Friday, August 14, 2015

Toward an Understanding of their Agenda

     The vast majority of the population at large live in a world carefully planned to control them through multiplied lies and deceptions. They are constantly being bombarded with distortions, half-truths and outright lies.  This reality keeps most in a mental and emotional state which makes it very difficult or even impossible for them to be reached with truth whether that truth is related to the political, the economic or the spiritual realities of today’s world. There is a very real and ongoing spiritual warfare taking place daily in the world but few would recognize its reality and implications. A constant flow of propaganda  and  misinformation is fed to the masses via the controlled mainstream media, many if not most of the  most widely  circulated news magazines and of course the television media of CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox, et al. People should be able to receive truth from the Christian community. Christian radio, books and other writings should be a reliable source of truth.  But, alas, these sources have also been compromised by the government’s 501c3 “tax exempt” status not to mention the multiplied distortions of the Scriptures including both corrupted doctrine, and prophesy which will not stand up when examined in light of the Bible. So the people are blinded and deceived about the transformation of America and are largely unable to discern the meaning of national and international phenomenon in a rapidly changing world scene. I have attempted to be a source of information and biblical truth through my writings which include three published books and dozens of blogs. This blog is part of that ongoing effort to provide information and truth.
       So there exists an international agenda to form a one world tyrannical government, which will ultimately enslave not only America but the world at large. This agenda has been drafted by the god of this world namely Lucifer or Satan if you prefer that identification. It is international in scope and includes every race, ethnicity and religion.  It covers all issues, political, economic, social and religious. It is explained and detailed by the prophets in the Word of God. We are now on the precipice of the events which will lead progressively to its implementation. The principle instruments for affecting its progress and completion is a cabal of international financial elitists who have gained virtual control of the world’s monetary system. It is centered in the Rothschild financial dynasty that control the world’s fiat monetary system and by virtue of this control  can buy the world’s political leaders. It includes a network of secret societies beginning with the illuminati and the associated network of Satan worshippers including the Skull and Bones Society, the upper echelons of Freemasonry, the Bilderberg group, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations and a plethora of other organizations and   networks who have succumbed to the Khazarian Ashkenazi Jews who have adopted Orthodox Judaism and its guiding rabbinic principles as found in the Babylonian Talmud and the Kabballah. Its core group is the Khazarian criminal mafia who control most of the vast empire of criminal activity internationally which includes unlawful wars, murder, assassinations, prostitution, drug running, extortion pedophilia and every other vile and unlawful activity that you may be able to identify.
           From an economic perspective the world’s major central banks are controlled by this criminal dynasty which includes America’s Federal Reserve System. The immediate plan is to collapse the American economy in September and this is to be followed in October by a reset of currencies internationally removing the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and destroying America economically.  This will effectively destroy America as we have known it and pave the way for its political demise as well.  The Zionist agenda plans to merge Canada the United States and Mexico into a regional unit destroying the Constitution and any remaining semblance of freedom. This world regional unit will be joined by nine other regions to compose a total of ten when completed.  This ten toed and ten horned beast is described in detail by the prophets Daniel and the Apostle John in the Revelation. There is now no spiritual power in an apostate and compromised Christian church to oppose and stand against this beast and it will emerge and gain control of the world.
         The tiny nation state of Israel will ultimately arise as the dominate power in the Middle East and will be used as the deception and lie of the Antichrist to bring about universal worship of Satan.  This lies in direct contradiction to the popular doctrines of dispensational teleology where the Jews are the “chosen people” of God and are destined to rule for a millennium from their recovered “promised land” in the Middle East. This deception is enormous and paves the way for their spiritual demise if they cannot be awakened to the truth.
        I recommend for your reading and theirs all three of my titles in order that you might gain a fuller understanding of the agenda and be delivered from the overwhelming lies and deceptions prevalent in today’s world. There is a great and pressing med in America for revival and a turning back to Jesus Christ for salvation and spiritual deliverance.
    These Prophets and the Revelation: In depth studies in biblical prophecy interfaced with current national and international developments. Xlibris Pub.
       The Israel Deception: An accurate account of who, how and why this deception of Zionism has been perpetrated on such a vast scale. Amazon. com,
     Christian Zionism and the Scofield Reference Bible. A critical expose’ of the false doctrines and prophesies of dispensational theology .Xlibris Publishing

David Lance Dean                                    website and blogspot available at


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