Beware of the where, what and how the
present developing economic and political world system is leading us towards!! Note that the title of the blog is Mark of
the Beast—not THE Mark of the Beast. That is because the final implementation
of the Mark has not yet evolved to the place where the entire world will buy
into the concept. Most of the principals
and much of the preparations for the satanically inspired deception of the
entire world are in place. Remaining is implementation of certain details that
are necessary before the final monetary and political control will be realized.
The fact that it will be implemented goes without question since we have been
instructed by the Holy Spirit inspired word in the revelation of the Apostle
John. “And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,
to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man
might buy or sell, save he that had the mark.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the
beast: for it is the number of a man; and the number is six hundred and three
score and six” (Revelation
To illustrate the evolution of the
progressive process by which the people will be deceived and ultimately
captured as described in the Scripture let us trace American history over the
past one hundred and fifty years. At the time of the Civil War the several
States of the American union were free and independent sovereign countries. As
a result of the Confederacy losing their fight in the second war for independence
everything established by the founders began to undergo dramatic change. The
passage of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, July 9, 1868,
accomplished the destruction of the Republic and the institution of ‘democracy’.
How was this dramatic political change possible? The provisions of the
Amendment included the change in status of the citizenry of the several States
into national citizenship in the United States, which was a concept totally
foreign to the original organic Constitution. Additionally there was an imposition of the national
debt placed on all citizens. The debt of the United States could “not be
questioned”. (See section 4) Now the
people have assumed the debt of the government, or should I say that was owed to
the bankers who control the government. It took less than three short years
after the war for the corrupt Congress under the control of the money
manipulators to officially incorporate, i.e., the UNITED STATES. America is not a country; but rather a foreign
owned corporation. It happened February 21, 1871. A new Constitution ‘of’ the
United States was adopted. This one is a
corporate charter. The original Constitution was placed somewhere in the
background because it was the Constitution ‘for’ the united States of America.
That entity was to be completely done away with (note the small letter u on
united because it is an adjective and not a noun).
Fifty years later the international
banking elite which own America took a further giant step to enslave the
people. The Federal Reserve Act of
December 23, 1913 gave the foreign banking cartel total control of the monetary
system. Along with it came the sixteenth Amendment to the corporate Constitution whereby the people were subjected to the
income tax. The bankers needed to assure
the receipt if usury for their fiat money they use to run the corporation (country?).
Two decades later it was time to implement a further step in the process of
enslavement. This would be the official international bankruptcy of March 9,
1933; the Emergency Banking Relief Act. After that they needed to destroy the
real Constitutional money, gold coins, so on June 5, 1933 Congress passed HJR
192 to abrogate and make illegal the use of gold coins. Then the government
(bankers) called in (stole) the gold and exchanged it for fiat paper money
which we know as Federal Reserve Notes, which are only evidences of the debt.
We have no “money”, only debt. In the process of the bankruptcy every American (United
States citizen as per the 14th Amendment) was hypothecated (to
pledge property as security to a creditor) as collateral for the debt. It was
not just your property but your very person which became a chattel. (movable property in which there is a security
interest—Ballantine’s Law Dictionary.) You are now a ‘human resource’ and you
have been given another name to identify you as an artificial corporate entity.
Take note that on all of your governmental or banking records YOUR NAME is in
all capital letters, i.e. JOHN Q. DOE (example).
As the property of the
government it became necessary to make a
‘New Deal’ with you under the directives and polices of Franklin D.
Roosevelt, a 32nd degree Mason, who used the planned great depression of the 1930’s to introduce a complete
program of progressive socialism. Now
the government owns you and everything you possess, but in exchange they have
promised to take care of you. In order to qualify for the ‘benefits’ you must
have a Social Security number. So you
then can obtain Social Security retirement or disability, Medicare, Medicaid,
food stamps (for 47 million Americans), pensions, Obamacare, unemployment,
grants and numerous other kinds of ‘benefits’. So America has evolved from a
Constitutional Republic, to a democracy, to a corporation, and presently to a
socialist corporate ‘democracy’. If you
have paid much attention to President Obama lately, he is a Marxist and working
on a socialist corporate dictatorship.
We can just eliminate the legislative branch of government or use it as a
‘rubber stamp’. He will just go around Congress and issue executive orders. All of this has been orchestrated, step by
step, by the international banking elite who own not only America, but the vast
majority of the world. Obama doesn’t need to be a United States citizen to be
President since he is acting as CEO of a corporation.
The next step
will be a currency revaluation and a resetting of all global currencies. At
that point the dollar will collapse and go away as the world’s ‘reserve currency’
and America will be reduced further into a condition of total economic
dependency. That is what it is all
about. Create a complete dependency on the system and the government becomes
God. When the entire world becomes
dependent upon this socialist, and soon to become communist world system we are
set up for a world dictator and THE MARK OF THE BEAST. A cashless society will
be implemented. In order to participate each
one will need an electronic RFID chip placed in their right hand or forehead,
and when they walk through the grocery store checkout line after all of their
items have been scanned they too will then need to be scanned. All of the
technology to accomplish this system is now available. The goal is a one world
government ruled over by a planned Zionist ‘Grater Israel’, and an Antichrist. Do you still doubt these things? For a much more complete biblical understanding
of world events and what is happening even now, I certainly would suggest you
obtain a copy of my recent title: These
Prophets and the Revelation, Mindstir Media, 2013. It is available at or major book
The time is growing
short. Wake up Christians who are counting on just being ‘raptured’ away. The
Scripture doesn’t support that doctrine. Wake up!!
David Lance Dean
Contact me at
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