the wicked men who are yet dwelling there. Indeed, as the Lord has said this is great tribulation and its duration is three and one-half years.
            Let us look briefly at the first portion of chapter eleven (vss. 1-12). The temple representing God’s place of swelling in his people—not a physical building is first measured. Some are found to be worshipping in truth while others are in the outer places away from the alter and they are given unto the Gentiles to be trodden under foot for the 42 months (3 1/2 years) of the tribulation.  Those worshipping in truth at the alter are to be caught up to heaven precipitating a great war in heaven in which the Dragon Satan is cast out.  This is recounted in chapter 12 and can only be understood when the metaphors used are rightly interpreted. The vast body of what we call the church represented by the woman (12:1) is in travail bringing forth a remnant of faithful believers who are to taken to the throne and become the instrument of the Lord to cast Satan out of heaven. The gospel is carried by many who are awakened to the reality of the time and are prepared to carry that message throughout the world before the end which will come as Jesus prophesied at Mathew 24:13. But their testimony will be given at the cost of their lives as many will be martyred by the enemies of God and Christ.
            Chapter thirteen of the Revelation reveals the geopolitical configuration of the world at the time of the end with the ten horned and seven headed beast. It reveals the great power given to the beast by Lucifer and those who he has spiritually captured. It reveals that a mark will be required to buy and sell and to take that mark is most certain to lead to the spiritual destruction of all who are participating.
            This is at best only a summary of the texts revealing the great tribulation.  To gain full understanding and complete exposition you could profit by obtaining my book These Prophets and the Revelation.  Go to my website given below and search it out including the link to numerous blogs which I have written covering many biblical topics and developing world events.

