Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Progressive Destruction of National Sovereignty

     Are you one that still doubts the satanic conspiracy to build a new international order (NWO)? The evidence of this developing phenomenon can be seen everywhere if you have not been deluded and deceived by the political, economic and media propaganda which has been carefully designed to deceive the average  and common uninformed citizen. The agenda and its perpetrators can be discovered through a diligent examination of the Scriptures, but remains a mystery to the vast majority of the population. For the sake of education and enlightenment let us examine the clear evidence of  some of what is in prospect for the world at large in the years which lie immediately ahead.
            All should be aware that our Southern border has been opened to virtually any and all who would purpose to enter the United States.  This clearly includes not only many tens of thousands from Central America but multiplied many more thousands from other regions of the world including the Middle East.  Many are adherents of the Muslim religion and these include those who would be radical in their convictions holding a hatred for the ‘infidels’ which occupy America. They are not only enemies of America but certainly enemies of any who would endorse the Christian faith. They come with the blessing of the Obama Administration which is, of course, only a puppet to execute the interests of the international Zionist movement committed to the destruction of America and the establishment of world government. The objective in opening the borders to any and all that would come is not only to ‘homogenize’ the population but ultimately to destroy the culture and sovereignty of the United States as an independent nation state operating under the rule of law. The ultimate goal is to merge it with other nations regionally to conform to the design of United Nations Agenda 21. America will become a part of the North American Region when the plan is fully implemented having no constitution and sharing that condition through the merger with Mexico and Canada. Ten such regions will be established internationally.
            This is identical to the progression of developments in the European nations.  The massive immigration of ‘refugees’ from the military conflicts in Syria and  Iraq serve the same purpose of destabilization of the western democracies in Europe including Germany, France, Italy, and several others.  The influx of millions of these so-called refugees places an extreme financial drain on the economies of the effected nations leading them inevitably towards economic collapse. This is all part of the agenda.  Economic union can only be realized through the initiation of a new international monetary system and the currencies of sovereign nation states must be eliminated to accomplish this international unification. Money as we have known it will ultimately be replaced by an electronic system enslaving every individual to the new economic order if they are to be able to participate in commerce through buying and selling. This process will be evolving over time and we cannot say precisely how long it will take to reach its complete implementation. The Scriptures refer to it as the ‘mark of the beast’ and it can be found in the closing verses of the thirteenth chapter of Revelation.
            These developments are further being implemented through international trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership which has been in negotiation secretly for several years.  This agreement binds a dozen nations internationally including the United States, Canada, Australia and others in the Pacific Rim.  This initiative and various other international trade agreements further erode the sovereignty of nation states and remove them from their own laws to be overridden by international agreements unifying the world of commerce. You can read about the full development of this agenda in the eighteenth chapter of the Revelation.  World commerce is to supersede national sovereignty.
        These necessary catalysts are to bring about the further erosion of the concepts of sovereignty and to bring the world into an accord for international regional hegemony. The Zionist agenda is to elevate Israel into the center of this new world system.  The numerous details in all its progression along with all the ramifications of the Zionist agenda needs to be understood.  My two titles These Prophets and the Revelation (Second Revised Edition) and The Israel Deception will provide you with the detailed information needed to understand the Biblical prophesies outlining these developments and many other significant events in the secular world preparing you for the cataclysmic events to be realized in the entire world in the near future. Perilous times and the chaos necessary to prepare all people for the deceptive implementation of world government are upon us.  My books can be obtained from Xlibris Publishing/bookstore. Also available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

David Lance Dean                                           Website:

Many additional and relevant blogs can be viewed on my blogspot but the complete and full story is only available in the books I have listed above.

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