Thursday, August 28, 2014

Transforming America

            Many may recall that when Barack Obama was originally running for the presidency he made the bold and clear declaration that he intended to undertake the total transformation of America.  To any who may be more than causal observers of the political scene it should be abundantly clear that he meant exactly what he said. He has done a great deal to destroy what remains of the Constitution and personal freedoms and increasingly illustrates his dictatorial tendencies acting outside of the rule of law, the Constitution and the Congress. We must not be deceived in any way to think he has undertaken these acts of transformation unilaterally. He has a supporting cast particularly in the United States Senate but to a lesser degree also in the House of Representatives. He also gains support from time to time through the Supreme Court such as occurred in the matter of Obamacare. Is it not clear to the American people after six and one-half years and a plethora of executive orders that the goal of transformation is progressing on schedule?
         He has received significant help along the way from the NSA, EPA, FDA and other agencies too numerous to mention and the details of which would not even begin to fit into the context of this blog. The American public in general is not a wise and discerning people and has been corrupted by the propaganda of the mainstream media, network television and most of the print media including the major news magazines.  How has all of this destruction of freedom and the American Republic, which by the way no longer exists, come about?  Obama has done much to complete the destruction process, but he is by no means the only or originating cause or, the first to be involved in the planned destruction of America. Let’s track a little history to prove my point.
         The destruction of our ‘republican form of government’ which was provided for in the original organic Constitution of 1789 began with the so-called Civil War through which the Confederate States of America undertook to free themselves through a second war of independence against an overreaching and tyrannical federal government.   They did this through individual states rights as sovereign countries proclaiming acts of succession.  Of course, they lost the war imitated by the federal government and six hundred thousand casualties later the federal United States took full control.  Congress coerced and forced the passage of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution which made the former citizens of the free and independent states into a forced citizenship in the United States (July 9, 1868).  The next step was the incorporation of America on February 21, 1871. The international bankers own the corporation. You may not be aware that America is not a country, but a wholly owned foreign corporation. The bankers proceeded with their chicanery on December 23, 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act through the Congress.  This set up a private and foreign owned banking cartel which gained total control over the monetary system. Next step was the declaration of international bankruptcy through the Emergency Banking Relief Act of March 9, 1933.  Through that legislation you and your property were hypothecated as collateral for the national debt.  Following came the abrogation of lawful money, i.e. gold coins which were called in and stolen by the federal government through HJR 192 passed on June 5, 1933 and subsequent ‘executive orders’ replacing gold with worthless debt in the form of Federal Reserve Notes. The theft, fraud, enslavement and the acts of transforming are ongoing.  Barack Obama just happens to be the current pawn owned and controlled by the international Zionists who are marching you towards a new and communistic world order. He is trying to put the final and finishing touches on you and your children’s permanent enslavement. America is mostly woefully asleep. Many further disclosures are necessary for you to really understand what is actually going on and what lies behind it all. I recommend the reading of my two recent titles: These Prophets and the Revelation, and The Israel Deception to bring you into an awakened understanding. When accurately understood the Scriptures explain it all and I have interfaced them with ongoing current world developments and other sources of truth.
Books are available at, and other major book sellers.

David Lance Dean

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