David Lance Dean                                         website:   author

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Abomination of Desolation

                In all of my writings whether in periodic blogs or my three published books my purpose and desire is to project the truths of the Scriptures and relate these truths to the lives of people in a manner that brings understanding.  So as with this topic I recently heard a well-known and very good Christian pastor speak about this subject projecting a very inaccurate interpretation of its meaning so I have thought there is a need to clarify and explain.  I have previously done so in two of my three books, but many will never access that source so I have been constrained to summarize those accounts here.
            Jesus introduces us to the truth and timing of the abomination of desolation at Matthew 24:15 when he says,  ‘’When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in the holy place, whoso reaadeth let him understand.” Jesus is speaking as a prophet concerning an event or occurrence which is yet future. As he has referred to Daniel as a prophet we then need to return to Daniel’s revealed writings to gather more information. Daniel instructs us concerning the matter in two places. At Daniel 12:11 we read asfollows: “And from the time the daily sacrifice shall be taken away and the abomination that maketh desolate shall be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.” When placed in context with the timing and duration of the tribulation period covered in more detail in the earlier part of chapter twelve this tells us the precise occurrence of the abomination of desolation placing it exactly thirty days before the beginning of the three and one-half year tribulation period. We state unequivocally that the tribulation is to last three and one-half years and not seven as proclaimed by those who embrace dispensational theology as is testified by Daniel at verse seven where the Scripture says: “….it shall be for a time, times and a half (3 ½ years) and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.”  Having established the timing we must seek further in the Scriptures to bring clarity to the details of its manning.
            To do so we must go to Daniel chapter 11  beginning with verse 30 where we read: “For the ships of Chittim shall come against him therefore he shall be grieved (speaking of the Antichrist, the son of perdition) and return and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with those that forsake the covenant, And arms (force or power) shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits. (verses 30-32). Understanding that this is a difficult passage we will provide an interpretation and then finish this treatment by moving to the New Testament and examining the second chapter of II Thessalonians but before we do so is necessary to demonstrate the utterly false interpretation held by those of dispensational persuasion.
            Although there is not one single verse of Scripture to verify any portion of their teaching they would provide a completely contrived interpretation as will follow. This passage, by the way receives extensive coverage in the Scofield Reference Bible notes  (pages 916 & 917 - 1967 revision) and is the source of this longstanding corruption of this portion of Scripture which  must be understood in light of the many heresies projected not only in the Scofield Reference Bible but the fruit of those teachings inherent in dispensational theology.
            Their interpretation and evaluation of Daniel 11:31 and following verses would identify the subject person acting as Antiochus Epiphines the alleged king of the North drawn from previous verses in the chapter which do not specifically identify either the “king of the north or the king of the south” as to a specific person. Supposedly by the added Scofield notes they have arrived at the conclusion that he sacrificed a sow on the altar of the temple in Jerusalem and they surmise this constitutes the abomination that makes desolate. Further they would assert that Antiochus Epiphines is the architype of the coming Antichrist. This is all conjecture without one verse of Scripture to verify any portion of it. Jesus clearly asserts that the occurrence of the abomination of desolation is yet future at the time of his prophecy. This interpretation then can only be labeled as a “Jewish fable” which is spoken of by the apostle Paul in his epistle to Titus.
            In truth the passage beginning with Daniel 11:30 and running to the end of the chapter
is recounting the activities of and responses to the actual Antichrist during the period of the tribulation. This is progressive and moving forward to the end of the age. Additional information as well as the length the tribulation is provided by Daniel in chapter twelve.
            Now we must move to II Thessalonians 2:1-11. We will place emphasis on portions of this passage to bring further understanding to the words of Jesus and the prophesies of Daniel. (1) First we would see that the return of the Lord is after the manifestation of the evil one spoken of in the passage (vss.1-3).  (2) That which restrains his (Antichrist) being revealed (verse 7). (3) The revelation of the wicked one occurs as the outworking of ‘the mystery of iniquity’ at the end of a falling away and the working of Satan and a great apostasy (verses 7-9). (4) It will be manifest by ‘lying wonders’ and the ‘deceivableness of all unrighteousness’ (verses 9-10). (5)He will oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so he as God sittith in the temple of God showing himself that he is God (verse 4). This is the abomination of desolation. (6) This spiritual activity empowered by Satan is allowed by God who ‘for this cause shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned who believe not the truth….’ (verses 11-12).If you really desire to have an understanding you will need to get your Bible out and work your way slowly through the entire passage.
            So in conclusion and by examining all the passages related to the abomination of desolation it will be seen that the wicked one -the son of perdition takes up residence in the temple of God. Under the tenets of the new covenant in Christ we see that that temple is the spirits of men for God intended to live and rein in the hearts (spirits) of men. This is his temple.(See I Cor. 6:19) ‘What know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which ye have of God…’ The word in the Greek is Naos meaning ‘a shrine or sanctuary’ (Vines Expository of New Testament Words). The word at I Cor. 6:19 and II Thes.2:4 are this word. Jesus uses the same word at John 2:19-21 in reference to his own body.
            In conclusion it must be stated that this writer does not believe the temple mentioned at II Thes. 2:4 is a rebuilt Jewish edifice or building where they may carry on worship. (See Acts 7:48-49).  This does not mean that it won’t happen but this is not the meaning of the abomination of desolation.  It cannot be for God has already judged and caused to be destroyed that outward expression of the old covenant and his dealings with ethnic or national Jewry is finished. (See my blog Seventy Weeks Are Determined). Thus it can only mean that the abomination of desolation is a time when the enemies of God—Satan and his demonic army headed up by the Antichrist take captive and thus take up residence and possession of men’s souls and spirits through a miraculous act of deception. (Compare Dan 11:32&cont. and II Timothy 2:26).  The enemy is capable of taking captive our inner man when we give consent. This spiritual reality will have extreme consequences when the manifestation of the abomination of desolation spoken of in II Thes. 2 occurs.
            These truths will be strongly rejected by all who have been deeply nurtured in Scofieldism and dispensational theology. 

David Lance Dean                                        visit my website:
                                                                       with a link all of my posted blogs


