Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Zionist Phenomenon

            To fully explain all of the ramifications of the existing and aggressive issues of Zionism in a short blog is not possible.  What we can provide is an overview and the elements and sources of this very dangerous and developing threat to the entire world.  After that we would encourage you to obtain a copy of the recent title The Israel Deception at or other major book sellers to gain a fuller understanding of what we can only briefly outline here. And when you have finished that examination of theological and covenant developments moving on with These Prophets and the Revelation which will give you a much fuller picture of emerging biblical prophecy interfaced with current world developments.
            By definition Zionism is the deceptive and active worldwide plan for a one world government centered in a “Greater Israel”. The principal supporters of the Zionist phenomenon are Khazarian  “Jews” who hold the power of monetary dominance over a large portion of the world through the central banks of Europe, Japan, Canada and  other industrial nations including the Federal Reserve in the United States. First, a word is needed on the Khazarian Jews who are actually not really genetically Jews at all.  That is they are not the genetic seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Their roots are in the pagan Turkic kingdom of Khazar a now non-existent empire once rooted in North Eastern Europe who then migrated into Eastern Europe and who have ultimately infiltrated most of the world. These have come to be known as Ashkenazi Jews.  They hold an elite control of world banking and finance and through controlling most of the monetary systems have gained control of politicians and world leaders including heads of state. They control the United States Presidency and have a major influence in Congress.  The controlling elite are not all Jews as many Gentiles have joined with them to gain prominence and power in the financial, political and even the religious world. Religiously their foundations lie in Orthodox Judaism, but other controlling factors include many secret societies headed up by the Illuminati.   Free Masonry is under their control and is a major avenue and source of induction and education into the pagan mysticism and the ancient occult mystery religions of Babylon and Egypt. Their most holy books include the Babylonian Talmud and the mystical Cabala. Their agenda is one world totalitarian government which will ultimately be centered in Israel and the city of Jerusalem. Infiltration and ownership of the mainstream media, major newspapers and any national magazine of significance provides the propaganda base to reeducate and brainwash the masses.
        Zionists have gained a major foothold in American religion through the perversions and apostasy of the Christian churches; and this is where I wish to focus some attention for the subtle deceptions of the so-called Christian right community has provided the Zionist world view  a significant influence in subverting and transforming America.  Let me explain.  Evangelical Christians have largely accepted the view that the Jews are God’s “chosen people” and after a “pre-tribulation rapture” of the Church, God will return to the Jews, establish them in the land of Israel, and they will be provided their long awaited messiah who in fact will turn out to be a Jewish Antichrist. Evangelicals believe then the Christ will reign over Jewish Israel for a millennium. This prepares these people to be completely deceived by the strong delusion and appearance of the Luciferian Antichrist for the devil is the master of deception.  Those who embrace this doctrine number in the tens of millions in America and worldwide and they have a large influence upon the American culture not only religiously but also politically.
            This dangerous and deceptive doctrine cannot be supported by the Scripture. Clearly God’s covenants with natural Israel were completely executed, fulfilled, broken and judged under the auspices of the Old Testament. This is verified by the two captivities of the Assyrian and Babylonian and is consummated in the Diaspora (scattering) of 70 AD.  The Scriptural argument for the truth of these issues has been presented in other blogs, but more completely in my two books The Israel Deception and These Prophets and the Revelation. If you are a Christian proclaiming and embracing the gospel of Jesus Christ these publications are both must reads and can be obtained at and other major book sellers.

David Lance Dean


Wars and Rumors of Wars

            In a recent treatment of the 911 false flag event the focus was to inform how this particular false flag event was utilized as a pretext creating a rationale for military aggression in the Middle East. Undoubtedly there are many, if not most of Americans who still believe that this act of “terrorism” was committed by nineteen Moslems who allegedly hijacked four commercial airlines with box cutters for weapons and flew them into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon. It is not my purpose to pursue that carefully planned and perpetrated “false flag “deception at this time because if you still believe that the fictitious story which was presented by the United States government and main stream media was true, then it would be an exercise in futility to further argue the points which prove it was in fact a planned deception. However, the ramifications of this act of “terrorism” are clearly undeniable whether or not you are an adherent of the 911 truth movement.  That which is in fact undeniable is that it became the excuse for and justification of the declaration of the ongoing “war on terrorism” which has ultimately resulted in multiple wars and insurgencies in the region of the Middle East.  These wars and insurgencies have been the direct result of the 911 attack.
            The wars and rumors of wars continue even after Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and the “Arab Spring” insurgencies. There is now underway a major civil war in Syria and the threats and rumors of war have been ongoing against Iran.  What really lies behind this phenomenon of continuing military conflicts?  First it must be noted that Jesus prophesied concerning these and other calamities as he spoke to his disciples on the Mount of Olives. “And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things shall come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines and pestilences, and earth quakes in divers places.  All these are the beginning of sorrows.” (Matthew 24:6-8).  And so we have seen that the pattern of wars and rumors of war is ongoing, while at the same time also becoming more prevalent. Consider the realities of World War I and World War II in the larger picture of Biblical prophecy.    We would take note that the conflicts now have moved geographically to be focused in the Middle East and involve those countries and kingdoms which directly oppose or have some conflict with Israel whether it is politically, religiously or militarily. This is extremely significant.
            It should become increasingly apparent to the discerning observer that the conflicts and disruptions in this region are directly related to the sovereignty and protection of Israel. The powerful American military, and covertly the US intelligence capabilities (CIA), have become the lackey vehicles for waging wars and creating disruption and political instability which is so apparent in those countries surrounding Israel. This is all brought into focus and is able to be understood when the prophesies of Daniel and the Apostle John from the Book of Revelation are accurately interpreted.  This was the reason for authoring the recent title, These Prophets and the Revelation,( Mindstir Media, 2013, available through Amazon .com or
            Many other factors and emerging developments are revealed in These Prophets and the Revelation, and are necessary for discerning the goals and objectives of the Zionist movement to establish a “Greater Israel” in the historic region of the Middle East. The Scriptures definitely reveal that there are yet future conflicts of major proportions which may come to be identified in the consummation of history as World War III.

