Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Can Trump "Make America Great Again"?

Merely asking this question raises many more questions that we may not be able to completely answer. Nevertheless, in light of the recent election it is an issue that must be addressed here. America’s people have head all of the rhetoric covering a plethora of issues e.g. immigration, taxes, a wall at the border, trade agreements, Supreme Court nominations, law and order, etc. ad infinitum. These and more were continually expressed throughout his campaign. My motive in this inquiry and my writing is not to bring question to the sincerity of the many promises made; but rather more in addressing the reality of whether or not these many promises driving the campaign and subsequent election are even possible. The euphoria is substantial and the economic indicators are currently positive but what lies ahead? The resistance is also formidable and the political and economic forces of resistance are powerful as the Zionist Luciferin agenda is threatened.
            Clearly Trump’s proposed agenda stands in stark contrast to the direction of our nation over the past twenty-five years or more. From the standpoint of a patriot I would love to see every aspect of this agenda become operative for the benefit of the American people and the restoration of what was once a Constitutional Republic.  It is now a for profit corporation controlled by international interests and another agenda. That desire would most certainly include the nullification of the Johnson amendment to the IRS code (501c3) which granted a tax exemption for churches and its members with the caveat that they would not become involved in political actions or rhetoric. This issue alone has stifled the voice of the church to identify and resist the tyranny which restrains the legitimate voice of Scriptural freedom upon those who at least profess to be Christian. Donald Trump has voiced his desire to accomplish this nullification. This particular issue brings me to the point of at least beginning to be able to answer the original question.
            The international forces opposed to the concept that America could be made great again are extremely formidable. At the root of the powerful cabal that dominates internationally is the ‘money power’ now vested in the International Monetary Fiend and related international banking institutions including the Federal Reserve System controlling America. These systems combined control includes markets, money printing, investments and economies. They operate in collusion with a single ultimate goal.  That is to control the world’s nations and its population. At the time of this writing we are very near to the planned demise of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. It will very soon be replaced with a new world currency system known as ‘world money’ and America will lose the many benefits of possessing the controlling world currency—the dollar. The system to be introduced will include a basket of currencies controlling all commerce and trade internationally. When the dollar collapses and is replaced with a new international monetary system America will be financially devastated. The price of gold and silver will escalate exponentially and the value of the dollar will conversely be depleted. I am not an economist and my only real perspective on developing world events is derived from decades of research and observance of the transformation of the world from a spiritual perspective. We are observing and will continue to observe even more dramatically in the years to come a transformation of nation states into regional governments interacting with an ever more centralized world government. This is the agenda of Lucifer for a New World Order under his control that he may receive universal worship in an attempt to displace God for a short period of time before the final judgment. Wake up Christians!
            The Scriptures clearly prophesy these developments. We are engaged in a great spiritual war with the powers of spiritual darkness and ultimate evil. They are acting to enslave and destroy America as well as the other nations of the world and bring them into harmony under a single control mechanism of absolute international tyranny. Due to this reality I do not believe that Donald Trump will be able to make America great again because this concept is diametrically opposed to the agenda of the evil one which is clearly prophesied in the Scriptures. Due to the apostate state of the Christian church the Lord will allow this deterioration into judgment as he willfully limits himself and allows judgment to occur as an instrument to bring potential repentance to an immoral and ungodly nation and world. See my books: These Prophets and the Revelation and The Israel Deception.

David Lance Dan                               website:authordavidlance