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Day of the Lord

            It has been my intention to write about this not very well understood biblical topic for awhile.  There are some complexities involved in covering adequately the subject which is dealt with in multiple places in both and old and new testaments. Its chronology, content and most of its details are not readily discerned or understood in the theological world.
            Let us begin with a definition of terms taken from the Scriptures. “For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon everyone who is proud and lofty and upon everyone who is lifted up; and he shall be brought low.”(Isaiah 2:12) We see then from this verse that it is a time of judgement upon all men, and later in this same chapter we come to understand from the descriptive text and  phrases that its effects  are not only upon proud and evil men but on the earth itself…….”when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.” (Isaiah 2:21 in  part). So what would be seen as we go forward is that the Day of the Lord is an all-encompassing judgement to be executed by the Lord himself as this age comes to its consummation including the judgement of mankind and the destruction of this present earth as we have known it
            A comprehensive and detailed description of this judgment can be found in the book of Revelation. However, the Revelation also includes some considerable detail of the period and content of events which precede its execution.  This is a period of three and one-half years identified in various contexts as the great tribulation. Much confusion in interpretation results from the failure to understand that both the tribulation period and the Day of the Lord are dealt with in detail in the Revelation and the text does not necessarily advise the readar of the difference between the two.  These details are only understood through diligent study to gain a proper interpretation of events and each separate topic must be discerned through the application of other scriptures in support both in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament.
            Two very important texts describing the Day of the Lord can be found in the Old Testament writings of Zephaniah (all three chapters).   The book of Joel also gives us much additional insight but it must be understood that the writings are given largely in metaphorical terms as is also true of the accounts of events given in Revelation. A real understanding of these passages will only be gained through lengthy and diligent study.  Almost every commentary which I have read is distorted by inaccurate conclusions based on false premises and a general failure to understand the use of metaphor intentionally given by the Holy Spirit.  This I believe to be true because the Lord did not want this truths and concepts to be understood through casual reading. They contain mysteries that can only be unlocked through literally hundreds of hours of study and bringing all of the relevant scriptures together in comparison and then a study which will bring the metaphorical language to light in the spirit of the one truly searching for truth.
            Content of the book of Joel is brought to light in the ninth chapter of the Revelation but it is shrouded deeply in metaphor and defies accurate interpretation unless the Holy Spirit quickens the understanding.  When this occurs little by little the truths are brought forth and we can place the relevant scriptures in context with other passages. The scope of this blog does not allow me the time or space to bring these individual passages into focus.  What I would hope is that your interest and desire to understand these all important passages would be heightened and you would be led to order and read my book These Prophets and the Revelation.
            If you are one who has been exposed to the teachings of dispensational theology and the corrupted Scofield Reference Bible you have been led into a quagmire of confusion that needs to be addressed by exposure to the truth.  I am going to give you a brief summary of the time line controlling events and judgments to be executed by the Lord at the end of the age.  Also I want to provide a few New Testament scriptures to provide an overview that if you wish to study them out will eventually bring you to clarity of understanding.
            In general the events to occur at the end of this age are explained by the passages of Scripture that define the great tribulation. Jesus Christ prophesied of these in his discourse in Matthew chapter 24 as well as Luke chapter 21. The length of the period of tribulation is three and one-half years (not seven years as taught by dispensationalists). The resurrection of all of the saints will occur after the period of tribulation. Read Matthew 24:29-31 and compare that passage with I Thessalonians 4:13-17 which peaks of the same event, i.e. the resurrection not the so-called rapture of the church. The resurrection is clearly after the tribulation. Numerous passages in Daniel and Revelation confirm the duration of the tribulation as 3 ½ years.
            The occurrence of the resurrection initiates that period of Divine judgement known and confirmed throughout the Scripture as the Day of the Lord. This can be seen after the resurrection in chapter five of I Thessalonians.  This will include the judgement of all men as seen In the twentieth chapter of Revelation. It will also include the judgment and destruction of the earth itself in favor of the creation of a new heavens and a new earth (See Rev.21:1-3).  Also quoting from II Peter 3:7-10 we read: ”But the heavens and the earth which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved under fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.  But beloved, be out ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promises, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.  But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the the heavens shall pass away with great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that ate therein shall be burned up.” A new heavens and a new earth will be created for and be inhabited by those people throughout the ages who have been steadfastly faithful and have endured in faith through their lives to receive an exceeding and great eternal reward.
            If you are among those who have been caught the theological lie that Jewish Israel is to reign in an earthly kingdom with Christ then you are in great need of understanding what the scriptures actually teach. Again may I suggest that you obtain my book which will give you extensive details of the books of Revelation and Daniel interfaced with developing national and world events? These Prophets and the Revelation can be supplemented with the reading of The Israel Deception.  Also for a complete expose’ of the heresies of dispensational theology I recommend Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible The time of the destruction of America is upon us to be followed by many more developments leading us to the end of the age. The only hope for the individual is a true and faithful commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.  An understanding of these realities and a steadfast faith are necessary to gain an entrance into the everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ.