David Lance Dean               Blogs at

Currency Wars

            The term BRICS may not be familiar to many but in today’s international geopolitical scene it is of some considerable consequence.  An explanation is in order.  BRICS represents a coalition of nations including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. These nations have recently formed a cooperative investment bank as an organized resistance and opposition to the monetary dominance of the dollar which is currently the world’s reserve currency.  It is necessary to understand that currency wars have been ongoing for some time and that the predominant monetary and financial system is controlled by the Rothschild banking dynasty via the IMF, World Bank and Bank of International Settlement. The dollar system is controlled by the Federal Reserve (not an agency of the US government); Bank of England, Central Banks of Europe, Canada, Australia and Japan. The Zionist global elitist bankers control much of the world’s finance through this massive international banking coalition.  BRICS stands in opposition to their total control of world banking. This situation creates a geopolitical standoff which has the potential to undermine world peace.  That is not to say that we see a peaceful world but the major current conflicts are in the Middle East including Israel’s invasion of the Gaza, ongoing civil war in Syria and the debacle in Iraq to determine the dividing up of that Middle East nation. Excepting, of course, the conflict over the control of the Ukraine.
            This existing geopolitical standoff brings the world focus in Ukraine into center stage. Recently a Malaysian airliner was shot down apparently by a missile as it flew over the existing war zone in Southeastern Ukraine. The claim is that a Russian missile system, and or Russian trained military were involved.  The controlled western mainstream media has been very quick to conclude that Russia or Russian influence is the culprit responsible in this tragedy taking the lives of nearly 300 passengers.  Sources in the alternative media including Alex Jones’ Info Wars are taking a completely different view stating that the event was very likely a ‘false flag’.  This means that some other entity or military unit was responsible while seeking to stage the event and put the blame directly on Putin’s Russia. The import of this if it is in fact a ‘false flag’ is to ramp up the tension already existing in the Ukraine with Russian ambitions and their interest in this region.  The BRICS coalition exacerbates the controversy as an underlying source of contention which remains at this time unresolved. There is a developing faceoff between Russia and the western alliances (NATO) of Europe and America which is complicated by this recent airline downing.  The potential fallout from this development could become increasingly significant if in fact a ‘false flag’ event has been executed to provoke a further conflict with Russia over Ukraine.  Only time will tell where this recent event will lead, but if the Zionists who control western banking and political systems are planning to press forward in some further  confrontation with Russia the outcome could eventually come in the form of war.  This would be an ominous development.  This has the potential of leading us with further provocations into world war III.  Not intending to be an alarmist, but looking realistically at what is developing and understanding the agenda of the Zionist globalists it needs to be understood that they are dead set on their agenda for world government and world control.   War is one of the very significant avenues which they have used in the past to advance their cause.
            Most do not understand she forces and motivations propelling the New World Order agenda.  They are in need of accurate biblically based information interfaced with current events to gain the knowledge and wisdom they need to face the developing future world scene. Recommended reading exposing the Zionist agenda is my most recent title: The Israel Deception. Then for a further in depth study of end time biblical prophecy and developing world wide geopolitical and economic issues my earlier title: These Prophets and the Revelation is recommended reading.  These titles are available at, BN. com and other major book sellers. Don’t be left in the dark concerning vital spiritual information needed for your personal and family preparation and protection.

David Lance Dean


Commerce and Babylon

            There emerges in the seventeenth and eighteenth chapters of the Book of Revelation an entity which the Spirit of God identifies and describes.  It is Mystery Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.  Several aspects of her descriptive identity and interaction with the kings of the earth are brought forward in the text of the two chapters.  Generally the Christian church at large has not been able to provide an accurate accounting of her manifestations and activities as they relate the unveiling of end time prophecies found in the Revelation.  Due to this fact I have written and published two titles prepared specifically to provide accurate explanations and interpretations of these prophesies contained in the Revelation and other related Scriptural texts. At the outset I would recommend that you obtain copies of the books because the blogs which I post from time to time are only excerpts from the whole spectrum of prophecy related revelations covered in the books.  The titles are These Prophets and the Revelation and The Israel Deception. This current writing will focus on just one but a very important aspect of Mystery Babylon. The books may be obtained at, and other major book sellers.
            In the eighteenth chapter of Revelation we find a lengthy description of her as she interacts with “the kings of the earth”.  In the context we see that she is guilty of fornication or saying it in another way commercial intercourse. She is found earlier in chapter seventeen to be involved both politically and spiritually with the end time rulers (kings) of the earth, and in the later text one of her major manifestations I Found to be in the area of commerce.   So this then provides us with one of the most significant activities of her existence and control over the “kings of the earth”. Looking at today’s global scene in the areas of commerce, trade and finance we can clearly see that she is not only dominant but growing in influence and increasingly in control of worldwide economics. International trade agreements dominate global commerce. Beginning at home America is involved in and bound by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).  This includes the United States, Canada and Mexico and was signed by these nations under the Clinton Administration pledging commercial cooperation between the signatory nations.  Many more of these ‘trade agreements’ exist worldwide.  We have the European Union which is a geopolitical compact between numerous counties in Europe.  We can also cite others such as OPEC a union of oil producing countries in the Middle East.  There are probably at least another dozen active globally. There is now being negotiated yet another of very significant consequence which has been in negotiation behind closed doors for some five years.  This is likely to emerge shortly as a completed treaty covering trade and many other geopolitical ramifications that go far beyond dealing with just trade.  It is titled the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and includes a dozen nations including those in the NAFTA agreement along with Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, Australia, and Singapore. It has been negotiated in secret so all of the tenets of the agreement are not known, but it will affect not only trade but powers being delegated to large international corporations. It will affect food regulation, drugs, banking deregulation and ultimately the sovereignty of nations.  This is the flash point of the danger of these overriding commercial agreements granting powers to corporations and as spoken in the Revelation ‘the rich men of the earth’.  For what is clearly observable is that those who will profit and control are those in power in the areas of international banking, finance, corporate power and manipulation of the wealth of the world to the advantage of these people and to the detriment of the common man. These massive global trade pacts work to the destruction of the sovereignty of nations and towards the implementation of regional global government such as the North American Union which will soon emerge. This is scheduled to be the merger of America, Canada and Mexico.  The Constitution will be discarded and the Zionist controlled d ‘money power’ will dominate and rule the earth in a totalitarian New World Order. Once the monetary system can be made universal then the mandate will be to do away with national currencies and require the mark of the beast, an electronic system of identification. These realities are evolving progressively. Thus the admonition of Scripture in relation to Babylon: ‘Come out of her my people’. In order to bring the entire prophetic picture into focus reading of the tittles mentioned above is highly recommended.
David Lance Dean                 Blog website:


