Saturday, September 17, 2016

America's Dilemma

              “Give me control over nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.”
This famous historical quotation was spoken over two hundred years ago.  Thus was the edict of Mayer Amschell Bauer (Rothschild). His agenda has now evolved into an international monetary cabal of very wealthy Luciferians directing a monetary system which captured America by a Congressional act of fraud and treason on December 23, 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act.  This single act placed the monetary control of the nation into a foreign owned corporation of international banking and financial elitists whose long term goal is the total destruction of America in favor of a new international order. That control mow does not only apply to America but is international in scope (IMF -International Monetary Fund) including ultimately all of the large central banks of the world.
            In the context of the upcoming election in America prepare for a collapse of cataclysmic proportions altering the world’s financial system with the removal of the petrodollar as the established world reserve currency which was placed in effect by the Bretton Woods Agreement in July, 1944 creating the International Monetary Fund.  This agreement set the stage for the long term goal of establishing a single world currency and ultimately a digital monetary system. This
ongoing process and agenda is to lead the world into a Luciferian inspired system of total tyranny through control of the world’s wealth, food, energy and natural resources preparing the world’s population for the emergence through massive deception of a world ruler and  an alleged savior identified in the Scriptures as the Son of Perdition or the Antichrist.
            The event I speak of will likely occur at the very end of September with the introduction of a new international currency system based in the Chinese Yuan and a world system of special drawing rights (SDR). This international reset of currencies is orchestrated by the same cabal responsible for the capture of America through the Federal Reserve Act. It is simply now going international and will involve a massive transfer of wealth into the hands of these same world monetary controllers. When understood this world wide monetary conspiracy of control and reset would be identified by them as ‘Shimitah’. A few words of explanation become necessary. Under the Old Testament economy the Lord God established a system of Sabbaths. Six days of labor and then a seventh day of rest or Sabbath. The principle extended to Sabbath years in which the land would be tilled and harvested for six years and then it was required to be given a seventh year of rest. After seven yearly Sabbaths came the Jubilee (‘Shimitah’) meaning a release at which time all debt was forgiven and all property rights were restored to the original owner in spite of any encumbrance of debt or obligation. Thus there came a release. The cabal assumes their world ownership through  Babylonian Talmudic dogma.
            The financial and political world is now controlled by a Luciferian cabal who draw their justification for world dominance from the Old Testament concept of them being a ‘chosen people’ or in another way of expression is as the ‘master race’. They have counterfeited the concept of the Jubilee (Shimitah) to orchestrate through the Federal Reserve’s control of monetary policy a series of boom and bust cycles occurring every seven years. This cycle can be followed from the oil embargo of 1973 every seven years. The 1980 recession, the 1987 stock market collapse, the collapse of the bond market in 1994, the 9/11 false flag attack on the world trade center (9/11) and the subsequent stock market crash immediately following. In 2008 we experienced the sub-prime mortgage debacle bringing financial calamity and foreclosure to millions of Americans. Always the object is involving a transfer of wealth. The stage is now set for the Jubilee as the fiftieth year which began in September 2015 but is ending September, 2016.
             We are there now and must be prepared for this cataclysmic event precipitated by the collapse of the petrodollar and the move to a new international monetary system. Those in control have postponed the event until this year in the face of the upcoming election. Hillary Clinton is the obvious choice of the cabal as she herself is a member of the illuminati and supported by George Soros, the Rothschild’s, et al. She has become obviously quite ill and may not be able to complete her anointing as President of the United States. Be prepared for an election surprise coming in conjunction with the currency reset. Donald Trump is completely unacceptable as a possible President to the power brokers so some manner of crisis will be implemented to possibly delay the election, call it off completely or some other option. Who knows for sure what the other options would be?
            If by some miraculous intervention Trump might actually be elected he would be totally unable to initiate the reforms he has proposed in his campaign.  Why? Because he does not control the world monetary system.  Regardless of any noble or patriotic intent that he may have for America he will not be allowed to implement his agenda.  It simply does not conform to the planned destruction of America which has been established by those who are moving forward in favor of a one world government ultimately to be revealed in their plan for a ‘Greater Israel’ and the emergence of a false messiah to rule the world prior to the return in judgement  of Christ.
            A crisis of great proportions for America lies immediately ahead.  This is America’s great dilemma. Are you spiritually prepared by virtue of an abiding faith and dependence on the only one who can provide hope and salvation?  Jesus Christ. He will ultimately judge it all and prevail after times of trouble and great tribulation.

David Lance Dean                                         
            Two books which will greatly enhance your understanding of today’s world:
These Prophets nod the Revelation   amd The Israel Deception