David Lance Dean                                                       blogsite: these


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Dispensationalism--A New Paradygm

     I have recently posted a series of eight blogs at my blogsite exposing the theologically corrupted Scofield Reference Bible.  The information in those postings begins to reveal the background and origins of dispensational theology the dominant paradigm for today’s Christian Zionism.  A brief review is necessary here to avoid confusion for those who have not read the blogs or studied the issues to any significant degree.  As with any other discipline, theological systems originate through the initiatives of men who pursue the study of appropriate source materials.  In the case of theology the source must be the Scriptures themselves with little reliance on outside sources such as commentaries which may or may not be accurate. The reason for this is simply that the content of the Word of God must be spiritually discerned and the verification of accuracy must be supported by the content of various texts of Scripture. Every conclusion reached must meet the test of verification through the entire content of Scripture and not just from isolated verses. Taken out of context many things can allegedly be ‘proved’ with the use of Scripture. This is illustrated with the enemy’s temptation of Jesus at Matthew 4:6.  Jesus responded to his quotation of Psalms 91:11-12 with a higher principle of truth, i.e. ‘Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God.’ (Deut. 6:16)
      With that having been said let us review the relatively recent emergence of dispensational theology as a dominant paradygm in much of evangelicalism. John Darby (1800-1882) developed his theological concepts at a young age. By 1830 or shortly thereafter he had promulgated his dispensational theory.  It consisted of dividing the progression of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation into seven distinct dispensations (eras or economies) in which God’s dealings with man was allegedly progressively changing. We will name those divisions here: Innocence(before the fall of Adam); Conscience (from the fall of Adam to Noah); Human Government(from Noah after the flood to Abraham); Promise (from Abraham’s calling to the Exodus from Egypt); Law (from the giving of the law at Mount Sinai to Christ); Grace(alleging to cover the period of the church up until the insertion of a total rapture of the church); Kingdom (allegedly restoring the kingdom to the natural posterity of Abraham, i.e., the Jews) . The seventh phase of his scheme was to encompass the millennium in which he asserted Israel will dominate the world for 1000 years with Christ reigning on his throne from earthly Jerusalem. The basic tenets of his theology required a removal of the church from the earth at the occurrence of a pretribulational ‘rapture ‘.  This was a necessary event for the establishment of a kingdom on the earth for he saw the Scriptures as projecting two kingdoms; one in heaven for the church and one on the earth for Israel.  He proceeded to spread this teaching in England, Western Europe and also through several trips to America. It became known as ‘Darbyism’ and was the foundation for the Plymouth Brethren movement. This was derived from its home base in Plymouth, England. Darby was very academic and a prolific writer even translating his own version of the Bible. He was also a gifted speaker and was able to convince many concerning his brand new system of theology. 
      It was completely adopted and popularized within a few decades by C. I. Scofield in the Scofield Reference Bible (first edition 1909). From this early edition containing numerous footnotes, chapter headings and insertions it was very Zionist friendly. That is to say the concept of a future kingdom dispensation (the millennium) was promised and promoted as sure for Israel.  The dividing of the church from Israel was made dominant throughout the Old Testament through various ‘covenants’ and consummated in Revelation at the end of the age. Scofield received the endorsement for publication through a Zionist Jewish attorney in New York who had connections with Oxford University Press in London.  Oxford was owned by Zionist Jews and they sought to gain an inroad within Christian America. They financed and promoted the Scofield Reference Bible and owned all publication rights. C. I. Scofield was handsomely rewarded financially and his reference bible was launched. With the backing of unlimited financial resources it went through several revisions at least three of which were after he died in 1922 while still showing each time that C. I. Scofield was its editor. it sold multiplied millions of copies and was introduced into most of the major conservative seminaries and Bible schools in America affecting literally tens of millions of people who would hold the Bible to be the inspired and infallible Word of God. The preachers and teachers that were the students in these institutions became very effective in spreading dispensational theology throughout America and even Europe. The 1967 revision contained 6500 word changes in the original text of the King James Version.  Along with the massive Zionist friendly notes it was thus completely transformed and corrupted both in the text as well as interpretation by application of the notes. This became the new paradygm for understanding the Scriptures throughout most of evangelical Christianity and it has endured for over one hundred years. It is a system of theology which had no president in church history from the time of Christ up until about one hundred and fifty years ago when John Darby introduced Dispensationalism. Obtain my books The Israel Deception and more recently Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible              
 David Lance Dean