Compromised Christianity

            And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people.  And the disciples were first called Christians at Antioch (Acts 11:26).  The followers of Christ at Antioch were zealous believers in the gospel of Christ. The writer of the history of the Acts referred to them as disciples.  The word for disciple in the Greek means “a learner”.  These were people learning of Christ. So meeting often together they were taught regularly by the more spiritually advanced Apostles Paul and Barnabas and were in a continuous learning process advancing in the faith. This happened in the very early days of the church and provides the pattern of expectation for the future for all who would come to identify themselves as Christian. To become disciples should thus become the standard experience for any, whether a single individual or an assembly making a profession to be Christian.
            In recent blogs considerations have been given of the seven churches in Asia Minor addressed early in Revelation by the Apostle John. At the outset of this Book we saw Christ standing in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks which in metaphor represented the churches.  There was an anticipated testimony for the light shining forth to be the reality of Christ and the Christian faith.  In the church at Ephesus a deficiency was found in that they had left their first love. Repentance and a turning back were necessary for them.  The church at Pergamos had adopted both the doctrine of the Nicolaitans and also found there was the doctrine of Balaam.(see previous blogs for a full explanation of these doctrines)    These each represent a man centered focus and each was judged to be short of the mark and requiring repentance. The church at Philadelphia was praised by the Lord as an assembly which was steadfast in their faith and had kept the word of patience while demonstrating brotherly love.  It was said of them that they would escape the hour of temptation which is to come upon the entire world to try them that dwell on the earth.
            We have not spoken yet concerning the assemblies at Smyrna, Thyatira, Sardis and Laodocia. To him that overcomes are the prominent words of exhortation to each and every one of the seven assemblies. Smyrna was given warning that they would be tried and have great tribulation, but overcoming was attainable by being faithful unto death. Thyatira was plagued with temptations leading to spiritual seduction with the realization that there could and probably would be some who would succumb. They were admonished to “hold fast till I come”.  Sardis had slipped further into apostasy having a name that they lived, but were in truth dead.  They were admonished to be watchful and “strengthen the things that remain”.  There remained among them “a few who had not defiled their garments”. Moving to the assembly at Laodocea we find a people who were “neither cold nor hot”   The Lord’s thought concerning their lukewarm attitude: “I will spue you out of my mouth”.
             In retrospect, what have we found within the seven assemblies which were meant to represent the universal church down through the age even to the end? Clearly the tendency is to fall away from the truth, to compromise, and to be deceived with false doctrines, sometimes to a greater and sometimes to a lesser degree.  Remember these assemblies were found to be only a few decades after the death and resurrection of the Lord, and the turning of the world upside down through the message of the gospel. If this was then, what has happened to the church after nearly two millennia?
            Regrettably, I believe to be realistic concerning the broad scope of the Christian church as it presents itself to the world today; we find it to be much  further advanced in compromise and in a state of almost total spiritual decay. What we have to choose from is multiplied scores of denominations,  tossed to and fro and “carried about with every wind of doctrine”.(Ephesians 4:14)  Each sect professing their own private interpretation of the Scripture, if they even subscribe to the Word of God at all, and each one believing they possess the truth.  Is there anyone who desires a more accurate perspective on today’s apostasy, and at the same time seeks to receive understanding of current world developments in light of what God’s real prophets have revealed?  The hour is late. Start your search for truth with my title:  These Prophets and the Revelation, covering accurate Biblical prophecy interfacing world developments, and is available at Amazon. com and other major book sellers. Follow  it up with the recent title, The Israel Deception.

David Lance Dean                                                   

Mystery Babylon

            There lies concealed within the writings of the Revealation of the Apostle
John a mystical entity not understood by either the Christian community or the world at large. It has been designated by the Holy Spirit as Mystery Babylon. The fact that it remains a mystery to almost everyone, and has been erroneously identified by most of those who would claim to have Scriptural knowledge and understanding presents a dilemma for a world that lies in deception. To bring an exhaustive commentary as to its complete identity and function is not possible within the context of this short discourse.   The complete understanding of its workings, motives and goals would require literally years of research and even then because its nature is clandestine and secretive one could only begin to gather up its essence methods, function and motives. The Greek word for mystery is “musteron”. The word means secrecy or silence imposed on initiates into religious rites. (Strong’s Concordance of the Bible).  This gives us our first clue to the essence of the identity of Mystery Babylon. Its inner workings are entirely held in secret by its members and initiates. And so it has been intentionally hidden from view and understanding to anyone and everyone who is not a direct participant. From this point of beginning we can start to comprehend that it is a secret society or more particularly a group of many secret societies networking together in secrecy and sharing the same goals and purposes.
             Going a step further in our exposure we came to the word Babylon.  What could be the manning of Babylon? For that understanding we will need to go to the Bible where Babylon is revealed. It is first brought to the forefront in the Book of Genesis where we see that the populations of the world gathered together in rebellion against the God of creation and erected a tower which reached upward toward heaven.  It was a man-made religious effort expressing first, a rebellion against the true and living God, and secondly to erect an edifice of dominion over the earth. You can gain additional insights by reading the eleventh chapter of Genesis.  God judged it by destroying it and scattering the people abroad and bringing about a confusion of languages so as to break down the ability of various peoples to be completely comingled.  
        We move from there to the Babylonian Empire and their conquest of the world under Nebuchadnezzar (around 586 B. C.) including the peoples of Judah and the city of Jerusalem. The temple and city of the Jews were destroyed and they were carried captive into the occult and esoteric world of the Babylonians. These were the Chaldeans practicing every form of witchcraft, magic, necromancy and occult religion conceivable in the hearts of man and directed by the influence of the leader of all of the powers of darkness.  His name is Lucifer or Satan if you prefer. This was an exercise of judgment by God in allowing the captivity for it was a retribution for the complete violation of His conditional covenant with those ancient people we know as Israel.
            So having  briefly reviewed the derivation of the concept of the mystery and seeing its application to ancient occult Babylon we are able to extrapolate some further truths concerning Mystery Babylon as are revealed in some measure in  the seventeenth and eighteenth chapters of the Revelation. The world is not ruled by diverse and sovereign political entities as is supposed. The world has
been subjected to a cabal of very wealthy,  powerful and evil men who have over time assimilated into a plethora of secret societies who ascribe religiously to the
ceremonies, oaths and practices of ancient Babylon. It is Luciferian inspired and he is the object of worship so that all of the symbolism, secret oaths, and inner workings have a single objective and direction. In a few words that objective and direction are towards a New World Order. A one world government to be ruled from Jerusalem by the Antichrist which has in view the total annihilation of anything that bears testimony to the true and living God and His Son Jesus Christ.
            The vast majority of the world already lies in the captivity and deception of Mystery Babylon controlled by these secret societies and the international banking stronghold of the Rothschild’s banking dynasty that are an integral part of the cabal.  Christianity has been compromised by false and misleading doctrines not based upon the truths revealed in the Holy Scriptures.  False prophets and teachers abound within what the world would refer to as being Christian, but which are various religious denominations and d sects claiming to embrace the truth, but which are  in fact “carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” (Ephesians 4:13)
            Many additional insights and details into the identity, workings and control of Mystery Babylon over the kings of the earth, along with a complete exposition of Revelation, and other of the prophets in the context of emerging world developments can be found in my recent title: These Prophets and the Revelation, Mindstir Media, 2013, available at and major book suppliers.

David Lance Dean          Website:

