Thursday, September 18, 2014

New World Order Virology

            In an ongoing effort to inform and prepare people with an understanding of national and world events I submit these blogs from time to time to highlight with new details the content of my two books: The Israel Deception and These Prophets and the Revelation. The world at large is engaged in a great spiritual warfare which is not even perceived by most, and even to the more discerning many of the important details are obscure. The reason for the obscurity of certain important aspects of the conflict is that those who are perpetrating the activities and agenda of the New World Order are aided and abetted by the Luceferian forces of darkness and deception. The opposition force to this deception is the Spirit of the Lord and he will only give revelation to the truly searching and honest heart. This blog will concern biological warfare being waged against the world’s population to literally destroy their lives under the guise of medical pandemic.
            Recently in the news headlines has been the outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa concentrated in the African country of Liberia and the surrounding geographical area. The Ebola disease is highly contagious and if not treated promptly it is almost certainly a sentence of death. A contingency of medical as well as military personal has been recently sent by the President to address and allegedly contain this deadly outbreak. But let us take the time and effort to explore the origins of Ebola and the deceptions which are likely involved in this potential massive threat to human life. First to be understood is that as an integral part of the agenda of the New World Order will be a massive effort and goal of population reduction. The progression of this agenda will be manipulated and carried out in a way to hide the true causes of death and blame disease on nature or naturally occurring phenomenon.  In exploring what is actually going on here we need to call upon the expertise and intense investigative work of Dr. Leonard Horowitz and his classic publication which I recommend that you obtain and read: Emerging Viruses, Aids and Ebola.
            What the book and his investigation has uncovered and revealed is briefly summarized here. . Keep in mind the ultimate objective and agenda of the
Global Zionists is the death and elimination of multiplied millions, no more likely billions, of the world’s inhabitants. Just one of the important methods of achieving this massive reduction in world populations is disease and specifically through viruses which have been developed in the laboratory, and which attack the human immune system and either overwhelm it or in some way create the dysfunction of tits ability to resist the introduction of foreign elements, whether they be viruses or the introduction of vaccines allegedly to protect and defeat the viral infection. The intentional creation of certain viruses can be introduced into the body through vaccinations which have the stated purpose of defending against hepatitis or small pox.  But do you recall the massive media campaign a few years ago to obtain vaccinations to defeat the developing alleged swine flu epidemic?  This was subterfuge and a deception for the real agenda was to introduce foreign and toxic elements into the immune system via vaccinations to destroy its natural function.  Horowitz’s book traces the narrow rationale of virologists working for major military-medical contractors under the auspices of the National Cancer Institute and the World Health Organization.  Herein lays the red flag of warning.  This is a global agenda and each individual needs to be warned that fighting viral diseases is not what it is all about, but rather the use of laboratory perfected diseases to infect and ultimately destroy the population. Dr. Robert Gallo takes credit for discovery of the AIDS virus when he was in fact one of the principal developers of this man made virus implemented solely for the purpose of waging biological warfare along with countless other immune  system destroying viruses. Identifying the many other players in this game of death and destruction is crucial in the understanding of the global agenda behind it all. Dr. Henry Kissinger played an important role in the foreign policy initiatives in Africa as far back as the Nixon Administration.   Do you remember that he was Secretary of State and had a large global influence at that time?  He is and always has been a tool of the Zionist global elite advancing the agenda of the New World Order. He has just recently published d his new book entitled World Order.  Many other powerful people are involved in this ongoing conspiracy to bring the entire world under the dominion of a one world government and the ultimate revelation of the Antichrist.  I have written the two books named above to expose their motives and plans from a biblical prophetic perspective. I would recommend that you read them.  You need to mot only understand the agenda, but  also who is behind it for its true author is Lucifer himself and those people worldwide whom he has engaged and employed as his servants to destroy every vestige of  Jesus Christ and the gospel of salvation , and  to bring universal worship to himself. Death and destruction via the New World Order virologists is just one of many avenues as revealed in the books of prophecy determined to bring to culmination the ultimate spiritual warfare of the ages and to resolve who is the ultimate King of Kings and Lord of Lords. My books are available at, and other major book sellers.  The books provide the full story. 

David Lance Dean    Supporting blogs can be found at

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