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Testimony of the Witnesses (Rev.11:1-12)

           Before moving into the actual content of this writing I would encourage a little review.  First, and above all, you might need to read the previous blog posting “The Rapture Question”.Until you have discovered that there is no pretribulational “rapture” of the entire church body you are totally handicapped in understanding the difficult passages presented in the Revelation. If by the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit you have gotten past that barricade to your understanding then I would recommend that you read two more blogs.  First, the “man child” blog will teach you that the main body of the church will pass through the great tribulation. Then move on to a more recent posting entitled “Measuring the Temple”. If you can comprehend from these three blogs what is happening here at the beginning of the tribulation then you will be able to understand the ministry of “My Two Witnesses” beginning at Revelation11:3. If you have received your spiritual nurture in the mainstream evangelical churches you very likely are going to have difficulty in grasping these concepts because these truths are unknown in today’s fundamentalist churches. What you really need to do is order a copy of my title: These Prophets and the Revelation to equip yourself with a complete understanding of end time biblical prophecy. But since you do not have that information in hand we will have to move forward anyway with as much as we can without it.
            The topic of Revelation 11:1-12 is a preparation for a ministry of the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world to be accomplished in a period of three and one-half years. This fact is verified by Jesus at Matthew 24:14 where we read: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the entire world for a witness to all nations; and then shall the end come.” Evangelicals in general do not understand that the resurrection of the saints does not take place until ”immediately after the tribulation of those days”( Matt. 24:29- first phrase).
            So what is seen first in the passage after the measuring of the temple is that the Lord is going to empower his witnesses to carry the gospel message to the entire world before the end of the age.    The next problem to overcome is that if we interpret literally that there are only two people to accomplish that feat which by any sense of reason is impossible; then we must come to understand that the two witnesses represent a spiritual principle by which God has always operated. Most evangelicals would say that it is Moses and Elijah or maybe it is Enoch and Elijah. The principle of two witnesses and testimony to all truth in order for it to be conveyed is that first the Lord must have people who are walking and speaking according to the Holy Spirit. Now then those people, however many they may be, have access to the second witness which is the Holy Spirit. When I write this blog if the Spirit of God does not testify to you that these words are truth then you have no ability to understand what I am saying. If the Holy Spirit says “amen” to your spirit then you know that it is truth.
            The time of the tribulation is one of great difficulty and one of total persecution of the people of God (3 1/2 years) because the enemy through the Antichrist is seeking to destroy anything which bears testimony to the reality of Christ. So we do not interpret that literal fire is coming from the months of the witnesses. (11:5). It is a metaphor. (Compare Jer. 23:29).  Nor do we interpret that they have power to stop it from raining for three and one-half years. It is that the Spirit of the Lord in them testifies to the word of God coming down from haven. Read the power given to Elijah at I Kings 17:1 and context and then understand that its usage in this context is being portrayed in metaphor. The same is true of the ministry of Moses in delivering the Israelites out of Egypt. Then there were physical miracles being performed because the Holy Spirit was not then operating in the same way that He is now under the new covenant. It is written and understood in metaphor.
            As the testimony of these witnesses is completed, each one individually, the beast “shall make war with them, and shall overcome them and then kill them.”(verse 7). This activity of the ministry of the gospel and the martyrdom of the saints will last over the entirety of the three and one-half years. (comp. Dan 11:32-35) The word days in verse 9 should have been translated years because the translators did not completely understand the context. Look it up in a concordance and you will see that the translation of the word is governed by the context. The context here it is 31/2 years, forty and two months or one thousand two hundred and three score days.
            We see in verse ten that the world will be rejoicing over their death even sending gifts to one another. Their joy and elation will be but for a short time because we see that at the end “the Spirit of life entered into them and they stood upon their feet: and great fear fell upon them which saw them.” Why? Because the resurrection is occurring.  (comp. vs 11-12)  “And they heard a great voice from heaven saying come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud: and their enemies beheld them.”(Compare this with I Thes. 4:13-17, not the “rapture “as dispensationalists teach, but rather the resurrection. See also Matt. 24:29-31- same event).
            This is a brief explanation of the passage. Much more detail can be found in my book Thee Prophets and the Revelation as well as many other insights explaining the words of the prophets. If you really have an interest in learning the truth of end time events you may find it here as well as in the book.  Unfortunately, you won’t find it in your church.