The Doctrine of Balaam

            Recent considerations have focused on spiritual conditions existing in the seven churches which are in Asia being addressed by the Apostle John in the early portion of the Revelation. The doctrine of the Nicolaitans has been explained and covered. Also presented in a previous blog was an explanation of the light of the testimony as represented by the seven golden candlesticks which the Lord stood in the midst of as recounted by John’s vision of Him. In each instance of the seven the Lord has something to say to the churches addressed as they are His people and as such are accountable to Him for their spiritual state and are responsible to Him only to maintain a good testimony to the truths of the gospel. Only two of the seven assemblies were seen by Him as being complete and acceptable without need of correction and repentance.  Those two would be the assemblies of believers at Smyrna and Philadelphia.  An attempt will be made in the future to make comment on these faithful ones. For now we move to those in the church at Pergamos and the doctrine of Balaam.
            As with much of what is contained in the Revelation, it becomes necessary to move back to the principles and foundations laid for us in the Old Testament Scriptures. This is also true to gain an understanding of the doctrine of Balaam. He was perceived as one who possessed some prophetic authority by Balack the King of Moab. We find the account of Balaam beginning in Numbers, chapter 22.  The Israelites are encamped and traveling in the desert and have won a victory over the Amorites. The King of Moab was very fearful of them and wished to curtail the threat of Israel to his people.  He therefore sent messengers to bring Balaam to assist him for he perceived him to be a prophet. The messengers brought with them” the rewards of divination.” Balaam took the issue up before the Lord that night and the word was clear that the Lord would not give him leave to go and he should not go to Balack because the people were to be blessed and not cursed. Balack did not accept this determination and again sent messengers to Balaam to entice him with that promise of promotion to great honor. Balaam was then motivated to try again to gain leave to go forth to Balack.  The Lord had made it clear that it was not within His purpose to bring cursing upon Israel, but he allowed Balaam to return to Moab instructing him that he could not utter a curse
upon Israel.  Balaam was set on the opportunity and then traveled forth on his ass with the princes of Moab. God’s anger was kindled against Balaam and he stood in his way. Balaam’s ass first saw an angel in the way and he turned aside from the pathway. Balaam became angry with his beast and severely disciplined him. The ass continued to resist but Balaam persisted three times to drive him onward. Balaam eventually was able also to see the angel and he was rebuked for his perverse motivation to respond to Balack seeking a reward and to be promoted. Balaam persisted anyway and conspired with Balack and a seven times an offering was prepared on the high place where Balack had taken him. The lord answered with words of blessing in the mouth of Balaam. Seven times Balaam tried to respond to Balack’s desire to bring a curse upon the Israelites. Each was denied and the end the Lord put a prophetic word of blessing in Balaam’s mouth concerning the coming judgment: “….there shall come a Star out of Jacob and a sceptre shall arise out of Israel and shall smite the corners of Moab and destroy the children of Sheth……and Israel shall do valiantly.” (Numbers 24:17-18) Full contest Num22-24.
            How then do we determine the meaning of the doctrine of Balaam recounted in Revelation, chapter 2 as it applies to the assembly at Pergamos and all future Christian assemblies? What is seen is that Balaam was a prophet for hire seeking monetary gain and/or honor from the King of Moab.  When these perverse motives are replicated in the church the inevitable result will be to cast a stumbling block before the people teaching them to take within themselves things “ sacrificed to idols”, and so to defile their separation and also to “commit fornication” in the spiritual since of unclean mixture. A false prophet in the midst of the people of God can only be discerned when the true motives of his alleged ministry are discovered. Material gain or financial reward on the one hand or elevation and honor in the sight of men on the other defile the ministry and discredit the messenger. For a fuller understanding of the entire prophetic ministry revealed in Revelation and the prophets read: These Prophets and the Revelation. Mindstir Media, 2013, available at

David Lance Dean    contact me at  or view other blogs on Web site:  


            Having had a desire to communicate prophetic truths from the Scriptures to those who have an “ear to hear” the truth concerning many issues related to the prophetic timetable, I recently undertook the writing of These Prophets and the Revelation (Mindstir Media, 2013 available through The words of the prophets are not well understood even by those who would claim to have theological credentials. Much doctrinal confusion exists to the detriment of those who should have access to an understanding of these truths. Many issues, topics and hidden mysteries are contained in the words of the prophets and most particularly the Book of Revelation. Through much diligent study and the elements of openness, time and enduring patience one can gain wisdom.
            As was found in a recent treatment the “rapture” question where the popularly held doctrine of a  pre-tribulation rapture of the entire church cannot be supported by the Scriptures.  So then the logical progression is to the subject of resurrection to uncover the truths of this events occurrence as to time and context. The prophet Daniel lays a foundation for us.  “And at that time shall Michael stand up (Compare Rev.12:7), the great prince which stands for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to the same time and at that time the people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.” (Daniel 12:1-2) .The times determined then is after “a time of trouble” and it will include Daniel’s people. The time of trouble has been emphasized to coincide with that which is revealed and supported by the Lord Jesus. “Then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor shall ever be.” (Matthew 24:21).  And later in that same discourse of teaching to the disciples on the Mount of Olives he reveals: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: and then shall all of the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other”.(Matthew 24:29-31).(emphasis added).
            The teaching of the apostle Paul is consistent with this order in time. “Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” (I Corinthians 15-51-52).  Paul later reassures and encourages the faithful in the Thessalonian assembly where we read at I Thessalonians 4:14-17: “But if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even to them who sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we day unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which sleep. For the Lord will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ will rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
            The apostle John confirms the reality of the event at Revelation 11:11-12 where we read:  “Aster three * days (years) and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them that saw them. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying come up hither: and they ascended up to haven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.”  This is the blessed hope of each and every one (Old Testament and New) who have truly been found faithful to their calling in Christ through their lives and unto the end.                   “And the Spirit and the bride say come…..Amen, Even so come Lord Jesus.” Revelation 22:17(part) and 22:20( part).
David Lance Dean.

*The reason for changing the word from days to years is that the context requires it: forty and two months, or one thousand two hundred and three score days is equal to three and one half years (See verses 2 and 3 of the text in chapter 11). The word means the passing of time or a season, which is determined more or less by the context (See Strong’s Concordance). It is elsewhere translated years. The context of the first thirteen verses of the chapter is the great tribulation.


