Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Impending Economic Colapse

Life in America is soon to undergo a dramatic change. The approaching collapse of the dollar is inevitable as the efforts to destroy it as the world’s reserve currency continue. Many having greater knowledge than myself have sounded a solemn warning that removal of the dollar and replacement by another international currency is rapidly approaching.  The petrodollar has been the basis for all purchases and sales of oil for decades after a deal was cut with Saudi Arabia in exchange for their use of oil revenues to purchase United State Treasury Bonds.  This arrangement has had a twofold important impact on the American economy. First the purchase of United States debt has allowed the United States government through the Federal Reserve to ramp up government debt exponentially.  In turn while this was occurring it allowed a growing prosperity for the American people.  The party is nearly over now with the massive expansion of government debT which has virtually doubled during the Obama Administration.
            What must be expected and prepared for is a trigger point when the cartels and controllers of international banking decide to establish a new international world currency model. This could occur as early as June 17th when the Federal Reserve board meets should they decide to raise interest rates? But maybe not. This could have a triggering effect on the stock market and could bring this whole financial house of cards tumbling down. The new currency model will likely be expressed as SDS or special drawing rights which would include a basket of world currencies as the new standard. That group of currencies will not include the dollar which will be devalued dramatically.  When this currency reset takes place it will likely produce a stock market crash on Wall Street that will surpass the 1929 crash which initiated the great depression.  That debacle affected America for a decade and recovery was very slow and painful up until the time of the Second World War. That also affected a dramatic change in government in America bringing about a growth of Socialism which has continued more or less unabated ever since then. Currency wars have been ongoing for some time but are now reaching the point of crisis as the Chinese and Russians are both initiating a movement away from the dollar as the standard for world currencies. More recently Saudi Arabia has also joined the war against the dollar.
            When people like Jim Richards, recognized economic expert; Paul Craig Roberts, Secretary of the Treasury under Ronald Reagan; former twenty two year Congressman Ron Paul, a student of economics and the Federal Reserve; and Peter Schiff, world class private investment counsellor are all giving us this same loud and clear warning we can be sure that financial calamity is on the near horizon. Their warnings are credible and imminent.
            The Federal Reserve is not a part of the United States government but it is a
privately owned foreign and international entity controlled by the “money power” of the world which rests with the Rothschild dynasty who also control the central banks of Europe, Great Britain Japan, Australia, Canada, Japan, and much of the rest of the world.  It is linked to the International Monetary Fund and the In Bank of International Settlement in Basil Switzerland. Their singular goal is total control of the world monetarily and politically and it has advanced its cause dramatically in the last two or three decades.  The recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were to gain control of their economic systems. The “Arab Spring” of the Obama Administration had similar goals particularly with Libya which was completely free of international monetary control and possessing significant wealth until it was overthrown and its leader Gadhafi murdered. Through the destruction and removal of the dollar the Zionist Ashkenazi Jews will take another giant step forward towards world dominance and their long planed New World Order. It’s all about a one world government ultimately to be centered in Israel.
            You would be well advised to prepare for the coming economic calamity for it will no doubt be accompanied by civil unrest, probable martial law and a government sponsored oppressive agenda against the people. It will also likely bring substantial economic difficulties to the majority of Americans as their purchasing power will be greatly diminished. Storage food, access to pure water and alternative heat would be wise steps in preparation.
            The most important area of preparation is spiritual and to educate yourself and make a pronounced turn towards understanding that what lies ahead is a great spiritual battle for control of the earth.  It is planned and orchestrated by evil men who are under the dominion and power of Lucifer. It is ultimately the fulfillment of biblical prophecy and we have been warned and instructed by the prophets of the Lord in the Bible. I highly recommend my two books, The Israel Deception and These Prophets and the Revelation to provide you with a true understanding of what is happening in America and the world at large.  Knowledge is power and understanding provides the wisdom to perservere.

David Lance Dean

Information on my books and numerous previously written blogs are available at my blogspot.  There is wealth of information open and available for you at

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