David Lance Dean     other blogs referenced at:

The Testimony of the Witnesses (Rev. 11:1-12)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

America's Election Fraud

            America is currently deeply involved in the recurring election cycle. Much fanfare, expenditure of vast amounts of money, and an ongoing hype is made available through the mainstream media.  These presidential campaigns go on for many months with rallies, debates, town hall meetings, political speeches, endorsements, etc., etc., and millions of people become involved.  Those millions of involved people believe they are participants in the democratic process of electing a leader for the county and they are seeking to have their voices heard in the political process. Americans have been brainwashed and deceived by this process believing that their voice, participation and vote will count in the end for the selection of the president, hopefully the one of their choice. Nothing could be further from the truth as is becoming increasingly evident; but which has also been true for literally decades.  In reality what we have in operation is a two party system consisting of Republicans and Democrats.  This provides the population with the illusion that they have a choice and hence democracy is in operation.  Both the candidates and the so-called political parties are fully controlled and orchestrated at a level much higher than the voter. There is no fundamental difference between the two
            By way of illustration let us take a closer look at the current presidential process. This time around we have a rather unusual situation in that Donald Trump although running as a Republican is not really part of the political sham .He
is independent of the control of the Republican Party by virtue of the fact that he is not beholden to the ‘money powers’ that consistently control the elections with the infusion of multiplied millions of dollars. He is wealthy enough to finance his own campaign and therefore cannot be controlled as are the other candidates.
Therefore, there is a loud outcry coming from the establishment to stop Trump at any cost asserting that he is unqualified and completely unacceptable to them as a possible nominee. The real reason for all of the outcry and his ultimate demise is that he endorses policies which are totally contrary to the agenda of the established political system.  For example he opposes the open border policy and the mass illegal immigration policy of the current administration and also the agenda of those who ae working diligently towards the establishment of a one world communistic government in opposition to the concept of national sovereignty and freedom. For this reason and other proposed policies that he has endorsed in his campaign there is no way that the controlled political establishment can allow him to become the nominee of the Republican Party much more the President of the United States. He must be done away with whatever that may require even to the possibility of his assassination.
            This is not a new development in American politics but has been the manner of control for many decades. If you stand up against the Zionist controlled system it matters not how popular you might be with the public at large. All that matters is that you are a part of their controlling cabal and subservient to their interests and ongoing agenda. Take the Kennedy’s as a case in point. John Kennedy was assassinated because he was challenging the Federal Reserve System and wanted to restore honest debt free money to the American people. He also was going to halt the Vietnam War which was part of the Zionist agenda in moving America forward into the New World Order. His brother Robert Kennedy was subsequently assassinated because the controlled power structure did not want another Kennedy in the White House. Beware Donald Trump as they will do whatever it takes to keep you from the presidency.
                The likely scenario is that when we reach the Republican convention this summer they will ‘change the rules’ in a ‘brokered convention’ to withhold the nomination from Trump.  You must understand that the primaries and caucuses do not determine the nominee. In other words all of the votes of the participants do not count. The party determines the nominee and the so-called delegates are controlled by the party which in turn is controlled by the money powers and political interests of the cabal who supports the ultimate destruction of America in favor of an international system.  You are in for some real surprises before this presidential campaign is over.  The emerging nominee as well as the new president will not be the choice of the people although they may be able to preserve the illusion of an election determined by the people. What we have in America is neither a republic nor a democracy, but rather an oligarchy controlled by Zionist interests and secret societies. Donald Trump is not a member of these societies and is not under the control of Zionism. Do you think this is just a conspiracy theory? Get familiar with the Scriptures. May I recommend for your reading one of my biblically based titles: These Prophets and the Revelation which can be obtained through the publisher’s bookstore Xlibris  In the alternative all of my books are available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Other titles which may be of interest to you are The Israel Deception and Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible. Visit my blogposts for many blogs covering various subjects related to today’s world in light of the testimony of the Bible.