            Beware of the where, what and how the present developing economic and political world system is leading us towards!!  Note that the title of the blog is Mark of the Beast—not THE Mark of the Beast. That is because the final implementation of the Mark has not yet evolved to the place where the entire world will buy into the concept.  Most of the principals and much of the preparations for the satanically inspired deception of the entire world are in place. Remaining is implementation of certain details that are necessary before the final monetary and political control will be realized. The fact that it will be implemented goes without question since we have been instructed by the Holy Spirit inspired word in the revelation of the Apostle John.  “And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark.  Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and the number is six hundred and three score and six” (Revelation 13:16-18).
            To illustrate the evolution of the progressive process by which the people will be deceived and ultimately captured as described in the Scripture let us trace American history over the past one hundred and fifty years. At the time of the Civil War the several States of the American union were free and independent sovereign countries. As a result of the Confederacy losing their fight in the second war for independence everything established by the founders began to undergo dramatic change. The passage of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, July 9, 1868, accomplished the destruction of the Republic and the institution of ‘democracy’. How was this dramatic political change possible? The provisions of the Amendment included the change in status of the citizenry of the several States into national citizenship in the United States, which was a concept totally foreign to the original organic Constitution.  Additionally there was an imposition of the national debt placed on all citizens. The debt of the United States could “not be questioned”. (See section 4)  Now the people have assumed the debt of the government, or should I say that was owed to the bankers who control the government. It took less than three short years after the war for the corrupt Congress under the control of the money manipulators to officially incorporate, i.e., the UNITED STATES.   America is not a country; but rather a foreign owned corporation. It happened February 21, 1871. A new Constitution ‘of’ the United States was adopted.  This one is a corporate charter. The original Constitution was placed somewhere in the background because it was the Constitution ‘for’ the united States of America. That entity was to be completely done away with (note the small letter u on united because it is an adjective and not a noun).
            Fifty years later the international banking elite which own America took a further giant step to enslave the people.  The Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913 gave the foreign banking cartel total control of the monetary system. Along with it came the sixteenth Amendment to the corporate Constitution whereby the people were subjected to the income tax.  The bankers needed to assure the receipt if usury for their fiat money they use to run the corporation (country?). Two decades later it was time to implement a further step in the process of enslavement. This would be the official international bankruptcy of March 9, 1933; the Emergency Banking Relief Act. After that they needed to destroy the real Constitutional money, gold coins, so on June 5, 1933 Congress passed HJR 192 to abrogate and make illegal the use of gold coins. Then the government (bankers) called in (stole) the gold and exchanged it for fiat paper money which we know as Federal Reserve Notes, which are only evidences of the debt. We have no “money”, only debt. In the process of the bankruptcy every American (United States citizen as per the 14th Amendment) was hypothecated (to pledge property as security to a creditor) as collateral for the debt. It was not just your property but your very person which became a chattel.  (movable property in which there is a security interest—Ballantine’s Law Dictionary.) You are now a ‘human resource’ and you have been given another name to identify you as an artificial corporate entity. Take note that on all of your governmental or banking records YOUR NAME is in all capital letters, i.e. JOHN Q. DOE (example).
            As the property of the government it became necessary to make a  ‘New Deal’ with you under the directives and polices of Franklin D. Roosevelt, a 32nd degree Mason, who used the planned great depression of the 1930’s to introduce a complete program of  progressive socialism. Now the government owns you and everything you possess, but in exchange they have promised to take care of you. In order to qualify for the ‘benefits’ you must have a Social Security number. So  you then can obtain Social Security retirement or disability, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps (for 47 million Americans), pensions, Obamacare, unemployment, grants and numerous other kinds of ‘benefits’. So America has evolved from a Constitutional Republic, to a democracy, to a corporation, and presently to a socialist corporate ‘democracy’.  If you have paid much attention to President Obama lately, he is a Marxist and working on a socialist corporate dictatorship. We can just eliminate the legislative branch of government or use it as a ‘rubber stamp’. He will just go around Congress and issue executive orders.  All of this has been orchestrated, step by step, by the international banking elite who own not only America, but the vast majority of the world. Obama doesn’t need to be a United States citizen to be President since he is acting as CEO of a corporation.
            The next step will be a currency revaluation and a resetting of all global currencies. At that point the dollar will collapse and go away as the world’s ‘reserve currency’ and America will be reduced further into a condition of total economic dependency.  That is what it is all about. Create a complete dependency on the system and the government becomes God.  When the entire world becomes dependent upon this socialist, and soon to become communist world system we are set up for a world dictator and THE MARK OF THE BEAST. A cashless society will be implemented.  In order to participate each one will need an electronic RFID chip placed in their right hand or forehead, and when they walk through the grocery store checkout line after all of their items have been scanned they too will then need to be scanned. All of the technology to accomplish this system is now available. The goal is a one world government ruled over by a planned Zionist ‘Grater Israel’, and an Antichrist.  Do you still doubt these things?  For a much more complete biblical understanding of world events and what is happening even now, I certainly would suggest you obtain a copy of my recent title: These Prophets and the Revelation, Mindstir Media, 2013.  It is available at or major book outlets.
            The time is growing short. Wake up Christians who are counting on just being ‘raptured’ away. The Scripture doesn’t support that doctrine. Wake up!!

David Lance Dean
Contact me at

The Talmud and American Jurisprudence

            As with much of what is happening to bring about the transformation of America, so is the introduction of the Babylonian Talmud into American jurisprudence. As Americans we have been led to believe that our system of law is based on equal justice and the rule of law.  This is progressively changing under the dominant influence of a Zionist orchestrated control of our monetary and political systems. The vast majority of Americans know nothing about the history and composition of the Babylonian Talmud which is the holy book of Orthodox Judaism. It would be helpful to briefly track some of the facts of its formulation and content for the purpose of awakening Americans and more particularly those Americans who profess to embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The Talmud is the product of the accumulation of the “oral tradition” compiled by the sages and rabbis of Judaism from the time of the giving of the law at Mount Sinai.  The traditions of the elders would assert that while Moses was up on the mountain receiving the commandments from God, the I AM, the Sanhedrin or the elders of Israel received a completely separate revelation as they gathered below. This contradiction began to develop a history if its own and was greatly affected by the period of the Babylonian captivity (586BCE) of seventy years and following. An already apostate priesthood and congregation of Israelites were significantly influenced by Babylonian paganism and mysticism.  Many Jews and rabbis remained in Babylon for a long period of time enhancing their traditions with the mystical, pagan and Luciferian doctrines of Babylon. When Jesus began to minister the gospel of the kingdom to Jewry he encountered the Pharisees who were the holders and propagators of the oral tradition which included these teachings tenaciously and self-righteously held.  Some of the word s of rebuke spoken by Jesus to them are very instructive for it gives us insight as to the source and content of their doctrines and teaching. “Hpwbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandments of God, ye hold the traditions of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.”  (Mark 7:7-9)  And again we read: “Why do ye not understand my speech? Even because you cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.  He as a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:44)  And Jesus spoke many other like rebukes to the Pharisees and religious elite of Jewry
            The traditions of the elders have continued from there for nearly two thousand years and have been even further corrupted and added to by the oral tradition of the rabbis in contradiction to the word pf God.   The Orthodox Judaism of today is the religion of the Pharisees of Jesus day on steroids and it is increasingly being adopted into the American legal system. The Talmud does not provide for equal justice under the law, the principal of due process, or the right to trial by jury.  It is rather executed by one judge and it provides a different standard for determining guilt, whether one is a Jew or a Gentile.  The oral tradition for Jews is the Ten Commandments and six hundred and thirteen statutes and judgments which have been altered and reinterpreted over hundreds of years by the sages and rabbis of Judaism. For Gentiles the ruling oral tradition is the Noahide Laws which the rabbis claim were given to Noah and his sons to govern Gentile conduct. They are only seven in number and the violation of any of them brings sure and severe retribution.  At the top of the list of seven is idolatry and the penalty for such is death by capitation. To believe in or worship Jesus Christ is a predetermined act of idolatry. Found guilty by one witness only brings the sentence of death without any trial or due process of law.
       The Zionist agenda for world government is progressively bringing America and the rest of the world along a pathway to destruction under a monetary system of control ordered by the Kahzarian Jewish elite who own and control the world’s monetary systems. It will also bring in a completely new political hierarchy centered in a “Greater Israel” and ultimately a completely different system of law as is dictated by the Babylonian Talmud.  The so-called Christian world at large is  asleep and deceived and thus ripe for all of these deceptions for most hold the Jews to be God’s “chosen people” and the “master race” is destined to rule the world for a millennium.  These theological lies have most Christians supporting and rooting for Israel both politically and in their military conflicts.
           America is rapidly being Talmudized. In 1999 the Supreme Court agreed to consider an amicus brief based wholly on the Talmud. The National Institute for Judaic Law has been established to introduce Talmudic law into the U. S. legal system and law schools.  Continuing legal education courses (CLE) required to be completed periodically by practicing lawyers now contain elements of Talmudic Law. YOU HAVE A NEED TO BE INFORMED as to the progressive transformation of America. Obtain a copy of my book The Israel Deception at

David Lance Dean    blogsite:

