Friday, September 29, 2017

America: The Sorcerer's Apprentice

                  This discourse will deviate somewhat from my general treatment of topics from the Scriptures on sound doctrine and reliable prophetic interpretation. However, it will not depart from the reality of the spiritual warfare which goes on perpetually on the earth and the enemy’s all-out effort to destroy people through his various devices and deceptions. Sorcery is one of his most effective avenues of this deception and control.
                “Now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,, idolatry, witchcraft* hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders,   drunkenness, revelings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have always told you in the past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” (Gal. 5:19-21). Paul has enumerated for us a list of conducts, conditions, and indulgences of the flesh which will effectively bar one from entrance into the kingdom of God should they not be recognized and be put away through a wholehearted repentance. You will note that I have singled out witchcraft which we are going to focus upon as it has become so extremely predominant in America. In defining the term witchcraft we turn to Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words where we find the following definition: Gr. Pharmakia (English “pharmacy, etc.”) primarily signified “the use of medicine, drugs, spells; then. poisoning; then sorcery. In “sorcery” the use of drugs by incantations, whether simple or potent, was generally accompanied by incantations and appeals to the occult powers of demons, but actually to impress the applicant with the mysterious powers of the sorcerer. Do not Americans in general extol the powers of the medical establishment and doctors have a status which is almost godlike?
            So the applicant having some malady, sickness or disruption of normal biological function makes an appointment to see a doctor.  After examination and council with his patient the doctor recommends a certain pharmaceutical drug and writes a prescription which may be filled at any number of local pharmacies. The patient has the prescription filled and begins to faithfully take the “medication” believing that it will provide some relief or maybe even healing.  And often time the “medication” i.e. poison creates various “side effects” depending on the concoction of chemicals in the prescription and its action and effect on the body as well as the mind.  These can be numerous and serious even unto the death of the patient or maybe just the physical, psychological, and spiritual effects of submission to the occult and innate powers of drugs. Whether the drug is a street drug such as heroin or cocaine or just that chemical concoction prescribed by your family physician, the applicant has come under a spell of control to a substance not only toxic and foreign to the body but also affecting the mind and emotional state of the victim. They have become addicted and dependent, maybe for life, upon a substance or substances which capture them psychologically and physically and may ultimately lead to their destruction both physically and spiritually. This is the power of “witchcraft” also identified in the scriptures as sorcery. The victim is convinced that this witchcraft has positive effects for his wellbeing.
            All of the foregoing also applies to the vaccine industry which has gone viral in America. Do you know that a child born in America today will be subjected to about seventy vaccinations by the time they reach age six?  It would require a very much longer evaluation of the real dangers imposed on that innocent child to understand the grave implications of these many highly toxic substances being introduced into their bodies.  Certainly one of the most obvious is the rampant escalation of the mind destroying effects of autism resulting from heavy metals in the vaccines. These massive inoculations have gone viral after Congress passed a bill in 1989 banning any possibility of legal action against a manufacturer of vaccines. You probably never heard of the calamity of death and destruction imposed on the American military at the time of the first Gulf War in 1990.  Literally thousands of the members of the military either died or had their immune systems destroyed by anthrax vaccinations.  I know this first hand because my own son was victimized and his immune system was destroyed ultimately resulting in his own destruction.  The government will never reveal this calamity even though it was done intentionally. I have documented proof.
            So what lies behind this cataclysmic death, debilitation and destruction? It is an entity fully described in Scripture as Mystery Babylon the great the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. (See Rev.17:5).So this is the active and powerful representation of Satan on the earth, and of course, he is ultimately behind it and provides its empowerment, authority, and occult dogma and operation. Then it trickles down to governments and corporations under the control of Mystery Babylon. “…and thy merchants were the great men of the earth: for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” (Rev. 17:23). In America it would include the Congress and Presidency, various governmental agencies, FDA, EPA, CIA, the Council on Foreign Relations and many other secret societies.
            The FDA monitors and approves the introduction of new drug concoctions to endorse and deceive the American public into the belief that they are “tested” and “safe”. FDA APPROVED in spite if the fact that millions die and many more millions are addicted, disabled, psychologically captured, and spiritually enslaved. The published figures are staggering and that only begins to identify the extent of the problem. America is totally controlled by Mystery Babylon and its minions.

David Lance Dean              Recommend the reading of my book: The Israel Deception                                                for more on this   subject and other important information


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