The greatest single
indicator of the times and seasons which are upon us is the general spiritual
state of that large body of people who identify themselves as Christians. In
the Apostle Paul’s second epistle to the Thessalonians he addresses this truth.
And this is also revealed in an examination of other Scriptures as well as an
even cursory observation of the doctrinal confusion prevalent throughout what
is broadly identified as the Christian church.
Let us attempt to at least in some brief manner address these issues
which confront the Christian community. It is notable that in the first verse
of the second shaper of this epistle Paul connects two significant events as
happening concurrently. Those two then
are the “coming of our Lord Jesus
Christ”, and “our gathering together
unto him.” Those two consequential
events are coordinated for us again at I Thes. 4: 14-17 and Matthew 24:29-31.
We would father note that the time of their occurrence is stated to be “immediately after the tribulation of those days.” The
vast majority of those who would identify themselves as evangelical Christians
numbering somewhere between fifty and seventy million in America alone would
strongly affirm that the “rapture” of all believers occurs before the period identified in Scripture as the tribulation. They
have made this a necessity because the Jews are seen by them as God’s “chosen
people” and the church must in their view be taken out of the world so that God can resume his program with the Jews
during the seven year tribulation period.
Evangelicals who should then, by
their own self proclamation represent the bed rock of sound fundamental
biblical doctrine. As we would pursue the subject of our treatise, namely a
great apostasy or a falling away, we will find their view of these events to be
flawed on more than one count. As an aside it is clear from Scripture that the
tribulation is three and one-half years long and not seven as they assert, and
as is stated numerous times.
Looking later within the same context of the
second Thessalonians passage we are further informed that those two signal
events mentioned in verse one will not happen “except there come a falling away first, and the man of sin be revealed,
the son of perdition; who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called
God…”(vs.3). This, of course, is the Antichrist. He then is said to sit in
the temple of God showing himself to be God.
Now, if the Antichrist is to be revealed before the coming of the Lord, and before the event of “our
gathering together unto him”; how does it work out that the Jews re-gathered
in Israel will embrace Christ as their messiah concurrent with the revelation
of the Antichrist and who they say is to establish a one thousand year reign in
Jerusalem over them and the entire earth? The doctrine of a pre tribulation “rapture”
of the church and the introduction of a seven year period when only Jews are
converted to Christ is a grave deception and just one graphic example of
today’s apostasy.
Let’s build further on the false and unbiblical doctrines held by
many Christians. The entire concept that the Jews, or any other ethnicity or
natural distinction for that matter, somehow become the object of special favor
with the Lord is a fallacy. Peter said
it well. “Of a truth I perceive that God
is no respecter of persons. But in every nation, he that feareth him, and
worketh righteousness, is accepted of him.” (Acts 10:34-35) There exists within the doctrines of virtually
all so called Christian denominations a complete failure to discern and
understand the nature as well as the true identity of “Israel”. “For in
Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, or uncircumscision, but a
new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and
mercy, and upon the Israel of God.”
(Galatians 6:15-16) To be identified
with Israel is to be identified as being in Christ Jesus and has nothing to do
with any natural distinction. The
failure to understand these basic truths of Scripture subjects the uninformed
and misguided to be beguiled and deceived by the subtitles inherent in the
“strong delusion” spoken of later
in the II epistle to the Thessalonians.
Only sound and
accurate doctrines understood and held will bring the individual believer
through the testing and trials of faith which are increasingly coming upon
those who dwell on the earth. It is for
this reason that I wrote and recommend the reading of both of my two recent
tiles: The Israel Deception to clarify the sound doctrinal principles
and covenants set forth in the Bible. And then to understand the prophetic
Scriptures and end time developments taking place even now on the earth: These
Prophets and the Revelation. Both titles are available at Amazon, com.,
Barnes and Noble and other booksellers. Don’t be among those who have been, and
continue to be deceived by unsound and false interpretations of the Bible. The
Christian church is truly in a progressive and dangerous period and state of
David Lance Dean
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