Masterpiece of Deception

            “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the ruler of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)   This spiritual reality is now greatly exacerbated by the fact that we live in a modern world of Christian apostasy, a great “falling away”, if you will, from the New Testament church delivered to the world by the Apostles, it is one “carried about with every wind of doctrine”. (Epesians4:14}  The church is completely compromised and impotent, at least that is true in America. Herein is the door of deception opened wide for the Luciferian inspired New World Order to become established, take control and ultimately rule the world for a short time universally before the Lord Jesus Christ returns to judge it all. The Christian world in the main is oblivious to these truths.
             Most Christians don’t know it because their doctrine deceives them; nor does the world at large understand it, but the world is in fact being progressively ruled by elitist Zionists whose plan is to establish a “Greater Israel” in the center of their New World Order. It is all clearly prophesied in the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation. The reason that Christians don’t know it is because their world view of prophecy is devoted to the return of the Jews to the “promised land” and the reestablishment of the nation state of Israel in 1948. This historical fact lies at the heart of the deception which has been allowed by the Lord.  But it did not come about because of a miraculous act of God, but by the removal of His restraint it has been allowed by Him. “And for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie, that they all may be damned who believed not the truth….(II Thes . 2:11-12)    It is being accomplished in fact by the Zionists headed up by the Rothschild dynasty who own the vast majority of the world’s wealth. The world elite of “Khazarian Jews” will be allowed to fulfill the biblical prophesies concerning Israel and the Antichrist who is destined to reign from Jerusalem for a short time at the end of the age. (See Daniel 11:36-45). This is just a fragment of the whole story and much more needs to be understood. The truth is detailed in my two titles: These Prophets and the Revelation and its sequel just now being released, The Israel Deception.  These books are published by Mindsir Media and are available through and major book retailers.

David Lance Dean
Website with other blogs:


The "Little Horn"

            In a continuing effort to bring insights and understanding to the prophetic Scriptures these blogs are posted regularly at Word Press and will also be available for reading at my Web site . They are small fragments of the bigger prophetic picture which can be much more thoroughly reviewed by reading my two titles: These Prophets and the Revelation and The Israel Deception.  The purpose of the books is to bring a comprehensive understanding of Biblical prophecy into the grasp of people who profess to embrace the validity and truths of the Bible and to make them aware of the very ominous developments taking place in today’s world.
            One very important identification which is not likely understood by many is the emergence of the little horn introduced and examined in the text of Daniel 8:9-12.  Let us take time to explore the passage contained in the vision given to Daniel.  Other related Scripture passages help to bring some important truths into focus. The overall context of the eighth chapter of Daniel is to bring into view a reviewing of the earthly empires from Daniel’s time; but projecting us to “at the time of the end shall be the vision” (vs.17).  Daniel’s life and prophecies took place during the time of the Babylonian Empire (captivity) so that is the initial reference point. In earlier verses of the chapter we see the progressive emergence of successive kingdoms including the Medio-Persian Empire and the kingdom of Greece established by Alexander the Great.  We also see emerging from the division of Alexander’s kingdom after his death “…..four notable ones towards the four winds of heaven ” (Dan.8:8).  This represents the division of the kingdom at that time among his four major generals and we are carried forth in time out of that geographical division to the time of the end for from it we observe “out of one of them came forth  a little horn, which waxed great toward the south and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land.” (vs.9)   Two things need to be understood at this point: first the geographical location takes us into the land which was historically Israel. (i.e. the pleasant land)  Secondly, we need to define and then identify the horn.  The term in Scripture represents a king, potentate, or politically a kingdom or nation as a symbol of strength, power, might and as an image being drawn from the horns of a bull or ram (Wilson’s Old Testament Word Studies). With that we will state unequivocally that the horn has a twofold representation in application at the end of the age. First, it is embodied in a person whom the Scriptures elsewhere identify as the Antichrist.  And secondly that person comes to embody and represent the nation of Israel as it is manifest at the “time of the end”.  Within the text we further see that the horn “waxed great, even to the host (the saints) of heaven and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground stamped upon them.”(vs10)   Looking at some parallel Scriptures consider Daniel 7:8.  “…there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were the eyes like the eye of a man, and a mouth speaking great things.” At Revelation 12:4 we read in part: “And his tail (that of the dragon) drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth……”  The stars symbolically represent” the host”, i.e. the saints which are destined to endure the time of great tribulation which is to come upon the earth.
         The Antichrist is to be reveled just prior to the time of this great tribulation (3 ½ years in duration of time).  The church (i.e. the saints) must be prepared to endure the persecution and martyrdom executed by the Antichrist and the unbelieving world at large although there will be a faithful remnant caught to the throne at that time, i.e. “the manchild” of Revelation 12:5 The Antichrist will be a Jew and manifest himself as the Jewish messiah, but also as the savior of the whole world. (See Daniel 11:36-37). He is the “little horn” of the texts in Daniel chapters seven and eight. He will represent himself as the savior of Israel through great signs, wonders and deceptions. The world at large will believe that he is the true messiah “ and  the world wondered after the beast” (Rev.13:3)   The vast majority of the evangelical Christian world  lies in the deception that the Jews are God’s “chosen people” and so they are ripe to be beguiled by the false messiah (the Antichrist).  The eschatology of evangelical dispensationalism will lead you into false conclusions.   There are many things in the prophetic Scriptures which are hard to be understood, and to avoid the deception each one must come to understand the truth. You must prepare yourself with wisdom and understanding.  Take the initiative to have all of these things explained by obtaining and reading my two titles mentioned above which are available at Amazon.ccom.,  Barnes and Noble and other major book sellers.