David Lance Dean

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Death of a Nation

             The recent death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia portends another significant and major event in the planned destruction of America.(See my blog—The Planned Destruction of America at dated 5/22/15). Justice Scalia whose death was attributed to “natural causes” which is more than slightly suspicious since his health was good, his head was covered with a pillowcase when he was discovered, and no autopsy was performed.   Why was his death so significant for America and what would be a motive for foul play?
          A recent Supreme Court decision (February 9, 2016)denied the Obama Administration fuller implementation of his global climate change initiative which is an important component of the United Nations Agenda 21 protocols. Justice Scalia opposed the issue as he remained as one of the last strong proponent of Constitutional government, the Bill of Rights and freedom. Now with his death and the appointment of a new jurist we will see the Supreme Court brought completely under the control of the international agenda. Several of the more recent appointments to the court are very liberal progressives and clearly advocates of the destruction of the principles of liberty. The loss of Justice Scalia is a major blow to America and the freedoms which might still remain.
            America’s inevitably fatal illness becomes more obvious progressively and now almost daily we can witness evidences of its demise. There is no place in the agenda of those who are the proponents and perpetrators of world governance for a sovereign nation of free people. Communism is antithetical to either freedom of the individual or sovereignty of a nation state. This is at the heart of the satanically inspired Zionist agenda to destroy America.  Powerful forces are at work internationally not only for the ultimate destruction of America but to bring about a merger of the world’s nation states into a system of regionalized governments numbering ten worldwide. America is to be merged at some future time with Canada and Mexico into what will be known and the North American Union. An understanding of this reality is gained through knowledge of the prophetic Scriptures. Neither constitutional freedoms nor national freedom will exist. Several significant developments lie between the present deteriorating state of America and the formation of this emerging world order.  Let us briefly review what likely lies ahead for America and the world at large. Much fuller coverage of the subject matter can be gleaned from my recent title These Prophets and the Revelation.
              Economically it is clear and easy to understand that the demise and collapse of the world’s reserve currency the dollar is inevitable and near at hand.            The debt pressures against its continuance are international arising from China, the BRICS coalition and a general international movement away from what has been known for decades as the petro dollar. When the dollar collapse occurs it will bring down America dramatically both nationally as well as the welfare of its citizens individually. There will be the necessity for the introduction of a new international monetary system whether it is to be a new world currency or a system of electronic controls or maybe a combination of the two as the world goes through a period of economic reformation. We are ultimately moving towards a cashless society as the central banks have begun an initiative for the elimination of cash.  This will bring about the power of total control to the dominating political structure eliminating privacy as well as freedom. The Scriptures tell us of this reality in chapter thirteen of the Revelation and it is called the mark of the beast.(Rev. 13:16-18). A system of electronic identification for participating in the world’s commerce will be initiated in the future.
            Also we are now seeing the escalating conflicts between nations occurring
 ever more frequently in the Middle East.  The potential for these conflicts to
escalate into World War III is very real indeed.  Jesus clearly prophesied: “and ye
shall here of wars and rumors of wars,…..for  nation shall rise against nation: and
there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places. All of
these are the beginning of sorrows.”(Matt. 24:7-8).
            This is only a sampling of national and world developments leading us
towards the consummation of all things. We are living in perilous times and the
need is great for wisdom and understanding for there is  a great spiritual war in
progress and the months and years  ahead will only reveal an intensification of
the conflict between the Lord God Almighty and his adversary Lucifer.
            Every person has a need to be informed with understanding from m the
Scriptures.  I strongly recommend that you procure and read both of my titles:
         These Prophets and the Revelation as well as The Israel Deception.
Visit my blogspot for numerous related posts and instructions for procuring the

           David Lance Dean                                   blogspot:  theseprophets.blogspot                                                                               Website: authordavidlancedean