Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Corporatism, Communism, Captivityand Control

            Americans, as well as the world at large, face the existence of an all-encompassing dilemma which pervades every aspect of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” (property). Most Americans continue to embrace these fundamental elements of their heritage not understanding that they only exist as the illusion they continue to call freedom.  They are no longer a reality but have been deceptively “preserved” in their minds through carefully planned and orchestrated propaganda controlling their perception.  For they believe we surely must still live “in the land of the free and the home of the brave”. The founding fathers were able to perceive in some measure the tyranny and despotism inherent in the very nature of men, and they attempted to establish a political system which would limit and preserve “checks and balances” against the inevitable destruction of the Republic. Their efforts were successful for only a short time before the greed and devices of evil men were destined to prevail. The lust for material wealth, power and lawless immorality controlled.  Andrew Jackson’s war against the banking elite was successful but very short lived, and the so called Civil War was contrived and brought about to the demise of the Republic. Lincoln was not the great liberator of the slaves, but the instrument of expanding federal tyranny. At that time there was introduced another political and economic system which has evolved over time into its present form of monetary, political and spiritual totalitarianism engulfing America and now being exported globally. At the end of the war the Constitution was altered dramatically by three amendments and we entered the period of the “Reconstruction” of America.  In 1871 America was officially incorporated becoming the UNITED STATES and after the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 and the subsequent bankruptcy of the corporation in 1933 has become a wholly owned foreign corporation. Americans do not understand that they don’t live in a country but have been hypothecated as sub-corporations and artificial persons of an internationally owned foreign corporation. So what lies behind it all and where is it taking us?
            The goal of the Zionist world elite which is headed up by Ashkenazi Jews and heir recruited Gentile servants and assistants who having sold their souls for wealth and power to a one world totalitarian government, which is to be ultimately ruled from Israel and Jerusalem. Please understand that this is not a statement of anti-Semitism because God is not a respecter of either parsons or ethnicities and neither am I.  The Jews, Ashkenazi or otherwise, are not God’s “chosen people” as is believed by millions of people claiming to be adherents of Christianity.  All of God’s covenants to the Jews were fulfilled and judgment was executed at the advent of their Messiah, Jesus Christ.   Nor is this meant to demean the Christian faith when it is rightly understood from the truths of the Scriptures.  Unfortunately the truths of Scripture have been wrested and perverted creating in the minds of multitudes carefully planned deceptions leading to the potential destruction of their own souls. The exaltation and advancement of Israel in the Middle East is not supported by the Scripture as an act of God, but it is rather a deception laying the groundwork for the revealing of an Antichrist who will be so convincing that the majority of the world will receive him as being the Messiah.   Zionist Jews fomented the French Revolution and the Communist revolution in Russia resulting in the murder of tens of millions of people including vast numbers of Christians. The money power owns and controls the Federal Reserve and most of the world’s central banks. The world lies in financial and political captivity being orchestrated by elitists who perceive themselves as the “master race”.   Wars, chaos and worldwide upheaval are the ingredients of revolution until they have completely accomplished their ultimate goal of world dominion. There remains hope for those who have entered into the salvation afforded by the redeeming work of Jesus the Christ through an uncompromising faith. There is ultimately no other remedy. You could and should receive valuable instruction and understanding of these unfolding world developments and things yet to come by reading both of my titles: These Prophets and the Revelation and The Israel Deception.  Both are available at Amazon.com., Barnes and Noble.com and other major book retailers.
David Lance Dean
theseprophets@gmail.com             website: theseprophet.blogspot.com


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