David Lance Dean          or   Web site: these


An Israelite Indeed

            “He came unto his own and his own received him not.  But as many as received him, to them gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:  which were born, not of blood, not of the will of the flesh nor the will of man, but of God.” (John 1:11-13).  In the ongoing search for truth the open and receptive heart must be always ready to receive and embrace  each new  insight which makes a contribution to the whole body of truth. It becomes evident from the early portion of John’s first-hand account of the ministry of Jesus Christ that he came to bring the message of the fulfillment of the Old Testament scriptures to the Jews (Israel) and introduce them to salvation in His own person.  A significant majority of them did not embrace or receive Him or the message which He brought from God. What were the attitudes, prejudices and contributing factors which were in the minds of “his own”, i.e., the Jews which caused so many among them to react to Jesus negatively rather than to respond to Him and receive His message?  I believe more than one important factor was involved.  The Jews were prejudiced by a self-righteous religiosity.  An attitude of superiority and spiritual elitism controlled their thinking. They, after all, were the seed of Abraham which in their view placed them in the lineage of inheritance, blessing, and spiritual dominion. Thus, their conception of a Redeemer was necessarily one who would demonstrate a compelling interest in their political condition of subservience to the domination of the Romans.  He would be a powerful political figure advocating their political liberation and reemergence to a position of power. Their conception of the kingdom was rooted in history and that kingdom established by King David in defeating all of their enemies and reaching earthly glory and dominion.  So it should not be difficult to understand why a man of Jesus’ meek and humble spirit and absence of political stature, offering nothing to satisfy their aspirations and perceptions would be offensive to them. The attitude held strongly by the Pharisees and Sadducees concerning their presumed spiritual election and mistaken self-serving religiosity was anathema to their perceived end.  
          As these attitudes held by the Jews were prevalent at the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry it is not completely surprising that a vast majority of today’s evangelical Christians hold similar attitudes concerning the Jews.  That is to say that they beehive the Jews are God’s ‘chosen people’ destined to prevail and establish an earthly kingdom to reign on the earth for a millennium. This critical theological error results from fundamental misinterpretations of several portions of Scripture.  The very first question that needs to be answered and resolved is who from God’s perspective is an Israelite and consequently which people collectively comprise Israel? Jesus very early on in His ministry directs us towards the accurate answer. At John 1:47 Jesus encounters a man named Nathaniel coming to Him and addresses him. “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile.”  Noting that the Lord identifies Nathaniel as an Israelite indeed (or surely) and with the further character distinction of being free from guile.(fault, deceit, Vine’s Expository Dictionary). So the Lord distinguishes Nathaniel by an inward condition (the absence of guile) and not the obvious outward identification as that of a Jew. Is the Lord a respecter of persons based on ethnicity or does He make judgment based on His perceptions of the inward condition of men’s hearts?  I believe the answer is obvious. All of the New Testament Scriptures support the identity of Israel or saying it another way, who is a Jew from God’s perspective?  The Apostle Paul understands and helps us out with a clear explanation at Romans 9:6-8. “Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel which are of Israel. Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children.  That is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of promise are counted for the seed.” Also compare Romans 2:28-29 and Galatians 6:16 for further verification of this truth. The erroneous doctrines held by many in the evangelical Christian world are both deceptive and dangerous. Why? Because they lead people into false perceptions of security as well as God’s covenant dealings with people in both the old and new testaments. Their understanding of eschatology and significant end time prophecy is twisted and distorted into a state of compete confusion by faulty application of Scripture.             These errors are explained and corrected along with many other prophetic truths in my two important titles: These Prophets and the Revelation and The Israel Deception.  Bringing the reader to an accurate understanding of end time prophecy as well as explaining many other important developments in the secular world is the goal of these two must reads.  Obtain either or both at, Barnes and Noble and other book sellers.

David Lance Dean


Friday, August 29, 2014

9/11 in Retrospect

            Some nearly thirteen years after the tragic events of September 11, 2001 the effects and repercussions of the alleged terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center towers continue. Before recounting those repercussions chronologically it would be important to establish the ongoing opposition to the official findings of the 9/11 commission and the media accounts and conclusions concerning the  identity of the perpetrators and the methods and motives behind the execution.  A recent forty minute video has been released by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth over two thousand in number presenting the scientific evidence of the impossibility of the twin towers collapse by reason of being struck by aircraft.  Also the collapse of building seven was brought down in free fall (7seconds) absent any collision with an airplane.  Richard Gage as spokesman for the group answers numerous specific questions in the video and explains from a scientific basis why these scientists and engineers agree that the three buildings were not brought down by the igniting of fires in the various points of contact, but were in fact destroyed by preplanned and professionally placed high explosives including thermite to generate the heat as well as the explosive power necessary to melt the reinforced steel and hardened concrete construction of the towers.  Ignited fuel temperatures fall at least one thousand degrees short of the heat generation necessary to melt reinforced steel and concrete even in the immediate areas where the planes were alleged to have crashed, much less cause a collapse of the towers. The account given and generally accepted is physically impossible.  
            Apart from even attempting to explain many of the other details of the 9/11 ‘false flag’ event at the world trade center, it becomes ever more  clear that this alleged terrorist attacks were not executed either in the fashion, or by the entities claimed by the official government account and as supported in main stream media coverage. The populace is lied to and deceived regularly by the President and other government officials, and the controlled liberal media is the instrument used to support their deceptions. What constitutes a ‘false flag’ event?  It is one that it is executed by military or paramilitary entities or groups designed to deceive by making the event  to appear  as being perpetrated by someone other than those actually responsible.  Whether or not you believe it this is the reality of 9/11. The entities involved in 9/11 were Israel’s Mossad in cooperation with the American CIA and other intelligence agencies. You are allowed to continue in your deception if you are unable to wrap your mind around the scientific facts.  But aside from these assertions let us explore the motive and aftermath of the 9/11attack in retrospect.                                                                              It was soon determined that Osama Bin Laden, extolled to be the world’s worst terrorist, must be the responsible perpetrator. He was alleged to likely be operating from some remote location in Afghanistan. Very shortly after 9/11 the Bush administration led a hyped up America  into a war in that remote Muslim nation on the pretext that we must locate and bring to ‘justice’ those responsible for the deaths of some three thousand Americans. Thousands of deaths and maimings later we are still at war Afghanistan.  What is this all really about? Control of the billions of dollars in cocaine traffic from that nation? Next, but still directly related to 9/11 we were officially involved in this contrived “war on terrorism’.  Clandestinely our astute intelligence network assisted by the media determined that Iraq had ‘weapons of mass destruction’, may have been involved in 911 and most certainly was a threat to our ‘national security’   You see, the first invasion of Iraq did not produce the desired result, i. e. the capitulation of Saddam Hussein to the United Nations and International Monetary Fund. The Zionist power structure that controls America must get rid of him and the ‘war on terrorism’ was the pretext and rationale used for a second invasion of Iraq and murder of this tyrant.  Almost nine years later and after the death of over four thousand more Americans and the maiming and disablement of another  nearly fifty thousand, not to mention some one million innocent Iraqis, the goal of capturing the oil wealth of Iraq and bringing that nation under control of the world elite was thought to be accomplished. But wait a minute!   The ISIS or ISOL terrorist organization trained and equipped by US intelligence and the CIA to bring down al- Assad in Syria went out of control and decided that they would conquer more territory in Iraq and eventually neighboring states and set up a caliphate state for Muslims. Who can say what the end of this insurgency will be?  Maybe World War III?   This does not even touch on the ‘Arab Spring’, the murder of Gadhafi in Libya, the overthrow of that stable country as well as numerous other Middle East insurgencies. All of this chaos has a plan behind it and it all was initiated with the 9/11 ‘false flag’ attack on the world trade center towers. The Zionist world elite are diligently working on a new international communistic order and nation states must fall  and be destroyed, including America, for the establishment of a New World Order centered in a ‘Greater Israel’ in the Middle East.  Obtain and read my title, The Israel Deception which is also very helpful entitlrd These Prophets and the Revelation. Both titles are available at, Barnes and and other major book sellers.

