Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Daniel's Prophesies: Great Tribulation

                Finishing our study in Daniel will require two more postings.  Each one will be centered at the very end of the age at the time of the great tribulation.  The text will cover the last one-third of Daniel chapter eleven to the end of the book. Daniel 11:30-45 is where we will concentrate on the first of the two.  The last will be focused in the twelfth chapter of Daniel.  They will be different in content and emphasis but will fit together to cover the subject in some detail. If you have been following our study the previous posting was on the abomination of desolation. This is an important event to understand because it provides the entry point to the three and one-half years of tribulation. If you have not read it I recommend that you do so and if you have it might profit you to read it again.
            Moving to the current text of our considerations we find that the last third of the eleventh chapter is providing insights from the point of the abomination of desolation and carrying us forward through to the end of the age. The early part of the chapter gives us much history but is not written in manner which provides keys leading us to prophetic interpretation.
             Beginning with verse 30 in the eleventh chapter we read: “For the ships of Chittim (an islander, from the coasts opposite of Palestine--Strong’s Concor.) Shall come against him: therefore shall he be grieved and have * indignation (to be in great wrath, bitterness, vengeance) against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return and have **intelligence (to have understanding) with them who forsake the holy covenant. The verse depicts a great conflict both spiritually and in the temporal realm. Warfare is an ongoing process both militarily and spiritually in opposition to the covenant and expressed violently against those who embrace the covenant in the most intense sense.
            “Arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength and shall take away the daily (sacrifice) and shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.” (Verse 31 is explained completely in my previous blog).
            “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries:
But the people that do know their God shall be strong and do (exploits) (verse 32).
“And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet shall they fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity and by spoil many days.”(verse 33).
            “Now when they shall fall, they will be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.”(verse 34).”And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.” (verse 35). What is being depicted in verses 32 through verse 35 is a spiritual conflict that is extremely intense against the evil one and those allied with him. It is a conflict which includes great persecution and martyrdom being experienced by those who are being faithful to Christ. Some of them will fall away through deceit (flatteries) and yet many shall persevere This text can be cross-referenced to Revelation chapter 11:1-12 and is also referred to under the fifth seal in Revelation chapter 6:9-11. I recommend you read these texts to understand what is happening with the people of God during the tribulation period. It is notable to point out that the. corrupted message of today’s churches is that the saints are going to be raptured away before the tribulation escaping all consequence of the dominion of ‘the son of perdition.’ Through deception and acceptance of untrue doctrines they will succumb to deception believing that the “son of perdition” is the returning Christ.
            The text in the chapter beginning with verse 36 takes us to the person of Antichrist himself and his ongoing activities to conquer and establish his dominion on earth while receiving worship and honor from the masses of people who in their deception believing that he is the messiah. He shall do according to his own will and exalt himself above every god and speak blasphemies against the true God. We see in verse 37 that he is in fact a Jew as he does not honor the God of his fathers for the God of his fathers would be the true God.  In verse 38 we see that he will honor a god of forces, a god who his father’s knew not. And in 39 a “strange god whom he will acknowledge and increase with glory, and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain.” This, of course, is in fact Lucifer assuming the place of God and occupying his sanctuary.
            The following verses in the text are expressing and explaining the conflict for a vast territory recovery in the Middle East by Israel. The recovery and possession of the ‘Promised Land’ is in view and other areas of the region will be affected, (verses 40, 41 and 42).This is the consummation of the Zionist plan for a “Greater Israel” being orchestrated by the World Zionist Organization and the compromised political and economic powers under their control worldwide  which will ultimately be consolidated into their planned NEW WORLD ORDER.  It will be centered in Israel and with its capitol being Jerusalem “And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain.” (ZION) (Verse 45. ) Jerusalem is located ‘between the seas’, i.e. the Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean.The ‘glorious Holy Mountain is otherwise known as Zion.
            “…yet shall he come to his end, and none shall help him.” (Last phrase of 45)
            These consummating events of the age are clearly prophesied by both Daniel and the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation.  They are also recorded in the annuls of the secular world.  The Oded Yinon plan drafted in 1982 is a precursor blueprint to all of the current conflict we have observed in the Middle East and it is not near to being over. America is the lackey servant of Zionism to  prosecute war and destabilization  for Israel to recover the Middle East establishing a ”Grater Israel” in the midst of world government.(Check it out on the internet under Oded Yinon Plan for Greater Israel).
            The solemn commentary to these realities is that America and evangelical Christians in the main are totally deceived by their enchantment with the nation state of Israel, and the so-called ‘chosen people’. It will prove to be the greatest deception every perpetrated by the devil on Christianity and the world at large. Jesus solemnly warned us of this at Matthew 24:24-25 and context.
David Lance Dean                    You would profit from my book The Israel Deception
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