Saturday, August 30, 2014

Commerce and Babylon

            There emerges in the seventeenth and eighteenth chapters of the Book of Revelation an entity which the Spirit of God identifies and describes.  It is Mystery Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.  Several aspects of her descriptive identity and interaction with the kings of the earth are brought forward in the text of the two chapters.  Generally the Christian church at large has not been able to provide an accurate accounting of her manifestations and activities as they relate the unveiling of end time prophecies found in the Revelation.  Due to this fact I have written and published two titles prepared specifically to provide accurate explanations and interpretations of these prophesies contained in the Revelation and other related Scriptural texts. At the outset I would recommend that you obtain copies of the books because the blogs which I post from time to time are only excerpts from the whole spectrum of prophecy related revelations covered in the books.  The titles are These Prophets and the Revelation and The Israel Deception. This current writing will focus on just one but a very important aspect of Mystery Babylon. The books may be obtained at, and other major book sellers.
            In the eighteenth chapter of Revelation we find a lengthy description of her as she interacts with “the kings of the earth”.  In the context we see that she is guilty of fornication or saying it in another way commercial intercourse. She is found earlier in chapter seventeen to be involved both politically and spiritually with the end time rulers (kings) of the earth, and in the later text one of her major manifestations I Found to be in the area of commerce.   So this then provides us with one of the most significant activities of her existence and control over the “kings of the earth”. Looking at today’s global scene in the areas of commerce, trade and finance we can clearly see that she is not only dominant but growing in influence and increasingly in control of worldwide economics. International trade agreements dominate global commerce. Beginning at home America is involved in and bound by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).  This includes the United States, Canada and Mexico and was signed by these nations under the Clinton Administration pledging commercial cooperation between the signatory nations.  Many more of these ‘trade agreements’ exist worldwide.  We have the European Union which is a geopolitical compact between numerous counties in Europe.  We can also cite others such as OPEC a union of oil producing countries in the Middle East.  There are probably at least another dozen active globally. There is now being negotiated yet another of very significant consequence which has been in negotiation behind closed doors for some five years.  This is likely to emerge shortly as a completed treaty covering trade and many other geopolitical ramifications that go far beyond dealing with just trade.  It is titled the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and includes a dozen nations including those in the NAFTA agreement along with Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, Australia, and Singapore. It has been negotiated in secret so all of the tenets of the agreement are not known, but it will affect not only trade but powers being delegated to large international corporations. It will affect food regulation, drugs, banking deregulation and ultimately the sovereignty of nations.  This is the flash point of the danger of these overriding commercial agreements granting powers to corporations and as spoken in the Revelation ‘the rich men of the earth’.  For what is clearly observable is that those who will profit and control are those in power in the areas of international banking, finance, corporate power and manipulation of the wealth of the world to the advantage of these people and to the detriment of the common man. These massive global trade pacts work to the destruction of the sovereignty of nations and towards the implementation of regional global government such as the North American Union which will soon emerge. This is scheduled to be the merger of America, Canada and Mexico.  The Constitution will be discarded and the Zionist controlled d ‘money power’ will dominate and rule the earth in a totalitarian New World Order. Once the monetary system can be made universal then the mandate will be to do away with national currencies and require the mark of the beast, an electronic system of identification. These realities are evolving progressively. Thus the admonition of Scripture in relation to Babylon: ‘Come out of her my people’. In order to bring the entire prophetic picture into focus reading of the tittles mentioned above is highly recommended.
David Lance Dean                 Blog website:


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