David Lance Dean                                     email:   


Middle East in Transition

            The Middle East and surrounding region continue to be the center stage of world geopolitical developments, conflict and political and military upheaval. In recent history we have observed the major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan followed by the “Arab Spring” leading up to the civil war in Syria and now the civil strife in Iraq.  Beginning in 1990 the United States engaged the sovereign nation of Iraq and its leader Saddam Hussein allegedly because he had invaded Kuwait to seize control of its oil wealth. Desert Shield and Desert Storm did not bring about a complete resolution of the intended subjection of the Hussein regime to the United Nations and the IMF. Hussein continued to resist their control over him and his wealthy Iraqi kingdom.  This reality necessitated a second invasion but before it could be executed there needed to be a rationale to convince the America people that it was reasonable and necessary.  Enter the 911 false flag event of the attack on the twin towers at the World Trade Center in New York. The 911 deception was carefully planned to deceive the American public into believing that an invasion of both Afghanistan and Iraq were necessary to engage in a ‘war on terrorism’.  More detail on the 911 calamity can be found in my recent title The Israel Deception. A twelve year war and an eight year war ensued respectively in these two Middle East nations as a direct result of the 911 ‘terrorist attack’.  The Iraq war was carried out under the false and deceptive banner of ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’.   It was not really about freedom at all but rather control.  The overthrow of a very wealthy sovereign nation was to bring its monetary system and vast wealth under the control of the globalists and thereby effectively destroy the nation’s sovereignty.  Afghanistan, while not rich in oil, does have another valuable commodity export.  That is cocaine, and of course we must control the terrorist activity emanating from there. Osama BinLadin and his cronies were targeted as the perpetrators of the 911 Trade Center bombings although he had nothing to do with what happened. Was the world’s greatest terrorist to be found hiding in a cave in Afghanistan?  This was another lie sold to the America people by the controlled media.
            These two major wars costing trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives and multiplied more thousands of American wounded is the price that America must pay as the proxy military force for the Zionist globalist who control our government, and so America has also been conquered by the Zionists through their ownership of the Federal Reserve and our bankrupt fiat monetary system.
The plan for dominance in the Middle East continues with the next phase which was entitled the ‘Arab Spring’.
            The Arab Spring began in December of 2010 in Tunisia and by December of 2013 had affected a dozen countries in Northern Africa and the Middle East. The uprisings included protests, insurgencies and the actual overthrow some of the regimes in the area including Mubarak in Egypt and Gadhafi  in Libya. Naming the affected countries provides a sense of the broad scope of the movement.  Nations affected were Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Jordan, Algeria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Bahrein, Oman and Syria.  The movement generally was motivated by the people in revolt and demanding regime change as well as implementation of western style liberal democracies. The underlying motivations and stimulus for this astounding three year phenomenon is probably not completely consistent but some common issues are experienced by more than one of the affected countries. For example the Iraqi invasion and the overthrow of the Gadhafi regime are both clearly related to independent and uncontrolled monetary systems that were debt free shared by these two counties.  The Zionist New World Order globalists effectively work from debt and monetary control over nations.  Destabilization of the Moslem and Arab nations is the goal of the globalists because their agenda is all about advancing the interests and hegemony of Israel in the region. Now we find that Iraq is currently experiencing massive destabilization by the action of ISIS terrorizing and capturing the northern portion of the country and even now threatening the capitol of Baghdad. The Sunni terrorist organization ISIS had already declared a caliphate state covering portions of Syria and northern Iraq.  Will the nation of Iraq survive as a sovereign country or be broken into three fragmented regions consisting of Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites?  Only time will give us the answer to this question, but one thing is certain. The agenda of the globalists is ongoing and advancing in an extremely volatile Middle East inhabited by sects of Moslems who literally hate each other, Sunni and Shiite.
            Their goal is a ‘Greater Israel’ which will ultimately occupy and control a much larger area than that held by the current nation of Israel.  In fact the plan is to expand Israel to cover Lebanon, Jordan, much of southern Iraq, most of Syria and parts of Egypt and Saudi Arabia.  The boundaries are determined by the rivers Euphrates and Nile and are described in the Bible.  For a further understanding of the monetary and political plans for Israel and America reading my two titles are recommended: These Prophets and the Revelation and The Israel Deception at and other major book sellers.
David Lance Dean     email:

Introducing Agenda 21

            Blogs posted on Word Press weekly are focused on topics and issues which relate to the two complimentary titles: These Prophets and the Revelation and The Israel Deception.  These books were both published in recent months and deal with subject matter,  first related to biblical end time prophecy inner-faced with current world developments,  and then the all-pervasive Zionist viewpoint and phenomenon from both Christian and secular perspectives. They are most informative on their respective subjects and can be obtained at and other major book sellers.
            This posting is an abbreviated treatment of United Nations Agenda 21 to bring awareness to many who are uninformed or unaware of these all inclusive protocols which will completely alter and control all facets of the economy, social, environmental and political conditions worldwide.  These initiatives from the World Commission on Environment and Development are being adopted by towns, municipalities, counties and state legislatures as well as numerous federal government agencies at the present time and will continue to escalate in the future.  Your livelihood, manner of living, freedom, safety and general welfare are all at stake in this massive undertaking to establish a one world government. Most people are completely unaware of what is going on internationally, as well as in America to control every facet of life including food, water, where you live, health care, private property rights, economic well-being, and ultimately your personal faith and religion.   It is being carried out under the broad mantra of “sustainable development”.  America came under this mantra via an executive order issued by Bill Clinton in 1993 issued as The President’s Council on Sustainable Development. Thus it is official federal government policy and is not controlled by a treaty necessary to be ratified by the United States Congress. It is being activated at the local level through a plethora of “facilitators” known as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in cooperation with local governmental authorities such as city councils, county commissioners, etc. Their internationally issued guidelines came down from the United Nations through The International Council for Local Environmental Issues (ICLEI).  On the national level it involves many federal agencies such as the Department of Agriculture, Department of Interior, US Fish and Wildlife, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Environmental Protection Agency as well as others. America has been hijacked by the world’s Zionists and the banking and financial elite. The Zionist plan is for a New World Order which is primarily the implementation of the ten planks contained in the Communist Manifesto. Zionism is Communism.  Following we will provide a very brief summary of the philosophical, economic and political elements involved in implementing Agenda 21, but one needs to understand that it will not be implemented  without war, bloodshed, social unrest and virtual revolution.
            The first of the three basic elements is “social equity” which involves a demand for social justice. Sounds great doesn’t it?   What that terminology really means is redistribution of wealth eliminating incentives for social and economic advancement on an individual basis, and the elimination of national borders which is considered necessary to gain social equity.  Secondly, “economic prosperity” is to be gained through the implementation of Free Trade.  That prosperity is not an individual prospering, but rather wealth and prosperity to be
facilitated through the cooperation of corporations and government.  The wealth and prosperity will be consolidated at the top and enjoyed by a relatively small percentage among those in control.  Last, but not necessarily least, is “ecological integrity”.  This is the implementation of extreme environmentalism that will move everyone into metropolitan apartments so that the land may be preserved for ecological and environmental purposes. So it is socialism, fascism, corporatism as a mixture resulting in a communistic system which would make Karl Marx proud.
            This is the briefest outline of a very broad and complex plan underway and advancing by the world Zionist. I would recommend two things.  First, inform yourself completely about the advancement of these initiatives. A copy of Agenda 21 is available for purchase at Amazon where you can also obtain copies of my two titles mentioned above. Then, if enough freedom loving Americans would just become active and stand up in opposition to these local initiatives at city council meetings, and county commissioner meetings a resistance could be generated. Did you note the rallying of patriots at the Bundy ranch in Nevada recently causing the armed BLM aggressors to stand down?  It is time for America to wake up because the hour is very late.  The Christian church has failed to stem the tide of the Zionist plans because their doctrine has wrested the Scriptures and is mostly supportive of the secular Zionist movement which will in the end prove to be their own destruction.

David Lance Dean